Alleged Attempted Murder at Aberfan. WIFE "WOULD NOT COME BACK." I CHIEF CONSTABLE WILSON AND I LOCAL SOLICITOR, William Jones, a 27-y ear-old oollier, of Redlinog, was brought upon remand, at the Merthyr Police Court on -Friday. the 17th inst., charged with atMmpt- ing to murder his wife. Margaret Ann Jones, at Aberfan on Tuesday. July 14. Mr. W. R. Edmunds, solicitor, said he would like to make a statement. He had been instructed in the usual way to prosecute in the case, and he called at the house of the woman at Aberfan on Wednesday and took her evidence. He had, that morning, had a chat with the Head Constable about the matter, and objection had been raided to his (Mr. Edmunds) appearing w prosecute that day. He (Mr. Edmunds) thought that, having regard to the fact, that he had been regularly and properly in- structed. the Head Constable should now withdraw from the case. As the woman had instructed him and liad given him the evidence", this would be the proper course to adopt, and he could not understand the Head Consta- ble assuming such an attitude. The Head Constable (Mr. J. A. Wil- son) said that it was a police prosecu- tion, and he was bound to act an pros*- cutor in the case. If the man was charged on information laid by the woman. Mr. Edmunds would be in or- der. but as it was he had no locus standi. He could watch the t-zv-wi on behalf of his client, but as the informa- tion was laid upon an arrest made by the police, the police had to prosecute. Mr. Edmunds remarked that lie was surprised at the attitude which had been taken up by a servant of the ratepayers. The Head Constable It is part of my duty. Mr. Edmunds: Nothing of the kind. I am surprised at you. The Head Constable: There is no need to be surprised at all. The Magistrates Clerk (Mr. T. Eli as): We cannot go on with the case to-day as the woman is too ill to ap- pear. Mr. FÆlmunds: She will be able to attend the court either on Tuesday or Friday of next week. The Head Constable: I shali not be prepared to go on with the case on Tuesday next. Mr. Edmunds then asked th e magis- trates to allow the information to be altered from the name of the Head Constable to the name of the prosecu- trix. The Head Constable: You have no right to make that application, Mr. Edmunds. Mr. Edmunds: Please do not inter- rupt. I am asking the magistrates to decide. The Chairman said they would not decide the point, but, would leave it to the Deputy Stipendiary, who will at- tend next week. The Chairman add- ed: It is a point of practice, and if I had to decide it. I could do so in half a minute. I have no difficulty in the matter at all. P.C. Harold Jenkins then gave evid- ence of arrest. He said he found pri- soner being held by two men. Owen Owen and Frederick Ward, near the Rhymney Bridge, at Aberfan. He conveyed the prisoner to the police sta- tion at Merthyr Vale. and in answer to the charge of attempting to murder his wife by cutting her face and neck with a razor, he said. I asked her to come back, and she would not do so. and this sent me out of my temper. She went away in April, and when she went she took a sovereign from the drawer. I wanted her to come back to me. and she would not, an(I that put me up to do it." The Head Constable applied for a week's remand, which was granted.
The Palace. I The management again provides a popular programme for the last three days of this week, the principal picture being a sporting drama, A Football- er's Honour." being the story of a young player's efforts to upset the ocher" of some scoundrels who seek to wreck the chances of his team. As the football season is fast approaching, this should be a most attracive picture. The pictures that follow are of a va- ried character, providing amusement and entertainment for all classes—"The Secret Lode," a mining story, and "The First Endorsement," a Western drama; also tliree comedies, The Tango Flat," "Bloomer Yawns." and Mabel's Bear Escapes." On Monday next, one of the finest P1<:Tes of the year will be shown, wnioh has been secured exclusively at considerable expense, for the Palace. We Jefer to the "Lure of London." Dagonet' (Mr. Geo. R. Sims) says: London has lured me all mv life, and so, when I saw 'The Lure of London on the bills of the Cinema House. Ox- ford Street, last week, I went. I saw, and was conquered. The Lure of London." bv Arthur Aplin, is an inte- resting and dramatic Cme story of Tx)-n- don, introducing a number Qf well- known scenes, which should prove most entertaining to provincial spectators. To Londoners the scenes have the charm of old acquaintance. The room- ings of a little child along liegent St., through St. James' Park, and away ]<11- to the wilds of Whitechapel, is most ap- pealing. The heroine of tilvus charming story is Miss Ivy St. Close, of beauty- mous success. It has I)eeii arranged to show it four times each day, viz., at 4, 5, 7. and 9.30, so that everyone may have an opportunity of seeing it. The special and exclusive picture for Thursday of next week is A Woman of the People," a drama in four chap- ters, adapted from Mgsotb. OEnnerv and MiUain's famou nlay.
Saturday Night Row in Dowlais. SERIOUS INJURY TO A SPANIARD. DR. McCLELLAND'S STARTLING EVIDENCE. Richard Macnamara (31), of the Ox- ford Lodging House, Dowlais. was charged at the Merthyr Police Court on Tuetsdav with causing grievous bod- ily harm to a Spaniard named Emilio Garcia, fitter's labourer, of 3 Brecon Sreet. Dowlais. by striking him in the eye on Saturday, the 18th inst. Complainant told his story in Spa- nish, which was interpreted by a Spar- nish resident of Dowlais. and stated that at about 11 o'clock on Saturday, the 18th instant, lie went to a fried fish shop in Dowlais. He saw defen- dant speaking to a lady. Defendant swore at him. There was no row at all previous to defendant striking him in the eye. Defendant attempted to strike him the second time, but wit- ness held him. Defendant .said that lie was talking to a g-irl in the slion when Garcia caught hold of him and threw him down. Complainant denied this, and stated that defendant- was quarrelling with another Spaniard when he went into the shop. Phillip Tucker. Union Street. Dow- lais, fish vendor, said lie saw both par- ties in the shop just after 11 p.m. White lie was serving other customers, the men started to struggle. Witness jumped over the counter and put both men out. Garcia came back later, and was served with two-pennyworth of fish. May Powell, 42 North Street, Peny- darren. stated that she saw Garcia come out of the shop with chips in his hands. She saw a man come up and strike Garcia in the face, which bled profusely. Dr. Roht. S. McClelland said that the leus of the eye was dislocated and the probability was that the sight of the eye would lie lost. The injury was evidently caused either by a very haixl fist, or more probably by a knuckle duster. P C. J. Hamer said that he arrested prisoner in the Oxford Lodging House. In reply to the charge, prisoner said: All I got to say is that I was assault- ed in the fish shop, and I turned round and defended myself with my clenched fist." When charged bv the Clerk, prisoner replied: "I have nothing at all to say. Thomas Macnamara. steelworker of Jones' Court, Castle Street. Dowlais, brother of prisoner, stated that he was with his brotlier at the fish shop, speaking to a girl when six or seven Spaniards came up and jostled them. Garcia knocked his brother down. His brother was attacked in the shop. They were like "sheep" on top of his bro- ther. His brother struck Garcia with his bare hand, and "did not use a knife. Patrick Barry, lalxmrer. Oxford Hotel. Dowlais. stated that a number of Spaniards kicked up a man in the shop." and rhe proprietor turned them ali out. "Garcia struck the prisoner down, and was using his feet when I stmck him a blow in the face, but I can't say w hether it was my blow that caused the injury." Bridget Lamb, Star Court, Sand St.. Dowlais, said she was in the shop at the time, and saw prisoner and an- other man talking to a girl named Jane Sullivan, and alx)ut ten or twelve Spaniards. One of the Spani- ards struck a man down when prisoner came up and said, "Why hit the man on the ground." Garria caught hold of prisoner by the Irnck of the neck when someone struck him in the eye. Prisoner was committed to the Quarter Sessions.
Children's Homes Appointment. ASSISTANT MATRON. I Gertrude F. Durrant (33). Union Workhouse, Plymouth; Elizabeth D. Goodall (36). Union Workhouse, Ux- bridge; and Rachel Lewis (44), Union Workhouse, Tredegar, appeared before the Merthyr Board of Guardians on Saturday, out of 39 applicants for the post of Assistant Matron for the Chil- dren's Homes at Aberdare. Miss Rachel Lewis was appointed.
Termination of the Gomper Case. The sensational case against Goin- pers and two further leaders of the American FederatioIl of Labour has just come to an end after lasting seven years. The ease started in 1907, at the instigation of the employers' orga- nisation. on the ground of contempt of court, and the Federation of Labour- in spite. (1f the legal prohibition—issued a boycott list. Gompors and his col- leagues were sentenced to imprisonment but the verdict was overthrown in 1911 on technical grounds. A new prose- cution was taken up. with the result that the tJlroo Labour leaders were ag- ain convicted. Since, however, the new case was not started within three years of the illegal conduct in question, the Supreme Court of the United States has reversed the judgment be- cause the Statute of Limitations ac- cording to which no action may be ta- ken after three years have elapsed since the commission of the offence intervened. The Court has thus very astutely wriggled out of giving their verdict of the caae npon its actual mmi
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Senghenydd Prosecu- tions. DECISION OF THE MAGISTRATES. MINERS' LIVES AT lil-L EACH. I The CrphjUy (Hhyn?ney Valley, South WaJe?) magistrates on Saturday delivered judgment in <onnection witii the pro,?,-?.utions instituted by Dr. W. AtkuMon. Divisional Mhjea Inspector for Wale?. on behalf ?f tl? Home Of- nee. against the ma-na?er and owners of the Senghenydd Colliery Is the re- sult of the inquiry into the causes of the disaster which occurred in the Senghenydd mine on October 14 last, killing 439 men and boys. 'Hie magistrates sitting were Messrs. W. Ware (chairman), C. E. Forester Walker, and D. Prosser. Messrs. Albert Parsons and Clement h/lwards, M. P., appeared as counsel for the prosecution, acting on instructions from Messrs. Yachell and Co., Cardiff while Mr. Charley Kenshole, of Aber- dare, again appeared for the defence. Mr. J. F. Ivor Parrv (of the firm of WLit-er 'forgin Bruce and Ni- cholls) watched the in the inte- rest*. of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain. It will be recalled that the cases came before the magistrates onr June 17 and July 4. The manager and agent of the com- pany is Mr. Edward Shaw, and the owners are the L'wis Merthyr Consoli- dated Collieries. Ltd., with registered offices at Cardiff. m' THE DSION" 1 I he Chairman, delivering judgment, said: "There are -1 informations, J- against Mr. Edward Shaw. as manager of the company, and four against the company itself. I will deaf with these against the manager first. During tiie hearing these 17 charges were prac- tically reduced to 10. 1 will deal with these seriatim. The first information alleges that the defendant Shaw, being the manager of frlie mine, did not appoint in writ- ing for the purpose a competent person to examine at the surface the safetv tamps to be used at the mine. It was admitted by he defendant that no such appointment was, in fact, made in writ- ing after the Act of Parliament came into operation on July 1. 1912, hut that he relied on an appointment of a lampman named Morse, made in 1905. at the time the colliery was taken over by the company. We not satisfied that Morse or any other person had been appointed in writing before Octo- ber 14. 1913. a-s required by Section 34, Sub-section 1. of the Act, and the 35th general regulation. We consider the omission somewhat technical, and we think the case will be met by our ordering the defendant to pay a fine of Z2, with the alternative of 14 days' imprisonment in the second di. vision in defaut of distress. The second information is for not appointing in writing for the purpose a competent person to unlock the sate- ty lamps to be used at the mine as re- quired by Section 34, Sub-section 3, of the Act, and to this charge the defend- ant. through his solicitor, has pleaded guilty, ami we fine im £ 2 with the al-; ternative of 14 days' imprisonment in the second division. "Tlw third informafion charges the defendant with not appointing in writ- ing an electrician at the mine. Itwa? prov? to us that Mr. Waddon had! been duly appointed a,s the electrician at the colliery—and we therefore dis- miss the information. I now pass to the information num- bered 4, 5 and 6. which charge the de- fendant with not keeping at the mine a book and entering therein, or caus- ing to be entered therein, the barome- ter. t hermometer, and hygrometer readings. The three charges were grouped and taken as one at the hear- Ilig fol- failing to provide a book. etc. To this the defendant has pleaded guilty. No evidence was placed before us ns to whether or not readings were in fact taken and a record thereof kept, although not entered ia the pro- per book. We fine the defendant 15, with the alternative of 14 days' impri- sonment in the second division. THE AIR CURRENT. 1 he next information is that num- bered 8: For not providing and main- taining in a condition to be put into immediate operation adequate means for reversing the air- current as requir- a .l l a's ed by Section 31. Sub-section 3 of the Act.' This is an important provision of the Act, and I will read it: After the 1st day of January. 1913, or such later date as in view of the circumstances of the mine may be fixed by the inspector of the division, there shall in every mine in which a mechanical contrivance for ventilat- ing is used, be provided and main- tained in a condition to be put into immediate operation adequate means for reversing the air current. Oonsidera-ble evidence was given on this point. The appointed day was January 1, 1913; the defendant, how- ever. applied to the inspector for an extension of the time beyond that date for carrying out this provision of the Act. Now, the first letter put in is dat- ed April 2.1, 1913 (nearly four months after the appointed day), written by the defendant to Dr. Atkinson. the divisional inspector of the mines, and in iluit letter the defendant applied for a. six months' extension. After some correspondence, and an interview bet- ween the defendant and Mr. Carcv (a sub-inspector of mines) at the colliery. Dr. Atkinson, on September 16. 1913. granted an extension up to September 30. 1913. and at the same time stipu- lating tliat after that date there should lie provided the necessary means tor reversing the air current. "It was proved to our satisfaction that on October 4, 1913, the work had not been carried out, and that, at all events, it was not completed. There was pa non-compliance with the Act, and we fine the defendant 110, with I the alternative of one month's impri- sonment in the second division. COAL-DUST DANGERS. I "The next information against The defendant are those numbered 10 and 11. which were taken as one at the hearing. Number 10 charges the de- fendant that he did not cause to b*« systematically cleared the floor, roof, and sidffi of the roads of the mine so as to prevent as far as practicable, coal dust accumptilating. Consider- able export evidence was given on both sides dealing with zhia troublesome 4ind difficult question, both as to the condi- tion of this particular mine and the means adopted, or which might have been tried, for carrying out the re- quirements of the Act. The provision is for the prevention, as far as practi- cable, of the accumulation of coal dust on the floor, roof, and sides of the roads. It was proved to us, and was, indeed, admitted by the prosecution, that the roads had been kept well wa- tered. We are satisfied that the de- fendant had endeavoured by means of brushing, compressed air blowing, by using stone dust. and by watering to clear the roof and the sides of the roads from coal dust. The brushing and compressed-air me- thods were abandoned by the defend- ant for some four or six months prior to October 14, 1913, because they were not found to be satisfactory. EXPERTS IN CONFLICT. I It was stated by the defendant, i and not denied by the prosecution, that he had done a good deal in the way of stone arching, but that the arches got crushed out. With regard to the seve- ral methods of brushing, compressed air blowing, and dusting, we had a great deal of export, evidence. That evid- ence was conflicting, the witnesses on the one side advocating all or some of those methods, while those on the other side were just as trongly of the opposite opinion. Some of the witnesses for the pro- secution admitted that in certain cases it might be dangerous, a.nd Dr. Atkin- son himself admitted that as a practi- cal man, apart from the Act of Par- liament. he would not have advised it. It was further stated in evidence that the method of brushing had not been adopted in the South Wales coalfield, while witnesses on both sides admitted that watering the roofs and sides in this mine would have been dangerous and was impracticable. "No regulations have as yet been laid down by the Home Office for deal- ing with the dust, question. With the conflicting evidence which as been gi- ven before us, we are placed in a posi- tion of great difficulty in arriving at our decision, but having given the question our serious and careful con- sideration, we have come to the con- clusion that the manager had done all that was reasonably practicable in the circumstances to prevent the accumula- tion of coal dust, and we therefore dis- miss the information. With regard to the informations Nos. 12 and 13. which was taken to- gether as one. No. 13 charged the de- fendant with not causing to be made a report on the condition as to ooal dust of the roads of the mine. and on the steps taken to mitigate danger arising therefrom in a book to be kept at the mine. The report book used at the colliery was put in. and it showed that this was not entered up daily as it should have been in order to comply with the Act. This is an important book and is supposed to contain a bailv record We fine the defendant L5, with the alternative of 14 days' imprisonment in the second division, in default of payment. "Informations Nos. 14, 1.5 and 16. --wp will leave these for the moment, iintill we have dealt with those num- bered 20 and 21. I IMPROPER SAFETY-LAMP I GLASSES. ?.? 1. "e now come to ..No. HI, ior using safety-lamps not d the approved type, [t was admitted by the prosectuion that the lamps in use at this colliery were of the approved type, but they complained that the glasses in use were not approved. With regard to those, we are satis- fied that the defendant did all that he could possibly have done to procure glasses of the approved type. He had 12 dozen from one uiaker and 60 dozen from another. He stated that when he gave the orders for them he thought he would lie supplied wpith approved glases. The last, lie had was in Au- gust, 1913, and lie found when they were delivered they did not bear the approved mark. He told us he had great difficulty in procuring approved glasses after the issue of the Home Of- fice Circular of August 26, 1913. as the manufacturers were unable to meet the demand, and it was admitted by Dr. Atkinson that there had been great difficulty in getting glasses of the ap- proved type owing to the great demand for them. The difference in the wst appeared to be very trifling, so that the manager's neglect to procure the approved tvi-x- would not have been for the purpose of saving expense. In .ne circumstances we feel justified in dismissing the information. AIR .ESTS. I This brings us to the canst; of the. information against the manager — viz., numbers 20 and 21, which were bracketted and taken together. No. 21 charges the defendant with not caus- ing to be measured at the mine the quantity of air in the main current and in every split, and at the points set forth and described in the 77th ge- neral regulation of the General Regu- lations, dated Julv 10, 1913. These regulations were published in the "London Gazette" on May 15, 1912. and they were appointed to come into force OIl the expiration of 12 months af- ter that date, which would carry ua on to September 16. 1913. The 77th regulation determined the points at which the quantity of air should be measured, in pursuance, of Section 29, sub-see-tion 2, of t,he Act. The points are: — I (a) In the main intake airways of t every seam as near as practicable to I the downcast shaft. (b) In every split aa near aa practi- cable to the point at which the split commenecs; ajid (c) In each ventilating district at or as near as practicable to a point 100 yards back from the first work- ing place at the working face which the air enters. Section 29 provides that this shall be done at least once in every month, and as the regulation only came into force on September 16, 1913, the man- ager had until October 16, 1913, to comply with the Act two days later than tho date of the alleged offence. We therefore dismiss this information, and the dismissal involves the informa- tions 14, 15 and 16 under the same section. u AGAINST THE COMPANY. e Have now disposed of ail the information held against the manager, and we come to those preferred against the compapny, which are four in num- ber. The first is in for not providing a book for entering the readings of the barometer, thermometer, and hygro- meter; the second for failing to pro- vide means for reversing the air cur- rent at the mine the third for failing to provide a book for the monthly en- try of measurements of the quantity of air in the mine; and the fourth for al- lowing safety lamps not of the approv- ed type to be used in the mine. It becomes necessary to consider how far, if at all, the company i.. liable in the circumstances. We have referred to the judgments in several cases cited bv Mr. Kenshole —Baker v. Carter, 1878. 3 Ex. D. 132; Stokes v. Checkland. 1893. 57 J.P. 232: and Stokes v. Michiston. 1902. 67 J.P. 615. We have also referred to the cases cited by Mr. Ivor Bow ell—David v. Britannic Mert-hvr Coal Companv (1909. L.P. 2. K.B.Div. 146, and Wat- kins v. Naval Collierv Companv, 1912. J. 1056. It has been proved to our satisfac- tion, and we find that the defendant company had taken all necessary steps to enforce the Act and the rules. They appointed a competent certificated manager, who was also their agent, and he had the sole control, management, and direction of the colliery that the directors of the company took no part. nor did they interfere with the man- agement that the company made all the financial and other provision neces- sary to enable the manager to carry out his duties; that the offences alleged in these proceedings, so far as they have been proved, were committed without the knowledge, consent or con- nivance of the company. It was also proved before us that the Act and re- gulations were duly published at the colliery. We therefore dismiss the four informations against the company. On the question of costs, it is ne- cessary to specify the amount in each oonviction. And we order the defend- ant Shaw to pay £ 5 5s. 0-tg on each conviction. -u AN ArrtAL, I Mr. Kenshole asked tor costs against the prosecution in the matter of dis- missed cases. The Chairman replied that they could not entrtain the application. Mr. A. Parsons intimated that there might be the possibility of an appeal after the decision had been before the Home Office authorities, and asked the Bench to state a ease on the summons which had been dismissed referring to coal diist. The Chairman said that if an appeal was decided upon, Mr. Parsons should lodge application and state a case in writing within the statutory seven days. —"Daily Citizen. I
DOWLAIS CO-OPERATIVE SOClEl Y. I BUTTER REDUCED! Choicest Welsh Butter, 1/1 per lb. NEW POTATOES Direct from Jersey. Twice a Week. Cheapest Sellers in the District. Note the Address 16, 17, 18t & 19, Union St., Dowlais. Station Terrace, High Street, BEDLINOG. PENYDARREN.
Lady Wimborne's Niece. Mrs. Lionel Guest, wife of the fourth son of the late Lord Wimborne, has an- nounced the engagement of her daugh- ter Miss Lucy Bigelow Dodge, to Mr. Walter T. Rosen, of New York. The wedding will take place early in Au- gust.
Detailed Lists, Results and Guides
Senghenydd Fund. GRANTS TO BE REDUCED. An important actuarial report on the Senghenydd and Glynea Explosion Fund, advising a reduction in benefits to ensure the solnmcy of the fund, w^s received by the Fund Committee at Cardiff on Monday, Aid. Morgan Tho- presiding, from Mr. Francis G. P- Neison, F.I.A. Mr. Neison, the actuary, said it ap- peared that the exact number of in- cumbents at the date of his valuation, June 30. upon the fund was:-Widows 213. children (boys 256. girls 247) 503; other dependents, adults 49, children 9; total 765. The allowances at present payable to them might thus be sum- marised -Widows 10/- per week dur- ing widowhood, boys 5/- whilst under 14, girls 5/- whilst under 16; depend- ents (mostly mothers) an allowance va- rying in amount from 2/- to 10/- per week. In making his calculation, Mr. Neison allowed for a rate of interest of 3 per cent, per annum clear on the fund, and for L260 per annum for the efficient administration of the fund. On June 30, the capital standing to the. credit of the fund wa.-i he was instruct- ed, £ 116,300. Upon the above baoe the total liabi- lities and assets of the fund on June 30 were Liabilities—widowa C79,742, boys £ 22.978, girls £ 23.492 dependents f;11,356, expenses of administration £ 3.000. total £ 140.568. leaving s deficit of £ 24.268. It appeared that the capital stand- ing to the credit of the fund on June 30 did not admit of the payment of such liberal allowances as had so far been paid. Mr. Neison therefore recommended the following amendments:- Allowances to widows be reduced from 10/- to 9/- per week To boys and girls from 5/- to 4/ Adult dependents now receiving 10/- to be reduced to 9/ Allowances of a less amount to ad- ult dependents remaining as at pre- sent. A further abatement of liability might be attained by the investment of the fund so as to secure 3-J per cent, in- stead of 3 per cent. The net result of the amendments would be to abate the liabilities by LII.8,279, and the better investment of the fund would mean a further gain of £ 6,000. Thus the amendments would practically place the fund upon a solvent financial basis. If at the end of five years, when a further financial investigation would have to be made under the trust deed, some slight increase in the allowance was practicable, it might be made. The report was adopted. The committee decided to add a clause to the trust deed limiting future maximum payments from the fund to n/- for widows and 6 J for children- The reduced rate of payments will com- mence from the next pay date.
HAD PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE. Tammie Webster's better half was now dead six months, and owing to this fact he often experienced great diffi- culty in preparing his meals, sometimes requiring the assistance of an old woman who lived next door. One day while she was making some porridge for him she said. Man, Tammie, hoo d'ye no tak' anither wife? I'm shure she wid be the verra ane to mak' a big bowl o' narritch to ye any- way. Ay, an' she'd be the verra ane to sup the hauf o't." retorted Tammie.
THE PIONEER PRESS is fuUr equipped for the execution of all kiadt of General and Commercial Printing- Give us a trial. Our prioes are moder- ate. Estimates free.