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Aberdare Trades Council. I


Aberdare Trades Council. I PROTESTS AGAINST CHARITY FOR I WOUNDED FIGHTERS. INTERESTING REPORT ON MUNICIPAL I ACTIVITIES. At the T.L.P Institute, on Thursday last, the monthly meeting of the Aberdare Trades and Labour Council was held. The chair was occupied by Mr B. J. Brace, supported oy Mr Matt Lewis (vice-chairman); Councillors Wm. Rees and D. E. Davies: Guardians John Prowle John Davies and John Hughes; and Mr T. I Mardv Jones (Miners' .Federation Registration Agent). MI'rers' E.C. A letter was read from; the Miners' Federation as to the holding of a monstre meeting at Aberdare to deal with the subject of the Con- scription of Wealth. The Federation asked the Trades Council to make arrangements for such a meeting. Guardian John Davies said that he was in favour of such a meeting, and believed that resolution should be passed asking the Govern- ment to raise the Old Age Pension from to 7/6 Mr Davies said that a number of resolu- tions had been sent to the Government in re- gard to the Old Age Pensions, but Mr Asquith had sa id that no case had been made out to the Cnancellor of the Exchequer in favour of rais- ing the standard of the pension. He (Mr Davies) thought otherwise. Everybody knew, or at least ought to know, that it was impossible to live now on 5/- per week. It was resolved to hold the meeting, the Exe- cutive Council to make the arrangements. Pensions for the Disabled. Mr Mardy Jones addressed the delegates on the Government's proposal of giving pensions to disabled soldiers and sailors. The Government, it was reported, intended asking for subscrip- tions to form a fund for that purpose, but the majority of organisations were against the charity clause, and it was with that intention in view that he appealed to the Aberdare Trades Council to aid in gettincr a conference at Aberdare representing the Trades Unions and Churches to protest against such a clause. Mr Jones said that our sailors and soldiers deserved better treatment at the hands of the country. They had given of their best in the interest of the country: therefore they should be well looked aftei-, zliit the money for their upkeep shon Iii come from the coffers of the State/ Mr Braes (the chairman) said that the local committee of the Naval Society had passed a resolution against the charity clause. Ir was decided to hold such a conference, and invitations to be sent to all Trades organisa- tions, the churches, etc. Conference Report. Mr J. H. Bruton (treasurer) one of the de- legates to the Soldiers' and Sailors" Conference at Pontypridd, in reporting on the work of that body, said he was glad that Mr Mardy Jones had addressed the delegates on the pro- poser] Pension Scheme. The conference had dis- cussed the proposal and were not favourable to such a scheme. At the conference, in addi- tion to trade organisations. 66 churches were represented. That showed to him that the churehes were waking to their responsibilities, &ad he felt proud to see the churches so strongly represented, and hoped they would still further support the onward march for the well-being of all workers.—Mr Bruton was thanked for his report. Council and Guardians Reports, Conn. VVm. Rees, J.P.. gave a very interest- ing report of the work done by the District Council. His report dealt chiefly with the elec- trical works and tramway system. The whole undertaking was a credit to the Council, and especially to the Labour Councillors and the Trades Council. When the Trades Council and its Labour members, said Mr Rees, some years ago suggested these improvements, there was strong opposition in the town but to-day the oppose rs were proud of the work. of the Coun- cil The works were paying as well as any of their kind in the kingdom. They paid their workmen top wages, and that added to the credit of the Council. They did not believe in the policy of low wages and huge profits. The destructor had during the past year destroyed over 13,000 tons of refuse, and he hoped that the Council would soon be able ifo destroy all the refuse of the district. It pained him to see t'heo refuse tips in the outlying districts it was a source of danger to the health of tlie district, and they must enlarge their underta- king so as to clear all the refuse. The power at the station is almost entirely got by the des- troying of the refuse—very little coal being us- ed. During last year the number of passengers carried. on the trams was over 3 million. The tajtings being nearly £ 17,000, and after paying everything, left a profit of £ 3,470. Mr Rees dealt with the work of the Education Com- mittee and the interest taken in the life of the child. He made references to the good work of the dentist, nurses. Clinic and medical staff. Guardian John Prow le addressed the dele- gates on the Assessment of Collieries, etc. and to many present it was an eye-opener. Mr Prowle is admitted to be one of the experts on the Guardians on this subject. masterly way he dealt with figures, etc.. only proves that he had well studied his subject. Representatives. I The Aberdare Valley Choral Society asked the Council to select two representatives on the committee of the society. The choir, which numbers 500 members, intend performing St. Paul shortly, the proceeds being towards the proposed new hospital.—Coun. D. E. Davies and Mr J. H. Bruton wer select.ed as representa- tives Asiatic Seamen. I I The Southampton Trades and Laurotm uouncu asked for the support of the Council re Chi- nese labour on British ships. The circular pointed out that the employing class wished to impress upon the Government and the pub- lic that there was a scarcity of British seamen; that was not so. The Britisher was paid RS IDs. per month, while the Chinese and Asiatic men were; only paid from R2 to £5. The employers were only out to make profits at the expense of their fellow men. The following resolution was passed, and it ■wj&s resolred to send copies to the Prime Min- ister. President of the Board of Trade, Labour Party and the local MP.-— That the Aberdare Trades and Labour Council views with great alarm the great increase in the numbers of Chinese and other Asiatic seamen now being employed upon British ships, and considering that such in- crease is a menace to the workers calls upon the Government to at once frame laws which shall prevent the employing class from using the workers of other countries to lower the Wages of the workers of this country.





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:Abertillery Trades Council'