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-T- f <t  }¡ !rt ?' ,J   f"  ??MSa???.?'? ALLYWe GLEASiit(i6> The Pontardawe Rural District Council i« xi y.v in a position to pro- cure land with the minimum delay, .-iny whore in. district. allotment cultivation, hut the applications so j rer have l,wu to k v that the Coun- t'il sonievvha.& discouraged. If the persons deRiroufi of obtaining land will makei ta point to send in thiT applications by Tuesday next, it will help the scheme materially. Practically .all too d'fitr.cts have hy >«w return* their food rationing ap- plication forma to the Focd Control Commi tter, and the work of issuing; the tickets is proceeding; apace. If anv persons have, not recived forms, ■application aliouli be mads immed- iately to thi food oflic. I Tho wedding took place at the P<.urvS».rdarw« peg-'Stry" office on Wedncf- Any of Mr D-avid Thorns* Daviee, uvd M- ■ Vlarga-ret Davies, both of P:muy-- j ff v,, The party wad SKwrnpan^l hY '?:*s. David M?fnwar'ns!: and D). ?t.-  The mart ;ü Pf??'d'LWf on Monday was conducted by Mr J. E. Williams, Yxtj-adgynl&i*, when three oafctle were, divided between. the butchers of the district. It was resolv-Dd to press for Pontardawe to become a mea distribut- ing centre under the new schpmc. The vAUtwen iwmual fair tnok place oa Monday last, when :215 st.-en, were sold at from R14 to £ 18 Hb. each. A horse offered for gala At ti-to Food Control Coir/raittr-e eci Monday, Councillor D. T. Jon-es, J.P., presiding, it watS decided that the ffswjtive officer oom-munica te with all \v holc^alera of buter a-n-d margarine, asking thorn to d their supplies to a central stores that would act as a dump. The butter and margarine ould be distributed on the sii card basis, and according to the regis- tered mimbor of customers. By ;n.aa-ns, equal distribution for each in- dividua1 Tvould be ensured. It was h Iso explained that acording to the ,ftew scheme, it was not n-eoe^sary that ths food tickets should be takan to the shop at- which the Pugav caid was ) •registered. It would also be illegal fox a tradesman to solicit the t ■ i-r cards by making oondi ti-oual sa es. Uutter utxl margarine could- be ob- tained from butter merohaiits if neees- sarv. and persons could take their •portion of their sugar to the retailer for registration. Thursday eveuing at T^ehanos, ,;1 recptj.()u mMtiuf:; was held Ni hon- oBr of Pte. Tbcfl. J. Da vies, wtro was kome for a few days lea re. Pte. has be-en wounded by shrapnel r when on duty with the R.A.M.C. in Franee. The* Rev. David Davies pre- •rt-ded, supported hv the RN". D. G. .'lichati ds asid Hot. D. G. Roes. The chairman pm«-aiiod Pte. Davies treasury .no-tss, the usual gift ven by the Trebllnoii 8. and S. Cojv.- ajittee. The recipient enitaWr re- sponded. During tlia evening a mi". i(vilaneon.i concert vm.9 held by local .7ouc,f" wkm-t, assisted by the well- fcBown harpist, Mr Lewis, Clyd- Th foIlmrmg book part:—-Bongs, \l«esr«. Joha TeckDy Moi-gai-i ':M C. Dnvies dtt; MoasTe. Davie; 'ifd Morgan. PeniHioa wei>e sung by Mr Mjow-d, ft-ocwmpanijed by i:ne barn. n i.aiSaajst, Miasss Oeira-srcm DwiVK 4L Oo, Tke w '< Mr \V. J. Powers< who a bo gave a piajnoioi'te solo. A ver yenjoyable evening terminated by the singing of "Ben Wlad fy Nhadau" by Mr. T. Lloyd. v Lt Saturday eveni.n g the Public Hall was crowded, many failing bo gain admission, whon a triple drama- v,as presented by Mr. D. G-weruydd Morgan's Cotnpajiy, in aid of the Welsh Wesievan Churoh. The plays "The Prodigal Son" (D. ( 4 dw -N, ogwy l Gwemydd Morgan), Noswyl" (R. G. Berry), and "The Fighting Blood (D. Gwernydd Morgan), were presented. During the interval-, Mr W. R. Lewis rendered two solos, which were well appreciated. The players were warmly applauded throughout their perforrnajn/oe. After serving<j.4 months in different camps, PicaiCer n. R. James, of the ,H11. Lawashire Fusiliers, has be&n discharged on medical grounds. Pte. Jame.s was a popular figure in the Valley, and in his younger drfys was a noted humourist. Prior to the war he w as a storesmn? at Mes.s; Gil- h,4 A as t. storeiw-.ia-i at iN,Ics. 'I? I Loca l fr i en ds will be gind i k>aiu v.,ill lie It,aq 2 that Nurse P. DaviR? F.F.X.?' « f Hr- 3rd Western General Ho:pitai port (!ato of oPiitaidawe;), is now eovering after a very severe illness. At St. Peters -Schoolroom on Th urs- day evening, a presentation meeting was held, at w]:;e.h the vim-r, the Rer. Joel J. Davies, [)'sul-rd. The guest of the evening Pto. Vv Jacobs, of the Wiltshire regwr- was presenw^d 'c ?t the eve of his ('.?'??rtuTe for France. Pfco. Jaoolw :•> th \-3u?gest s?.a of Mr My. Jacobs Cc-i'?lLa-n viliRa? who has three sons on active service; in thi persons Seaanaji Hv. Jacobs, who is. in the-.Navy; (-orol. Herbert I>o tli Jacobs of the Rifle Bri-dage, r on service at Saloriioka.. The oha;i;-made the presentation, and Mr linn Williams a^ied as accompanist to an excellent mxisieal programme. At the spwial Lenten services at St. Peter's next week the preachers will be. on Wednessd-ay at 7.30 iai English, the Rev. D. W. Thomas, vicar of LlandeWe, and on Thursday evening •in Welsh, tho Rev. G, T. Walters, Clydaoh. At the meeting of the St. Peter's Chureh Oounciil held at the School- rooni on Tuesday ,taRt, Mr C. Giddings was eo--opted as auditor to the Church ifnance committee, whilst the following; werej»co-opted as membere: Messrs. M J. Bell, W. Clathworthy, and W. Llewelyn. It was decided to accede to tha request of the Belgian refuge com- mittee and grant the Chureh col- lections for one Sunday towards the funds of that committee. The persons now dependent upon the funds are the wife and two children of a Belgian soldier, who is a prisoner of war in Germany, and the wife amd two child- ren of another Beigia MOldier who is now fighting on hi" r?ti?e soU. r?ow fight?-lig on ",tr've ;?o i l. Mrs. Healey, of Dungarvefl, Co. W&terford, received from the King at the Investiture on Saturday the Albert Modal awarded to her son, So r gar a t Prlichael HeaLey. Hcjaley, who was 28 years of age. was employed at Pontardawe Steel Works for sevens yeara before joining the colours. Ile W.-fis awarded th, D. C.M. for capturing a maohine-gun a.nd five prioonern" Kind later he w.> awarded the Militacy Medal. He alee obtaimed a batr to his Military apd with the Alfeext Medal this w ii«..fourth dooo-rai-ftm. Tile dlCfld ft, which lie was honoured on Saturday cost h'im his life. A bomb struck a parapet and rolled into his trench. Healey rushed to, pick it up and was killed, but his act saved an ofifcer and three comrades. "It was quite easy to talk to the King," said Mrs. Healey to a Press representative. "He put me at my ease and conversed in homelv fachion with me. He expressed Ideep sympathy with me in my loss, and congratulated me upon having had such a son. He also talked about the situation, and hQped that I did not have to wait in queues. Sergeant Healey died in February of last year, and a few weeks prior to that he was home on leave, and was the recipient of a purse of Treasury notes from his numerous friends at Pontardawe. Mrs. Healey is expec- ted at Pontardawe this week, where her younger son, Mr Dennis Healey, resides. Concerts were held at Danygraig Vestry on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday nights in aid of the Dany- graig S. and S. ]fund, and the Vestry was crowded eacli evening. The concert had been arranged by Mrs. W. Jones, ajid Miss M. Morgans, Railway Banw, and much credit is due to them for their work in training the clidren.. The programme was as follows:—Pianoforte duett, Misses E. Jenkins and L. Jones; recitation. Miss L. A. Lewis; song, Master L. Dennis Rowlands; recitation, Miss G. Lewis song, Master Emlyn Janes; action son by the Young Girls; pianoforte solo, Miss A. B. John; recitation. Miss B. Bowver; action sonk, Master Emlyn, Jones; duett, Miss Tilda Jones and Master Lewis Dennis Rowlands. Sketch entitled "Mulligatawny and Spring Gleaning," the characters in which were taken by Miss A. J. John, ,,4,  Miss B. Riohax(t Masses Tabitha Jones, Beatrice Williams, Lizzie Evans Mary E. Davies, Miss Maggie Morgan Miss Ann Williams, Miss Phoebe Phillips, Master Arthur Mathias. An- other amusing sketch, "Registry Office for Servants." Registry mistress was Miss Nellie Jones, and the Mi. tresses in need of maids were Misses ?<l. Thonvis, M. -T. Jones, and L. .Tone* The duties of accompanist were ably carried out by Mips E. Jenkins. On Saturday night 20 of the wounded soldiers from the; Infirmary were oraserut at the invitation of the oo-mmittee. The Rev. Llew. Bowyer said that they were all pleas-ed to see the wounded heroes amongst them. Pte. Gray expressed thanks on behalf of the soldiers for the kind way in which they had been received at Danygraig.



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