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Kenfig Hill Notes


Kenfig Hill Notes Mr. Hodges and the Comb.O(At, Mr. Hod ges addressed a well attended meet- ing at tin' Workmen's tn?tituic on Wednesday? on the comb-out of minors from 18 to 2o. He pointed out the futility of resistance at this juncture, and said that the continuance of t!)f war was the result of lost opportunities by the Labour Movement of this country. 0111' onh- salvation now was the unseating of the present Government, and every effort that the Trade Unions were capable of should («• utilised to that end. A resolution to that effect was moved and carried unanimously. It was also agreed that the recommendation of the E.C. to exercise! supervision over miners called up should lx, sup-j uurtod at the Conference at Cardiff on Thurs- ] day. I.L.P. With every great push or some military activity the I.L.P; seems to come in for its epiota of recrimination from certain individuals who, nevertheless, are a lways in a position to con- demn our attitude towards war in general. Coll deuinntion of Pacifist tactics are all very well, but if you can remain at lioiii-e in(I keep "the tia, flying T suppose you are a patriot. But Pacifist propaganda is more likely to stop this slaughter than the lio service of the last n.an section who stop at home. We are losing one or two of (Yiti- bitt I tqi Inli it will have a strengthening, rather than a weakening effect. We could easily afford to dispense with a fpw more of that darts. A few willing to foillp- port a banner is better than a crowd who hang on to the ropes and retard the progress of a march. House C6al Ballot. The workmen at Aberbaiden decided by a la"t. IJIIl jority on Tuesday to retain their old custom of having house coal, which was to fill their own tram and have it hauled direct from that tram. Some weeks ago the management sent a statement round the colliery asking men to sign same. The coa l woul d be filled into a tram and would then lie tipped into a truck. Nobody would be thus guaranteed that he would have the coal that he filled, and it would be obvious that the first persons to have (-oil would no doubt have the ( ream of the truck. A lot of workmen signed under the impression that the Committee had agreed to such a course. On being acquainted to the contrary, the ballot was the result. Only householders voted, and the result was: Old custom..198: from the truck, -"57 majority, 341. It only goes to show how careful workmen .should ,he wlwn canvassed by CoVnpan v officials, and how all those yarns of better (iiitlit v of coa l from the same source should be well considered, and nfier duing: so should be taken with the proverbial pinch of salt." C.G.F.

IMerthyr * Notes

Blaina NotesI

Abercynon NotesI __

Pontypridd Notes.

Briton Ferry Notes

Ogmore Valley Notes


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