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CORRESPONDENCE. ] Correspondents are requested to condense their letters as much as possible. Letters of a personal character will not be inserted. The Editor wishes it to be distinctly under- stood that he will not hold himself responsible for the opinions or statements of correspond- ents nor undertake to return rejected manus- cripts. Carres yon de n ts i.UST write on one side of the paper only. THE DAY OF PRAYER. (To the Editor of the PIONEER.) Dear Sir,—In connection with the Day of Prater arranged for in this country on Sunday, August 6, the Sunday next after the anniversary of the declaration of war, it may be of some interest to your readers to know that in Hol- land the day has been set apart generally in the churches for special emphasis upon Peace in preaching and in prayer. Also it is known that some Christians in Germany will on that' day be united in prayer that Peace according to the Will of God may be speedily granted to the world. It is also likely that the day will be observed by many people in America and in Scandinavia in the same way. It will be well for us in our own prayers on that day in this country to remember that it has assumed an international character. and that our prayers should accordingly strike a large note of catholicity.—Yours very faithfully, RICHARD ROBERTS. ANTI-MILITARISTS AND THEIR FUTURE. (To the Editor of the PIOXEEH,) Dear Sir,-It is to be skicerelv hoped that in view of the fact that anti-militarists may have to suffer for their opinions in the future by finding it difficult to obtain employment, employers in sympathy with their cause and ideals—and they are many-will advertise their requirements in the journals that have stood by the cause of International Brotherhood in this crisis of our lives, and thus prove that there are sti-il those who value the liberty of the subject and freedom of thought.—Frater- nally vours. T. P. W. RE" JONES. SEION." (To the Editor of the PIONEEK.) Dear Sir,—I am sorry Mr Jones took umbrage at my remarks concerning grammar. I plainly stated that I could no t understand I may be at fault. OR reading the Pioneer for July 22, 1916, I realised, with regret, that Mr Jones and .F. Edwards were not on common ground. f submit I cannot understand a state of society such as he portrays. In despair almost. I betook me into a large field with only the blue canopy as overhead shel- ter to picture this society. In my reverie, a society where every man, woman and child in- dulged in metaphysics, and naught else seemed impossible. I tried to imagine all—save self— outside the pale. Gradually the shadow of a great White Chief took shape before mine eyes. With hand extended he delivered a message, Don't." I realised, suddenly, that he was not alone: immediately surrounding him were oth- ers. Jaures Karl Marx Enid Stacey Caroline Martyn Elizabeth Fry; Bradlangh; Ferrar and others—what a magnificent range of thought; wha t a view of Humanity in general. One whom I did not recognise stepped forward and greeted me, I do not understand "Jones, Seion." He damtls me right and left; says I am sarcastic, pretentious, personal and blasphemous. I hur- riedlv said this and awaited an answer. The Jones, Seion," does not realise but still you must work on for the emancipation of the people. You must steadily labour at the foundation walls of the Great City," where. when finished, war will be unknown. The streets will be running with the milk of human kindness and Free Love practised in all its purity. Within the Central Chamber will sit "The Supreme" dispensing Justice, not Mercy; and from the highest pinnacle will float the Red Flag of Perfect Freedom. And when fin- ished. these men, who are as the ghouls of the battlefield, will want admission, and you must make them welcome. I was still despondent. The II Jones Seion" accuses me of blasphemy. Do I blaspheme? Does the world at large blaspheme ? The answer is in the affirmative. Every time you lay vo ir head upon the pillow without ibought for the little children who are deprived of boots, food and education, you are guilty of Masphemy. Every time you remain passive in the full knowledge that some poor woman on the Thames Embankment is meditating 'twixt the river-bed and prostitution—that is ?b_las- phemy. When you say "All is well," and some poor industrial hero enters the workhouse, you blaspheme. These things are blasphemous. With regard to stipend and "Jones, Seion." What of the quotation? Shall I sign and publish the declaration as desired ? 1v friend smiled. The verses disagree, and therefore I will pass them over. By all means sign and publish a true declaration if called for. Let your decla- ration read thus —I hereby warn the public that all wages are part of a system of wicked robbery, spoliation and confiscation Further- more. all wealth is produced by producers. Non- producers have no moral right to wealth. Un- der Socialism none would starve. Signed. F. Edwards. You need have no fear as to offend- ing ministers and vicars, because many of them realise that to be a wage slave is to be more or less servile. The ministers of the Gospel oould give a great lead to masses by an open declaration against wage slavery. Tell the Jones Seion" that when he is called to adjudicate a pianoforte solo he must not judge the piece or the artiste as a pork but- cher. But "J ones Seion" refers me to the Crucifixion. and again points out that I am damned. And what of the After Life? Joneis Seion" refers to the finished work on Oalvarv Tell him that we re-enact the Cal- vary every moment of our lives. Tell him that the Battlefields of Europe put Calvary in the shade. That thotfeands of God's images and the children of God are being cruelly slain and mutilated; widows and orphans being made dailv in thousands that the soil which should be producing wealth is 'oeing saturated with human blood. The meanwhile he prays. Yes. truly you are damned in a system which ad- mits of European or anv other's slaughter. If t,he People will learn to live this life tney need feave no fear of the afterlife. You must send forth the gospel that all men ought to be free; that home-life must be sancti.ued; that some homes known to-day mua? be destroyed and? newer better homes built on the ashes. That men must be free to let their soul expand that they may appreciate the good in all things. De- velop the "soul" of man. but remember that a beautiful soul cannot develop properly in a crippled and distorted tabernacle. Healthy bod- ies a,nd mi ads perfect living conditions: a ,chance to develop; a material expression of all that is beautiful in all religions and creeds. That is the consummation of Socialism. Social- ism is a means to an end. And our Societies—Socialistic and otherwise? Ah! my friend, these various organisations have one important rule, viz. That inner workings I or private affairs be ,not made public. This applies equally well to churches and chapels. I must leave you. my friend, but before I go give these messages to those concerned on your own behalf. To the women of the universe: "Be watch- ful, for your time is at hand." To the Socialist: "Keep the Red Flag flying" To the Jones Seion With all thy faults I love thee still." To the world at large: "Peace." I turned to thank my friend, but he was gone. —Yours fraternally, F. EDWARDS. I RE "JONES, SEION," AND WM. EVANS. (To the Editor of the PIONEER.) My Dear Sir,—I welcome the opportunity to make my reply to the 27 questions asked me by Mr. Jones, of Seion. I was rather surprised to find that he aJlows me to; his method in the past has been to suppress every defence. Probably he has realised in time that he deals with the Pioneer." If Mr Jones had a difficulty to bring "kosmos" out of "chaos" with the other correspondent's questions, surely it will be equally difficult for me to answer 27 questions in the space you can afford to give me. After reading the whole of Mr Jones' letter carefully, I have come to the conclusion that he need not trouble himself re his" hiography," It is to be found in Luke 18, 11:—"The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank Thee that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adul- terers, OR EVEN AS THIS PUBLICAN.' I am considered by Mr Jones to be a. "special specimen of a genuine Socialist." How can he judge, when he knows no more about Socialism than he does of human nature? And. he will never understand if he persists in approaching the subject with a biassed miind. Nay suffi- cient bias to counteract an unusual sunshine. Mr Jones evaded one of my questions, viz. How does lie reconcile "made all things to all 'men' and call them names, viz., 'dross'?" However, Mr Jones had a purpose in saying my questions were a challenge, and that was, that he may add, Well it sounds similar to Goliath of Gath." May I inform you, Mr Editor, that we do not rear Goliaths in this village; but it seems to me that we have im- ported one. Now to the questions. 1—Re Boldness (1) Mr Jones did preach openly"; and please remember, sir. he had my sympathy and support as long as lie kept to sub- jects lie understood. (2) I well remember the morning he misrepre- sented Socialism; he was in the pulpit, too of- ten transformed into a coward's castle," as we are not allowed to ask questions nor chal- lenge false statements. (3) I also recollect my dissension to his mis- representation, but it was not a church meeting that followed the sermon. It was a meeting of the deacons who also left before we finished our little debate. I told Mr Jones then that in future I would be compelled to challenge or question his misleading statements during the course of the sermon," aJid from that day he never exercised his "boldness" on Socialism in mv hearlng4 ,I) I did apply on behalf of the I.L.„ P. for the loan of "Seion" for Dr. Hughes -So lecture on "Christian Socialism." I made out a case, but Mr Jones got up and said, Brethren, we have a resolution on our minute book to the effect that only sncred things are allowed here, and this thing is not sacred." He had written the I.L.P. Secretary (off his own previous tq this;, to the same effect. The meeting should decide what was sacred, and what was not, but he would not let them; but continually told them, "Remember the re- solution." Well, Mr Editor, some time after that. the Insurance Act was explained in Seion. Surely "Christian Socialism" is infinitely more sacred than that 4d. for 9d. palliative? (5) Re "mv tenets being contrary to the prin- ciples of the Church, etc. how swiftly does the pendulum swing from one extreme to the other! Replying to Mk* Edwards in the same issue of the "Pioneer," Mi; Jones says: "The word principles is not once in the Word of God: it I belongs to the vocabulary of this world." How inconsistent! Mr Jones does not care whether things are of God or of the world when it suits his purpose. (6) I was challenged to meet Mr Jones and some members to discuss the infallibility of the Bible; but it is incorrect (to use a mild term) to say I refused." What I said was that it would be inconvenient for me to attend the class held on a week night. Then, on the sug- gestion of a member, a class was formed, which met after Sunday school, for which we all voted and I attended every one, which proves him to be incorrect whgn he says I "refused. At that class Mr Jones refused "to have the Bible as a text book. Thrice did I move the Bible thrice did he, with scorn, say "Not fair! not fair! hot fair!" Further, he never tried to assist any one of us to come to his point of view, but ran behind the Lease" and "Llythyr Y Gaman- fa But some of the members who held his (Mr Jones') views did attempt, to their credit be it said. But, Mr Editor, they were as far re- moved from the truth as they were from the much-talked a-f Timbuctoo. Really an aboriginal could have done equally as good, After the class had been in existence fo, some Sundays. Mr Jones announced that the class would cease to exist, as he preferred to hold communion with HIS God than spend his time there." I asked him privately for his reason for so doing, and his reply was, "I was afraid they (who held his view) would be con- verted to your views." Gentle reader, draw your own conclusion. (2) "Re Consistency and Pabriotism" Six out of the seven questions under this heading are concerrin? Socialist rules and 1'egulations." Mr Jones would 'learn something about Christ- ian charity" and human toleration if he was regoneratd i-n?o the movement, and may I re- mind Mr Jones of the worcb of Professor Selbie at Llandrindod Wells some week-s ago, when he said, The churches are more or less empty as the result of the minis terete uneharitableness to- wards men who hold different opinions- to their own. (7) He asks in what church I am dt present a member? Why not exercise a little common- sense, or he will find yourself asking who is my tailor presently. Suffice me to say "I am a member"—the least among the brethren. (3) "Fairness and Selfishness" The seven questions under this beading concern my action in preventing his giving the Communion on a. Sunday evening. The facts are as follows:- There was a "difference" between Mr Jones and some members of tlie church. The deacons considered the matter, and came to the conclu- sion that all were at fault and further resolv- od that Mr Jones and these members must be reconciled before the communion could be ■a d- ministered, be de,fied them, with the result that the majority of the deacons stopped away from the communion and service. When Mr Jqnes TO about commencing to administer the Lord's Supper, I got up and asld Mr Jones if it was not true that the deacons had passed such a resolution. And Mr Jones said Sit down, brother." I said, "Not until you answer my question." Some members endeavoured to sifletrack, but were soon retreating. Then they sang a hymn to drown my remarks and ex- planation to the congregation, whereupon I went up to the communion table and waited until they saw fit to finish singing, which came about very soon. Then I placed the posi- tion before them, viz.: that they had recently elected their deacons, and were they going to support them or nqtl? Or was Mr Jones to be aHowed to play the part of an autocrat in a Democratic denomination? I did not call slanderous names on the minis- ter. What I said was tha,t Mr Jones was bent on excommunicating some members by hook or crook." and I further said that as long as I was a member, it would not be done without my protest. And I appealed to the members to walk home quietly, which they did. And had I not the same right to my action as**Mr Jones had to his? The "temple" needs to be swept. occasionally. (7) The vote of censure was never communica- ted to me. (4) "Cruelty and Starvation" I did NOT re- sign my deaconship he cause the other deacons would not join with me to give Mr Jones not- ice, another fabrication because they all re- signed (with but one exception) and all who re- signed advanced the plea that Mr Jones was anaddas to be minister of "Seion." But two of us had further reasons. Well, the church again elected deacons, and all the ones who re- signed were re-elected, but I did not take up the work for the same reason that caused me to resign. I did bring forward ONE proposal to give Mr Jones Notice, based on his wife's (now departed) confession that he had a place to go to, which Mr Jones confirmed, but afterwards denied. I would not have done so but for the fact that Mr Jones had a place. And has not the church the same right to give notice as Mr Jones had in doing so at his previous pasto- rate? The members of Seion numbered 280 in 1906, whereas in 1912 they only mustered 276. which, considering that Gorseinon has developed more than any other place in the whole of the Swansea District during the last ten years, is food for thought. Moreover can Mr Jones make out a case from the New Testament that a minister is to be for ever fixed in the same place If so. he should still be at his first pastorate. When Mr Jones asked for an increase of salary (previous to any serious difficulty existing bet- ween us). I presided at the church meeting, and was told by some members "that I was guilty of being extremely in favour of giving the minister (Mr Jones) an increase." But Mr Jones calls it starvation (7) Re my Contributions: Takng a period cov- ering from 1906 up to and including 1910 (ex- cepting 1909, as I have no balance sheet), my contributions are 12J per cent above the aver- age with. all the local tradespeople paid, and no banking account. Christ teaches me that a contribution is judged NOT on the amount given, but on what is LEFT after contributing. If Mr Jones thinks he could enhance his posi- tion by debating his conduct as against mine luding the last four or five years of my mem- bership at Seion," in public, and a collection made which could be given to any charitable cause. I am agreeable—as I honestly think that course to be better than the one he now adopts. Trusting that I have sot been unduly harsh in my reply. One thing I can say, Mr Editor, Mr Jones cannot make me HATE not evep himself.—Yours fraternally, WMEVANS. LIanprch, Gorseino W EVANS July 29, 1916. ll,

Rhymney Litigation.I

1, Cwmavon and Port Talbot…

-==L. Ynysyfiwl and District…