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iWi3rellanfmi5. MISCELLANEOUS SALES Cont inued ATLAS Furnishing COWU, a\o Bu;;a-l'¡;Ür;; turns. nud invite Inspection or their Home-made ATI.AS Furnlshin¡ CNmipany 8uVI,ly Watch.. ♦locks 'ure ;:K::t;oa. IWd everr kind of HOl\.bold Farm. ture OP Kasy forms. 9S760 A* Worth of Furniture can be had Immediately b, pay Ing 2s. 6d. i>er week at the Atlas Furnishing 1 'om* r»ny, 5 8t, Johp'a square. Cardiff. 937 o EAKKKj?.—0*eo Pittiues of Every Description.—SeU'l for price list to G. 8. 'lkl aud Co. tLhnid), Manu- facturers of Troughs, Peels. '0 Mud 'erJ Bater 8 requisite, Cardiff aud Newport. 99U8 £10 WOffh ot FlIrniture -œ be had Immediately by »*" paying 4*. per weell: At tbe Atiaa FUfIIubiD6C t'om- I>any 5, St.John s square, Carùlll. 98760 | ATLAS I'rica List and Prospectus Free on Application.— Add re:* Atlas Furnishing Company, 5, St. Johu's ,-¡u,"re. Iamll!. 98760 ABHRDEKN^&raDit^Moimraents 'rom £5. cär'hl/Ó'r.e. inscriptions accurate and beautiful.—PI »us and irice ftoULl*?* Sculptor. Aberdeen. 1784-1 lost anb jTouno. LOST, from Loughor Common, Gorseittoo, a Light Brown L O,u.mwtf[itrs CJ:n:lr');j;at:\¡:; hand% &t.ber abort uit, streak on the forehead. Anyone c1eta(uln. after thi. notice will be prosecuted. Apply !tb.w.. Gorseluon. 4919!'8 OST. last Tuestiay, in Canton, Airedale Terrier; anyone detaining ufter this novice will be proaecnfced. tinder rewarded 011 apI lying to JValter I:ob\J8on. Leckwith. (q1. XT71 VJU.ND, a B1 ick Lurcher Dop. If not clalmeiUn thrw .A.' Onj.willlwsold.—Apuly Jobo Tarnell. No. 11. Saint. well. ISi-L } 'O;.]-=-j';bnDš.n":robl:, in thrw day. will b« »il,l.—John Shanahai). 33, Norm William Street. N«wtowii. C¡¡,rditf lSlti CX)U>'D. Brfiulle I urchwr Bikh if not c almed lli three X 0»vj will lw told. Police-suUon, Mouuuiu A E l Lgga—i —1 ¡JoultrJ!J pigeons, ${r. QOS from pure 'bck Minorca*; !:lceHent layers: 3a. a silting. Mi Somerset, Troy. Mua- IPOQth. 9"015 A NDALUSlAN K*gs, from ''opldu. Prl» Strata splriidid layers; 4*. sitting.—Miss M. Llewellyn, Court fc)M £ Sf$, CaiTiaflts, iiUr .$(o(lt JOHN GORMAN, Canton Carriage Works. Market road JO,Af: SUle oNear:e:b}:í:. Pony Carts, Gigs, Wagonettes. P" Coburgs. and Al, Kinds of Tradesmen'sVehicles. Cautou tram* pa* show- loowa and works. ™L riTHK Property of a Gtut>n»»n.—Four-wheel Di»g-cart, X equal to new: nlu Staahopi Wa¡oulte.-A1.pll Carlton ew8. C.thNlral road, Cardiff. 5119 TC\)R u1 B ack Pony. mine ifre; warranted sound; J. quiet to ride and drive 13.3 hands. Set of Haruess and Pony Trap, uuite nt'l.A1)11 C. Reos, Cab 69*30 Jioruh atre-t. Roath (Àirtlitt. õ9í'20 -|,X)R :)"Ie. Lan,tan nud LicenaeÜ Brougham; a rl"iu. Æ Apply IlS, hrr.lce. t'aH\lff, :9*Q 1*1T 7 ANTElCPouy. 13.3 to 14 hamU. with Phaeton. Har- ness Comp l ete. Q u<<te price, ftc., to tiSevens, 9, Stew Park gardens, Newport. Moo. 221120 £ x>R S»»e. goxtd Van Horse, tive years, l6} hands; Round .I.' ¡oo.lln oIL f. Clytha crescent, riew- port, Mou. 23820 L ARGh Four-wheel Bai:er' Van; Brougham, spJendid condition, £ 0 sevfr.il Phietnu Carria g e* good Wag- IOUP.<\f1?\I::¡ C ,ti.¡ae: a-d Second- baud Bakers'Delivery Barrows.—William &annell. B!\uu' Foe1 aua Trough M.u.r. Rosemarystreet. Bristol. [iO A^INfTTTE CarriairTor Sale, "nearly new; oriaiual CI'It. £ 5 will sell cheaply.—To be 5eeu »t 3'. Peuarth Toad. c.un. L~j' SALE.—Uaeiul Light Cart Mare. 15.2, warranted good in alih*ruesH unci »iuiet, £ 12; also Pony-cart and Uarntss; 8uit greengrocer; £ V4 the lot.—93. (.;1tftoD street, Roath. Carllill. 49.U18 I" X)R Sale, handsome Pony Mare; dark grey; 12.2; war- }.luty rlI:r:£aivl;;i; G<>t- waltz anil Bowriog. C..rdiff. 5069 TT^olTSaierBAy Pouy, 13.1, very 8iiîärllu harness, regularly J? orhen bl a lad)"Apply Mr. Kowe. Quöen's Hotel. Newport. f.31018 CTVLISh Mall Phaeton, with Movable Head; also Var- O niahed I>fc&rt; property of a KentleW¡¡n.-Perrv and Co C\I"riaae Works, Stoke's Croft, Brl8tol. 41s18 X)R Sale, showy, welt-bred C^b. 14.2, five years; quiet in harness aud ttadtiluo vice, soun tried by appoint* nifnt; price 43 KnineL.-BoI 17. Post-oiBce, Neath. Lalto Tt: 7lr:iteO;Ÿ(af: II. Will Serve a Limited Number of Mares this Season. -For particulars, apply Mr. Wm. Philtips, Newhouse, Nit". be,lh. l4^1? SALV,o Horse. 14 hands, four years, £ 21 Cob Hoiaë.JI? £ 10 10s. Also, a barju. Horse. Flat Cart, and H1- Dea..i13, 5uit greengrocsr or .t1shmau. Bud Two Traps, BlItt. business 0' pleasure, £ 7 1-Ja., £ 6 10.. Several Sets 01 Har- ness N^w and Second-hand.—21, Topaz street. Roath. Car- dill. <63S»15 SALE. Hantisome BON'! Cob, 13 hamls, 6 years l\bo Horse Cob. 14.2; suit underground work. Both are warrnted Bound and roodworkers price, £ 16 each.—Apply H Planet etree:, Roath. 4&olsly Ii\)R Sale, good-looking, well-bred Grey Mare, five years, 15.2; thoroughly quiet to ride und drive; warranted sound • price 35 ¥ulnu.-J. Johnson, Meadow-street, IIrjd&eud. 4482,14 DOGOARTS, Rostics. GiI. Battleaaens, \fblt.chuvel.. Uoternesa Uarts, Rare Cart,. Cr.uk-iales, Pony Imd Cob C Rqerl err street. Newport. ü96¡¡I{ TTdWaRD ROGt;R., ant! CO., Coachbnlldew, College X. place. Bristol. 1'e egrann Brlr-ol. Tele- phone, No.:«7. .tb1ish6l' nearly a oentury. 3,13.1 jpiCLLEK BIRTILT. AND (j°:MPAY. CARRIAGE BUILuERa, CARDIFF. Tbe extensive BhowTOPma are now weB Mocked with tlio ::i21oD of New Carriages of every deooriptiolllu CAOF. IAXDAVS CIRCULAR AND SyUAUE FRONTED BROVGHAMS SINGLE AND DOUBLE VICTORIAS. WAGOETrE3 AND PHAETONS. FOUR-WHEEL DOGCART,. PARISIAN AND DENMAKK PHAETONS. PRINCE DOOCART RUSTIC CAP.T8, SURREY CARTS, BATTLESDENS, RUSTIC AND OThER GOVERNESS CARS, BASKET CARS. All Built on the Newest and Moat Approved Pllncipleo Jupectlon Invited Befote Purchasing Elsewhere. Te1ei:ti\IDS-" Carriages," Cardiff. 99607 JVb ,v»R suit, a LluhtTand New fashioned iircular Glass- Frr( Brougham, in Kirst-rate coii'lltiou and practi- y .000.1 U N«w it has pole and &bdl.. lamps, intent iZTw. kc tc.- bu been newly painted aud o.érbu\e.l by M«ua^ Greenwuo<\ Brothers. Cw.chbuUden. and now stands In their Showrooms, No. JJ. King 8:.rr.. Carmarthen, or jjr Norton, Oren Hill, Carmarthen, to whm apply per SLally or by lett8f for price, and as to !U being n aute 01 tbur,!vair, a^ £ TBK cAïmH'F ANlJ SOUTH WAL;8 MANURE CiO_. »LIMITED), Artificial Manure Makers.—Live and Dead 'WKiw: raur::e aa-,I;e at ^est N^i'ce.~GfbU. bl.'cho'tt.oom- T7*OR SaVe. a very fin« Pure-bred Jersey Bull Calf. afort- FOiiil-'ÄJ:L. :5:ptbara: Fourth. 4æ.l R8.le. handsome Pure-bred .Tne1 Belfer Calf seven, I: eh, weeb old-Appl, AUell. Tbe C°lWK°' B??vil* atono. cardlll. f11c.16 F>R 9ale bVars'ain. prettI Fox Terrier Dog; excellent at ver^nor use guard.—Apply B., Chttrch Road Hijtion. LIar :Seworc. Moo 4738a° HANDSOMR Fawn-coloured Greyhound Bitch dain bcr Grace by Oxouian by Christchurch. Also four Puppies, eight WfI..k:" old, by Orleans; t<etber, or 8ep:ratfo. —Address .!l,ø.. Qiyndenven. 'M$:815 XX)R immediate "Sale, å-btfDiëtõäÙA:ùiC Y) A: him; magnificent Vure-brd 8t. Bernard Dog. bfy „ eel ,e brated prize winner; JtJu¡b coated, 'ery handsome, massive bone; docile, m\ to ladles and children fit td bow »}.'a wiu; £ 14 H*. c:un, worth double.-DaYIN. C)ole UepW. Qu..n street, C"rllI. L-JL'° — 8Q:1:<ï: 1: Powders. Cooling; fatteuius- O Sample D len. Is., Post Free.-Wholesale, Keniicti aud Sou, Card III. 99166 SQUIRE GILES Worm powdtre tot Dogs; an iufaHible & cure; 3d p«-r Packet; Ver Post, 4d.— Retail Agents, Jno Wlbbert an-l 8mlg" Castle 8Ueer., Cl\rditr.. 99167 jtlOJlfI? MONET WANTEB ,\¡ l 0:bn[;'fJ: Young Widow £ 30 on Undoubted security or Start Her In Busioess.- AddressB 19, Western MnH, C*rdiff. yiONEy ,1' j."NP rX ilHE PlHECiH>RS Ol 1. S. irifciblnMU A..U CO Advance Dally bums rom £ 3 '1'0 £ 1,000. Method 01 Business: 7AIK INTEREST. KASY Ity..PAnIENTS. ABSOLUTE PI:1VACL :Sll DELAY. NO SURETIES. TRADE BILLS DISCOUNTED. 1»Y08C:luae8 u-ud Partlcnlan Free. Ayjily to Secretary: 18. Charlt<8 "treet Our'Un. W16a i(,l1U a to £ 8>« Artvancrd Daily on Kot. of Hand by £ 1 0 toé.iu' 8:n;c)¿ No ff: .G4i),\ Muf:bolll\t 4 rer cent; £;PtJ: sums of abou** £ 500.-Apply to Mr. Held, boJcUor waua; or Mu J. H. Field. Soiicitor. Car,htl. 44at^4 A PRIVATE Gentleman has M^ney to Lend, lroiu *'t»to £ 500. toFturmers, Market Gardeners. Householders, and Public GenenUiy, h1 strict confidence aud wIthout ,)ublicltJ. No preliminary feell asked for.-Apvll to Wfliiain lhorllley. Luud, Uoose, Caerphilly. 92205 MONKV j: 1f Noto of Hand Alonc.A Geuntuian is Desirous of Making Advances from £ 5 upwards, at 6 per Cent. Interest, \0 Male or Female, in Town or Couutry, wltbom Bin of Sale or 8urei. and JulcU, Private, (or any period llot exceeding teu years,—Apply to— L8613 15, York-road, Waterloo Bridge. Loud, oo, S.1>. •\f ONET Lent, from £ 5 to £ 500, at a few hours* notice, to l'JO}:tl!:ee;8 Householder', and others, on Promissory Sotoe Alone aud on the Borrowers owu dolue; ùbtance no object; no cbr,,8ft, of aUf dMcrllltioll are made unl hlllllleM 1.'1 transacted anyon" reqimin* a strictly private teuuwvary ioau ,:jlfI:O the usual i«ibl/ci:y nutl loan ottice routlue should apply to Philip Bassett. 11, Iqwue. Pontypildd. y ^ivTl ONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT A FKW HOU^ RS. PA IIL.yt; a 1!:Va: pi Capital ¡..mine to Kraut. nÜVQ11ce3 upon Hote or haud alone. for any term not xceeihl" 15 years, from £ 15 \0 £ .JJO.itit 5 i)r cent., \0 Clergymen, Farme" Hotel Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers. Tradesmen, or to any responsible person. Male or Female, lu Town or Country. Wjtbouiloan office formalities or Bill of Hale. Distance IIQ objcc, ¡Iud 110 lon" OJ lÀe interest is paid (hi ca/Htal can iwiutij. :No ,enulue application refuled. Ail comwuukatloul ar treated aLrictly private. uiiiPtsnV Apply t. the actual I"D,1.r, H. HARP.I80N, FKm M., 8, York road. Weetruluater Bridge road. Loudon. Ll821 J KSSKH. W. and S. H KUN, torw and Financial A¥-n; i.T. 72. St. Mary-street. Cardiff, are prepared to Advance £ 100 to £ 109,000 on good Freehold or ).easefce)U l»ropert>. Borough or Count* H«tes. or o.. appr«.veil l\lONEYI MOYII MONEY! A Private Gentleman t" Trepared to áte Advances tn Sums of £ 10 to £ 500. tn Farmers, Contr tctors. Cab Pro- prietors, Tradesmen, Co,.ket!peu. Hop-growers, an.1 "11 Classes of ttOl186hnlder" generally, npou their owa Securit.y alone. No 1.0-"11 Office routine no HiU lit Sole takeo. Ke-t>aymenta W suit Borrowers' convenience. No Publicity. Apply, In confidence (by Letter obly), to- 'I.LTHILR!'l6\V"O ft f oo. f91 S79 rlX) "THE PUbLlrt^If Jon are in Wancof an Advance. X from £ 20 and upwards, in the strictest privacy. Apply DIrz: fh'l2 ÂdTt}'ÃLrÙlLl eRtrjc;lf' li'8 made Communications and In q uiries to to A}1 .-ijEc'Ë'i.'1 a;"i\'UTln'1\i'¿; J1I' .1,1 ONKY LlvNTou NOTKof HANI), at Short Notion, by 1\1 U}iil'i'Itl:: fAl':at £ 1 N15' v cent. Whl apply to Professional Money Lenders, so-called Compauies or Bank. wben any responsible applicant can obtain au Advance Privatel, "bbo\1t Sureties aud tbe usual fOfloalltlee ot 1\ Lon Office? For the benefit ot Borrowers. I am \1re¡lared toQ "raut advances from oneto teo years 1n anI pnrtor England or Wales, to 11l:e or female (distiince 110 object), and if desired- the lutere."1 cau be paid quarterly, or hal.f.yeiUly. (If U may be Ir.rrllou¥. there- tore the appllcaut gets tbo tu11 beueftt ot cain ø.ùnncect. -AWI1 In confidence \0 the actual leuder, H. UUN i. LK, ¥IQ.. 130» WesUolnstei B¡llIae-roall. LODllu L7fJa iWonei). ilONET TO LEND (Continued). IMPORTANT to Agriculturists and Others—A 1Jr Geutlemun. liavlug a Laige Capititl at his command, Is Prepared 10 Malíe Ato Professional Gentlemen, Ttadesmen, Farmers, 14'1)0.1'.11 Ulauea or respectable Householders generally, on thefr Now of Haud aloue. ;.nù a Written Guarantee given that trausao- li. are or. l?ubli. in any Otte. Borrowell are warned against advertisers who 1)ru ?s to lend at 5 per Ctut. per auuuiu on note of hand ?>ortu Jlde 1.?? el.I. vance at 8uch lateø. I candidly admit. I cannot. Such aliurlug advertisements are but tmt* to obtain e? Tu them, but d.,?'t pay f?.. My ruHtom*rs eau rel t?., ,r and then d?i,i? w)Hther to borrow oi not. Distance DO object -Apply D. Phillips. Snows Hill House, Adare street, Bjhlgend. 16937 t MONEY Advanced on Plate, Diamonds, Jewellery, Sums ovrr £ i00 Batik rate per auuuiu.—Phillips, Pawn- roker. ,1,kelr:l :.1W8JU;;8t.r;: om. M ?116KF'VJ'F'NT ON NOTE OF AN?D AL?ON?? IN i M OXlIl't-:¡:(}\fO£"V'1"[}£j.t: ¥rJ11f. MERCANTILE IIAN. MALDWIN-STREET, .?(ISTI)L, T". Di?? .f this well-known, oM.est.ahllahd Bank Kr; prep ired to offer exceIUou,,1 UthIWtaKe8 to aU rev6Ctable Jld tnt.worth)' 'Ienon. who are iu need o( temporary assis- umcc. Cash in advanc«xl at a Day's Notice, in any part of towu or couutry, without sureties, repayable by easy tnal. ments. rd?uthell) lz-WEIt'SWRITTJ?,I-Z PROMISE TO ItFp?, Amoug the a(hull\aes offered by the Bank, the following deaene attention THE DESPATCH WITH WHICH LOANS ARE THE LOW RAIT, OF INTEREST CHARGED. THE WRITTEN GUAUANTKE OF STRICTEST PRI- THE SYSTEM OF SMALL INPAYMENTS EXTEND- ING OVER A PERIOD O' TIME CONVENIENT TO Tl' 1: THE ABSENCE OF ALL LAW COSTS ft COMMISSION. N.B.—No HUb ot 41tt are taken. MU<I tb IRANITMCCIOII^ arn not puMUhed n 1:lJI:Oorl:t.;l:O I DEPARTMENT: Atlv also made ou mortgage or deposit of deeds of proi«rty, shares, scrip, policies, and reversions at 5 PER CENT. INTEREST.—For Further Particulars apply, 8t1thl" amount require i, to "37??! r. MHJICUN. General Manager. IMft1;onc wtJIy. f:.wnnro; Money Advanced, Without D.I. 1. T.?ti or (,ountr Ir- 610t £ 1.000, to Farmers, Coirioepers, Householders (Male or Female), on Note of Hand Al<>ne, Without 8uetJf!8. No Bills of Sale. | Strictest Privacy. Low Interest. I No I>aw Costs. Easy Payments. N u Feed. Beiug g.1 ?o.??t,y bui,,e., applicants bd better write to HOWELL GRIFFITHS. _03_(;'cat W.?, T?r,?.. Ll.?.By. DON'T be Without Money.—Cro\rn Loau and Discount DO,X*T be Wib..t £ 10 to auy aniouut, t. Lowor thau Charged by Others, to Male or Female Borrower&¡umen. GarJeuers. Carriers, Cow- keeper*, Dairymen. Tradesmen, Shopkeeren. Clerks, Schoolmasters, Clergytnon, Doctors, and al! other Professional Gentlemen, Lodgiug-houae Keopers. Private Houseuoldera. aud Others, on .? own H?urity twitliout 8out\JtmeuJ, "Illl Note of Hand alone. Repayable by very Easy InJ mAuta. to W.\t. in e'er, CMØ, Uunowera' own con- venience. All communications, by letter or l'tht'rwl. Kept instrict confidence. Applicants waited tipou??z their own ?own, bY ni)pointme?'t ill, 1' ,,1, required. All fatD aPrtmeD;t¡li:' Ie Obj:. reij\6UU application ever rt:fu!e<1. If you cannot borrow money from WI you cauuot do RO elsewhere.—Apply to MANAGER.. ROTUNDA BUILDINGS. FIRST FLOOR, ST. MARY-STKEET, CARDIFF (Close to Q.W.R. smtioll). 4257J tR IV, ts I i' V. ff, St,i,tay Pri, Source, free from annoyance, fr fees i?tmewd under i-ome i,rect?x? or other), aud lb. ro.ti,1 loau otnce 2ents, Ac., tue illyited to ful11 as to lw3ltlou. iuoonie, Jto., wheu. if considered satisfactory, the moue, will be advanced iu a few hours.—Apply CllARLKS CLAITOIT. 97504 21, Goat street. S"ansea, I Mf:J:Ei.li:et:e: send Stamp for Prospectus before borrowing elsewhere t«» Mr. PUe, 43. Salisbury road, Cuditf; or Inland Revenue Hnthl- intrs Dock street. Newport, Mon. No fees. Establisheii to08. 93189 Birurlfg, l'ICI!rle$J &C. IVONDEUFUL Performances on tbe Ivel Safety—334 miles ??? L,1,, road in 24 h<urs 100 mites 1. 5br. 27ww. 3&ec.. by T. A. Ed?e. Esq.—the ta-R?t 100 mtiw ever accomplished on R"Y cycle in the world. Write to tbe Atrenu tor Lists—Meager Bros,, 10, Castle road, Ca..tf, Pueutnltlio aud Cushioned tyred ltbchineA tor Hire. Rt:p.air3, Plating, Knamelliry, Accessories of AU Kinds.— Noteaudr6ss; It), Ca!lt¡tI road, Cardiff. 5003 MORRIS Cicl? WOfki.l'o'HI"'dd. The 1110. j. efficiently equip;>e<l Cycle De 60 U? Wales. See The Cydist aud Whedhift. New bo\"rOOUI8 I. the Arcade. New Lists now ready, one Amm". 120 inuchines actually In stock. Cushions, Pneumatics, nnJ Sulids. Large variety 10 Children's Machiues. Lowest possible cash Irkea. or ou monthly payments. Fifteen )ears' experience must prevail. Repairs, Plating, und Eiwuelling promptly, at ?r,,Ie prices. Don't be gulled Into buying the low-priced cast- iron trash offered by outside traders when yon can get» guaranteed, rcliable ur icle at home, and "TrJ beforA you buy "—at lowest trade pi ices. Aurice gratis. 95Uo ittntljinerj), ooh, &C. MACHINERY TOOLS, fto., WANTED ANTK' Vertical Boiler, in good condition; 11 or 14 ANt'Al& ija:d CH) ;i::n Lydney. 4913sl8 W ANT?;11, Movwr Mt:l and Pat»; also Saw Bench.— \Ã*'i 'HoO:W6Jo\:P.'Ct1"HtedČa;hi;c is BRICK Haud Press Wante t.—Send full ¡witkUIW:oto Daniel Phillips. Auctioneer. Swansea. S Q s' O ANTKD immediately, f«»r Cwh. a 12 or 14 h.p. Portable If Engine.in good working order.—D 15, Western Mail, Cardiff. 20816 VV AN'rE?,, Five S-1 Girders, 26ft long, 12iu. deep: A:D 6i\i1;*y li.. tl? ?k; ??b, Swan8t"a. 5070 fl OIÜZON l'AJ Condenser, th- Strode, for 210. Kugine II also 3ft. 6in, Strowefor 2oin. E,,gi.?; 1-? be in good condition; .u .t ?.?,t?y Workw, LOihor J8!16 MACHINERY, TOOLS, Ac., FOR SALB. FOR Sale, Cheap, Second-hand 2 b.3 Boiler, J. iu good contlltiou.-G. S. Tunis aud Cu. (Limited), New DOk 8trett, Newport. Mon. 511 THREE Cylln<hic1l Boil. ró; Sale, f!t;;¡¡¡ft.bJ30!t- X with Fitt ngs complete; rec,ntJy working at 55Jb- pres- "ure under .Nadonai Holler In.urDcö Company.—Apply Edward an W. L.?. Drodidd Fo,g,. near Sh?ff, [.18 (IAS ENGINES tor&iõ; Ch ór D.ë.<i' P.t Ggold ."i&i awardeil.—Fielding aud Piatt. Gi?.. cester. 96569 1JH)R Srds, Double Gear Self-acting Lathe, gap to Uke 6ft RUl.çi:d:,a9\;nt:, _t:e Screw cutting Lathe, hfitce pla? a «d ciuc 5"! bed, i:t:tI;t¡7i,,1:tk: (ot;kÚ:at:. D ing "bhine: splen dd Steam Hammer, by ..i.bl- for a Smiths shop; 4-h.p. Upright Engine and Boiiercom- b?.ed, Several 8-1 e I Tanks. Pulleys. lbr-th?.- Pumps. 4c.—Apply W. J. FOlie Brothers, 139. VictOri street, Bristol. 4999d C»HAFF-CUTTF,RS. Gas Engines.-Le iion's New Pateu Chaff-cutters hard wood und wrought iron frames no cODlplicateù IMr; half tho gearing Qud tton times thestrenifth of any other machine; impossible to choke or the feedei s hands to be drawn 111to the rollers. Sole agents for th Patent For Gas Engiues. whicb have n;¡ slide ,ai,e8. very,itui)ie,atid every engine guaranteed. Steam Engines, Mortal' Mills, 8aw Bucht:8. HIJatt.ioiC, Pulleys. Ac., always in Htock,-Al1ply to T. Lemon and boDa, The Hayes. Car- aid. \17953 I.X>R Sale. Portable Ver tt?.1 E ?gi.e? Mortar Mills, '? wB eFor iowest prie and beat terms, George Kyte and C. MiHlahe Iroaworks, Cardiff. U. -A, South w.t.Mo.. -bit. for Marshall. 81113. and Co., Gainsborough. 98616 VIORTAR Alilla. with 5ft., cfft., 7ft., or 7ft. titn. pans; l Ul:III1 Portable Engine aud Driving Belt, for Hire or for Sale for Cash, aud on Purchase-hire terms; a1øo Ri Saw Benches, if required.—Apply Charles D, Phillips, 'I"' "'w if iVHEN you are I.ofNew or Sewnd-d "7. Kinl fV:e r oiöíntnd PHILLIPS' MONTHLY MACHINERY REGISTER, Newport, You. The T.arge8t Quantity of Machinery of every Description ID the United Äin¡tÜ\IU1 Offered ill this Jo irual. Published, the tint of every mouth. Specimen copy 6d, post paid. 60773 PIT BROW AND ?CIIE??'N R<X-»FS. &c.. COKKU piT J'f'l"'f tli"OV. 'if¿gW'A\jJtILÜWI:U H" be..1-i.1 manufacture for 3,b. 1.0 :eùb::erh:llld t:ëtï: St"lo Tin- plate Works, t'aiiway Companies, and otberø. aud ,?' '? of COLLIERY HEADGEARS OF STEEL OR IRON. OIl\DJ>I\, BRIDGES, and Constructional lrouwork Generally. Designs and Estimates on application. DYNE STEEL and CO.. TREDEGAR WORKS, NEWPORT. MON. 93 | J l{D K K X T A I\ 1) Is U IN 0 pLOCONIOTIVE ENGINE BU ,LDEitS, BRISTOL. Have lu Stock (Nearly Completed) a NEW LOCOMOTIVE With cylinders lOin. dlain., Hlo. stroke, 4 wheels coupled. Materials ..?l w.rk.hi? of t,e best. Various other Pizesi" progress, ami can give quick delivery, Engines sold for caah, or on deferrd payments, Photographs, l'ricett, "nil Specifications upon AWllc"tlol<. 9£325 »0ons$Collieu) jReqiiisiitei n1 iHE 13UTE WOItKS SUPPLY COMPANY, -L ¡3. BUTE DOCKS, CARDIFF, FOtt BALE. RAILS. Bridge, p?rf??t, 14,1',18.22, 30.d 681?.. per f.rd. ljitto selected 30 b8. an 1t1b8 j»er yard. Fiawe S! 35, 36. 38. 0 1.546 .50,53.56,58. 60, 63, 67, 68 '70 71 72 74 75, 75, 79, 8 up to lQOlbs. ve yanl. D16. i?, ?022,25,upt.1001b..pe,d. Double Head, ditto. 72!b8. per y -rd. D!??ll."?e,d, dilt.. 72?b-, Bull Head, ditto. 60, 66, 76,85. &¡, 81, "nd 90ihs, per yard, CROSSINGS. 15 New perfect Cro8siD& 4Jin. ld?h. Ulbs. per ran1, 95e?c]L I:000,?N?. HLKl'^PERS. 101n. by 51n., clean. 1 000 New &11t1. ¡¡.ngnl. 9It. by lOin. by 51n„ clean. MdOlMtto steelcoiuiileie, Iu,- To clear. 18. each. Good SeconJ-hancI Pearn's Dir8ct-ctIDg: stroke, 2tln.: rani, 14ln. with sundry connections thrown in. Ayproxiinate weight, about 10 toUI. '1'0 clear, £75. SPRINGS, Rearing, Baffiug, Drawing, Conioals, aud Volutes. WAGONS. 50 10 ton Coal Wagons, cud door Ia.st regulations. 50 8 ton Coal Wagons, elld Ioor; now in traffic T.V.R. type 18 10 ton Coal Wagons, end door; ready for lettering; w type. 7 ('8 ¿'¿Ïln8 Ballut W"go" lovsides. CAST IRON FLOORING PLATES. New. lfn. thick, about Sft. squ re, cheap. WANTED, Good Second-hand 8 and 10-ton Coal Wagons (any number). Rt!.plac6rl. If desired, with new to latest regulations. Inquiries for RallR, Fish-plates, nolts and NutlJ. hpiltes. Switches, Crossings, Sleepers, Turntables, Railway Wagons, Steel Springs, Superior Wagon Grease, &c ïC. VIIDLANJU iLULWAY (JAJmlA61 1-" AND WAGON COMPANY (LIMITED). MIDLAND WOHKS. BIRMINGHAM. Manufacturers of Railway Wagons (for Cash or Deferred t't\yment). Carriages, '1 ram Cars, Colliery Pit Tubs Wheels and Axles, Axle Boxes, Castings, and Wrougut Iron Work afeverv kind. WAGONS REPAIRED by Contract or Otherwise in every district. Sccond-hand Coal, Coke, Ironst^ one, *nd « Ballast WagK ons for SALE or HIRE. E. JACKSON. Secretary. Chief Offices-Midland Works, Birmingham, 72990 Branch Works—Abbey \orIC8.Shrt'wftt)un'. 72990 rOptrt!?, Vr., for Aillt. I-LAiDÜ:Q' Ti-ÚÚÍÚroN BUILD- JJ ING EBTATE.-Auctiun. Drill-ball. bV W. N. JONES, A fill 16, l?91, FREliUOLD PL o?,.S, fio. 25) t > 600 Ynrd. G1>od "iws VRle Towy, ?b,' i?g on Liandilo Railway Station. — JOHN THOYA. Alo..b. 114.15 N J B 0 T 1 0 ND A Y An INFALLIBLE REMEDT and cfrtaln cure for ai, Discharges of the Urinary Organs In either lex, whether acquired or constltntlol1al. recent or chronic cures in 1\ few days without medicines. Bold ill bottles 2s. 6d. each (by post 29,9,1. by all chemists. London agents, F. Newbury and Sons. 1. KinK Edward-street E.C. Agent for Cardiff; J. Mundav. "hemlat, Hi^h stveV Iiâ eourntiona! 2lnnounrtmtnts CARDiyr. (^T. CATHERINE'S, CARDIFF. A FIRST-CLASS DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, WITH KINDERGARTEN FOR GIRLS AND BOIS. PRINCIPAL Miss TULLI8, G. WAKBFORD. Assistant MISTRESSES ¡- Miss ASHE, 1st B.A. (London). All.. E. BLaCKLUK, Cambidge Senior Certiflute. Miss A. KVANS, 1st B.A. ( L?d..). M". HAILEY, B.A. (Loiidon). Miss HEYM, Kindergarten Certificate (1st Class G"tl?.). I AI50G;'a!¿lIOWiDIt Certificated TeachersArt, Mis tre. S oydlst, French Lady, and for MuMc :-Mhs J. EVAN* "no Miss CAPB. M""??. SCOTT. AYLWARD, 1 and BEKNA < D attend to give Piano, Violin, and Sing- ing Lessons. The NEXT TERM will begin early In MAY. [t(); ST. CATHEKINK'S, CAR F, KINDERGARTEN. The KINDERGARTEN will be OPEN to Parents of Pupils, and to others Interested in the System, on MONDAY and TUESDAY, April the 13th and 14th, at Eleven a.m. 6035 B'-IÜG'HTUN HOUSE HIGH SCHOOL BF()lt GIRLS, NEWPORT-ROAD, 1:'J<lIICIPJ.Ls-Mro. and the MI.,e. TAILOR, assisted by Cer.lfi""ted Governe. Will be B-OFENED at b.y 0,UMI;EliLAND LODGE, CATHEDRAL-ROAD, NEXTTKRM. Premises being larger and more healthy. T, nls and Croquet ""rd. Messrs. Aylward, Roberts, and Pearson attend for Piano, Violin, Guitar, alld Banjo Lessons. For Terms and Particulars apply to Principal. XEXT TERM, MAY 4th. 4974s27 IJlASTKR HOLIDAYS. — The Misses J KVANS hold their CLARES for DANCING and CALISTHENICS in Cardiff, Newport. Penarth. &0. Pi-iyate Lessons.—7, F¡t..la,place. Cardiff. ¡C01e8 PENARTH. IVy TOR, WESTBODRNE ROAD, PENARTH. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPALS-MRS. AND Mus WHITB. The Next Term Commences MAY 6.1891. [5102 ABERGAVENNY. MILFORD HOUSE, ABERGAVENNY. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. PRINCIPAL • Mrs. YATES. Next Term Day. TUESDAY, April 28th, 1891. A Vacancy for a Siudent-Pupil. 6020 Ia CLASS PRKPARATORY HSCHOOL ?Olt ONS OF GENTLEMEN, TY RHOIBEN SCHOOL, ABERGAVENNY. Pupils ?elved from seven to fourteen years of age to'r:;e<¡.i,t%e ,nsc\oJ,D ae:¡{: ;:ft: ;? b..Il .,?d for C.d et?.p. in the R.?V.1 Navy. IhomtiftiGrouitdii ,:aiid Home Comforts. Exception advantages for acquiring a thorough knowledge of Fr?,,?h. Incluive terms for Indian Children. Next Term begins APRIL 27. For Prospectus apply to the Revd. the Head Master. 3198 CLIFTON, BRISTOL. B" RIGHTON HOUSE SCHOOL, KEDLAND PA RK. CLIFTON, BRISTOL (NEAR THE DOWNS). Established 1873. A Few Vacancies for MAY 7th, Pour large houses. Excellent table, every home comfort. good staff of tutors all subjects taught. Large play- uround, gymnasium, fives courts, workshop, sans-, turium. 4c. There is a Preparatory School,also class for all Public School entrance and scholarship exami- nations. Sixty Boarders. Full number of pupil. during the last ten years. Successful preparation for all Examinations. Prospectus, successes, references on application. Tarm, moderate. Head Mster: Mr. CHARLES IHGG. Recent Successes London Matriculation, Cambridge Senior Rud Intermediate, Cambridge Junior Honours, College of Preceptors, Preliminary Medical, Preliminary Law. Science and Art Department, City and Guilds of London Technical College Matriculation, Cambridge Mus. Bac. Matriculation, &e. (including 25 sub j ects ) ,i.):;ub';ld;' :tfon Iu: bor. 1000?3 CH MPS TOW. flHEPSTOW GRAMMAR SCHOOL. qiiquire for Prospectus and Statement of Successful Work. Magnificeiitcoutitrv, Good home, 5&1] GEonGE DBWDNBY, B.A., and SON. PORTHCAWL. HE ESPLANADE SCHOOL for GIRLS. T-Eligl,3h and Foreign Governesses 1,1, hole..on in attendant. Fifev-four Certlllcates gained in 1890. N"xt Term APRIL 26th. GoveruewPupil requlred.- Apply IVinciphl. 1,0146 AIONAIOUTH. jl/T ON MOUTH GltAMMAR SCHOOL. The NEXT TERM COMMENCES APRIL 23th. Mr. W. Ikseveare continues to Receive Boarders, aDd has Vacancies. Terms on application. 99914 ivi UMOUTH GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Mr. J. POLGREEN, Manor Roule. MODmouth, again receive. Btlarden. Term, on application. Summer Term begins 28th PRIL. 4,96021 CLKVEDON. ELGRAVE HOUSE, CLEVEDON.- BOld-?,.bli,hM HO v> B SCHOOL fr the D?uRht?. ot Gentlemen. Resident English. Premb, ?nd German O:I; aleiIJn1;!Ch 'Êehr: (omrort and considemtioti, and careful trainli.g. Fees mOderate. The highest referenfts.- PHIN. CIPAL. 3S03il6 GLOUCESTERSHIRE. THE LADIES' COLLI GE, RYEFORD THALR,, STONEHOUSE, GLOUCESTER- SHIRR. Great facilities for Languages, Music, aDd Art. Preparation for all Local Exams, Home comforts. Large grounds; tennis; pony carriage, Ac. Terms moderate and Inclusive. Reference kindly permitted to Major Thornley. J.P., Essendene, Penarth, B. Wales.—For Prospectus, Report, and Photos, address the Principal. 3205d HEREFORD. HEREFORD cuUNTY COLLEGE, Chairman of Directors: The Hon. and Very Rev. THE DEAN OF HEREFORD. This School provides Fl,?, Grade Public gcb-I Education, both Classical and Modern, at a moderate cost. B 'yo & Prepared for the Universities, Profe. sions, and Commercial Life, and there I. a Special Department for Juniors. G,,ek, Germ.u. aid Shorthand are taught without Extra Charge. TO School Buildings are new and extensive, In a hlllb Rnd bracing position, and include chapel, laboratory, detached .m, cublcled dormitories, ?d large pl?tjg tield3. TVo Next Term will begin on SATURDAY, May 9th. For Further Part.cula,s apply to the Head master. 100042 BATH. ROSVENOR LADn;S' COLLEGE. GHIGH-CLASS SCHOOL. THOROUGH EDUCATIO' AND HOME. R?,ide.?t F.&,? .? i ngliah G ?, Prepa,atlon for E.?mm?. Over 6L Certificates since 1879, Highest ref..rencf>s. VACANCY also for GOVERNBS>-STUDENT (Premium). 99935 WESTON ITCHOOL, DATIl. At this School. established by Mr, Browning In 1830, a sound Commercial Education is gIven. including French, Shorthand, Book-keeping, &c„ for a Yearly Charge of g24. For Prospectus, add-. Mr. J. RUSSELL CLOUTTB, the Headmaster. Half-term March 3rd. 5114 gCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. PORTWAY HOUSE. WESTON, BATH. IN CONNECTION WITH WESTON SCHOOL, BATH. Mrs. J. HUSSELL CLOUTTE Receives Young Ladies at a Yearly Charge 01 £,7. Pupils Receive a Liberal Education, Including Musio and French, and most cudul attention in every respect. Prospectus on application. Half-term March 3rd. E5115 MUMBLES. THlSTLEBOON HOUSE SCHOOL, MUMBLES. Established 1840. Headmaster: R.V.W. J. JIOODY, B.A. (Math. Honours), St. John's College, Cambridge. Boys are received to prepare for the public schools, local examinations, and professional and commercial lUe. Special attention is paid to foreign languages. Fees moderate. Prospectus on application. Bummer Term commences MAY 7th. 93958 TAUNTON. QUEEN'S COGE, TAUNTON. Chairman of Queen's College, Taunton (Limited):- LEWT TILiIAMS. EsQ., J.P., Cardiff. H.admMt.T. DARLINGTON, Esq., M.A. (Camb. ftnil Land.), Fellow of Si. John's College, Cambridge, to whom applimtions should he sent for Prospectus and all other Informaiion. [100101 Bummer Term commences THURSDAY. April 30th. WKSTON-SUPER-MARE. WKSTON-SDPKR -MARE. .qEDUCATI,,N FOR YOUNG LADIES. 24 GUINEAS PER ANUM. For Board, Buglisii, French, Music, aud D-I.S. NO EXTRAS. SUMMER TERM begins MONDAY, 27th APRIL. References, Prospectus and View of House (which i. on the Bra Front), may be had on application to TBI HEAD MISTHISS, "ATBELSTAN LADIES' COLLEGN, "(484ad BEACH-ROAD, WESION-SUPER-MARE. ONNAKKLYN, WESTON-SUPER- DMARE. SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Thorough Education, with every attention to health and comfurt. Many Pupila have been successful in the C..bidp and leadnny Examinations. P?olp?.tu.oil references on application to th Principal. 9838 COWBRIDGK. f1 KiiAT HOUSE bUHOOL FuR GIHLS. !VVLI PRINCIPALS—MRS. AMD tkkMisbu CULVER- ELL. School Daum wlll- TwAud May, 7Ui, I" hotels, ffluunij i\coins. CARDIFF. U E E N S HOTEL (FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL), ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF (Under New l1anagement). ORDINARY DAILY, 1.30. Boap, Fish, Joints, Sn-eets, and Ohee.e, fto. BILLIARDS. Telephone No. 696. 95891 W. J. JEENES, PROPRIETOB. WESTON-SUPER-MARE. W EST 0 N It MAR E. THE G HAND ATLANTIC HOTEL, On the Promenade, facing the £ e», 8tallda In several acres of OrnamlIhl Grounds, with Six Tennis Courts. Its Appointments are perfect. Hydraulic Lift, Hand- some Drawing, Reception, Beading, Billiard, and Smoking Rooms. It is under entirely New Direction and Management, 'iariff Strictly Moderate and Apply to the MANAGERESS. L8703 S HE ROYAL STORES' ,I RE Ro Y A L STORES? rjlEA AT JS. 8D. PfiR LB. It the Beat Value in Waleii THE ROYAL STORES TX AYES. Q ARDIFF, 100123 [I. G. M ASSINGHAM, A.I.E.E., GENERAL ELECTRIC-LIGHTINQ ENGINEER AND CONTRACTOR. Estimates given for Fitting Up Throughout and Lighting, with or without motive power, Houle.. Country Mansions, Business Establlthments, Hotels, Works. 11111., ftc. Alio Bhlp Lighting. H. G. MASBINGHAM has just completed the largest public Installation for Electric Lighting as vet carried out in the Uaited Kingdom, comprising the lighting of 59 of the principal streets for the Bath Corporation, and including 40 Miles of Underground Main. for publioand private supply. Estimates Free, and Every Information Given, A Vacancy for Two Pupils will occur shortly. BATH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING WORKS, DORCHESTER-STREET, BATH. 9S466 piANOS, QUGANS, pIANOS CHEAPEST ROUSE IN THE TRADE, Pianos from lOe, Oil. Monthly. Organs from 5s. Monthly The rublle are Invited to inspect JJEATH AND SONS, ITOOI: or PIANOS, ORGANS, &o„ A. Pounds will be eaved by placing their Orders wltb thein. Every Instrument GUlrauteed and Kept In Tune On Sear Free of Oharg., large Discount for Cub. JJEATH AND SONjS PIANOFORTB AND OUGAN MERCHANTS, TUNliUS, AND BLIVAIRRITS, Q U ET, » pAUIMFF, AND 3 4 TAFJf-STREET, •puNTViUllllD. 63407 50 yALUABLE pRIZES FOR gMOKERS OF s NUNCLAD TOBACCO. 1 Handsome Sevless GOLD WATCH, value £10, 3 do. ,10. SILVER WATCH, vRlue£4. 5 do. do. do. value £2, 10 Silver-mount-d MEERSCHAUM PIPES, 7s. tolOs. eaoh. 31 Valuable OLEOGRAPHS, Handsomely Framed, from 5.. to 15s, each, FOR SMOKERS OF SUNCLAD TOBACCO ONLY. The SOUTH WALES TOBACCO MANUFACTURING COMPANY (LIMITED) are determined to give awsiv 50VAL UAJlLE PRIZKSHupon condillons herewith stated) to S tOEbRS wi", shall successfully compete for them. Tue l< iret "I these Competitions will be held on MAY 30 h, 189 The attention or Smokers is called to these Competitions, which are OPEN to ALL SMOKERS of the Celebrated SUNCLAD TOBACCO, which may bo obtained from all respectable Grocers and Tob..?.t, 1. M..mo.th.bi..=Lh W.les. R UJL E B 1. All competitors to be bomB /abusers of the celebrated Snncad Tobacco. 2. The first competition will be held and prizes awarded on the 20th May, 1851. 3. Competitors to save tb. wrappers bearing tbe Brand S bNC?A v. The.e wrtppem will be found to be date stamped on the outside, and must be carefully pre- served and returned on or before MAY 16th to the I..th W.1e. -e?o Manufacturing Company (Li.it?d), "1Ih-.treet. Ne"port, Mon.. po.t"e paid, Eilcion with the wrappers a &heet of paper, upon which the competitor has written h13 full name and addmes (which must be witnessed by two respectable house- holders). also stating the number of wrappers returned and the weight of Tobacco represented by the wrappers. 4. Tbe Prins will be awarded to those competitors sending In wrappers repm3enting tbe g,?.t?.t weight of Tobacco, upon the management beingsttisfled as to the bow fida "V th? competitors. hen must be no defue- ment of the .p?. by marginal Iippi.?g. 5. Emplové. of the b? on h W.I?, Tobacco Company and their families will be debarred from taklug any part In these competitions. 6. The management will award the Prizes to the best of tbir bility and judgment; but It ?.,t be ?.dll- stood b.11 ?..Pttitom that the dewsion of the 5=' l??l ;ltčm t¡e to .:l::e;d t; them as final. In sending wmppcri mark the envelope oil the outside, "Sunclad Competition." purchasers, we that your wrapper Is date-stamped, and that it bears the Brand, ••SUNCLAD SUPKRFINE SHAG TOBACCO.* osesi jQANIEL 0WEN AND CO MAKIBS o. LUGGAGE LABELS, DIBECTIOlf LABELS, SAMPLE UBELS, CLOTH LABELS. PAROHMEHT LABELS GLAZED MAKUlLIA CARTRIDGE ABELS IN GREAT DEMAND. These Thai. considerably Cheap., than Clth on:e eu::er.l&e :f belngeasy to write upon, and being made from V?gt?bt. Fibre epeal l y for Labels, can be rc-d-d- Ib aitløle wlU aaudua.a, of damp ^Dipping Notices. ASIENGEFIS BOOKED THROUGH to ALL PARTS of the WORLD by ROYAL MAIL ..d other Steamers.— Apply SAMUEL J. DAVJE8, 9, E«iward-p)ace, Opposite T.V.R. Station (Late N.: 1. The Hayea), CRrdiff. 4657sl5 ^JARDIFF and BORDEAUX jfij&hSgt The Cardiff Steamship Company's first-class Screw Steamers will Sail as follows ELY Bordeaux for Cardiff .AprI110 DORDOGNE.Cardiff for Bordeaux April 10 with Goods aud Passengers. to Mr. A. G. Todd. For rates of freight, 3tc., apply to Mr. A. G. Todd, Agent, 31. Quai des Chartr tus. Bordeaux, and at the offices of the Company, No. 51. Mount Stuart- squire, Cardiff. HOOPER, CAMPBELL, aDd CO.. 67745 Managers. a /TARDIFJS SWANSEA cANL) NEWPORT TmtflSWg 10 BELFAST AUD GLASGOW. FIKST-CLASS STEAMEK8 Are Intended to Sail with Good, and Passenger. follows CARDIFF TO GLASGOW via Swansea and Belfast ETERY MONDAY, p.m. tide. SWANSEA TO GLASGOW via Belfast EVERY WEDNESDAY, p.m. tide. NEWPORT to GLASGOW "¡II Swansea and Belfast, EVERY ALTERNATE TUESDAY, p.m. tide. GLASGOW to CAIIDIPF and SWANSEA,via Bel- fast, IiVERY FRIDAY, at Two p.m. GLASGOW to NBWPORT via Cardiff, EVERY ALTERNATE FRIDAY, at Two p.m. t. to.. Gi. Fiie -.Beif.3t: C.b-??. 17..6d. Steerage, 10s. Glas- lIoeê;JC28:¡ :'i2dëá.8tfdF.e;. ša:: 10.. Return—Fnre and a flalf. available for two months. Further Particulars from M. Jones and Brother, Swansea; It. Burton and Son, Newport; or 22963 E. TAY 1.011 and CO.. Cardiff. INAJAN LINE ILO Y A- LAIALI STEAMERS, Invjir im> IHTKHIHTIOHAI STBAU BBlP COli pur (LIMITED). UVIBPOOL TO NOW You* EV.RR W=KIMI)AT. Calling at Queeiistown Every Thursday. App ly to 10 A7lD8ON. BPRNOE, and CO.* & Water-.treet Liverpool ¡ or to T. M.,a,=.. d Bo. lb@on. B.j,D"'e'.9 Edwards-place. Cardiff. T. 0. Howe and 00.. Steam.blp Broker.. CardU!. cJ. Cudiipp, C.stt.d 0: .<{:r.r. f:=:et-Place. ewanm. Austin and SMcocks, Shlnbrokers „ T. H. Austin, Neath»roa«l, Landore H. lawl., g, Old Mark t..t L. N.&b. Joseph m., P".t.0 PoutypooL j. Jgl:r!:i:{:dd. 85061 i /I U 1 0 K 1, 1 N E G ROYAL AND UWITRD STATU MAli. SlICAMIiittS. d??tivEnrOOL O NEw YORK .I SATURDAY. Names. ALASKA Saturday, April 18 WYOMING .Saturday. .2. ARIZONA Saturday. May 2 Nn,l DA.. 9 AL"KA Saturday. May 18 u.tu'¡N'ró'iiI' ii;; 'iii:'¿:r; to Malls and rosseugers. P.a. bookad through '0 San Prauelsoo* Canada Manitoba, and alllnlaud Towns at low rates. M:Ip= !¡:¡:fC:I. Net? York, ¡rnm 41D 8,d Cabin and Steerage to New York, BOI'nll, and Phihuit; pliia, including a plentiful supply ot provisions L-Lkliii,i?pla ia inoludlu fl he t ompauy tow@d? a, Low@ ?,k?,l &" d;,twed bF at Lowest Ralu The.est. cu" Sur.eoa aad St.ard.- frse.andar* ,opiate with evets%nvenieu@ to add to the passengers comfort Apply to Galon and Co., II, water-stroet. Liverpool; or AMCRDAKS: M. Paiue.25, (Jurdiif-etreet. A A. J. Haucook, 58. Frogmore stress* B.M. D. J. KfaUl, Chto,¡icl, OIUce. BLAISA A. H. Thomas, 3, Church street, BLABNOAAW James l>avies, Post office. UUlI'l" Heudtrson Bros. 3$MountMtuart-ffQUarSb „ C. J.Ouiillpp, 1 d 13. Castle-road, „ 8. J. Davies, 9, Edward place. LANDORK: T H, u.7 203, N8Itb.road. LLANCLLY: Wm, Haucook 2. Dowaln'Ir. HA@T@: D. B. Poweil,P."M.. J: :¿'d'6FI"lDa. N.?,o., Wm. M. Looke, 33, High-street, n JObb Yonnl. Urldee-alins'. NaAtnt W James, King's Arms, Windsor road. PONTi?OO?: Jft.P. L KJa,r road. PONTYPRIDD. *James Roberts, Gralg Post-office* BWANHKA: Knrliiht and CO.. 4. Homerset-plaoe, P LN?TR Henry Hun" A@@tun Ho? G CAltl)IFF AND BRISTOL. MAKOHIONUSS. From Bathurat Bad., From Bute Docks, Cardiff. From cumberfiid Basin Fifteen Minatw Later. April. April. I?.,W.h.a?7 7 SO morn 1 ..1115 mora 2aThur«da» .8 0 morn a Wmr*Uy.1J 0 noon %avrlda 9 0 morn S Friday (O.B. ) 3 1 15 aftar tas?,t rZ .B.).. 9 0 m=nIll :W.l 45 after 6 Monday 5 SO :f= 7al'ue«lav 9 4o after 7 Tuewlay ,3oO after 8 Wedne.!ay(Ex- 8 Wednewiar. ol 350f curdonl 3 39 after Salhunday 8 7 4b uioru W3 30 It., S-Til?- ,I- 8 15 r. 9 Thm., 1, 0, a, :{. 1& f 8 0 mora 10 Friday .6 0 after 830_D 11 Salurday 5 30 after 13 Monday 10 16 mora l3aMuu<lay 6 45 mom 14 Tuesday 11 o mora ".T.=715 Wodii?day 1130 MaWednentey 7 45 morn 16 Th.d?VLI.B.)12 30 after KaThuisdaylO.B.) 8 15 mora 17 Frl, 10.B.1.. 1 45 afler 17.lIrhla,10.) ?o 11' il?.B..) '1 '3'0 .'t- 18oSaturda»(0J.|ll 16 mom 20 Monday 5 30 aflee iOoMouday 11 45 afler 21 Tu.lay 6, 'o afler 2 aTuesday 2 16 11" !1 Wednesday. 6 30 after 22 Wednesday(Ex* 23G'rhur.a, 7 7 45 morn cursion) 3 0 after 24aFriday tg S 30 morn 25oSaturday 8 0 morn M 23 Thursd, ay 3 go ttfter 27«Monday 9 lfi morn 24 Friday 4 0 after 28 Touday t f 19 2 F1F 5 26 Satur ay 4 3o f. 27 Monday 5 45 aft?r, WedaoudaJ.IO 28 Tuesday 8 16 f,.r 30 Thunder .11 0 morn 29"WedaoodaJ 643 morn 30aTborsJay 7 15 morn j a To and Fro. FAMES.—After Cabin, SI. 6d.: Fore Cabla, Is. 6d. 1'CHllld. Fro l'lckata Issued for return Vip on 88ID. da, 18 marked: After Cabin, 4. r, ore Cabin, 2s. 6d. Tonnd-Fro Tickets wUI be issued on Saturday, available for the ntam trip OD Monday. SPECIAL NOTICE. W. H. QHAPMAN AND CO. (FROM CAUBBIDGE), HIGH CLASS TAILORS AND ROBE MAKERS, Informs their patrons ID South Wales THAT THEY RAVB OPENED AN OFFIOI AT BANK BUILDINGS, ST. MARY-STREET, CARDIFF, wbere a xanarer will be In attendance to twelve orders. Telephonic communication with our BeId Establish- ment?Queen, ",?d, cm" 3,1.tol. Bristol 1 Telephone No, 666. 89233 -ffii COUNTY BREWERY, P EN A ItTH-ROAD, cARDIFF. J^J-ILD AND JG LTTER ALES NOW READY. IN SPLENDID CONDITION, In 4t. 9,18, and 54 Gallon Casks, 10d., 18.. Is. 2d. and Is. 4d. per Galloa DEALEfiS SUPPLIED. For FllrLber Particulars apply at the BREWfiBY. 97968 XMPOIITANT TO LADIES.—The most wonderful medicine ever di?vere?d for at f@gu larities and obstructions, hnwever obstinate or long standing. Thousand, have been relieved by this miracu- lous remedy, and thereby saved trouble, illness, and expense. Perfectly harmlew, neerfan. to bring about the desired effeet. u testified to by hundreds of married and single females. It is without a parallel In medical science,. Numerous unsolicited testimonials. Pills are useless. Stamped addressed envelope for price list.—C. M. D'ASUAIL, W'althamstow. (The only effeo- tnwi remedy on earth.) 777d ti, AiiD (JU RE, 4 S. 6D. EFFECTUALLY REMOVES in a FEW VAYllaU DIS- CHAKGBS, Sc., Sc., from Whatever Cause Arising. Contains no mercury or nauseous drugs. Post free to Co..i,is no(mXjodr )?_Add, ."y Ad d, I KITT and CO" Medical Hall (E*tAbli#hed 1882),.39, Bute-street, ^D- RApiD C"1- 4s' OAKEVS" Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. The Original Preparation For polishing Cutlery, For use with Boards or Machines. OAKE Y'S Wellington" KNIFE POLISH.! 0For Cleaning Knives xq"l to New Cutlery. P,e. OAKEY'S Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. 0Ued without trouble. PoUlbe.ln.tantly. Befuse worthless I.ion,. OAKEY'S Wellington"KNIFE POLISH. Ironmonger.. Grocen, and 01' ..IIIG nt Id., id.. 3d., 6d„ ls.,2s. 8d„ and 4.. ? OAKgyS II Wellington" KNIFE POLISH. JOHN OAKBY and SON8. Manufacturers of BUBILY, BLACK LEAD, EMERY OIAn.. GLASS PAPER. *c.. &c.. [L8614 WES:rMm8LJS:Rrl:'0:ö.'f.öNDOJ:: C1ARD1F1' ADVERTISING, BILL-POST- J ING. AND CIRCULAR DIBTRIBUTING CO.. PANT (LIMITED). OFFICBS r C&STLB CHAMBBRS. 21, CABTLI 8TREET, CARDIFF. SBCltETAltY. FRANK H. SIMPSON. Best per?nent Posting 8tatlons in Cardif mA Nelgbbourbood. Con_ton for all description Neig = ( g.ribtiGCi?OU? All <mien POODUT atuaded to.




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