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SCALE 01" PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS. 11 not raid for io advance the ordinary credit Jte will be charged. Three SIx Dally and Unes. Word., Onoe, Time#' Time.. once in Weeklj\ 9, d. s. d. s. d. s. il. 8 20 091620 2 0 4 23 1 0 2 3 3 0 3 8 6 30 1 4 8 0 4 0 4 10 6 44 1 8 3 9 5 0 6 0 d'liti()"allil-o -0-1 1-1 Eight Worth _0 n A 4 Jft J Q } 1 v O 1 12* N,H.-The.1m,. leale doea not apply to advert'.ement rom Publl( BOI1it'R. Obeoues "oJ POllt"oMce Orders shnuM bemade payabi- to Mr. Hisrt Mapie^st* THOMAS, HVsttni Mail. Cardiff. t\ DVEKTISERS are Cautioned 'hat Postmasters ar■* no: 1)X:w,;1):I'j;e" Addressed to Initials or Fictttl0\18 am" at 01 rOJJt.om! I.ettt)r addressed to Initials or fictitious n:\me!!o must heln the address or the adycrtigejr or o ne^Hhe Wt't,.1t ,}to}!. ANSWEHS '1'0 AnVJmTISEl\ŒNTS. artClAL N07/C: 10 .AlH'IC¡¡T/8.'1/S.-1_.lttr.t uidrtntd to bÜtia!$or Hctitiou* .,Varnes, to be caled lor, are not delivered from any I'ost office, hit are Stmf. to t Jietvrned Letter Ot/lee. 10 be ImmedIately returned to ft* ,dtT!. jlo1n trll11l111 iil T. 1\1 f): :u1:: :f: tUse wiih vhMttul. he.lthf, rt'8ctll.blø Cbriøti.-u Gsutle- m"lL (barl1t'!or or widower): ah!lloll1tA Rt'cre(' expwhHl.- Swhh, «, i5nib-iCon<lult street. :;f't: 1)articulars Beynoo and Jones. 126. Butft 8tr2;: T-'Vi-y(,\ml: Ot"utlemen In Good l'O-ttJODiI Would Vke to Cilrrt'VO!H\ with To Y<H1UI' JJf'(1ies with a Yle" to 1\IA iW;;£ J&jssugm to Mnrry; .imi.e.-AtUircM D.wsbury, ^dwrd^ ^ffice, 1Iri.tol.. 20;4r19 J-* K!\TLEMAN-WX1tütln-'LÕndõ bol'flÚt-lm.ornt It official position, Desires Correspondeni^irith_ a 'Ie" to Ma"rried Compauion>>hH>—with Lsdy Widow), «Tato4i- of bapjy disposition, and with pome Income ofi fip„rT owii His «ge. & looks years yomiget: Church o H- "!?■cheerful;good-tempered domesticated j T cSrsoonnaali w«*! lies only. cfin. f»»*«t ,'urtcnln, treated with a bllh sense of honour in trjotest contl,:e!J('e, and retnrl1l At»d GtUt.ay CMl\l1t! U'utmJ Jlai Office. 150, FJeet strt't't, Lon- dQD. S61r1i yurt Wi.heft to M;.Lrry.-[r. Nh, 2, \V:uren street. 1\1-Aff;IO:'Ii!;8ldi ;8 cai3 IZSJt S road. (I,!rlO,. stortlea Doctors and Jemat'k¡¡b1e Bonk e"fer writn. It st.rtl63 Doolors an,\ T V !be:'ftr:b It.. 1Pr¡JÕ;1e;'h8n2; š?t:t:¡;;rw,¡kRBH:i. or direJ7:rm T rwTiAlirrteS TeoVle.1 E"»e'<>l'« for Iu»»ln»M» Infõi. DJi\dOD LO W. HI!ion, BOX 3C1. MausfleW-road. !iot'ID¡.m.. 1261d ~i v vou i»re Married or contemnlatluR taking this iniDortant 1 ItPl) we *111 send jou vahmble Information which yon ought ui 'know. Send your «<tdr««, anil we will mnd ata W L ud Aaiul I'umi.hle' Free.-Addrcs» O. Kerr, Weat-hlll, louiie rorih. liondon, 8.W, fJ TTrtE M VrRIMON'IAI. HPIiAI.T) ma TRE,\M '¿'(\(lA.ZE1"1'E. (»tflcral orc.»n of the World's Great Marriage Agency, the C9tfl};lhf:S t:i:'Í11it i:a'isteï;pe "Teu ,pan' public r^ferei.—I'vitf Prtst.) Price 3d. lm •uveloi*. secme from ol-servatiou, 6u.). — Editor. M, luntb* C'onduit-sticet, Loi uon, W. O or order of r»ew8- 1Jtronnt. A Woman of Title. Movltic in the Pint WW A "ode o ¡ \u'n J; ii;(!ctlrl\\ terms £ .\C00 pt-r annum. Auy introjluciion of Bn'h il be banisomel* "Cl¡;no"I,led. PatricUn. 13.7O, f bm> > Advertising Agency. Fi» t street, London. Z8trZ1 M()K" Archer's Golden Returu9; sweetest tobacco 19jd ltl1ral. "1VAKTKD. a Curate for Tongwynlals.—Apply the VlwJ, 'V Aft;ucUv1:e;7i!a!9.-APtl1Y tYt.r, rl'It;EJli%:f ri;.j:{ X by bisho, exi»erenced highe3t refereuct^—Anaress D 5, Western Múil, CanlHf 15liOd iHfiirai. A S.tSTANCY or Locum Teneiicy Wanted by Q.Ulified A Reeiste.^d l'ractitioner; age$9; ride aud d1he,- Symro Mew.. Garret Bros., Commercial strt, >♦•«- t.- ^44rlC Ay ANtrentice Wanted at E»ans and James, ^ho^alo A and Rf..H Chemists, Llane ly. AI¡,fue?i ëf-!1; i Ad trtfHS Medicus, Koyal Claieuce Temi>erauc-e H(»tei. Tudor Bunt. Cardiff. *8rlb 8U:J:,Á!¿!1':II;i,:I Hear P.t I To 'Iheir AdvanUte by upv'Fbie to Mr. Pearson. en. tPurøon alld Co., Coe'"isw). 10. OU011ne SU'èet. 'ardf.f. OonsuIUtioiis. scnctly l'rl1 free tu t' U, "rA0 L,T* TAKMALK Corrective Mixture succeeds afttr all FrIJ7ti;k:p:nâi-,t C.> Cbemj¡ 10. u rol n« street. C,udtt. lw-wl# I H Ei8HbY ,f:i:ioMp:s;:i¡11.rciias1õ. Days by am lying to Pearson and Co.. Cnemists, 10, Caroline ftrtfft. Cardiff. Congultjitlon^tJict £ ?rl)0lastir. VEACHEUS WANTED. 881;rJri:aD8rOfiU Scho<»l to Teach Standard HI.; sdary according to <J>ialiHca- tioos.—AddretaF. French, 8ebastopol. Newport. 171crI5 I -\i."7"ATE:at :rliï¡;t;à.8is n t. M istrešSčöräniÎlf¡ör: Nchool; mURt be "ble to teach drawiDK. ionic 80¡-!&, and kindenrUt80; salary, iH5 per annum engagement may Inad to head njistrese- hip.— Apply, with testimonials Cor- reøponll8Ht. C. mavon Schools, l'ort Talbot. 9178 IVXNTED. nsefnl Nursery Gotemess, to teach and take > v rbarge of two girls, six and three; goodneedleworaan.— IIn. Howells. Wkk, Bridgend. SlTOrlS 11/ANTED immediately, Temporary Ex-P.T., about Fmr T f Week« might ie>«d to permtneucy salary i^5 \*r nu.A. B, Struct, Brecon. A8SISTANT-M ARTER Gained at once for the Giais Bcwird School; dr i«ine; :Æ-fr wfh- c;, ies of vworscentttMtimomala, to Mr. Abr. H. Thumas. Clerk 00 the School Board, Llansarulet. !=-===- i2b. TEACHERS WANT EMPLOYMENT. A Lao! Desires EDlacePl'rnetl8: Eõifi. French, mtuic, drawing. uee<llework. knitting ^ood ftfere1 s., I3i, t:t; r,I\ihnitI:7°ct Tri7"ANTED. Re-eugageojent as Nursery Governess; vt Euglish, music, nee'dework references.—A. K„ 5. Windsor terrace, Uplands, Swansea. 2359r.I G- OVERN ;S.HOUHEK ;PERorlfõ;;iiekeêi;r-R.- xX n.nlemef!t as abo,e Ikquired by Iy (31) who is highlY recou"wenùtd,-AddrtóS 8 !3, lVe.!I((r' Mail, Car* cUf. 1615ttJ A~ Lady T for some years resi lent iu Germanv. to Give Uerman Les.soD8.—Address T 12, We*ttm Mail 7;ï.\0:i:rt2)f,fJ; domesticated, J>«aixe> Re^aigAseroent; FngU?h, music. French, needlework; 100d refereuces.-Addresa 8 O, Western Mail otlk. Cardiff. 2)r15 DANCING.—Mlss'Day will Open a Claw for Boners on Wetlccadny. 13th lust. Eight o'olock, at 0 The P nde. CUI\1ift. Private LeadOU.8 I'eu. REQUIRED/it)or near Newport, an Kngacment as Daily or Morning Governess to Young Children usual IUbjecu.-B.. U'cafein lIoil. Newport. 1803r16 A Young Lal17 III f)f!lIiroU3 of Form-nsDrawiog and Paint. ing Classes.—For terms, ke.. address a 16' }X'g[^n Hail, Cardiff. 2061r19 ýo?;!ïrLFi\f ::jibfJi7: A sons ia School or Family: neighbourhood of Catom, terWB moderate; highly recommended by principal of .hool: only three Dwuthø In England nU8t tlu¡,;ce8iiful °" !u::ation¡¡] teacber,-S 5, Wwtern Mail. Card.iff. «rl *lii* C'OIM fRt 11AL Correspondence, French, Spauish. Italian, and Genuan: <las?es Shonha.nd. Ca.ndfdatt prepared for SchOlilr¡;bh* and eX!1UJiuat.iolls through the iiost.—Mr. W. llulnes. Public JlxaI1{ !H^<^ia P.rk..tree'. Cardirf. lOOld HIGHLY-REiPKClABLE Young Widow Requires Situation a8 Companion. Housekeeper, or Nurs.-ry (.o'erue; coud references.—Address T 7, Wmtern 11fai, Cardiff. 24œrlô ;J¥lI1SI fill, VvIV ANTED, Female Pianist.-Apply, st ring wg«i and AererIË:¡l:, :Ú;) !v:' nawr. HreCODRhire. ZolZux TTRoFESSOli WILSON Give.« Jlmiic und Elocution mT Lessons. 12. Clive r >a d Cantou. Cardiff; 5, Consul! a- don street. Ro»th; or Pupils' Keaidencea. 1 >obi lt> F GARRKT1'. Tw*-1vh Years Pri'icipal Tuner to «ath E and rion.«, now Represents Powell and Sons, Pianoforte Merchants, A>b >uy voad, 'J^rdiir. V\V\ -rANTED. Lt-s-wns on 'he English Concertins.—Reply, :¡: _I:O_) 1;j;b#17ü':lli1i[W1IŸ, i> rALUABLE "6ld Violin for Sale C n be seon «t 33. r l J'i;:dfg¿ç -øet_3i /^HRAP Music —Whist the Bogie Mai:, Razors in the Air, V,' «ong that R*eh»l My Heart, Mandoline, snowdrop Polka, Fairyland I £ Robin Adair, J)¡y Po:ka. hun- (1red" of others, d. euch, post free.—Jones, 43M. COIJ8titutlon Hill Birmingham. ?l&7r19 IN)R Salr, at nrUT, Sanitlco. Se' of Fourteen IustrnmentIJ .I: 11." y C ;)11 Xew Uniforms, for BruK8 Band- ar nd i i; lining a Bue set ch»»ap.—For VRrti. culars II: N"\T|»ort road, j'Rrdltf. 175:r15 IXkCv'N11- 0»y Bnrd); good andOOlii eifcht gnimw.—Apply Cooper, Coutts, and Cr».. M, Htaeey road, CaruiU. 12(r15 T>IA'NOFOHtE, a b.rg;dn second-iiand in thoroughly i go<Kl conditii n Loudon maker; full compass.- Apply M. IIWHI, 119, Cathays terrace, 0 ¡rdUr. 172r15 X^O>: .Sale, a Cottage Piam.fnrtc, D'Aln»ain<\ Full F(jo;!J¡ n -p(ij:r;-l,,A:lnll':lnr! Ten Rtops: and a BmulUr ditto by Webber, B'Minore.— Apply Lewis Hopkins, AuctioDeer, 10, Qneen sirt^t. 0«r- 2°i6r:Z_ HARP and Pianoforti».-Miss Alice Barney, R.C.M., from RoY". Cnl^ge of Mwjc, ond"i>, Receives I)UI1l1.-2. Oowbridtfe ro^d. C-rdUf. i.7SH FEMALE 8EUVANT3 WANTED. ADVKRTlJSKK.S we uutioneU that 1'ustuuiaterR are Not A ))ríij\C;uJt,i8 tJÄi(1.:ytteaillrti:\ ^iltf r N .rr-?r.)'Mt-om?.!otMmd<)rMM.)tu initial- .-in es n-nst hesv the address of the '.e^.nlie Motrin Mai: A,? i 1,. il' u ui >id must be good needlewoman W A;l:¡ ') I/j'¿; t- :¡,e:obi daily two o:l.er maid servants kvpt.-Wrtt«. atatiuv: references and wages J'fqulr. to C., M estern Jlni!, Caraiff. 8. ATI;jtffEr::¿: Housemaid It (thorough): must be good needlewomao, and able to g«t uf p laces nicely; parlourmaidMai', Qarditf. 8901 ttwi and vrages. to Mater. Wnt..r'1 ¡"al', Oll.r\itf. 8991 A(};ner¡ln:rne(¡-Ke(' .bu'¡t. 17; (me from the A country pr-feired.-Apply Greenfield House ow- b,t,l C? dift. L722rl5_ HOUSEMAID (young); three In family.—Apply, [r;. r j. Mis. D-Uiel, 40. PIppLuLh l 5 W 47 AN l'V.D. a good General Servant.— Apply ^•Wi?<?wr 1696r 5 %W *7 ANTED immediately, several Cooks and Generals; 'A 't:()utU1iJD'I;Ok:hr,e,š:I jn'i.V; Uuder Uaimaid.—Apply 56, Adam ftree^^Car- T" *} ANTED, in three week's time, General Servant, about -Â::II: ;tiI:O"irk::¡; H:V:il 4'J, Parnidge rosd. Cardiit.  ?' '? ?t5 i~i 'ANTED. Nurne for Three CWl'tren—S years. 3* 11-r?6 s?s?'' C:Ynt:t: llDWn. (hE'I'W. IIA,15 'r; aNTED. good General Servant. i/ n ?Y ?."?".??'? ftirs. 1:' J;'ii jíYå C.)?.f?.n'*i<. M?U.j s>riljants. gEMALE SERVANTS WANTED Continned)). GENERAL Servaut Wanted immediately; not under IS yews of age.—Apply ( f personally) auy evening, 47, Albany road. Roath, CurdiB. 1731rl5 itlV /AN lED. fg od Geu, ral ?eriant.l??? ri. Steer, Lewis's, Disi)en. Bute alreat (u??r H?y.a Bridge). Cardiff. 1747rl5 W W ANTED, a good L^undrymaid.-Api'ly to Mrs. Heard, Machew House. M^-h -u. Plain WANTED iinmediatrly, good Plain Co^k; age not over vt 30; wages, £ 16; no washing.—Apply 40, Walter roa(i, Swansea. n /1 OOD Cook Wanted in » Gentleman s Family i buking Commercial HoW.-Aiiply. by letter, P. U "ltrn (lommer'lal Hotel.-Al)l)ly. DY letter, P. ;V""t" Jlail 0 ol WANTED, resvwctotiUHou matdi "•jjjj' Bryn Rhos, Llanishen, Cardiff- — k i .el.n gardens. South KonslngtQP, Lotu on. frl, W ANTE" D General Servant, age'Jo; wases xl; used to .mn; ..o W«hl,.g; Iieteren» real. Mrs. 6. 11-rd' South uear Ojg^_ 18 17 W 11/ANTED, thoroughly good General, age 18; washing out; iura. k.pt.-ApWr, with Meren^a, to Mrs. Curtis, N-TI street. TreorKy. J80/n/ CLII'tl% 14Y,'Buw street. ITeOrKY. )857rl7 to '> 0 good references required; oountry p??f?rr d.- Ai'ilv 31. Charles street, Cardiff. lawn/ U ANTED at onoe,' 'ook-Hoiisekeeper for quiet Country Pi i. South Wales; wt be thorougli? gooC???o.1k1 and good references; age not less thau 31; gm £ to all found; kitoheumald kept.—Address R 11, W.l? af. office. Cardiff. 9,17 11/ANTED. good Cook; reference requited.—Apply Mrs. vf Sessions, Greylands, Marine pataoe, Penartb. rl7 11/ANTED'i a respectable Young 9i Mother's Hdp tt and Make Herself Generally Useful, and Used to Needlework. —Apply Lamb and Flag Hotel. Glyn- Neath. 9249 |t ANTED, a good Qeuera l Servant; plain cooking and »v wasMng.—Applv, with refereuoes, Mrs. Rogers v 'g" Llwynypia", Pontypridd. 2004rJ 7 HOUSEMAID wanted.—State g., qualification, last pUC". wages, rcfer^ucea, and send photograph. Mrs, F lkemr, nymor. bt, 01 ar?, ?,053,17 I V A.NTED? agood, B?' )n ujil eti,I accu tomni to W. augdiro.!LAupply.w?, references, to Molra Hotel. Cardiff. 2049rl7 IV AITI.D tG!- -.1 .1.. Nu so, to Mace Hl-tt Generally U?,t?l.-Appl, Mrs. Evans, I ronmong er, Pontypridd. 2Q5Qrl7 WANTED, Young P.,l ..all, L.?d,y. ni -d, and G? 'r Effi? N- g,.d Ooks, and House-i ourmaids Disengaged.—Mrs. Fu ,i. vall's Select stry. Cardiff. 1892rl7 W A'T' Servant; HISO Boy for Morn- ings.—Apply, afur Six p. m Avou House, Charles C,rti If. 20tlrl7 LADIES Suited with All Classes of Servants; Situations 8< cure i for Servauta; fee Is.—Miss Walters, 30, page- street, Swansea. 2036rl7 IV 4'-Il. Al,(, PI dn Cook; small dairy; £ 20. AIho strong Girl, Housemaid, willing to assist in kitcn-ui.—Nicholson, Llaugibby, Monmouihshlre.[rl6 WANTED, a I.-d General Servant; three in family.— Apply, ?- t.' gwg?, ..d reference. Miss Thomas, Springfield, Swansea. 2100ri9 SERVANTS Mali Kinds Wanted, lor First-class Situations. O —Stamp, Mrs. Brooks, The Acme Registry Office, 3, Castle street, Cardiff. 21('9rl9 IV ANTED good, Btrorg Cirl RbOUt 18, as ft G.iieml ?erfaut.-Apply 6, Kepi,?? ,,Alb. Cardiff. 1 1 rI 5 (1/ANTED imme<iiately, experienced General Servant; *f must understund plnin cooking; housemaid kept; small family (three).—Apply 5, Wt^tbourue road, Pen- \1, T ANTED, 1. Gentleman's House (Country a good V Pb,?' Cook.—Mrs. Evans, Greennili, Whl,.h.,?h, Cardiff. 20o8rW A I ly M.. v Winstone, TrHdeemen's Club, 66, Lower Cathedral roa-l, Cantou. C »rdlff. 2r61r 5 W ANTED, General Servant; also good Washerwoman^ —Apply 91. Bute road. Docks, Cardiff. 20C4ri9 iV ANTEI), experienced Geucral Servant; must bo good » » plain cook two in family.-Apply 46, Richmond-road, i. 'ttrdiff. 2>28f 16 \VANTED, a good G?.,r I.d a N.r.Gi']. ft Apply M, Bidman, Whitchurch. 2U5rl8 WANTED iu ouoe. good General Servant.—Apply 210, Newport road, Cardiff. 2131rlo IV ANTED, good General Servant; no washing or chil- dren; good character required; comfortable home for suitable girl.—Apply 27, WimlsorpUce, Cardiff. 2l2vrl5 I-V. ANTED, by a Bachelor (litlng iu the countrj ) Work- V log house*fei^er; good plain cook and lautsdreta; age abo it 30; salary £ 16.—Apply, with references, to T 4, tyeMtm Mail Offlw, Cardiff. 2l7irl9 %VANTED good Geiieral Servant-—App v 112, B?-d-y? 1,.Ih. Cardiff. 4999r20 c ENE W,W, ??ble to Cook n-.d I- in family.—App'.y, after aix o'clock, Mn. Daviea. 134, r. ?d, O?rdill 2197 Wanted must be strong «nd not nuder 8 — Apply, stating age and references, to Mrs. 1". A, gelton, Bridgend. 2186r2Q GENERAL Servant Wanted.—Apply Mrs. James. f>den- tihe, near Cross Hands, Maindee, NI?vo, 22<6r2Q WANTED, o.d 8?,, t; thcrousbly accus- t..?,l to laundry work.—Apply to MrL Harris, 144, High street, MerthyrTydflh 2, 4, 2"0 W' ANTEII. good General Servant. — Apply L:b is. Hotel, St. Mary street. Cardiff. JL36!?!. WANTED, bY 15:h November, for London, good Genern] Servant, able do plain cuokiug. no waahing house- d k? age not 0; good character require 1.— ,?'17 Nl' D.k? Or-?,t, O.diff. ?232,20 IV ANTEI) immediately, <oo.t Pliin Cook not Young Girl as Sewiugmaid. Mrs. Fcrrier, Covdmor, ,e t, %VORKING H?-k.r Wanted: ..t n.d,, 30, no washing; aho good Nurse or Mother's Help.—Address Ftru Bank. Ea'-uu crescent, Swansea. 2241rl6 W ANTE good Plain Cuok or General Servant; small family; housemaid ??p? -Ap? ly 45, The I'?, Cardiff. 2l'05i2^ IV ANTED, a clean, respectable Girl (age 15) for Light Ho ?.Ik.-AVpy57,W.d?,,?-110.rdiff. [r.0 IV ANTED, f ir Neighbourhood Bridgend, Lauudrew; age from 23 salary sufficient exrerleuce fo 'p. family.—Address, stamped envelope, Mrs. Eliaa Jones, Neath. 22r £ rlS %V ANTE l», Laundrymald for TI.It?iug Colleg- Carmar- tb' uiuit be a good hirt irouer.—Apply to the Matron. iSStrlti WANTED, cood General Servant.—Apply Mrs. Edward v t Dei»>. >5. Qiifton place. Newport. 236Sr21 II/"ANTED, ..I G?.A Servaut; f?.. country i>re- terred.-Apl?ly Mc& Arthur, near Llandaff gzr tion. 2,90,17 Wr ANTED, llouse-Pariourmaid must be ?-? needle- 1 -Mr. D.r,?f. d. Bry. H.,Od. Li..d.? r2l T>LA1N Cook W?,d; ..all d.,?y .d .age.; .1.. a X Houienuid. — Rector, care of Prosser, Postman, Brecon. 2315r31 HOUSEMAID. House-Parlonrmaiil, Nurses, ages 23 and 19, Requiring Situatious iu or near Swansea—Apply Jones' Select Rexis'ry, St. Helen's, Swansea. 23Q2d IV ANTED, a Plata Cook and a House-Parlourmaid.— H Ktate age, references, and wages required to Mrs. Jeiiner, Wenvoe Rectory. Cardiff. 2357^1 W ANTI,:D J. Gentleman's family f Th, ft d (?ook or exjerienced General; b.Jl kept.—Apply VeudeeHou<e. Clytha square, Newport. [,21 WANTED, a good General Servant at once.—Apply IVANTED, 168. But. road. Cardiff. [2349r21 ?V ANT D, respectable Y'lll Girl, -b?., 18. as H, maid.— A opiy, after p. m I by Ilt? eta ing fall Psrtioulau. to Mrs. Thomas, Chastleton, Cathedral road, Cardiff. 2S2im I y ANTED, 1. the Middle f N?,e.br"d P' Cook, :?l.(, R?.6.a M?!1' C',k  h. r belp is given.—Apply Mrs. F. J. Davies, Ab'-Tcarn Fach, Cwm CArne, near Newport. L'ol0rl7 GENERAL Servant, Wanted; age about23; must under- s an d plain cooking; help given now good wages.—Address A. B., cam of Mr. B. R. Rees, Vaughan street. Llauelly. '^J06r21 v-6?"it b *horoughly g? c?h?,xctcr, fcr Clergyman's F.lity in the C?..try.-ApD),, wMi full particulars, Mrs. Sbbp?.,d, IV.Ifora. Itm.. .308 1- NURSE Wanted; thoroughly accustomed to children.— Apply, with references, to 6, Church Park, Mumbles. 2379rl7 AG (10 W?. t, ,I.-Apply Vulcan H*t"' Dock t,.t. Newport, No. 2?76,21 l-EMALE SERVANTS WANT PLACICS. KE-ENGAGEMENT as Working Housekeeper or PI ice i  r-.f T'ust' M.,?"? Wid.w.-)Ir?. Slucock, Vimrage Cottage, U 4"i(4qwk V. A., Mmmou?h. 1767r I 1'1* /ANl'ED, SUautiou in B..Il chiatia. Famil-y, by e lerienced Cook; good managereKS; excellent re:e- rent'es— E, care of Thomas Duuu, Neath roaO, Liwisam. ANTED, Re-engagement Working H k'e' Middle-aged I'erson CardifE.r, 02Ad,Igrm Cairns street. Cathays, Cardiff. 1844il7 WANTED, Situation ,)-d PI tin Cook, ?h?r. Kit,b,?- ui'td kect; ellt?,l ,d. b.1i.g, dairy; a5g0e 82rl5 Address E, 7, V, fitrcet, Cardiff. HIGH_L_Y-R_ESPEC i A HL C Young WMow Wonld Give Her Services in Return for Comfortab'e Home as U.?f., nio to Invalid, r A.It iu Auy Other Home Duties (Ut)t menial).—Address S 19, IVestern Mail, ()ar- dilf. 2096?19 ANTED. Sltuatiou by Two reepeotable Permt," 11 if (.'ook-Generul and Itounem^id; aged 23, and tull; good references.—Magness, Brecon road, Hay. 2115rl5 Nu (-'Xiierlenced age 37; ii rec mmen(led Wn y, reference; wages A"*0.—Aj-ply Miss Joues, Registry OHice, Caerau road, Newport, JMoa. 2119rl9 11/ANTED, Situation Housekeeper, -I'll Family or » v Business House, whkru servant kept; good refeieuce gi,en. -"Auls ,? :?;? ?t.,Br,. l.L'ANTED, Hituatioii as Upper Housemaid, or hing e- Vf l.anded in Gentlsman's Family; wages uot nnder £ 18. —Address S 1?2, Western Mail Office, Cardiff. 213urig WANTED immediately, Situation as Working House- keeper to Single Gentleman; good cook; excellent referenews. —Addre s s a a" Western Jtfni/ Swansea._[2^8rl9 W' ANTED, by Young Lady, age 20, Situat Lady's Maid accustomed to sewing.—Address T 5, W. Mail, Cardiff. 2l7^rl9 v IT ANTED, Situation, good Plain Cook or General Servant; best references; Cai*dld or Mouutain Ath preferreti.— J. H.. 6, Clydeside road, Bayswat^r, London. 2lb3rl6 IV ,?NTEI), Situation W(?r?iiig Homeke?p'r AP'"v 1' bi, .t R. W. ,,3. ?uto d C-rdiff. 225Ct15 WANTED, by experienced Nurse, Re-engagement would tak,? L-b 'r.. the month.—Address Nurse. 21, Donald-street, Koath. 2214r<0 WANTE1>, a Situatiou as House-Parlourmaid u? 21; good references.—H„ 61, Fair Vi.W ,w ?r G"?' Oardi ff. 2217rl5 U ANTED, a situation as uenerai weivant wnereanotner Alilijy E. M., Broudeg House, Aberbeeg, near Newiiort, Mon. 22K4r16 tly'ANI'ED, experienced House-Parlourmaid in bmalt v v Eainily good waitress.—Give age and reference Mra. llowar-I. JlnisbelJ Rlat., Cardiff. t261r-0 1 FARMER'S Daughter Reouires Sitnation as House- keeper couui ot I. buHiuess; ?.d.?.t..d. dairy and cooking; 1:00\1 ft:ferenl:e.-MIII Kn,I1i, T,le HOlJe, liuv-roii, o«bridge. 2. CO()K, with Kitchenmald twenty years' experience <. Ma iu gentlemeu's families; good refeience.—Mrs, Morgan, 4. Havelock street, Cardiff. 35 5 JUiO()%1 hllf:IKgl'er::Inêäl:Ilr riea Woman; 1it<m in nobleman's fami'v; good s.=-!rs K'mtt. 38. Haveiock street, Cardiff. U'21 MALE SERVANTS WANTED WANTli.D at once, a Surgery Boy.—Apply Dr. Evans. 21, I'harles .sti eet.CardilL 0246 W AllI e" Bay, .,out 16, It,. 1. house,for Garden. Pony. Trap, and Genera.lh Ug"lul; (rood clHl.rac!('r-Ah)h:. Llnbodr Rectory. Crk'khowell, l7G5rl6 %V ANTED, C'ai hmau; mjirleu. — Kiate age, salary ft expected, with reference, C., 5, Exchang*-buil dim s. !iwangea. ;095r>5 "1>EQUIRED immediately, Single Man »s Groom also XX steady Young Man as Boot!?.—Apply Tredegar Arms t1o11 High eort, Mon. 21(3rl9 W ANTED, for Gentl, man's Fwully ( imloorO,Matl- ferv.mt. aoout IS; niU'» understand jlate, lamts. Ac. and ass st in garden.—Mrs. Pon-t'n R-giatry, Swansea, (rl VV ANTI, .a steady M^rned Man. to T.k. l'ha»gfl of f lior^B nud Carriage, and Drive, and Make Himself OtborwL,a Uoeftil. Neatly 2303r 7 VV ANTED, a CoachniHu ana G rdener.—Apply, by Utter, S. Cbiverr, Snliy r d P? 21Hrlfl WANTED, Groom-Gardener; must mllK well and b, 'V wildng to make himself generally useful; good cottage and garden. AN'Iy Biynhculo?, i'ontnr lawe, Swansea i;f ;I; ¿l:IÁ;f\!¡L'a; to general inivorl: jingle.—Apply tu J. I,. Lavaeuce, Costou F. r:u, la.eruooL 31O,16 MALE RgRyAKT8 WAHTBP IC=ti3tu" and. ) '-Bgood 1,11 W Ing unmarried.—R«». B. Ely, Bwlch-Trew™, Ab??ff- — IZY Wanted at Exchange Restaurant, Mount PASta?rt .Q?. Oardid. Appli.ti- -.y be Md.b clean, mpecubig boys at 8 ,30 on Friday woruts. ^th i»7 A\TKD, Grner.il or,, one used to cattle and W .heep preferred; wile could hna wasMnf.-P 50, Western 3fcnf. Newp°rt. iWlxll IT/ANTED, Lad; able to milk, and attend feo pony, and ft make himself generaUy useful. — Apply M.i d, road, Oirdiff. 233Sr2l MALB BBUVANTS WANT PLACES ANTED, a Situation Grwm-Cm,,h d..t.?d. andh. IJ,h, wlih? married, no family; wife-i cook; god f n-R"' Westied, 'I? Offic". car aff. 1886rl7 €m7~aNTED7 Situation as Ilarlener understands flowers Vt and kitchen gardening no ob j ection to & cow; two Tears' eood charac^r last situation; age 30; married, no ly,E.RIditf. 3D; ..ri.' GRoom- or Groom-Coachm-n. Wants _202 Orl7 ride and drive well; good eli.11 age 24 .— Scruby, Sully road, Pennrth. 1893rl7_ ANTED, Situation as Groom-Coachman in a Gentle- man's 6..Il Flare, by a t..Iy. -p??Ubi. Young Man. — S. EdwArds, b utihio Ormeuy. brg s Coachman; thoroughly experienced with horses; can A- rid? and ?ii. well; 1(-gl-;2,8=; I sonal character.—J. Evans, Crewe Hall ;Stable.. Crewe, Cheshire. 2MI7 W- ANTED, Situation as Coachmau; ride and drive well; understands hunters; nine years' charaot#r.— Address T. E.LVardie Clydach. Swausea. 2034rl7 WANTED, by Single Man. Situation as Gardener; able to milk. French, Llandaff S""AT ON Wanted G, and Coachman; ,d R.f?r P 22, Mail OM.. New 21 17rl9 A~ S Groom or Coachman can ride and drive well; used to hunters ud .11 kind..1 hr.- .it married; no family ?."Uent character from lutitu?tio.A ,6 F. Parke, 1, Howard place, East Moors, Cardiff. 2247rl6 P.?k.6 1, !?- __?2?7 COACHMAN.—Active Man. with 2, years' character, is Olo?n fr altu?tiou at once; single or pair.—51. live road, Canton, Cardiff. 2208rl6 AS Groom-Coachman married, no family; ride and drive single or pair light weight; excelleut character.—1 J Victoria place. Breoon. 2311rl7 AS Coachman experienced aged 32 no family; manage .Rg ?l or oow haady man hi.b.t ?f?r..c.. -Coachman. 26, Cecil street,_ way, "diff. 2295,21 %?ITUATION?Orwmantl CoAcb?6. thoroughly we £ up in work timuent reforenm married, no family. -TJO, Western Mail _Office, Card 111. 2297rl7 WANTED, by a rPBpeat&blo Farmer's Ron, Situation as Groom; th?ro ,,ly und?wm tantis h,I"I .— Apply, "C _41?ry, to George Burge.0.?i1on P?,U Poutyprd(?. 23754, MAN AND WIFE WANT PLACES. 1 > E-ENQAGEMENT by experienced Working Farm Bailiff li aud f i, r. u, ,r. 'al knowled f t..k and all kd f f.?nI.1,, har??t?r.- Add ?. L., care of Rev. D. Edwads, Pilwn G g. Onw*r, %Qttl ^ci'UantSe FEMALE SERVANTS WANTED. ADVERTISERS are Cautioned that Po.tmuten m Not AAII.w.d to Deliver It- Add??.?,,d to Initials or Fictitious Names at any Post-office. Letters addressed to nUials or fictitious natnea mutt bear the address of the advertiser or one of the Office* of th<- H'eatern Mail. W ANiKD immediately, an experienced Cook; must be Vf well up in soups, entrtfs, game, fto., and p roduco g-d W"Ir?up A, pi, owl. SwAng'a?..d l= WANTED at good General Servant, with ite- g.d ?.g.Ull U.?h EL..L N.- port. J802rl8 ROYAL CLARENCE HOTEL, C&rUff.-Wanted imme- 11 011.?t'?, 17 Waitress, Honaeiuaid. General, and B-t.; good wnes; mut produce good ntersom. 18#rl6 B ARMAID Wanod, to Make Herself Useful.—Enclose photo, stating experience, 4c„ R 12, W,9". N.it Iiff.1849rl7 W ANTED, good General Servant able to do Plain Copk- ANTED. god S.t bl10 11 P'll, =11; H?t-?L A1999?l, rANTEDraVood, Girl. Ud.B.d.-A p ty Horae and Groom. Pontyprtdd. 1894,17, Viv ANTED, a General Servant.-Apply Antelope HoWl, Bute street, Cardiff^ 2009rl7 K^TCHENMAID.—Wanted, un eiperiencM, atroi.-g. re- spectable Girl.—Apply Imperial Hotel, C ifton. Iri5 ANTEbra & ?v- d "euM' Servant; wages to £ 15; three othz. k.pl.-Ap, ly Rising Sun, Marshes road, Newport, Mon. 2124n9 GENE UAL Servant Wanted.—Apply Manager, Comviva- W Club, Gang street, Aberdare. 2163rl WANTEL) good Ciianibermsiid; not under 20; aood references.—Apvly Mrs. Tootell, Lion Royal Hotel, Lampeter, Cardigan. 3171rl9 KEQUIftED at once, clean, steady Girl as Uuder Waitress; must uuderstand waiting at pply Mr. 8«rris Castle Hotel. Merthyr. 22,2,16 }TARMaIDS ( £ 16— £ 26), Waitresaes, Chambermaids. BA Kitchenmaic:^ R1(,_ I& C'_kr Laundry- m lids, 1;.?. (k;.6 Generals; h. MAI. fkr,-t. Wn. *j, Charles street. CArditt. 2368rl7 FEMALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES FPWO Young Ladies Rq 1.. W,.il,-?' X Hotel or Rest?ur.-t.-Ad,?- WilU- 143, 0,,L?l. street, Cardiff. 1765rl6 W' ANTED, Situation as Barmaid by ,,e blepn(), WANTED8itu?tionmbaB,,rn,;Idtta, .gt re femtC, .d ?2 th.rc-u street, Grangetowu, I.r,ilffA "P"'H., u. 1, =,,aver street. Gra-I?. u, u3rl7 \V ANTED by respectable Yonng P?,u, Sil.-U. v v Barmaid in good Hotel.—Apply A. R., 0, Gwendoline ktreet. Treiiarbert. 690rl7 1710TIlLI.?.1 1. Fi,.t,l?!. R."l as Housekeeper, A I. Housekeeper and Book- keeper d.i.td L.d thoroughly experienced In hotel work lab., »efcrenoes.—Address R 2#, Wtr? MttuOf&oe, Cardiff. 2017rl7 I it;ANTED. Situation as Coffee or Commercial Room Vf Waitress 1. good Hotel; experienced.—Address E. Byros, Lower George Hot el, Newnham, Glos. 2070rl6 WANTED. Situation 1, an experienced Barmaid; used ft to quick couuter trade; good references from2pramn situation.—Address Marine Hotel. Mumbles. 2146rl9 A thoroughly experienced Young Lady Desires Re-engage* went as Barmaid aad BooK-keeper, or Housekeeper in in a Family or Commercial Hotel.—Apply D. C., care of Messrs. Peuuy, Booksellers, Frorae. 3182rl5 ly ANTED. Situation, 1. Assist 1. Bar and Light Honse- v v work, Under-Barmaid ..p.,i.d g. 22; good references.—R, Wtsitru Mail, Swausea. Or2? ANTED immediately. Situation as Manageress or Head WANTEDi.m 't 'yi' "'tus"O & B.id in! H ? ,r V.Ulo; accustomed to .-D wholesale and retail counter trude; thoroughly experienced; highest references.—A. B., Raven Hotel, Hereford. trl9 WANTED, i. Town, by Highly R.?.b.l- You., li, ?ti.n as Barmaid in thoroughly exiteriencod first-class ??,Addr.. T 24, WetUm Hail, Cardiff. 2323rtl MALE 6ERrANTS WANTED. IV ANTED, Single Man as Roots and Ostler combined Kami.y and Comiuere^l Hotel.—Apply, stating nge, experience, and refereuoes, Wellington. Brecon. 1633*l6 \V ANTED, a respectable Y. Man as B.4 f* Make Himself Ge.?.11, Useful.—Apply Queen's Hotel. Abrd.r?. a17 Y ?UN?; M-NV-tW. respectable, sharp, intelligent X Voting Man of good appeoranoe Make Himself (Generally V. f.1 I. R?tCell. nd to Serve Drinks for Two Hour. Lally 1. Dini.g-h.11; .gt.e25 ..d board and lgdginp; mud photo.-Ewin. and Son, R.t. rant. Newport. 2l26rl5 WANTED, a steady Single Man, Wiling to be Gen "Tally WANI'llP.. td, :I. Id- 'W?Ui., .,b.?,11? ''I and Abl 1. DI,A,??ly .1 ,l \17 ANTED m on?. a smart lad' to it sfur Skittle Vt Allev,|and Make Himself Generally Unful.-A ly Sjrortsmau Il0.1,pridd. 2262.Z WANTED, an experienced Page Boy; one who has been acc ustomed to waiting.—Apply to Mackworth Hotel, Swansea. 2^5r16 CH'F (experienced, sober, wages £ 2J. good refereooo. pprewarj Kitchen Porter (10s.), Page ('tilllsrds). Can- vasser (< I ary, commission ) Wanted (Oardltt).—45, C'larles MALE SERVANTS WANT PLACES BOOTS.—As Head or SlngL-handed.by exiwrienced Yonng Man, in Family or Commercial Hotel.—Morse, Boots, Abbey Hotel, M&ivern. 2368r2l AS Boots (Head, or Share In Family or Commercial Hotel); well experienced in all hotel duties; good chancier from present and previous employers; aged 28 years.— AddrctS Bools. Woolsack Hotel, Warwick. 2332rl6 AB Nlgvl Porter or B,jot? Cardiff preferred: thoroughly exi>erienced; good references; disengaged 27th.—'T 1, irestem Afa». Cavdltf. 8144rl9 SHOP ASSISTANTS WANTED OOT TRADE.—Junior Assistant and sharp Youth ,Wanted.- Apply Itadford, 7. High street, Swan- WANTED, an ex p erienced Assistant to the (1 1* Provision r- outdoor.—Api ly Mr. T.?7.z a0n1d operjUiv-t Stores, Ferudale. 175&rl6 IRONMONGERS.—Wanted, a Junior Hand,—Apply, stat- ing age. salary, and reference, James Bees, Ironmonger, Peuire Rhond la. 1814rt6 1 \RAPERY.—Wauted immediately, good Juuior U Hand Welsh.—Apply to L. B. Lewis, Morrlston, Swanaep. 1834riB CLOTHING.?.d B ?' -wb". -d i.di o good Juniori n IM t o well tti in I 0tbita boots.—Apply, stating references and ulary. B, Harris, Crown Shop. ADercarn. 1870rj7_ \y ANTED, an experienced Yonng M.. for General Iron- %V A'?%TFD, anperperienmd Welsh; outd-r.-Aiiply. with full Prti(!ulan, to -r. William James, Manchester Na: Q..Y. 8..Ih ?V. 1679rl7 Young Man to Mauage Bvanch v/ shop.-State age, experience, aud how long in Inst I .nation, Gwiljlui Brothers, Brynmawr. BOSSrlO "IVrANTiiES.—Wanted, a Young Lady as an Apprentice -i-v X in Mant e Shi w-room.—Apply to Robert Pln d or, Mmtle 4 tu 23, St, Maryatreet, r if ['2G31rl5 Lady to 8erve Through.—Andrews Jones, N Irt, G 1 ?' OERY.—Wanted, Improver.-Avp)F W, F. LwiiW, lI i. d. W. w P. r. 2125ris GOOD J unior Wanted must be thoroughly used to pro- vision counter; Welsh Indoors.—Apply F. W. Manuer, Abenbre^ 2151rl9 DRAPERY and Outfitting.—Wanted, a few good Juniors. —^Apply, personally, Arkell Brothers, Pooks. Car- dilf. 2l36rl5 IV ANTED, f th.Wh -I.' a.- Y-?' Man ..t ft ui'dir^iand flowers, feathers, strawa, and fanoy trade. —David Davies and «'o.. Warehousemen. Swansea. [~145rl5 Gl" c?;"y Provisions.—Wanted, un experienced ,W.I.Al, U;. 'I I. O. (i? i.ondon Warehouse, Hlrwain. 216<rlH G IIty -.1 Baking.—Improver Wanted for Grocery; r also ?to,,g LI,L for Bakehouse.—Apply, p. ti- cnljra. B. Phillips, I'ontiottyo. 2160rl5 y ANTED, Two respectable Youths; aho Yonng Ladles. '• Appr.-nthea to «he Drapery and Millinery also Iw ,7Apl) y P, Air. Lockyer, Y6 0. 2l68rl9 DRAPEltY.— 'Wanted, har Junior wed to wlndo -All,] !withr..d .1.,y, W. L?wi?, L."d. I T,. l? 2187r20 ()UT 'ITTI?N(.W.I? sob-r Man for Docks ..d Imioor; good rehreiioes.—Davies and "bamood. St. Nlary strest, Cardiff. 2259ri0 ("^ ROCKRY an d Provisions.—Wanted, an Improver for 3 Bran h Shop.—Apply Royal Swrng. Cardiff. [2246rl6 ~~OOD JiiniorWant«d f^Grocery^nd Provisions.-Apply G' J. Williams. 120, Cowbridge road.Cardiff. L^glgrlG GROCERY aud PwieW irade.-A n Assistant Wanted Welsh).—Apply t' Da»ies, Ferndale. 2283rlfl '|M> Grocers ^Waiited, good Provision Hand; also Junior X for the Grocery »»id Provision Trade,-G. F. Thorne, G r o.- e Ac., Maindee, New;>r»rt. Mon, *3l4rl7 ANTED, experienced Youug Man for Carpet Dev art- Vf tneiit —Send fi.ll pr.rticulxri 1. Job. Jd Co., C'-riiil. 22Wrl7 ANTED iimn^latelr. an A»-ista?it for the Pawu- Vf broaing indoors.—Apply, with references, A. 1. Freed- D. I.t.. «74J2L GROI'KRY and Provision Trade.— :Wanted at once, iu the above tiade, A good Junior Assistant aud nn Improver. —Apply, with refereuce, to E. Suyrme, Pentre, Rho.. dda. 1_==== P.?"" i370,21 SHOP ASSISTANTS WANT r'l.ACC.S WANTED, by a highly-respectable Youog 3^'y, Situa- W t],?niu lobaccouifli.'s 1. towu highest reference ou application.—Address T 23, Mail, Cardiff. [2S2i'r2l &I)op assistants, &r. SHOP ASSISTANTS WANT PLACES COTMTLSIWD) ?Fi?? or Bk.,y ?d Grooery.—Yonng Man Wants Situation to M..ag. Branch, lb View to P?,?h- Humphriu. C.- St. C..W, Pembroke. IU?rlT W ANTED, by Yonng Lady, Situation in Confectionery Vv or other Light HusJness; wonld give mmth.-O. James, f, Inverness place, Cardiff. Wld6 CLOTHIERS and Outfitters.—Re-eugagement Wanted by C a Youug Man; good references.—Apply B. B., 13, Salisbury road. Cardiff. 22Ob16 T?ANAQEK.-Aa?tmen'of?a?m'HtMttWtthMto Make an Engagement; -ustomed to the a?ry bu.fneM.F.' S..f"? of Mr. (?l.k, 1, Windsor road, Penartb. 2381rl9 MH.UNBRS AND DRE, KAKER" WANTED TVflLLINERY.—Wanted immediately, thoroughly-expe- lfX rieuced ?" ? L. B. Lewis, Morrlstou, Swansea. 1833rH 0todat oiic%? First Hand; good style and fit.—Full Zu,.uL.. to R. M- Manchea- tor House, forth. 2C52rl7 ?%j?T,I-N =W ..d. thorougbl,tri.b..d M1LJ£ W'PplJ.It.h';r3,If Rees ET" 214 High street, Swanse*. SOi5rl7 W M"JTED, Apprentices to the Dres. aD.1 MauUe Maklu. W AONTED, Apv ;;bt,rud '?'? 19, Westbourne crescent, Cardiff. 2108r\9 !IILLfïf:KR. Wau'ed 0100"" 10od. 6trlf,h Milliner.— AI)ply, perwaally, Edward4 35gosVod'367tTlf- Cardiff. M '3irl5_ Cltifes anh :Managers. CLERKS AND MANAGERS WANTED fllVlL SERVICE Examinations. Ladles and Young \J Men, age 14—*2. Tuition by correspondence. Splen- did recent results: 1,400 successful. Last F.d. Clerks G.P.O., 21 appointments. Lt Pom,lo 8,r" 28 .tTt 00 Last Telegraphs Exam. 13 out of 30, including fir8b place. The INdia" college for laocelll. Guide Ire.OIark' 2, CbaDce",1.oe. London. 38o9d IM¿:)R: Required In :n.jt:ef::f:f 'p''li ''t' tnuntbava had practical experience In surface and underground surveying, and t. Lt.= I-q-1" ed- -Q 2, IFW Cardiff. 9171 CLERK (Junio ) Required, with Knowledge of 0111.. C Wo, t.-?f. ?X*?. 'tt?Unt M.i TV required, J. K. 8t.ol1.A_u..29. High gtrO4? N-7 I?EATM?W.Dteit. '???MM? YMth M Jor i? Ot?t.-AOdKtM R?<. ?M<tnt _M? C.rdlt. M7 T>EQUIRED, by Firm of Shipbrokera, Youth, ?hoU?d?- RE8n.iJlg:f°:"J. "R: .A?,pl, R 217 <>fat7, Cardiff. 2012rl7 Osi'AL and T.leg,Y?u-I -IF Wanted, with Uow ??''?'t?.°'°? '°? and salary, Downs, N- TId.gr. 161,15 W7ANTED, i:oD¡:'1 MM: 19 4.1?k VV Apply, personally, ANMt OoHtert, FmMr?. Rbondd.. M?)S SOUTH WALES and Mnomo'"bohlre O'erks' AMOOiMMn. 0 -EmpWen r<!q?r)nt Clerks are requested to apply to Secretary, 56. Mount Smart square, Cardiff. 2Q22riy qflN?PLATE WORKa?omM?.WMttd. Youth, !tMl8 T ,ean Of w. M M.ke Htn.M)t O?M' Uful; prefe- rence given ODC writing shorthand.—Reply In owu haDJ- writing, stating age, references, and salary expected. Alpha, Western Wa t om?e. Swansea. 218úr26 FFIC8 L.d W..t?d.-Ap ly, by l?tt,?l, to Ho.k.?,??.r. R.d -b.ildi.g.. C?, di' 11. 2175,16 Tv ANTED, a Lad with a Knowledge of Shorthand in a V V y Otho at the Dwk-7A,I; M. Odilf, 9r17 OLBftXB AND MANAQKHS WANT PLACES. ADVERTI.4 R.. R-"gagament, In 80liollor'. O ?. 1.1 G..i,.l ,I.,k. '0011 refe- renm.. 17, -t- a OM., 0;,?diff DVERTISER, aced If. Seeks Emplo,ment Foreign I Corr'I1(louden'; wites and speaks Freuch. German. Spanish, PorltICu"" D.. ,d.all. h,?!u13 chGemam Mail, Cardiff; O! tkbVERTi'BR DI from Three p.m. b.o? -k.o. be generally useful; Agents, l'abt((trG, C. THAVBLLERS, AGENTS. WANTED. 1 \y ANTED. Special Ageut '0 Represent Ouo of the Largest Life In4 Fire IDluraDoe Companies; extra commt l- slon; good opportunity for genuumau to Qualify for inspec- torship.—Address a 16. Ft.9?. Mail, Cdiff os 6 A GS Wauted whole or spare time; large profits; no risk; aaravle pen, peucil, rubber stamp free.— R ioh- ford., no" Hill, Loudou. i I875rl7 t GEN 1' Wanted, ?b?. .UU t-1 the AG1:;lct!Ô;1 T:ere,g do t only tb.ir mer i '4; .1. suited W, Wales; cash t. :;n]¡¿ to :t Ceylon ;te:ti:ï: L".do?. 388M ITRRGETIC Cauvasser Wanted, w sol.oit orders f r B. ??striot rsident vr, Beu,'It; r, -? ed. —Atlaa thi.g Oomp&n" St. ohn's Bq?re C.- djff^ 32 I SRPO RAVELLERWin@dforNor ?(18outh aletoreil TM,t,3 and 011, BILry .,I I lo..I.W.. y required: uone 11111,h1.,g IIrl* 101"tl*l Deel apply.—Address R. 9k..v. 9. New Broad street, Lon d on. E.O. %Doris TBAVELLERB, AGENTS, to., WANT EMPLOYMENT BR:d,8r: Mercbantn.-Adtertiaer. thoroughly B. 'Itge co« necUon th t ho South Wales and ulhahl, ement to Rojim Fi?.,?luq Fim.-T 8: v t¡l:J:¡' 21jgr20 ^ailnetsoips. ARCHITECT and 8urteyor Dwlrea to Furchaie a SUar. A R?nHaI::r'fBfllx:fthP:t':teal.I -Add??. T 17, W, W.ii Cardiff 230idl W ANTED, in th« RUInj Town of O' 'JIM' P. t.?? for a \Vt-ar?-rI' r:terJ:l1 fncturing of 0 irdials and British Wines; must 1*.ti- cal man iu brnch or the other established i. ywa; ?pable of great :r\ena1on showing large ("er, JUfe,tj."tIOD slowed; price for half-share *500; stock *t valuation.—Apply Bradley and Luscombe. Partoer- :kB:g:t:tu ,c:;di:r:t7r- pAW:r):{::d)G:onfJ;I:l of areiii?t? preferred) to Join Advertiser In Old- established Land Agency »nd Surveying Business in County 1ÿ:W;¡::ïõ' &If. prJoo, &0., aPI'11 WJnI, Western MaUOOce, Cardiff. 6502 'V8îli,il" a Situation, mWouidlj),t Moderately seven yean' experience In dry dock w?" and g"-i.; blob. references. ..rdd=R 6. (. Jf? VO4 .,dift. ret;rr' VX OUNG Man aim hate Permanent Poslt on with Maun- faoturlug Concern; able to invest £ 200.—Apply Q 22, Wttltru Mail 0111. Cardiff. 1693..16 iHiSrrUanrous Situation?. SITUATIONS VAOANT. DVKRT1SE&B are Cautioned POll" are ot A,N, to Deliver letters Add,d to Initials or FlcUtfo:N- :;r rX:w;= = to IDitt, or nadt10Ul D"m. mUlt bur tbe a4drea of th? advartinroromeof the Offices of the Western Mllil /CARPENTERS Wanted immediately, accustomed to Re- vv pairing Contractor's Piant.—Apyly to J. T. Jo. Mauager, Ciintrefl Reservoir. (Jwm Taff Bawr, near I.rthyr. 11M Weekly and Upwards realised by either Sex, without £2 hindering present I. simple, Ao., enclose addressed eUYelope, Evans, Watts, .d Co. W 71), Merchants, Birmingham. This is gennine. 169WI W¡o;if.J.bïõft1iõ' Vf -Apply 143. Qiifton street, r'lid. 168tris BAINTEUh.—Aautod, an Impro..r for a Term.—Sute age. wages, wba. can do at ..eh branch of r.d. (one that cau do p?pri??g prefewed), to B..b. W.9- Hi. 8-?, 11"?la VV AGGONEB Wanted.-AppUcatlons, wiih I'll -1 A?:D¿V:ei;CIO:¡.wI1I o:l..p&D. PhlUlpø. G-I,.?. lq.?p-1. *L.. 9m TO Butchers.—WanteYoung Man, Abl" 1.0 lan8hter. W'dl uIU ol ?t1. SShh., -A,Iy with refir^noe, mting ?ges, Hawkins, Tredegar, Mon. lWlrtT ¡ BR:W-;k.lelr;f,:O: Accustcme«l to Brewery Work.—Apply, stating age. B Brewery. ?,.b,. -"Tosuili BoOT T .4u.W..I.I, Rtvetters and Finishers on K??'. ..d W. Nailed W.k.-Ap W. B. Wibell and SOOI, Houth Wales BÐ?,!1Cb&n-=-1?94r17 %V ANTED Imrn.dlat.l" T nman, with Knowledge of Plumbing and GivsfitUng.—Apply D,whlne, and Webb, .,I". -wr. 0,"tti.C.-Apply D.wOt. gfsrl7 rpo Warehousemen.—Wauted. Young Man for Warehouse X and to Drive Ont when required. —State salary, in d oors, H.nd.U and Sonl, Th. J itores, tlau.IJy.L GOOD Man, Well Up in Smalls and Cake; total abstainer G OIU.nI=I:; r.ltla:rld"'r; a comfortable Iltuatton), CoUln.ol, Castle-street, Brt'tol. [dG Ar* TED;ar"abíõ YoUiii;;¡eda\IÕiÎIH or a yem. Porter.—Apply ?b?,tPi.d.1, 13, St. Mary street, Cardiff, 2090rl5 I iyHEELWRIGRT Y ?ated one wutome4 to brickyard w,,r I I" r,?rmd. ?m,6. 1Job but -t-0 men, with :er::J ::øI1:OD:; 't .dtrt. 2twes WANTED, energetlo Yonng Man to Take Charge 01 WANTKD. T.k. Oh= of j soliciting.—SjH, ntttem Mail, Cardiff. .xPørlW;l8ln TWO Pork B,.t?h.. W..td- good laUlle. maker ,,d well up iu mafl goods, the oLber ,Zg."b.' slaughter man good references required.—Apply Woodward, .ft]a ?l street. Swansea. 21QlrI9 tgt. COACHSMITH (good) Wanted; used to tight and heavy !??m .t.ut jo ..d .g.Apl, J. Rey- -M -b-211Irig Ci!OLÇ;je:, I: Cardiff Corporation Require goo<i t wages to good, steady men td. p$r hour "Db daily comfortable buy on worko,-AplJ W the m. 9W WHITELeather-Dresser.—Wauted,a oompetent,steady Man to Tjd., .k. one who oan do bo wet and dry work; permanent employment and ,øod guaranteed to ult%blo man.—Apply Parr, and Bo,'ke, Swan. 21'7r 6 T7ANMAN Required; good wages to flrs^laas man; t must be used to horses.—T. Stevens, 18?, Queen timet, Cardiff. 2158H5 \y ANTED, Man to Drive Portable Engine and Mortar %Hill; b.p. of sharpening masons' tools.— W.11i. Builder. Knighton. 8102r11 WANTED a' n., wood 8h.i,.g Smith: liberal wa, W competent man.-Apply Battani wheelwright, ftc., C'oburn street; Cathays, Cardiff. al8lr!6 TitiGä;i:t Engineer to Look After Compound Engines.—Send zafegences W.U.il Oifl,1154,20 ROcEu'd Haulier. W.td fnw..dio6Ob, a steady 'T Young Man, Used to Hone.õ Ute t.u.laleac.!t!Id wages, Bowen Jqnes, Merthyr. 2\w90 rpo Buicherf.—Wanted, mm"ble Young Man, Shop and X HlaUCbterman good salesman; IDdoor.Appl, B IS, Wester M'<il Office, woft. 43, cB:1:- Ao.-Wanted, 9.1wal go!W Hands, v/ Used to Cheap Suites. Also a Carter, and Several r,,IrkeI'8 and !ø:Pfovell.-Ml1na.,r, W.bí: ANTED, Circular Sawyer ?t,,pt to Pat man.—Apply J. B. J..e,, Bil_4". B.-I P.ntyp,idd. 226or2o ro Bakers.-Wanted, "g Id' Able W Mo?ld Well 1'0 :dklt:&n;tD: :B Dook. lr20 W ANTED, experienced Masons and Carpenters strictly odWr.-Apply D. O?,ro., .11, Cr- mw vXNTED, Yonng Man, nsed.'0 the Baking Business.- Vf AddressT19, V sXern Mall, Cardiff. 2?U3,21 BAKERS aud Onufeotioncrs.*Wanted, aa Improver.— Apply 38, l?wis.tm ?ram%D. 23I6rl7 VV Baker's Improver; must loolc after pony and W A:ri4 B,f:ï'W; =f: Ker week 'n:'ll=I=::t'al, r.3é:- Jauager, Temperance Htl. Mountain ARh. 235 £ rl7 /COMPOSITORS.—Turnover Wanted (News ) piece; must CO.:I.°l:i,f, o/.¡fe: õB7 Dock N*wi, Cadoxtou-Burry. ^52«1_ WVT ANTED, a goo<l Rack-sawyer.—ApplyRobiesoo, David, and Co., Cardiff. 2342rl7 W4Nï¡iö;Oï:r"1I08d BääOI..n aDd FinWi WANTZD,f,eox urdius U?bJue?Apply ltobl.X-l .ad Oo., C.,did. 2341r27 ROOERY.-W..t.d v c Mbn to ii, Gand A.Wt W::l-!rn:W': li= T,ud,. K Arl6 rro Bskvn.-Wa.wd. a strong L.4. Able to mw4 We 'llU at:Sw.rt' :'I: BritooFerry. 2380,17 IT" 91ad J.I.- a' once constant omiiloj- -\V;, no ø;: 8_1 _Jf.rd, 2!2- BITPATIO NS WANTH1 on Situation us Miliar; used to stones E. t. i¥listtllaneou0 Situations. SITUATIONS WANTED [Continuedl. OADDLERS.—Situation Wanted as good General Hand; 0 references abstainer age 24.—Address Fleming. Saddler, 37, Rother street. Strati ;rd-ou-Avon. 2>17rl7 sfff&ft. polish?r Requires Situation; understands aU ldnds 01 .mor, bobbing; good character.—J. Bord- niau, 116, Ohapol. New Treder.. Mfrl6 BAKER Disengaged on 19th; well ap in bread, cake, and BAfnI':ènlr.PI ;n"t'hk=ir: !\Ierth,r. 23«r17 10 B?ddl- ..d Ha..?. Man Requires 'r o:íig:,H;ir:t'f.PÕ'11 Omce, O..ltf. ''? 2334rl7 H .URDRESER. good experion? ? Gentlemen'4 Hand. Seeks Sitnation; can .tart from next Mond"Ple. X.IS?L ly! i'? Tudor roI4, C..rdl!. (2319rl7 BAKERS and Confectioners.—Wanted, a Sitnation as B k- A-EERB V-.?,d C.,?flio,?-W..td. twenty years' AH-,o..d FE.di tw?.ty ?..r.? fence street. Brynmawr. 2190rl6 TO Bk-W-t*d, gimtf.?, Fim or Single w,H np r In bread and .V, Olt 88.—James, 40, High ?tr. Bleanavon. 2201r20 Vb G MaD Seeks Situation in Warehouse, or as Haulier.—Brooks, 1, 01.4.to. t-"W% Grangetown, O.Miff. grig Bl8adl, Prao..1 K- Etq.i- a" i.. ? Foreman A opV?.; ?o<?etereMt.-?mS&R' 19, ° W. ?". C.diff. UW17 TO Bakers.—Wanted, Situation as First or Single ;we)l up Toboth bi ohmoutdoor; age 27. Flannel- atreet, Abergavenny, 2001,17 apamncnts. APARTMENTS WAWTBP, U*tTRNI3HED A?rtmentA (RaPOrIO ) Required by a JP GenJeDl¡u): Roat.h preferr..1.-Ap¡d1. stating tr- inclusive, Q 7. W-It. Mail OM. Ord,iF 169 15 "ANTED, C omfortable Furnished Apartments In the W ??Syr??!?'?? UMt?!??Mferw). Add. R 1, Western Ma.1 Omce. Cardiff. 17,2rI6 1 A'ANTED. Apartments f" g'0 Gentleman, within W .:J::io'=:fJiO':I: It:: preferred.—Apply 8., tl, Gold Top% Newport. IMlr'7 FU:N;.H: 'anM::IJ: to St. Amlrew's-dquare or Salisbury-road.—Address 8 24. JVI?- MIil. C, 2137r16 SWANSEA.—^1-odgingsT—Wantet!, "itting-room ana Befl- room (Faruishe t), in tue Neighbourhood of St. Heleu's- road, ^orthaml-w>•place, or Grove-place.—Apply G. H. Strjck.22. Wind street, Swan. 92 7 Fd Bd _W..t"df7 Single Gemlemau; neighbourhood of Ro*th r T.- <!e:TTi)? ?eter?"*Xd?? T 13, W.1e". .MM. Car- dii. 2v34rl6 A PtB'l7sJ:1'=- A :th-attdat-r<x)m "tl mu?s _?Ad lmZ00t4to,Ab.or terDll, 1:0.. t<. T 16, W_. Mail, (3-tin. 22L9rio TANTED; Sitting and Two Bed Room. for WIdow, requiring attentive can', and'for 800. dining OU'- "ddr, T 18, We»teni Mail Office. Qard'ff. 2292rI7, APARTMENTS TO LET. MU:}r?:eol.r Two Bedrooms; splendid view clean, oomfortable: very reasonable.— Miss Michael, 2. Cilfton Cottages. Mumbles. 2272x Q COMFURTABLE Aparlmtnuo lor a.uUtm.o or Two Friend.; near town moderate terms.—8, South Ln on place, Adamsdown, Cardiff. f?103i)9 CO:ft3:¡: for a Gentle- man, at 23, Dumfries piaoe. 0. piano, hot aud cold b.th. ,OM oki.g..?d attendance. il619 CARDIFF.—Front Sitting-room and Bedroom; 00m- fortab y famished; hot and eold bath; moderate terms. -luquire, 54, Oicnroyetteet. Roath, Cardiff.. 1808r16 Oyf I'albot U.I. Cardiff,-Comfortable, pleasant A 34"l'I;IO:go:=b-=I.:r. for two or three gentlemen friends; terms moderate. [rl6 Talbot street (off Cathedral road ,Cardl(T.—Well-furnished I, Fron' 8IU!u,-room. T"o Bedrooms; 'DlSable for Lwo gentlemen or three tri.,?d d,,r ?W? 167 «rl5 PARTMENTS L. for Gentlemen; .0d. t. A P:í :-eaI:'i:r 2:ï;t=1i:1TA- .ude" QtrdHT, 1837,17 5Gu$Uiford-cr«eoeut, Cardiff, near Tart, Rhymney 5, Stations.—Comfortable. WelHnrnished Front mT': or Three Bed Rooms. suitable tor Two or Three Gentle- me.. 1_11 EN'ARTH.—Lansdowne Private Hotel and Boarding ],,I& Extensive ob.l 'I.w. B.pri.r a- modation. Moderate charges. Special terms to permanent residents. 3205d ftmmseg. DWEU.tNfl-HOnaES WANTED WANTED, to Rent, with View to Purchase, convenfent VT Country Boo18. f." miles from Cardiff: close railway station preferred.—K11, Western H.U. 0."di 677,16 W' ANTED to Rent, or Purchase, small Cottage in or nor W Ä!el:o nii;O¡:iizr Car- diff. m N..Dm.- laeirift WANTED, to Purchase £ 2,000 worth Hon* Property ln Cardiff; Graogetown or Canton preferred.—State ,?v,m and particulars R 13. WaImo M.,¡l, Cardiff. 1646r11 W A.NTIM. Rent, either now or within lb- -I f- W to. {: Hua-h¿bbr:' = na far t 6%.?io. and ?l'?h? How? aet. of 0,,?did.- Addrm 9 M !tg?t" Mail. Q»xd\a. 20S4rl9 HOUSIC Wanted; neighbourhood of Llandaff, Canton, or Roath; thl o- and small garden.—J. Hcwe, St. Bede'a Vilia, Liantrissant. 222?rl8 DWBLUNQ-HOUSBS TO BE LET. 1ARD1FF and PENAKTH.—Residences to Let. nee C!M :lï'&e,r,l'. ee SOUTHERN DOWN.—To Let, from It octoi?i ?Pur- 0 nibed Cott"% facing eea, containing two sitting- rwma., with piano, o. be& good wil := a:i>¡'Ii't., 'raJi, Cardiff. 8679. B AGLAN 80m: B?itn F8I17, w¡\b ucelleDI ,ordeD I a"d vinery, commanding a flue view of th. Bril,ol Channel, to be Let, with immediate possession.—Apply to W. H. Hunter, Esq., Briton Ferry. 6734 fa Coustelbition street; newly decorated throughont.— 529?. A B. on ,b.4 E-t?t ,u d"- Cdiff. 17?Ogria TO Lt, 4, Park grove, 6 bedrooms. 2 reoeptlon-rooms. b.th-' good garden .d -,bwlai cl se lo ,r.. "ud T.V.R.-For =t 4c., aDpl, Rich., P. Kl:.mick, 10, Llanbleddiau «.r,\oo.. Cardiff. 1718r16 W'ENTB IDGE. I To Newport.-Thr? Sittin? t th(hot.?d,*14,yl, t?o kitchens on ground floor; good cellars; two w.c. *s: garden. to o;or.;);X;It:rtwn:o.'l M15a. j£1?:g,= W I..tbW diup, iWd7w orchard (in ll about one acre ) .1 stable, coach-hoate. hrøe8S.roomf and 10" t .hoW &be Baub of the River W'o: spleudid ibbing; mt Ð2: two minaw from Tinto% W, _R IV. Hit Cardiff. )s8kl7 80:'jL:'l1=:1 uninterrupted eea views, ad or Unfurnished, or t. b. 8"1,1 a pretty De'bed R?Wd. lb- ti?? mk d.= lanndry, stabling and groom's room, tennis I.wa: moderate rent.—Apply w. and B. Hero, Cardiff. 9267 '1'0 141 (Immedl.te _Ionl. R-el- H-, 94, N.w :E-i. large .ardon.-Appl, Mr. ft.$, Chemist. < :iilton Itreet, C.rdI". 81iarlO A Lady 0"- eomfonablo Conatqo Hnm. 1Ad1. good air: prl. _undl: near ennrch aad .tetlon.- Mn. Bry. 'Li uh.ptw. 21tk2o PO:'r: .t¡': conveniently situated seven rooms; bo bth- g.%?;A%? Thomas. Mill Field. M74r20 I:r gr'I.I. i. rate Rent, from December 1, a Large Famished House, standing in 1- Own Grounde overlooking \b. Valley of the U .11. nw Station.—Addrees R. 0., Messrs. Md's?d? Stationer*, Ab-C-1-F- 236l'3L CADOXTON.-Vill?. to Lt: -td b-t"Yl. rentals.—Evans dR' House ana 1l!8l'Ah=:C'\tØl, o6rfr_" OWBI.I.1NG-HOOSES TO BE SOLD. rpENBY (Brighton ct Wth?.-For 8" NfM-toom =qBY BnA=; d's ?W b"? .ode r.llold buJ\d .round 0- BoutJ¡ Bo&Çh; torUl' mode- fTr"h.Wld ?bh?Joldpi2tHo = Tht 1593,15 lg:W';orBos' To:¿. P R,,o- and Six Rooms respectively; all tenanted; near ..Also Confcotloner a -ho= House, wi.h gooa Ba_ehoQ,le. om. Pgr,bg?4?l. t'OB at(;oi." Bo- in Keppoch-street. opposite J:' the MaoUal"ah Institute, containing Nine Boom. and Bath-room (hot d oolJ) ,"Ir"oo of the purchase mone, can nm:¡lu on mort.4S.- æpJJ 0, Beames, Con- S2?.*??. ?&?r?. S??'?M. ""i?t? 1'0 be Sol, a"l1loa It, oil Calhedral Canton, T o b:9 ;1i,11 ?b, rilt Howes; hot .?d cold bat"" ?ith .11 modern '?''°'* W. Odi, 57, Hamilton street, CardUI. 201..17 Fo B 8&lo. ge?m Small Vin Gle street. Mackin- J? tosh e;IW 10 4} "rore\ *pp)y?.MM!?t<& pi-, i. '° 2006,19 f LANHARRAN, Llnptrissaot.—i"wo 8lJ-fOOmed H.u- Xi .4 Do], for l,t. It5Z a month.—Apply JoMjA P*?. D<& U?A'S!<m. °*°° "Mr? \,f ONMOUTHSHIRE.—Foy Sale, the QreM How itX Estate, containing IN&. 21. 22j?,.ftuatafti the PuiBhes of U,, Fil?lomw ?an4 Liantrissant. din?nt about two .11- :0:'II'D of '\r.J:p:l; il:'°sI: Land Ap.t. R- d. 9231 1 A and i, R?lmk week Temperanpetown; 99 10 :mlli9':i:I' 19"I; .J close execution accounts.—Terms apply Clarke and Dovey, 31 7(I..? trt, C-dJff. 9 89 ~ENARTH.—F^rSale, No.H.Owf-?-Vtt?t; WtU- P~ built honse, two reception-rooms, five bedroom. and dretstng*rooms, hot and eold :l?l.. to..?th.d? mod.m improvements.—Apply 42, Salop 1ace, Pe?Mth. 23ór21 BUSINESS PREMISES TO LET. AB;v?,I;o: 8a, P.1 A. \ion: mitin street aad eutranoa to town.—H. Jones, AbenToo. Luole nX nO Let, good Honse and Large Draper's Shop, lfourishing 1 town AbttMcn low rent: immediate possession.— AL,d, Job. Davies. A6.,o.. Isola Tboutatkn, I)Tapm.-Ho? and ShopI good T?<)Stt<X?'tM?'SS?' tt?!!M 'f "ok ópüoua1.iš:ir bmtm.M. TmdM M*d. Owdild. ""rt7 •ftQUflB and Sbop to It 1. Stnon gtreet.—Apply 10, H Windsor M)S)*<<.Doc? ntSt? IWlrIS IAXTfilkSIVB Shop and Frtrntm h. Let tpBti?e MrMt. U 'dr.=.J'" How n4 Estate Agents, OtM-tMtb&MuchtM. Ot'Sa. HMrM ^1 to Grocers, Draper*, Ac.—A very prominent, well-built, ?momdio? rner "3¡'opA'HE:edr iwna e?M;lv[d& L, aig%t*d In Gadl,a road, An, BW .?*' o<)S<*)et! M t<Mt' tfoc<r)_b))<h)g*t woprletor «*d: ttood opmtM.-Apptirto JoonPttM. WMt<tfM<tnB. Aberdare. _—— "18 FOR Sale, < r to Let, Home and Shop on main road. F6''j?o. -d! ?ot.. ° Mt bx&M.-AptttJMtph Poulton, Butcher, rontnewydd. 2116rl9 fTM Let, b ?ot<mbt)-.SpMtoa.N<opm< PrtmhM; Mtt. w. ,,=?.d%? n-? 4 rV= W.- port .?iubt. for aoy business.—Apply Mr. Buø, Nit". ?M?<??<)M* Newport. Illb;o OPE-STREET.-ToLet. Stable or Warehonte.—Apply Richard England, Wod Dwk, Oardiff 36tl mO be Le', cb.ap. I'relDlen door 10 Ubw!1 Club, T'J?w t?Mt.?. !??'36,"S?pXt? ?<. *M*'j)t? I Cï'1õNVENIENTl'nmboo to be L« or )M< in W. u _to comprising two .bo" kitchen, large club-room, t!t ))t<iMem?°'b<ttm?°tc.°'l. Le??M* Rwp?t*SS? RoMh. OMdtt. MttM CORNER House and Shop to Let, In flourishing district ër..Ïf:fl:P a :Irl Mai', Cardiff. 2218r20 r|M) Let, Shop and Premises. No. 8. Bridge street; imme- X diate poesesilon; rent, £ 60.—Apply ?' Solicitor, 2d, Trlni'y-street, Cdiff. 2108d7 coODIO a 8 P, t4 CeUMt. to Let ln the Centre "f .T.?._I, ey. ch-).t, I,-utyp!tod cto T7" ALUAULE Long Leasehold Premises, Occupy ing an lm t portent and .I pd t the Bq .1: Car- dlff.Îeuw. 8teDb8DIOD ..d ,le:iIiDt. fuYlte Tenders for Ihe whole or pan of 0 term of about 60 nn.-xptred, at a ground rent of £ 8 per annum, for the valuable Comer r:o::u: =. B:ofj. diff facing the end of JameMtreet, leading to Clarenco Bridget w»h a frontage to But^road of 90ft., and another to ?S!ptM.?!)pp'S'K*S'?S'KK!?!h. Md' se'"? of ?S t)<BM'? a depth ofabont 36ft. The building has re- cently had a consi derable sum of money expended upon it. and occupies one of the most central and commanding pod- :r:.ucr' rtiEhIra:. offices, agJ .ti eaaily be converted into other business premises; but. how- ever employed, wonld prove a valuable Investment. Farther particulars may be obW?.4 U..U.? to Stephenson Md A?MMSX 6, HMt?tttS?Se. 9020 H-OPNTUE1'TOLol,ø" or WtMhoatt.-tpr? XX Ri?h.,d IDO.k,,t Cdiff. 2299rtO BUSINESS PRBM1888 TO B8 SOLD BARKY DOCK.—Several Bbope for Sale 10 Hollon road B A.,ITho,.I. t,e*k :L. tf1. UHolt- I.d can be obtained on application tD I..M U?t. Xt. Extara Akouts nud Auctfoueerø. Poole-obamberf, Holton roa>B D< cli, .ud., Ban-y Doc.-ohambtr.. Vera alree.. ??tJ?B.t?. t y *Sy OFFICER TO LOT. TO Let. Excellent Oiffces, over the National Provincial BAhk. bt. Maryatreet, Cardiff, anel known as f. Mary's Chambers.—Apply SlepbeDlOa a04 Alox^n^er. 5. Hlgh-tUcCt, Oardif lUll. oremioto. TO LET (Continued) t-Vi?go?d f.dm.. m.Pp", J Anderson, Offl?? %00 !?:t4 And t4 0 aterprwf m K)?ttT?? ?'r?° _—— ° ?" ?ilmr,oo ''ul?ite-chamber3,Biite T ?Mh.' ?M-'M.-S? J. H. 10illas and 'Oo.?H. T)ie k.haD'" 22Or2O- public Rouses ano businesses praUOHOUSBT FOR DISPOSAL. THE RETREAT, Wine and Ale Vaults. Blackboyhill, Durdham Down. Brist* 1; 0. of best licensed houses in district; ftulat proofs; Iplandld counr t.A.; extra" ordinary prodt6 eleven bargain to Immediate nurchaserj 1UJh required £ 300.—Downing. BriaWl. 2075r19 »)d*>ND Issue, Post-free Established 1845. -.Th. 'po ;ub,, -W V?i u?r. Li,d A-? tion?er, Fellow Anetiouam' Institute. 1, lei. 8tre:t. Bristol. Lori." punbed 'i'' .&.d. Geuum. Family and Commercial Hotels. Spirit Vault., ReHburäDtB, Country Ions with land, Beerhouses, Breweries, Temperance 0 1. 1 1.. Grocery. D.y, g. T. =I, :ro=is=TË:i; S<mr)pM<m. St'C M'?XSo. ho'°" *?"°"<- VehMttoM. U." hales, per^ona t y conducted dlstanoe Immaterial. Twent,.lhe ,ean' practioal experience. No lIch offices. No nu on with of %be Bri.Wl advertisiug agents. 2o7dr! 9 t?HEAMHMAF SPIRIT VAULTS. Homthfr. Bri.Mi. t djoi. facmg arcades; loug known as 0aV s of ?°' ?.?Sr ??'?rt<it'<?tt'?S 'thm tn??r? ,eara: b&nd.ome modern premises; rent £ 450; fDcomlur £ 450; part advanced.—Agent. 0 0 0"1.g, I, 2M7rl9_ "rtO" Bristol. 77rlg BR?!íY;{; 0,-ni.W S?pirl 13 exclusive counter trade; paying b.-n ..4 dit? I.. '10' -"t"' r"' £ 100; bUilu. man O&n 1000 take Zo weekly.—Downing, 'Hotc) 'V?!" ?rSS. °* *°' 78rl9 NEAc't]\<j tewold Hills.-Superior Full- ll licensed, deliglitfuily-situat^d Boarding-house nd Hotel; always oertalu of excellent trade; not £ 50; ,ti- '.d..d to £ '200.—Downing, NeØon stree Bri.Wi. M?9t? J Cö.. Inns, with 10 to 80 Acres Land; Several Hou.. I on. ? leth.,r..I Somersetshire, Wiltshire, Devonshire.—Downing. [308Crl9 A 1IltX:K,bI;a' the Old ?.tabl ishe4, Full-1 ?ximi. Free How known 88 the Porter awrel4 situate in Cross-btreet. containing bar. parlour, smoke-ro m, kitchen, bmwhouse (with ecel1('nt br,j l?lu,,rg ?:?tl?? wd?llmr., ? club-room, four bedrooms, :e:ii'opll gc:lar T1:rclJ-{r:'trg( the town, and is entirely free and doing an excellent trade. The .nt tenant h.. I. ? tg? h.- t.1 w rental.— v?, full P" timlo? apply w P. Morgan, Auctioneer, Abe gavenny and Pontypool. iú99 A BIVil' TPl:t Full-licensed Corner U..I, clo*e to the t'I BAI., Park (pleasure arOUDiS). containing billiard and commercil rooms, bar. b,, parlour, two kitchens, eiaht bedrooms, underground cellar, CODf8nJeDt ,Md, with stabling for fO horses. The house is doing a fast increajlng uiWe. aud wouB u >t MID the market only through death of wife.-F" parti?.l.r..?"F to P. Morgan, Auctioneer, Atrg.?d? P..?Y-1. 9100 COUNTRY IuD, with Two Aeres of spiend d Orcharding, Qardeu, 8tabling. Piggeries; insoiog only £ 160.—Tebbs, 83, Old Market-street, Bristol. 1714rlS ARGAIN.—Nob c Corner Beerhouse, taxing £ 17 weekly every investigation allowed; same tenant thirteen years; only £ 90 cash r.qut,ed.-T.bbl, above address. 1715rla /i»A O;bDA trJ[; with good dWOvP Stabling; doing .1. td?; ?rr f.rbl? home exceptional opportunity for young beginue*» — Apply Tebbs. 171'rl GRAND Pnlly-lioi3ad House; best po.itioninbriatol; Gmet. h.gh £ J0 cash required wonderful ChODce fo, bn.ln. peop\Awb Tebbs. 17l7rl5 TO Let, H,, Fitted Dnub1..¡lceD..d H,,ti; coDl'" TO .,C irdiff? lease; large ..de. equaif to f,(,I«JiJo:nk,Íie I Ht. AfarI8tret, O.rdUf. 20 1 Sr17 GRAND. Double-lloenso<l Hotel to Let, 10 01018 proximity Gto Dowl 1. W ork., Caral ff (I enormous trade 0fto.e,, b,I, -kly.-6lfl.a Biackburne, abovn add ress. 2016rl 7 |\i EAR Centre of Cardiff.—Great Bargain.—Cood Donble- lt licensed House to Let.—Gi'I and Biackburne, above ad<1. 2017r17 ri"'o-Let, C."t,. f 0.,diff, H.DdaoméïJ-iÚIedSlniÍl.- I. .a P.b"?huqe; lease U y?; n.-o. trade.—GUi and Bl.?b ?rt b. dd-. 2013'17 T TNU8UALOpportoniiy.—Famous Railway Spirit Va_ul_ts tTsug" uA"L ,W, "6, railway station, .r i,p-l through IU-. at'noU.. b..F.; four ?l?b. held. C.h required, ,-Aprl, 'I%b* a Old J(ar"t. Bristol. 2003rl7 /CARDIFF.—A Rare Chance.-Free Full-licensed House to v Let in the Main Thoroughfare; d.i., pr-f tld. of *M weekly at f.li ?,? rent ei incoming £ 1,300. .;t. tb, "I. ?C.,diff fii¡ Bradley and Luscombe, Bvewery -d Hotk Valuers. Tower- < hambers,_Chnrcn street. Cardiff. 2l05rl5 TO Let, the O..ttU Coch Inn, Tongwynlals, with Lease.— Inquire on P",wlae.. 206<rl9 AVERLBY DINING-ROOMS, Commercial 5'N: ,.0 consisting bar, 11,,In, Ight, nom., a* A ,mUll concuo i eTe",thing £ 60; reuon for leaving, taking ?'.tb., business out of 0-. 2118r19 /GENUINE Roads'de Inu; folly licensed; facing foar VX main cross roads; Idd .? k'h.bblff.Wla[,g, d d. "k'1: rlod, "r! -4 Uo 10, olare-etreet, Bristol. 2153rl9 W-ÍLT8BIR&8ï;i.nds-¡¡-I'u'b-lle'1I- Ko. In ft Town; doing good trade; thoroughly flll.tlbd throughout; pony and W.0; Vp 'I, ;,a.10,? cb,, FHEB OutrdoorBeerhouse ..d G, Business; doing sound trad.; low ftIlt; price Yr?2oi CIa,. atreet, Bristol. 2l55rl9 lyii.TSRIRE, near 8atemake Forest.—Splendid OM- \fîI¡;'H:{ ZdHo-; doing b..W-fd 11,gho. valuation only; lure to ..U al 0.0&1.10, Clare .t, Bristol. S156rl9 WO T- Fall-licensed Public-house.—Apply F. Kleboll& X ,U. U?. MUl otmt. At?MILm?.Y. p2196r2o X} fi/ji )u Required.—Attractive. F.Ily-Lf ?d i. tSo ':r wla?,? ';lrtI;[";ld :r: thousands people parsing d"UJ': t,.d.' about fSO monthl" under iufee? M-.S..ent.-G.g., NjobolM Ut, Brie- tol. 2253,20 HER an Oppovtnnitv.—Pretty Indoor Beerh< use; trade aiproaches £ 14 weekly; small amount of capi- tal 0Ii1r l'«IoIr8<l.-0. Nicholas street, Bristol. [2264*80 T)RETTY Outdoor Beer Business; no grocery or general; X tr .dtf. £ 20 weekly; greatest bargain In the market.— Gage, Nivholas-streei, Bristol. 2255r20 1^/4/~k Only; rent, £ 6; trade. 16 kils. mouthly: pretty Indoor Beerhouse; splendid business neighlxmr- hooo; nicely furrished house.—Gage, the Ldi g H-?l :I'¡}c:.uo:-UuïZ:'NfI::a.:t, brol, Co. I Gr#osm /SlJFTON, as.-AD exceedingly pretty Pob'lc-house; Vj trade approaches £ 30 monthly-; good profits.—Gage. The PHncipal Hotel Valuer, Nicholaa street. JJ: J5257^r20 /"16UNTRY rDf:J:ë:n;: v^/ licensed; nine acres splen lld pasture land, nice garden, stabling, piggeries, fowl runs; price. £ 600; pal' eed if required.—Gage, Nlnbolas street, Bristol. 2269M BUSINESSES FOR DISPOSAL. SM.IuC"i:' Patent Fuel Works F., Sale; new inaoblnery. In flrst-claas -.digo rai l way aiding.— MApOpMl7 y No. 4,466, al Look.. Ad, :i 0.FA11= Mou. 2127ris (I ENUINE Btulnass, Ontaire, Ao.; lock-dp ship ill- (:J ffl.:I.¡,; "u,n 10, Qu..u .t Arcad.. ?Wff. 2CiWr15 FOR Bale, a Pork Business; a l':l:;f'Jot.¡.jf,ôj: about entering into badness; doing 10 weekly, bMI4ee offalis ud ..all .-Jlor oulan apply Henry Bnrton and Ci) Busiuess Brokers, Mili-lane-chambers, 0, u;.to P.L-A i"h,p L?k 6, Wy?db-11779rl6 17H)R 8&1., & IWrdre"'iu, BuÏiÕeù, IIng Fi?,1:?1, JC Ladies and G..L.'T,.d.; b., position in N..p.rt. satisfactory causes for leaving.—Apply Jones, Western Mail Office, Newport. 2120x19 bl. F.rni.hi., 0 lrouDlouc.Fnr DI._ a Protltable Fn,nl.hiu. Business, situated in the neighbourhood of 'ensln works stock about £ 700, which ma/ be reduced; good J!.nd" rent !OW.-API']y 11 Kicbd. Pardoe, Ironmongers' Vainer, Aberdare. Bluluea;es r&luimd, and others for dis- "I 23:,1"21 STABLES, Ac., TO LET. cOAC -HOUSX&ndlb?0118 I. to Le' (.1?h i.- mU,e poqealou) at Back of Fitzhamon^mbankmcnt. —Api ly "Our Bo, St. Karr .eet. Cardiff. n8r::O aTiBLB8"WANTBD. /COVERED "hi&-w..tl. I.t. fsb?,1. suit- Kj able W DDI aDd traps.—Allot Furnishing Compan" 8, Jobn'. C.1d It. PL 221?4 W'"ANTED, in a oonvenieut part of Canton, a Four or Fir*tailed Stab e. with Coach-house, .^addle-room, 4c,: also with good yard referred.-Write, .Itine all par- tloulars. T 16, Wrslem Mail, Cardiff. 9295 ia no* AGRIOPLTURAI. LAND. TY-rJ.WYD 'ARM, N.tb, To be L-i'l; 70 I So aeres; good prospect, with large oomlDI: OD: dc:üra:c-,P=; ::r to I Jtherwt", new out-booses^— Apply at the above pbe, or to Ir.John Reea, Oil Market street, Neath. 1539 ¡" -6. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. /"IENTLEMEN*Sand Ladles'Left-off Clothing nought, m VX towp or country. Orders promptly attended B.'?gh 8. Beer. 8. 1"'011"1" (Jaltl.h..J 11,14 !6S"I T EFl'-OFF OfAlTUUS.—Mr. aud Mrs. itmldy. cannon 1J£"N,(,ll*: &Ur::rtlIYt:;II! UeuUemeu a Wearing "p1, Cc. AU orden. pmictai&tU a twndxt 'II '11 ■■■ •■QMiif.ry. oHres glrwi. •'47 T-õi'ïi Q.1h. go.,hl by Mrs. Carter, 46, 11 F- Roath, CardJrr, wb9 CAn .ite lULU. factory prices for Ladles', Gentlemen's, and Children's Clothes, Lineu. Gloves, B-.? Miscellaneous Articles; terms .?h; pout-office order per rtQru for p ..11 .A. k.p, tf 11 price .4.ar! .'ill.lum "ricci, priw&W. 315301 WANTED, abou t 60 Ton. f Old Cast-iron Fir-bar', suit- \V A: ballast.—Price and particulars irr.a¡f:e:t Mail, (1?rdiff. I IPEBOATfl Fitted Complete, us required by B.T.; .11 I ,I:?DJ.ïtt:¡'b:II..alr'c 8"an8O&. 1824rl6 NEW Milk Wanted, daily; ariy quantity; state price for six or twelve months.—Address Dairy, Wester • Mail, Newport. 2022,1 \TRS. D. GORMAN, 7 and 8, Bridge Rf\;?r!i Wani!.obe!II.bll'_1.3.119- iJX Purchaser of Ladies', GeutlemenV, and Obf'dreu's JADIE^ and GentlemenVCait-off Clothlpg Bought; best J price ."Q: orden prna¡\t1, ..t.tendu1 lo.-A.ddnu M. _.118, BinD .t, Oard.a. 2248r20 GENTLEMEN'S and All Kiid. of LI?ttoff Cl,tbl? VX Bought,—Orders promptly attended to by Mrs. Gr"D, 32. Caroline street, oardla. ¡Id IX/i^TSD,a Second-hand Sausage Machine .d F. W )(i ;I o:I)pI"nŠt::I "Jo&tJ W.bb, Bntcb.r, Oaerfomi. t3Ur11 dre«s, statiug lowest price, V 5, WesUrn Afcu^-O^ r* l>RBEOHKS 'frees.—Wanted. Breeches Trees.-Address, Stjng o?.t pri V 4, .I- ?.9, Cardiff. 9304 BOOT Itaeg.—'Wanted, a Pair of Boot Trees; size seven, iR di owet prim V 3, O.t- M.il. Cardiff, "OS WANTED, Two <>r Three H«?onil'hand Oftim D?k?.- W 4íQ¡¡T:'¡¡nIDrt:I¥'tl,°Il!:t,Ü: Cardiff. 2327,,? TKTANTED, a V." Moont 8tua,t DlJ Dock B" Sh. Vt DO; priuciimls onl1 treated ,,11h.-A4dt T U. Jfu^KaU^Ciwdlff. 23"1 MIStJELLANEOqS SALES ll/fANUFACTURER. H.rd., off.. h. 0.. Good. iVX 4" from the I;x?. at Mill Prices, vis. Ser g es. Fancies. Cafiimeres, Beiges. Meltons. Mantie 01. PatLen. free 08 application. Save &11 intermediate pro" Special of Dress Meltons, all shades, at 4d. net yard. A!ro'?MA*'NOVAt,'TUILICII. irKil." 'ÑËtiK LEEDS. 78200 IT AT for Sate.—Apply Whltehttrch Vicarage. — Car- XX diff. 236Sril i^LAV Pipes.—Six Orou Best Clays. Stamped Name and v> Address, 10a.; samples, pogt Lwd 3d.—Corooran. Manu- factnrer, Lamb .lllOt, Bristol. 2365r26 GAL ISBIMCorrusaUd Iron Roofing Sheet*.—Large VX ,out, .33'dd. MCit; 6(t.. I$. 6d. ?L-b7ft.1& lod. f?h; gft? L. id. eacb; H | 2. 64..h; I ? t., ,6.h. Goliani?4 RJdgiag, Outten, and DOwn 8poutinr. Nail., go. Wh.6 and all Materials for Fixing.—Can be inspected at Bruce and Still s, oo.. for Irou Roofs and Buildings, 1,K- 8,HI,4, Q- Dock, IAWvoW. 6329 rpo Dsalerf and Others.—Grand Lot of Real <Hd Oak X Furniture, beantifally carted, not foreign imitation, IlIdnchna one of the bea& lkI.board, la Ba,lap4 —Edcs s old i'nrioslty Shop, Newport, 2222r20 1¡[J:¡:¡ tI:J.1!I=, P»:1r:lf: b.91 w., T 9. -1 .,t" "1 11 0111. "or. -¡8lr2Q mSOBLLANBOPB 8AI1ES .Continued) CX)R EW.. C.-gld I Hay Shed, 76f, by 15ft. W 15ft. acati, new; cheap.—J I-, TYt.7?. N.,l 110 21C7m tX)R Sale, Three Chip Potato Machines, with isteit l m- X provementa.—Apply of the Manufacturer, E. Thoaiks, Mount Pleasant, Swansea. 2038r24 SINGER Improved System Hand Sewing Machine, with cover cost £ 6 5s.; sell 67s. 6d.; faol less, new; sent on approval to any address, safely packed cash wanted.—R 23. Western Mail, etrliff. 2042r24 ~~EED Wh..t S..d Wheat! !-Web"'s New Red HibTTT S Ki. Sq., r? H..d, 4s. 6d. D,? b.h.L-Appi, H M' ?bly F?-, Car dIll. l70lrl5 FORITi..r .?d 1.. 1. 1 l1 T.V R. Main L'u. Bridge near Hfd 8.ti. now being renewed,—Particulars G. Palmer, Contractor, N eath. !71QrI5 17*OR Sale. Second-hand Beer Engine; maker, Palmer, of X Bristol.—Apply at the Lion Hotel, Bridge street. Car- diff. KOOrlS I^UR Boa.—Lady has for immediate I, ]Di"'i. Real Russian ..r B ut, very d<rk brown 10ft. long; immensely :oil ,7L sacrifice for 19s. 3d.; perfectly new.—Can be seen b, writing Q 1. Western MaAL FOR Sale or Exchange, a Boot-repairing Maohine; also Parrot Cage.—Apply H. Williams, Rotunda Boot BRICKS—The Cit?hilly ("0 1 C?.P.-Y (Limited) are Manufacturers of B'ff U'l?" ..d ?,, B.? -q-lit,. Prices on application. 1887 FjHTRNISM ou our New Private HlreSystem.—Hqutn W..i X Famishing Company, 31 street toPDWW tb. O.L?c diff l/VQRNIHH on m New Private Hire System.—South W&IM nmishing Company, 3l ?tlo otmt, CardtiL No Security Required. la^URNISH on our New Private H fr. Wales X Furnishing Com p any, 31, Castle street, Cardiff. No Objectionable Hiring Agreements. ITNISTIF on our New Private Hire System.—South W.I. Fu,h, Company, 31, C.?4. Cwa. No IjMJ RN iSH ou onr New Private Hire System.—South Wales X Furnishing Company. 31, Castle street. Cardiff, No FuFR?NISH -New PAI-T- Hil-SY- -8 th W-1. .,ni.hillg Cop-y. 31. Castle street, Cardiff. Cash Prices Charged. | ,>U RNIRtl on onr New rliv&W Hire !OWW.-SouthW,.94 F".I.h ,ng 3, C-ti. ?-.k Cdid. F- Delivery. I BURNISH on onrNew Private Hire System.—South Wales Furnishing Company, 31, Castie street (opposite the Castle), Cardiff. Everything Private. IjUJRNISH on our New Private Hire System.—South Wales FF..I.L.i-I C..p.r, 31, C.ti? street, Zdi?L I-# 1 RNISH m o New Private Him Bytam. -South Wales FuFarni.W'g ,g ml)uy. 31, CutJo SWOot. CARUE. No Bill ( Sale. |/URNlSHon our New ftilt. Hire System.—South Wai«» X Purulshtng Company, 31, Castle street, Cardiff. Eleven 1 BURNISH on our New Private HireSystem.—South Wales Furn shing Company, 31, Castle street lopnosite the Castle). Cardiff. 1"17 A'UBZT]?- complete, with Masterpiece; nearly 40 pages; coloured plates; t?MP& post free, Cata- iogu? one st?p.-K?t ??Mert hi,), W..=?? I.d ts.W. 1013d PIX)UGHS, Horsehoes. Horsegears. Chaffoutters, Turnip- cutters, Cakebre kers, Ac. Carts, Wagons. Trolleys, Traps, aud Carriages 0 all kinds. Agents for the B-1 'a Wagon Works ,.Y Ik free.-Hibbert and Sous, 10 aud 11, Cattle stieet,_Cardlt 6151 ALL M.rried P?ple Should Wild StMp, for Invaluable AT"fo-.ti. to W. gigo.. B". 467, M.flld roatl, Nottingham. 12&M ARE BOOKS.—" The Bride. Is. ftl.; Sappho (tiiiu- tratedi, Is. 6d.; Aristotle's Works, coloured plates, 361 pages, 2s. 4d.: Boccacio's famous Decaniorou, '4 two vols.; complete 3s.6d.-Uuexpurgated T,i.ti, )us; Catalogues, two stamps; Six L,I- Pho, Is.—Rosenthal, Park Riding". Hornsey, Loudon. L&>3d 1,000 Business Cards, rJemoraudums, Billbed. *UV/Lf Puzzle Cards, 4s.; Hsndijiila, Public ins Labels Cigar Bags, unequaUud.—Robert' Printing Works, HOP Fronts, Shop and Office Wood Fittings, Conoter Glass Cases, Ac.—BarUett aud Sou (Limited), Welsh Back, Bristol. 11674 CROWN House Fuel.—Price per Ton of 120 Blocks Old Sea Lock Works, 13s.; delivered Cardia, 15s. 0 i. | mh with order. 8780 Xvr9V/i/Vf Useful Handbills, 8s. fid.; 1,000 Caids, l/'kiWWk U lf l Hwdbilis, 8L ad.: 1,000 Cl-?-6 Memorandums, m Ruled BiLU?d? 4a.; Bottle Labels, b..t value.—Fisher uud Co., B,.d..d. IJ^OR 8. 1 Gr;?.it? G.,?L for L.- Path- Fare- X .?'?t M?i.g' &?.-P'im Apply Ti.. Wilk.?' 0 Pock wee%.k. vwrt. 40d ri^EETH.—Complete Set, Oue Guinea; five war- X rauty.—Goodman and Co., 5b, Queen sueet, Oar- LOST, od Wednesday Evening, 14th Inst., between Barry and Theatre Royal, Cardiff, a Pocket-book containing Papers. It returned to Fnier and Co., Ship Chandler*, Bute Docks, Cardiff, will receive 5s. reward. 2378rl7 QTRAYED (Se?d Notice) to Derri F.rfi?-6?wdiff, Twi O M._t.i gh,.P.-If not claimed wihi. three days, will be ld dfy X,. '^228rl6 LOST, Friday, October 9tii, Gold Bracelet, going to, at, or coming from Theatre Hoyai, Cardiff. —Anyoue vetuin- ing some to 7, Dumfries place, will be Rewarded. (2189 LOhT. on Saturday, between Grangetown and Adam** down (by St. Mary street aud Queen stree ) Silver Watch, with Initials.—Reward at IV«(em Mail Office, Cig OST. Light Bay Dob Mare, with dark le..d bi. heel; rial* g five yea it; strayed from 'Di.. Pwf. Moor. since WeduwAay Ust.—T. IVd e GX. Bniider% Cadoxton. ««8rl9 FOY'D, B?.k Y"g G.yh. d claimed within three days 'ili v? .old ",?;?r.,?la.tmed within Oiforn HoM.Hayea, C.,diff. 2171 101"5 BUFF cochins, Cookerel ..d Pullets, for Sale; from c^ B, and prfu win nen at t $be leading s h ows.—Clatworthy, Morrlston, Swauaga. Worses, CarriafleO, itoe Otork WANTED, a Horse, 18 hands or over; mast be quiet f* saddle and harness warranty required.—Apply Covre- spondent, Western Mail, Caerphilly. MTftrlT N Sale, a handsome Bay Hunter, 16.1 hands; excellent jumper (prize t<ken ) eight years -IT, Devouald, Lawrauoe Farm, Card igan. 2371rl7 CfH)R Sale, cheap, a good Pony, ubo it 13 hands qaiet to X ride and drive and sound.—Apply 52, Bridge street Cardiff. 23toll tfOR bale, nearly new. strong built Spring W go* movable fittings, waterproof besul; salt Cheap Jack, hawker, greengrocar; owner haviug no furcber use.- Browu'a Government Harness Stores, Scott street, Or* ,llg. a3*lrtl LiH)R Sale, Brown Cob owner no room g? In Iugl& r ?. ,bl' h. P'l., £ 8 lo.-C. D. Li B.bl., T.d r. 2331rl? t >HKAP.—Thiity Doge »rU, Rust i cs, Ba-N.t i esdens,Cioydon^ Vv anu Business caru. Two >»ec >ud-haud Phaetons^ and Two p.. -A Dock street. Newport. 23ltir2l ?ale. by Priva Commission, at Latty's Repository, ( ) N, 8. r I Higb-cialfs Harness H- an d Hunters .1.0 a grana Brougham or MAt?b Horse: V.6 examlnattou and tri?l Allowed' 236gr21 1 DULLER BIRTIL (30.MPANY O.r,lig.-Ligh t 0.h.- B-. im p rovement* equal to new. 2l76rt0 ULLER BIRTILL -d COMPANY. Carriage B.ild?.. FO.r,liff -Good B. W. ?i?h M.b,. Hrtdj also light Parisian Phaeton. 217/1*0^ FI LLER BIRTILL and COMPANY, Carriage Builder* Cardiff.—i;anoe Landau. wiiA Patent Self-acting Head; in excellent condition. ft78r20 DULLER BIRTILL and COMPANY, Carriage Builder*, X Cardiff.-Good Dog-Ctrt; cob siz« rustl-, and pony rustio. 2179r20 I^OR Ul? Four good wording C. H?-, Carts, an d Harnew, (,h.ffmtlr, Ac.; Niial >onew; tri&IAIII,w:l4; gi ng .T.P,i., Hjuji., Harry Dock. 20 2r?9 l^OR Sale, a i»owerfui, o;eau-iet(g<iu Cart Horse, five years, X 10 hands; quiet 1. shafts or chains; tait ooal merchant or buiMe>. Also the I!h,.f.fT.. C,, b ii, five years. 14t hands, and six years, 14 hamig, re<iuectivcly; both are free and fast in harness or saddle; ono week's free trial of above. Vendor has also for Sale Trap and Harness, Riding Saddle ..d Br Idl. -.11 ?.q I t?I,ig up.—Apply O. C"r, A? d..?4 0-?bridgi ,.d, 0-, Cardiff. 2010, 9_ nX pHOROUGHBllED Bay Mare; 14.1: quiet to ride; p- rfeet trapper; very fast; £ 20; too sma l l for owner.—Ricg, UALE, B.-?. M'- 142 b.d.. suit tradesman; £ 10. k5 Also Bay Pony. 13.2, 1'. 1-; .d Als.-2 Topai street, h. o?.diff. >U94rl7_ |jX>R Sale, a Black HI r. years warranted good X W., 46. Tudor-ro-'d, Cardiff. 2030rl7 HANDSOME Blaek Cob Mare, »ix years, 131: Bay Horse P. f?.? years, 11 2.; both warianted soend, ?.t to .n I d?, iZ4fr h ,I ?. a l lowed.— Apply William Davis, Hi. Orichton street. Q'rdlff. («:040ri7 To'UOWN Pony, eight yeam 13.2 lwl"d 'd'qit AJ id.d 41 ) &? ..1. Cut ..d H?r.- Also Bay Mare, six years, 16.2, an-' Two Dog- arte -together or separate.—Apply Victoria btalles, Tudor lane. Riverside, Cardiff. 2C39rl7_ ITtOR 8»le, Basket Carrioge, I ow. fonr whatla. good order* X —Addreas R 6, VVcstera .M a U Cardiff^ 17S0rlS %V A?TED Two H. 15 h.nd.; warranted sound ..d ?-I -k-; .?,bl. for b.. trolley work must be cheap.—Fall Part, to Q 19, Wtstern IV ANTED.a Hm ill Governess Oart for D..kwy.-Boodi4a y-TT. Swansea Vat«. I7fl>r^ FOi; Ss l e, Podi a?d Pi.-br.4 Jerney Cows and ?(m ..? 0- brd H.iW. !;my O&ws Brogden, Portbcawl. ^5r30 'br3Q IJXIR Sale, Miter Grey ^fanny Goat, I. Full P,?lit? 25s. X Female Kid, three ?.th. old. 10.Thowu R?k B.rMdd, B?.7- L.I-bi.. '^40rl6 ^HEEP for W.150 sound, h,i;Itg O Grey-faced Ewee. out fNVt?ya m.. b? a Shroi's im ram. Also Pedigree Shropshire Ewes .?d pa?lip-. "Ii.c Rams .d R- ?nt reason ible piroes.—Apply to Jamas Straker, Llanddewi Co. Abergavenuy. 8938 )/DV?ARI> ROCiERS and C O CoactibaHOer*. CoUcga place, Bristol. Telegrams, Carroslsr. Bristol. Tele* phone. No. 247. Established ueariy a century. 7763 ERRKTS*-A Few of the G,d. -d Beat*workfi(( F, vi "g for PAt. PAb4l U; Skone R.?., H ".?fordweaL 130,12, GOOD Blaok Retriever Ktch for Sale; a months; eheap, 25.-W. Fb p. 30, Highl..d place, Aber- FOR Sale, at a Nominal Sum, a nice WWH-W Sheey Bitch; black, tan, and white; from H. Sheppard. Penygralg, 2226rl6 M R ALFRED PHILLIP*, 139, Severn-road, 0arUffT has always On Stto Hunters in Condition, Match»i Pairs, Brougham Horses, and Cob*. Horses Let by Month or Year. 72el SETTERS.—Large Kennel Dogs, just returned froa Grouse Moors, for Disposal; prices moderate.—St*t4 reauirementa, Herb%. Fo.?.t House, Haverfordwest South Walea. ^Cr2! CpOESalc, perfectly-bcoken BUck Carly Retrievers, bred X from champion "Jessica" and obtusion "King of tho Koffees. **—Reynolds. Treharbert. 2002rt7 ^QUIRE GILES' Pig Powders cooling; fattening: O htat f. t. b?.di.8 .I'?t, ?Ai CbemUte and Seedsmen. 6219 CQUIftE GILES' Worm P'lls ",1 Dl, ? Pill* f." 0 Dogs; an infallible core: 6d. prr packet, per wsL 7d.- CwdiffAgeuts; Hlbbert aud Son% Noah Rees. 6260 MONEY WANTEB WANTED, Borrow £ 200 at Low Interest for One or wAHTT.E. D ?7g:Ae ..A Wet ern Mail,l 0.,dle. 70Url5 MONBY TO I.BND rX iiHE DIRECTORS or 1. MiJL)>iNvi aao uJ Advanoe Daily Hums root £ 3 £ 1,000. M.'ho. of It; IA I INT "St B .PA I'll NO D1CLA V. Prospectuses nod l^rtlculinji Free. Apply Vo ffecretsryf 1?. Clmrl Knerec^ JCardit f 901(1 TMPORTANT NOTICR.-H you WAntMo 7*«ufStar^i X for Proeia-ctus before borrowing elsewhere to Mr. PUfc 43, Salisbury r ad. Car<iJtf; or fniand Revenue Build* lugs. Povk street, Newport, Mon, lit ^-tatdisbed 1 16-* «