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piuuc amusements; CA?i)'r_— 'l"HŒATI{Jo:!oY CAHDii'l'. lA,? A? M.N.aM .?''??"?  Ar-rINQ 't"(.1(KJ .flt..fOHN HH:HII1\' ^NKi?H^TrWt>A^ Mr. RICHARD 'S????r???'tP.re'?' Com?y. by  AU N T J A 0 K. Recently Played to Crowded Houses at the Court fJ heatref London. Preceded bv the !\eW Comedy Drums. A MONTH AKTKK DATK. MOXUAT NEXT, April 20, Mark Meilord 9 Latest FLYING FltO-q JUSTICE. Bo* Plan at Thompson ala.c.!<lJ,!mi_t..):r2356 rpHEATRE JiOYAL, CARDIFF. CARL ROSA CAR MEN OPERA COMPANY. FAREWELL PERTOBMAXCE3 OF MADAUS MARIE ROZE IN CAKMEN AND MIGNOJ. MONDAY, April nth >VKDNES1>AY. April 23th CARMEN. FMDAX. M&y 1st. BATURDAY, May 2nd MIGNON. TUESDAY. April 28th .I. FAUST. fHUKSDAY, April 30th THE BOHEMIAN GIRL Dren Clrde. 6B. Upper Circle mid Pit Btalls, 3s. yit, 1>. 6.1.; Gallery. Is. ) Box Plan "ow Open at Thompson and Stiackell's. pHI L H M 0 N I C. j £ ,i6gR .Mr. GEOIGE HARRINGTON. TO-NIGHT. TED PRITCHARD, 91?. Middle Weight Champion of ilie Wodd. and JACK U l' R K K Will Poll, 1,.i at B:,t Performances. ?' MDLL L ELLEN MAKTELLES COCKATOOS. Aeh?.n?toa)) tm?tor.. Th?aretht 0"?; nowledged troupe from the Empire, Alliambra, and other K0t.ttdt:e<' troupe from the ?""P" "??"'? '.?"?,? Come and see t iw Ilf<at B!BEMAN BOAKHOU.NDS, HULL ?'??' FOX Tt-KKIEliS, aud the Cliampiou Somersault Dog K A H S. The talk in every town is, Have you seen HAGSr„ I. addition to g-d 1' ,onnd Company. No idfanceiw prices—l*.fwl., 4d..anrt2d. Two p"fr.?,,?e. — v Ld 98,i7L rpa'?' ??T?'?'n J? N.n?.———?"?TCl.I.. TO-NISHT. The Sensation of Paris, JIDLLE. LEODISKA, The Most Beautiful lady in Christendom, with the COMIC COCKATOOS!! Sotdi.?. Sailors, Acorbats, Gvmnas's, Nurses. Babies, &e. THE COCKA'FO tIHR BRIGADE I The HouM on rt-e-Bn?inM .nd Fire E2?petothe ?k..??Breatl,len txcitemmt-The Babies are :Up; :9C¡I:Dtesa11 :l: ;edd Kingdom except at the Empire Theatre, London. In addition to ti?,? aboye. THE 'I ?IJONDI-TIVIAN QUARTETTE. Ht'OH DEMPSEY, THETWOFAliltHLLS LEO UKYUKN, I MY.-TIA. And MiM MAVDT Next W.K-THE LADY ON THE LADDER. [,18 c-4 P L E I' E11 0 u sE JjlURNISHING. B. E CO). I P.? k Y -p EVANS A' Q0MPANY Invito an Inspection of their jyj A gkificent R TOe K- OF EVERY REQUISITE FOR COIPLETE HOUSE FURNISHING. CABINET FURNITURE FOR ALL KINDS OF BOOMS. BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, WILTON, AXIlSTEn, TURKEY, AND OIliER CARPETS3 AND RUGS. FLOOR CLOTHS, LINOLEUM MATS AND MATTINGS. CHENILLE, TAPESTRY, PLUSH. AND PLliSBEfTE CURTAINS, AND CURTAIN MATERIALS. BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, AND COTS. Bedding—Guaranteed Fure. HOUSEHOLD IRONMONGERY OF EYERY DESCRIPTION. f ABLE CUTLERY AND ELECTROPLATED GOODS (Best Makes Only). "EARTHENWARE, CHINA, AND GLASS. DINNER AND TEA SETS COMPLETLO. Estimates Free o[ Charge. SYSTEM OF BUSINESS—LOWEST PRICES FOK CASH IEMPLE STREET, SWANSEA, April, 1891 I81496 CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. SPRING JACKKTSAXD MANTLES. 6TYLISH THKEK-QLrABT £ it JACKETS, from 21s. tob ffuinejt*. NH W DRIVING CAPES, ohs. to 10 guineas. SILK JAC KMT? .d.dANTLES.f Pout?de Soie (t Bdii^aiioe. ?'LACR'?PM. from !9? 6.)' to 5 !ulllea.. I Photos of SZ.Vi?..1 Cloth .'It on &Pi?ii.ti." [7' ?'CA??UISH HOUSE CO)IPANY (LI311T?,1)). XTHIS GREATESTTH UOAT, CHEST, V j\?)''J,U?R'Rt'TOREK!'9 '? SUDOR WILLIAMS' UALSAM OF HONEY, HA,"H YOU A \JuUGH "!f so check it quicklv before it takes root. and you pre. maturely fall a victim to thp merciless reaper; for selected Coughs breed mischief in the Cheer, travelling 11 eager hste to rach the Lungs, to Intl une, Ulcerate, nd finally consume the ÙtHc1\t tissues thereof ?UDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BAL-j TBA\l OF HONEY. .fEEMOSTREUA?KABLH'tnMEDYOFTHE AGE lOli CHILDREN'S COUGHS AND COLDS, Wh.cht'win.uu? refute for the Relief and Cure of BIIONC;lIL AFFECTM?K. WINTER COUGHS, COLDS. CHILLS. COLD IN THE HEAD. RUNNING FKOM THE COLUIN KOBHAXU?ES. Thousands of ChJ:,1 tU::l from Whooping COUh8 and Br(ludÜLis when all other Hemdlt'3 fail. Persons su/ieiinii from Dilliciilty of Breathing ehould Ive It a trial. Now Commended by Surgeons and Physicians. Woliderlill Cores Daily. Th.d. of Testimonials to hand Irom all parts of the world. A CMdtff Chemist st'te) I h..e a Lar?r Sale for Tudor Williama" Balsam of Hom y than any or her Cou'b 'I Aly ??ustonter. sl*L?k ?iighly of it." READ WHAT PUHLIC MEN THINK OF IT. "Mv Child.'en's Cough and Bronchitis have l>en completely criril on several occasions by the I'elehutcd Tudor Wil i?nla' of Honey. The t, )in'irtn::ln 711:\ C)Jt It'{;OS\t')Int\ ?red'?.??r:?? but on taking Ihe Balsam of 11.?.y the, had .minediate ease. It acts like it charm on tbem. lam certain the mnce t)¡ Balsam I,k""W,? Che mor It .111 be ppreciated. 1 am, bir, II Tours trnlv. M Alderman THOMAS VHIUP WHITS." lIatlVwmer." ANOTHER SPONTANEOUS TESTIMONY. "MyCh!Mre?t"JMt'M?h?ebeet)t!?'<"?''rere fro BrouchHi. and bf'ttillg of J lood from the Lungs for many y!\rs A bill WHS plweU nmt..r my ooor; after reading the contents, 1 found that it concerlletl our complaints. ABjttlo of Tudor Williams' Patent £ alsam of Honey was bHt, fur p-ut-hasie tn the nearest •tores. Att-er taking Pour B<ttles the effect was a.l that could be desired Two more were sent for, and ti e It was a grand carp. 1 wish 1 had known of this ?(.pMtttnnbtbtt.. 'three ywt 8"° 1 tMt.a.tar)? ff,,i,,g ke. 1,?. I d?.??? it. d,,Iy to ,,k? ,n Interest in i.ushing the 1 1,? of your Tudor Williams %al«m 01 Honey. Your. raithfull. 41 11J. CLUFF. 1, Bower-street, Rochdale." Bold b al1 Chemists Ild Bt, all over the World in !t. Q.. amt 4.. &1. bottle., Sample bottle sent (post paid) for h, d.. I" and OS. from the lm'eutor. homtti.!?.? ?r?LIAMS, R.D.S.L., JL/. MEDICAL-HALL. ABEKDAKE. TO STOUT PEOPLE. "Sunday Times" says" Mr. Russell's aim is to ERADICATE and CVRI, CORPULENCE. "1111 that, hi. is the trillS oue seems beyond all doubt. The medicine he prescribes does not lower. but builds up "lid tone, the ,ystem:' Book (128 ??.) recipe M?UOt<h6WtOptMtttnt).)'KHtiMP'.U? Cllr ODESl'rY (Avemge Reduction ia First Week is "aml". F. O. RUSSEIX, Woburn House, IMUaVtf Store-street. Bedford iqi^re, 1.ondv/J.W,O, public SniHSrinfiitflf. •UVANSliA. NTEW THEATRH AND STAR OPERA ROUSE, WIND-STREET, SWANSEA. TO-NIGII r .t the Week, at 7.30, Mr. York Stephens' London Company, with the Great A,?.?- entitled AND SHADOW; QUN'HGHT AND ^HADOW; OK. THE CHOIRMASTER. A Comedy f B,Iti.1, Life, by R. C. Carton, ?itt? by F' ?yd,y?V.rd.One -1 the B, ,B. ? iti?, at Md.y N?.t-PI.'iR DONFINOES; Cr t?rion T,, iea tre. 580 JACOBUS tJ THE WELL-KNOWN LONDON LADIES' & GENTS' TAILORS, 'Are SHOWING one of the LARGEST AND BEST SELECTIONS OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. INSPECTION1 INVITED. ( 96, ST. f ARY STREET, CARDIFF. 100128 li, G. T. CONGREVE .i. On the Successful Treatment of CCONSUMPTION, J AITIIIIA, CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, te„ With the A'no Appeniii, containing 226 Cases of deep Interest, with recent letters, showing the PERMANENCE OF CURE. F<WT FRn. ONE SHILLING-From the Author, COOMBE LODGE, PECKHAM, S.E. L8563 WRIGHTS COAL TAR SOAP ?rRIGHf'S UUAL TAR SOAP WRIGHT'S LOAL TAR SOAP r V For Skin Diseases. WRIGHTS COAL TAR SOAP I V For Delicate Skins w P,TGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP r V For Pimples and Blotobei. WRIGHTS COAL TAR SOAP For the Complexion. WRIGHT'S COAL TAR SOAP  TABLETS For 'Toilet, Bathroom, and Smsery. TABLETS 6D. AND IS. BOXES Is. 6B. AND 3S SOLD EVERYWHERE. 2 0 t L8201






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