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That League of Nations. I

I Newport's Water Scheme.…

Oh ! Sir Edgar.I


Oh Sir Edgar. I Sir En(;{ Jones, erst while the humble shrine of that puritanical Nonconformist conscience that raised Cain when two men faced each other with padded gloves, lias signalised his (O)iversion to Toryism by buckling 011 his Lilliputian suit- of tin-plate armour, and sallying forth to deeds of daring-do against the I.L.P. He and his hand (I.Li-ing-d<) against the I.L.1). H(, %n(I li*s liaii(i Welsh constituencies sitting with the Government have decided that the Welsh air will be purer if the r. L.P.ers are suppressed, and, taking them- selves very seriously, have decided upon the for- mation of what they euphemistically entitle Re- construction Societies, Clubs and Guilds to com- bat the propaganda of the T.L.P. Foolish per- sons might see in this sudden activity the selfish fear of the Norman knight and hi,s friends for their seats. What we are concerned with is not the folly of such foolish persons, but with the methods whereby we are to lie combatted. So far we are in the dark. If an I.L.P.or argues with you; knock him down. Fools might again have the temerity t.o ascribe such advice to Sir Edgar's inability to frame a convincing reply to the argument for Socia lism. Of course that is absurd! Our concern is deep, we tremble in fear awaiting the onslaught of the hordes of re- organised anti-Socialist League orators led by the chivalrous Sir Edgar, champion of free- speech. advocate of the rights of small-nation- alities, and fearless exponent of the freedom of the individual.

Merthyr Guardians and Relief.


Notes from London

Notes from London