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I The Irish Document. I


The Irish Document. I "We have ventured to regard the remarkable document addressed to President Wilson by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, as tho spokesman of an Irish Conference, not alone as a letter to the h(j?d of the American Republic, indeed, not as ma?nly a ktt?er to him, but as a communication to the world of Labour, and British Labour in paxtiml-ar. Nor have we concerned ourselves in the slightest with ite superficial main purport as a justification of the Irish repudiation of Conscription, for its tacit acceptance of mili- tarism not only cuts a line across the stand we ourselves take, but also invalidates any effective protest against Conscription on any grounds other than that urged in the dooumenir--the ground of the right of a people to determine their own destiny and disposal. Had we 1-4 garded the main purpart as being this justifica- i tion we should not have regarded an academic discussion such as it would have represented as important enough to command 00 much of our space as we have given it. It is its other aspect —as a responsible, historic indictment of Eng- land, which in the last analysis means the en- franchised working-classes of the past sixty yeara, that the letter to the President of the United States takes on a new importance in the eyes of the democrat. It is an indictment that points the finger of accusation at each one of us, and addresses to us the question of our part in the responsibility for the aad and continuous story of tyranny it tells. It is true that as a solid whole the Lalxmr forces of this country have always favoured Home Rule for Ireland as a general principle; but it has been favoured in much the same spirit as our protest against the Chicago Anarchist" business, or the Tom Mocxney horror of to-day, or as we protested against the Spanish bureaucracy yesterday—a spirit that observed general principles hoped for a successful outcome of a protest, but recognised a powerlesn<; to do more than express moral d?approv?] and pimj? sentiment?. The Red In- ternationa I has a?ways recognised the funda- m(n 1üI right of any ;)eopte to determine their ?own (lp,tlnv. and ouj concern for Ireland has been about as personal and híiRnæ 38 it would have been had the Czecho-Slovaks been similarly demanding a right of self-government. Before the eyes of ourselves and OUT fathers before us the Ireland of prosperity has been turned into the Ireland of poverty; its thriving industries, its growing commerce, rivalling those of the mainland itself, and because of that, have been legislated out of existence; its aggrarian pros- perity has been equally strangled into nullity by embargoes, and its wealth of life turned into a steady outward flowing stream that left it more poverty-stricken than could any natural calamities. And yet outside of our leaders and lecturers—and not always, it is to be feared, in- side of their ranks—how many of us are familiar even with the contemporary history of Ireland" How many members of our Labour forces can Tell us whether any direct links of affiliation at- tach Irish industrial and political Democracy to the Trades Union Congress and the British La- hour Party ? Not one in a thousand. Each one of the wrongs that the Lord Mayor of Dubliln enunciates is a wrong that convicts the apathy of each one of us: and each one of the thousands of wrongs that he has left unvoiced would equally convict us. And what are we going to do about it? Still protest against the injustice to Ireland; still regard the ability to shout What about Ireland? at our Clynes and our orthodox politicians whenever they mouttt their frothy sentiments anent freedom and inviolabif ity of small nationalities; at a satisfactory ex- cuse for the condition of Irelran(1.1 We hope not. Ireland too long has suffered an oppression of her spirit; and even amidst the clamours of the problems of peace and war, and of the re- construction that, will follow, we must spare time to do tardy justice to Ireland.


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