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Russian Unity.

-_.-'''-_-_- - - -tTO MRS.…

Our Ultimate End. I


Our Ultimate End. I WHAT THE WORKINC CLASS IS STRIVING FOR. A DEMOCRATIC USE OF A BUSINESS COM- MONPLACE. BY JOHN BARR. I The Independent Labour Party for the last 25 years has been dinning into the ears of the workers the fact that in so far as the science of economics was concerned the Liberal and Tory parties were as one—Tweedledee and Tweedle- dum—two sections of one party, and as the Capitalist system developed the Liberal would be gradually absorbed in the Tory as in most of the Continenta l Governments. [n this propa- ganda. work, especially during an election, we were assailed with the Liberal cry: "Liberalism is synonymous with Labour," and told every- thing would be all right if we kept the Tory out. The work was gone on with in spite of all ob- stacles, election followed election, strike followed strike, the game of Tweedledee asnd Tweedledum was still persevered in, but slowly the people were learning the truth as given forth by Robert Blatchford in Merrie England" During an election there are no masters and men, only Liberals and Tories and both friends of the working men. During a strike there are no Liberals and Tories, only masters and men, the one fighting the other." And as an outcome we have a strong workers' party, built up and represented by the Triple Alliance industrially (Miners.1 Federation of Great Britain, National Transport Workers' Fed- eration, and Xational Union of Railw aynien), and the Labour Party politically, and are in a very fair way towards having the fight carried on honestly in the House of Oommons as in the country by a workers' party opposing a capital- ist party, a consummation long since withheld trough the sham fight between. Tweedledee and Tweedledum. A TRUE FORECAST. I The Independent La bour Party prophecy has come true, the Liberal Party ship ha.s been scut- tled and the Capitalist Party of the future com- posed of Chamberlain protectionists, Ulster Orangemen, National Squiredom and Established Churehdom is to lie led by the erstwhile virulent anti-Protectionist, detestor of Ulster Orangeism, Litiieliotiso opponent of Squiredom, and life- long reviler of Welsh Establishment-—Mr. Lloyd George, or as the "Daily News" re- names him: Mr. '• Vested ftit(,i,e,sts George, an apt re-christening after his declaration on SatnrdaY last at Wotvcrhampton that "It is nrtt the vested interests I am afraid of, it is the vested prejudices." One may be allowed here to remark that of all the vested prejudices, the idea of reconciling his old cry of Keep the Tory out" hy entering into a partnership with him will be the most difficult to overcome. As .J. R. Macdonald says, in last week's Forward We are the last people who ought to object to the Capitalism of Toryism and Liberalism proclaiming its unity and its de- termination to exploit the war for its own pnds, then it is honest, and our duty is to fight it." But as the ordinary man in the street does not fully comprehend the economic struggle he is at a loss to understand this volte-face and is very apt to put it down to a laudatory desire to approach the Peace Conference and the work of Reconstruction as a united National Party. No construction could be more misleading. If the fight between Liberal and Tory had been other than a sham, if. the difference had been funda- mental, the Peace and Reconstruction problems, admittely the most serious the country has had to deal with in modern history, would have been fought out on opposing platforms, and the idea of Coalition treated with contempt. MARX'S VIEW. I Over sixty years ago Karl Marx wrote: "Tn the domain of political economy free scientific enquiry meets not merely the same enemies as in all other domains. The peculiar nature of the material with which it deals summons as foes into the field of battle the most violent, mean and malignant passions of the iiuman breast the furies of private interest. The English Es- tablished Church will more readily pardon an attack on thirty-eight of its thirty-nine ArtieleA, than upon one thirty-ninth part of its income." And it is in the general application of this truth you have to look for the cause of the present Coalition. What, then, is the issue before us? Sir Leo Ohiozza Money, to his lasting credit, has resigner1 from the Ministry, and not only is supporting a policy which aims at the Co-opera- tive Commonwealth, but rightly declares the real issue which confronts the nation to be: Is the nation to own itself or is it to be owned?" and as no self-respecting person could find even the tiniest justification for dismissal by shrieking "Bolshevik at a late mem ber of Hit Majesty's Government, the issue has to be faced and examined on its merits. AN INHERENT ANTACQMISM. I In pre-capitalist days the objeet of production was to satisfy the wants of the workers by the exchange of their products, but the main pur- pose of Capitalist production is for profit and not use, and this method of production created on a personal basis with individual competitive employers, has developed through concentration and an attendant elimination of competition, to a highly impersonal condition, where in indus- trial concerns the shareholders are scattered all over the world and the business carried on by managers from one Head Office, without the shareholders ever coming in personal contact with the business. This means that through con- centration of capital the national industries which are carried on hy workers, from managers to unskilled labourers, can be so organised as to entirely eliminate competition, and as they exist to produce profit for their shareholders, any means to gain that end will be used irrespective of the m eds of the community. There is thus developed an antagonism of interests which, al- ways inherent in the system, has grown to such proportions that in the interests of the future of nil. the nation must step in and solve the oroh. lem. Tt must be clearly noted that in tli- in- dustrial evolution from competition to monopoly the methods adopted have always been in the interests of a class, and the very methods which the industrial magnates denounce with such ve- hemence when adopted by the workers. When two firms go into partnership you have co-oper- ative effort; when a combine or ring is developed between a number of firms you have again a more developed form of co-operation. This is what you might call Socialism for money lords only," and purely subordinated to the interests of that class, but the same type of man will fume with ra?c at the bare idea of substituting social monopoly for his class monopoly, and the Labour Party who merely want to carry out his own brilliant co-operative idea in the interests of the whole of the nation are indicted as destroyers. THE SPLENDID CHANCE. The worker has a clear issue before him this election, and has a splendid chance of returning an army of Labour M.P.'s, whose numerical strength will demand representation at the Peace Conference, whose efforts in the problem of Reconstruction will be governed by communal needs, and whose adherence to the principles of national Co-operation will be instrumental in not only thwarting any efforts to destroy na- tional ownership, but will do all possible to ex- tend the principle. They will be in the House of Commons, not as a blind opposition force, but as a watch-dog, eager and willing to back up any sound scheme of reconstruction, but deadly opposed to any handing over of Government fac- tories or works to private interests. In this connection it would be well to em- phasise the fact that the Industrial Triple Alli- ance can rightly exert an amount of influence in blocking any attempt to substitute private for public control, a fact which the following resolu- tion passed at the Taff and Cynon District of the Miners' Federation shows the workers are not blin(I to: That the Central Council be asked to take the necessary steps to call a meeting of the Triple Alliance to immediately consider a policy with the object of frustrating the hand- ) ing back to private ownership the mines, rail- ways, and shipping of the country, believing that further private ownership in these key industries would be against the best interests of the workers." FOLD YOUR ARMS." This is a gentle hint to the financial magnates, those posturing non-politicals, whose non-politi- [ ca I cloak slides off as soon as they hear of a La- hour candidate, that their back-stair intrigues to obtain Government property may he met with active opposition by the fighting industrial i1 forces of the country, and/may cause them to pause ere they set machinery in motion which might lead to a call to the workers to "Fold your arms." 1 notice in the leading article of vour con- temporary last week Mr. Winstone described as a member of the party which would, if they iiiiiigiirite a reign of Bolshevism in this country. To dub an opponent "Bolshevik may ht' a cheap form of criticism, hut to serious minded beings who do not play at politics it seems like abuse, and in the present instance it would be courtesy to assume it was written on the spur of the moment, and without due and propei* analysis of the term and the circumstance that the writer has pledged his support to the Conservative-Liberal-Unionist-Radical Coalition According to the Constitution of the Russian Soviet Republic the Bolshevik Government re- fuse the vote to opponents who are not workers, vwncli, if anti-democratic, is st-ill perfeetlv open and honestly done. Lloyd George g* ives the vote to his opponents, but blindfolds them by asking for a blank cheque, and in the name of piogiess support for a Coalition comprising the most reactionary forces in the kingdom. rt will be quite ° lear to the reader that the tLi loyd i rGeorge idea, if more astute, is equally as wrong as the Bolshevik, and a man like Mr. James Winstone who pins his faith in the ex- pressed will of the people on a clear-cut pro Uramme teadins: to the Co-operative Common- wealth, can have nothing in common with either position.

An Anthology of Aspiration..
