  s u mE I *? ?? M!LUNE__ RY. ? h ? ?-—???-?-?-—-—-??—-?—-— -—-—- č g = — Charmiug Display of Millinery | ? this Week at £ g e ?    f J. W. EVANS j ? THE SWANSEA MILLINER, s —— — | ? ? _— ———————————???-??—-  & New Voile Dresses, New Blouses, § New Sports' Coats § f for Summer Wear. Q t) ? _?' ——- ——— '—" ? 4 e ? ? 40, 41, Castle Street, Swansea. § <• .).(;).: 0 .o. I

DULAIS VALLEY. I A very pretty wedding was solem- nised at the Neath Registry Office oil Saturday, when Miss Rachel Morgan; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Morgan, Station-terrace, Seven Sisters, was married to Mr. Morgan Morgans, tho eldest son of Mr. Morgans (opposite Police Station). The bride, who was given away by her father, was attend ed by Miss Watkins, Bryn Villa, and was nresscd in a costume of Navy crepe de chene, whilst the bridesmaid was dressed in grey. The happy couple were the recipients of many useful presents. Rifleman 1). R. Evans, Bryn teg-ter- race, Seven Sisters, is home on leave, prior to rejoining his remigent in France, with which he has seen over IS months' service. He was given a cordial reception. The local mixed choir gave an ex-I cellent concert at Onllwyn '¡In Thursday evening, which speaks well for the coming concert. It appears that there Are not many reserved seats left for the "Messiah" performance. Last Sunday the local Independents held their annual singing festival at Soar Chapel, Seven Sisters. There were the usual three meetings, morning, afternoon and evening. Mr. J. W. Mor- gan, Seven Sisters, was the appointed conductor, but as he w-as unable to I attend, his brother, Mr. Dd. Morgan, took his place. Both are well known musicians, the latter being tho con- ductor of the Silver Band, and proved himself equal to the occasion and de- serves the highest credit for the splen- did way in which he conducted. The weather was very favourable, and large congregations gathered at each meet- ing, for Soar has always been noted for its exceptionally good singing. The rendering of the various hymns and anthems reflects great credit upon the choir and its conductor. Misses Mar- garet Williams and M. Mary Evans presided at the morning service; Mr. Samuel Lloyd at the afternoon, and the Rev. Edmund Davies (pastor) at the evening service. The following were among the pieces rendered: "St. Eliza- beth, which was sung at both morn- ing and evening service; "Blodau r lesu," "Ewing," "Gwinllan" (this hymn tunc being perhaps the best rendered), and "Bryndar." Two an- thems had been prepared and were the following: "Clyw, 0 Dduw, fy the, fo l loii -ing: llefain" (D. Jenkins), which was beaji- tifnllv rendered, and "Bendigedig fvddo Arglwydd Dduw Israel" (John Thomas Blaenanerch), and the way it was rendered could not but evoke ad miration. Psalms-were-given by Misses miration. Psalms were given by Miss L. Thomas, Bronwydd, Jenet Hicks, and Irlis Daviesj solos by Miss Doris Price, Messrs J. Morgan, Brynhyfryd, (Ebenezer), and D. T. Davies (Soar); recitation by Miss Miriam Williams-; (Ebenexer); speeches by Messrs. Wm. Morgan, T. Williams (Ystradgynlais), and D. W. Davies. The chapel Was packed during all the services, and the evening service was uncomfortably so, people having to be satisfied with lis- tening to the singing outside. The festivcal was without doubt a distinct success. Last Thursday evening a. splendid concert took place at the Onllwyn In- dependent Chapel, when the Seven Sisters and District Mixed Choir gave some beautiful selections from the "Messiah," assisted by several emi- nent local airtistes. The chair was occupied by Mr Wm. Williams, manager of Dulais Colliery. A good programme had been arranged and included the following:— Pianoforte solo by Miss Olwen Evans. This was followed by a selection from the "Messiah" by the choir entitled "Their sound is gone out." Mr Dd. Thonvas, Onllwyn, followed with a baritone solo. Mr ThQmas was un- doubtedly at his best, arid thoroughly deserved the reception he obtained. After an excellent recitation by Miss Isabelle Rowlands, a. solo from Miss Dollie Christie followed, who is very much to the fore at the Seven Sisters recption concerts. The next item was down to "Dulais" who, in his usual style, delivered an excellent piece of poetry. This was followed bv a beautiful recitation by Mr David Ei-iirys Phillips, and a solo by Miss Daymond, the popular soprano of Onllwyn. The first pa.rt of the "programme concluded with the chorus, "He shall purify" by the choir. The second part of the programme commenced with a solo by Miss Jones, which was followed by a recitation by Miss Isabelle Rowlands and a solo from Mr David Uhomas. Dulais again appeared and created quite a stir with some very appropriate verses, and was fol- lowed ,with a solo by Miss Daymond. The last item was the grand chorus, "Hallelujah" by the choir. A very sad affair took place here last Sunday evening, when Mrs. M. Roberts, the wife of Mr Matthew Roberts, Dyffryn road, Onllwyn, who was on her way to visit her daughter, suddenly died in School road. Onllwyn. The deceased leaves a husandand funeral will take place next Thursday daughter to mourn their loss. The afternoon.

'-1 I Mites Pier and Pavilion. Sunday, June 24th, at 3.45 & 6 45 p.m. Hanney's Military Band Conductor Mr. SAM HANNEY. ADMISSION 3d. including Tax. CHILDREN Id. f Sunday, July 1st-Band 01 H.M. GRENADIER GUARDS Conductor Captain A. WILLIAMS, M.V.O., Mus. Doc. (Oxon) I Refreshments of all kinds at Pier Hotel. >-+-+ •

GWYS and CWMLLYNFLL. I Rev. W .D. Thomas Brynamman, occupied the pulpit at Ebenezer on Sunday last. Seaman John Morgan has been in the! neighbourhood spending a- short leave, and looks remarkably well. His numerous friends gave- him a cordial welcome on his arrival. Prior to en- listment he was engaged as assist- ant shvpkeeper at Mr Tom Morgan, Emporium. He left on Wednesday with the best wislws of the inhabitants. Boed' llwyddiant iii. anwyl John, Ar war y tonog li, Mae dymuniadau pawb o'r bron Am nodded. lor i ti. Mr Horace Tlwma. son of Mr T. R Thomas, schoolmaster, has been home on a, visit. He is a, medical as- sistant on board one of the H.M. vessels. Special meetings were held on Saturday evening and Sunday last. The special preacher was Rev. Davies Tumble. Mr Lewis Thomsa, J.P., occupied the pulpit at Bethel on Sunday, and Mr Tom James, Gwys, preached at Penrhos. On Thursday evening, at the Temperance Hall, Gwys, a reception was held in honour of Able Seaman Jimmie Slee, who has been on active service for many months. The hall was crowded. Rev W C Wynne pre- sided Seaman Slee, was presented by Mrs. Pitman with a Treasury Note on behalf of the Reception Committee. Suitahle songs flud pervi.llkm were sung, also recitations given by promi- nent reciters. Mr Lewis Williams and Mrs. Mary Williams acted as accompanists. Mr Arthur H Williams, Ivy Bush lead the National Anthem. Labour prospects of the 1; ■ lity seem getting worse. Hirwo 15; vr iien- llvs Colliery is at a standstill. Coed- ffalde has ben closed down. Also Cwm- | llynfell is on »top since last wee k owing to a. dispute. j

YSTRADGYNLAIS CHILDS END. WATER STREET VICTIM. The circumstances at te lid Ing the death of Howell Cynlais Powell, the three-year old child of Mr and Mrs. Rd. Powell, Penybont ruw, Ystrad- gynlais, was the subject of an enquiry at the Sardis Vestry on Tuesday, when Dr. W. R. J',oiit- coroner, attended. My Edward E Watkins was appointed foreman of the jury. It seems that the child was playing, in company with others, in the disused houses at Water treet, when it fell Irom one of the unstairs windows on to the stones in the bed of the river Tawe. He died next morning. tvLchard Powell, collier, father of the deceased, child said was not at home when the aecident occurred, but Or. Walsh had been called in and had attended the child. He could not say whether the child had been playing there before. David John Davies, Brecon Road, said that on Mondav night at about 8 o'clock, he saw deceased falling from one of the upstair windows of the Water Street houses. He Was stand-  s He ?,tin d ing on Ystrad bridge at the time. He could not say if lie was pushed. Witness then ran to the spot and picked up the child, who was uncon- scious. He did not know who he was, but he was afterwards told by same children, and conveyed him home. Tlijere was no bleeding. The doctor was immediately sent for. At this juncture the Coroner an- nounced his intention of adjourning the inquiry until that day week. It had been his duty in the past to draw attention to the manv death traps that abounded in the Ystradgynlais district, and this street, which oould be made into a beautiful spot, had now claimed its victim. The spot was' a veritable eyesore, and it was a shame that the windows and the doors were left unprotected. He did hot think the Council was to hialme oil thi; 00-1 casion, as they could not enforce de- moiiti-on. The owners of the property were [ clearly to blam<e, and he would there- fore adjourn the inquiry so as to e.n- able the owner or a representative to attend, and also a member of tho Council and the survevor.

PIANOFORTE AND ORGAN TUNING. REPAIRS of EVERY DESCRIPTION First Clase Work, Moderate Chargea PIANOS TUNED FROM 3a.6d. JAMES TARR, Y <' t h'ø"t JOHNSTON For NEW VEGETABLE AND FLOWER SEEDS FLORAL DESIGNS AND EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN. ALEXANDER JOHNSTON. 221 OXFORD ST, SWANSEA Telephon-e: 567 Central. PUBLIC HALL, PON TARDA WE. ON SATURDAY, JTLY 7th. 1!il7, A Grand Performance of the renowned English Opera (in full character)- "THE BOHEMIAN GIRL" (Balfe), will be given at the ai)ovt, pla(,,c- by I The CTRWEX OPERATIC SOCIETY. Conductor: Mr. W. D. DAVIES- CHAIRMAN CHARLES G. GILBERTSON. E"C}. Ii To commence, at 7.30 p.m. PRICES OF ADMISSION: 5s. 3s.; 2s. and Is. 5s. and 3s. Seats may be booked with Mr David Daniel. Brecon Road, Pontardawe. j —-jr — ■ — .j Proceeds for Pontardawe aiid Sit.itt)i-s' and Association. Don't forget the FLAG DAY for the Pontardawe Sailors and Soldiers, on JUNE 23rd, 1017. JIG Prepaid Rates for the following Classes ol Advertisements. — ( Once 3 Times 14 WORDS 10! 2 0 22 WORDS 14 12 8 30 WORDS 18 13 4 ¡EACH EXTRA j EIGHT WORDS j 0 4 0 8 "ftfole Trappers. Rabbit Salesmen. Remember Nelson's Signal, 'England expects.' Your way of helping to get some of the golden sovereigns back from America by sending your skins to A. Skinner, J8 Coweross-street, London E.C., who will pay you the highest price and not skin you. Don't wait for price list, send your skins. Money by return. N H llEAJ) CHIÜKS-To make vour Poultry pay, you must rear every chick, and the only sure way to do this is to feed them for the first three weeks exclusively on ARMIl- AGE'S No. 1 ORIGINAL DRY CHICK FOOD, and follow on with ARM1T- AGE'S No. 2 GROW ON CHICKEN MIXTURE and ARMITAGE'S No. 3 SMALL CHICKEN CORN )13Jlu-j factured by Armitage Brothers Ltd., Po-?trv Food Specialists, Nottingham. Sold by Evaii Thomas and Son, t Grocers, Ystalyfera. Nimrod Jones, New Market Stores, Ystradgynlais. d_d- :\110- RANTED for Farm, Good Workman, used to ploughing and hedging. Cottage and garden found. Apply to T. Thomas, Maes-Ilwydiart, Sennv- bridge, HOrSE TO LET.— A good roomy house to let at Swan Field, Gurnos. Also a large Shop at Godre'rgradg; moderate rent. Apply, J w D. Williams,, Aubrey Arm. JIG- ACTUAL test proves that Kai-swood Harmless Poultry Spice added to hen food, produces double the eggs as same food without Karswood. Packets 1d., 6d, Is. From E. Griffiths, 67, Herbert Street, Pontardawe. 3J23Jy7 GIVE the German submarine cam- J paign the knock-out blow, by doubling your egg supply by using Karswood Spice, containing ground insects. 2d., Gd., Is. From Davies, Grocer, Manchester House, Ystalyfera. 1J23 PONTARDAWE AND DISTRICT r NURSING ASSOCIATION. NATIONAL BABY WEEK. A BABY SHOW "Will be held in the GROUNDS OF GELLYGRON. ON TUESDAY. JULY 3rd, v At 4 p.m. Sharp. All Babies fi-o-nt One Mo-nth to 12 Months old may be entered for the Competition. EIGHT PRIZES BE GIVEN. All names to be handed to the District Nur?e?. from whom further pa?tic?M-s may be obtained, before June 30th. Admittance and Tea. Free to the Mothers of Babies whose names are entered for the Competition. General Public Admission: Threepence I'ti Speaker: Mrs. Cloudesley Breratoii. If wet. the Bo-hy Show will be held in the Drill vHall (The Skating Rink.) ')J .).) J,¡ 1.1-. ,ft. y NISCED \V Y N ESTATE lfENT ADUIT. Tli^ Yniscedwyn Rent Audits for the Collection of Rents due 2oth March, j 1917, will be held as follows: The BRECON AUDIT at the YNIS- CEDWYN ESTATE OFFICE. ON TUESDAY, JULY 10th. from 10.30 to 4.30. THE GLAMORGAN AUDIT at the CHURCH HALL, YSTALYFERA, on THURSDAY, JULY 12th, from 10 a. m. to 5.30 n.m. JOHN P. LEE, 3J23-Jy7 Estate Agent PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. QRAND QYCLE AND pOOT GRA:\L> CYCLE A:\D FOOT ? RACING Will be held at the Ystalyfera Athletic Grounds —- ON AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY. Further patriculars to follow. Secretary, George Davies, Waterfield House, Rhiwfawr, 1J23 Pontardawe District Horse and Flower Show Society. s THE — J|ORTICULTt RAL gECTION SHOW, Of the above Society will be held ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1917. OPEN AND COTTAGERS' CLASSES, ALLOTMENT, AND SPECIAL PRIZES FOR ALLOTMENTS AND POTATOES. NUMEROUS SPECAL PRIZES. Proceeds in aid of the Cwmtawe St. John's Auxiliary War Hospital. Entry forms and further particulars from the Secretary— Albert Bratton, Pontardawe. 2J23-30.

PLAGUE OF CATERPILLARS IN BRECONSHIRE. There is a plague of caterpillars in the beautiful Cwmtaf Valley of Brecon- shire situated within five miles of Merthyr. Trees and green stuff of all descriptions are affected, and jocal agriculturists and hortieult iiikt.s are much perturbed by tne devastation. Tho district most seriously affected is an area in which trees, undergrowth and herbage are covered with siivery webs, in which myriads of grubs of the caterpillar variety reside. The caterpil- lars spread far and wide and devour everything that cross their path. Trees —large xand small-and other foliage which have been attacked present- if bare and weird appearance, being bf- reft of all colour but the silvery, ghostly hue of the web. The villagers demand that the plague should be brought to the notice of the Board of Agriculture and other auth- orities without day.

Owing to failing health the well- known preacher and litterateur, tho Rev. J. Huws, has tendered his resig- nation of the pastorate of the Bryn Scion Congregational Church, Glanam- man. At the unanimous wish of the church Mr. Huws as consented to the resignation not taking effect until the end of the year.

15 EXCELLF-NT FOR |S Mother Seigel's Sjtup is an ideal Mend of nearly a dozen mcc!kir.;tl roots, barks, and S H! leaves. rlence its rem.irkaKe record of p' jg relief to suiVerers from !tomach and liver s 3= troubles. Try 30 drops, after meals, for g; a little while, "Note the s.-veedv benefits. fp lr' rc S. JUSiRSflli