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YSTALYFERA NOTES. I c:- ç! r' r P.S.E. SOCIETY. inn-o w<.s a fa.ir attcrndance at. the weolciy meeting of the P.S.E. Society, last Sunday evening, when the ex-presi- chnt, Ifr. T. King, read 8B paper entitled "Iia^/lo Dazzle." a subject which had evoked considerable curiosity for the. time, it had been announced,. The paper •was, however, of a very excellent charac- ter, and was greatly enjoyed and ap- proci-ted. It cor&ssted of numerous readings from the work of American authors which Mr King had ingeniously connected together.. The paper was fol- lowed by an inbrcs'i!g d:ECUfg;Cn le:d by -Air J. D ivies, and folowc-d by Messrs. J. Samuel. T. S. Williams, G. A. Green- wool. ard the chnirmar, ard Air K:ng •we.-s ccrdiJIy tha'Oced for his paper. "Y DIYRATG GOGH." I I ho President (lie v..J, S. Jomt), pre- 1 eided over ;o"d attendance at thfe weekly meeting of the Guild of the Rod Dragon on Fr day evening, when two in- teresting papers were re-d, the first on "Alchemy" by Mr Barnes, rcience mas- ter at the County School, in which the writer explained the ol 1 sciences prior to ths! coming of chemistry, a.nd the saoord on "Twm o'r Nant" (in Welsh) by Mr Bin Jones, also of the County SchoT. Tho piper were followed with considcv.xM-? attention, and an illumina- ting dire nasi on was taken part in by Mes —•. J. D-vi-s. J. WaPer Jons, B.A., J. Morgan and F. Rees. THE W.LL. PROGRESSING I The istalykra Branch of the Women a Labour League is miking favourable progress. Several new members have been mode, ard all are very enthusiastic. A sewing class has been started and some interest-ng papers and iscusciorcs are an- ticipated shortly. At the meeting held on Thursday last, the following re- solution was unan'mc-usly passed "That in view of the high infantile death rate and th, large number of ch'ldren who school offering from physical de- "Tects,' this, tty> Ysialvfera Branch of the Women's Labonir teag,e u.rgf,.s the Government to encourage local authorities to establish baby clinics for the medical treatment of babies and children under school ago. ard to make grants for this purpose from national funds. A hearty invitation is extended to all women in- terested in the movement to join the Branch. Meetings are held on Thurs- days at 7 p.m. prompt at the I.L.P. In- stitute. DEA"'H 0* FORMER YSTALYFERA RESIDE VT It is with regret that we announce the death, which occurred with startling sudd-moos in Newport, on Saturday evening, of Mr Thos. Roger Thomas, now of Pt.rF-t,ford,. London, but formerly of Ystalyfera. Mr Thomas will be remembered, by many of our readers as a son of the late Mr Roger Thomas (Adolphus), the cele- brated Welsh writer, historian, and novel ist, his work s including the well known novel "Gruffydd Llwyd." Deceased was bom 56 years ago on Alltygrug Hill, and for some years w weigher at the Pwllbach (iolliery. Whilst still a young man. however, he obtained a position in the Customs Department of the Govern. ment. ard wa.« stationed several years at Gravose.nd. He afterwards held posts in Liverpool. London and Grimsby, and was -v Y-ai T). r< Ti ->ved to the Metropolis where he had l-.boured several years prior to h s do-h. i Although leavine here ir 1878, Mr T'nwwi had kept nn a continuous con- T%r/t,;r,n with the d:strict. He was firjt, Tna-r'-iod to Miss Margarfct Kinsiey, of Pwllbach, who. however, did not live lAng, and his second wife was Mrs. Da vies (widow of the late Mr John Davies, of Blaencwm Colliery) who was well known a.,5 a popular local schfjol- mistro&s. The latter, who wi, regret to 1-.a.rn is now an invalid, still survives, and ♦h" are five up-grown children. Mr Thomas was of a very retiring dis- position. and had t-ken little or no r art in public affairs. He was nevertheless strong Baptist, and a.n active churcn worker. whilst in politics he was under- stood to hold Liberal views. Among the relatives of deceased still residing in thi". district is a. sister, Mrs. Jp.'>, Jenkins. Brecon rd, Ystradgynlais. The jvi^eir x away of Mr Thomas is r-r.d<-Tod :.l the more, sad bv the circum- rtarices surrounding the occurrences. On Saturday, he attended the funeral of Mr«. Bud-eland, of Morriston, and after- wprols rrrg-.?Leded to visit a married son at ffewrrt. at whose- home he died; shortly after arrival. Tho interment took place on Wednesday at the City cf London cemotery. PREMIER CINEMA Aoout two years; q-gc a lp- peared in "Llais Llalur," the lueine- ol wh:Ó" wa thv' (' tnJCticn d UWS.¡i!1é3 of thj Swan?: Va!l.yh\ ft.w?. d d?ar?v oxpl?iv. It would appear that the id?.T,M?chton." f rih?w'.i.K(?)l at the'Prpnu.r Ciatrm a. picture entitled "Demonyts" will be s,rc-(lld. Th" story is woven ror.r.d the discovery of a new known destructive agent. The explosive is covettd by tho U.S.A. G.ve:.nrr.siit fcr national purposes, <111.1 a of Nihilists desire b possess it, with the result that there are some sensatiooa-l incideiit's which can only be described as blood curdling. It is interesting to note that ordinary doors are open at 7 each evening, and there are no early doc" prices. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL I There was a good crowd at the inisy-  darrcn Grouid on Saturday to witns I the game between Ystalyfera v. Port, Tal. bot.. the result being a draw of four goals each. For the homesters AttweJI (2), WTocds and Ben. Royal were scorers. MINERS' MEETING. I A representative gathering ol miners from the various collieries in ths dis- trict assembled at the Jerusalem Vestrv, I on Tuesday evening, whftn Mr John Jame-A, Cwmgorse, addressed a meeting to I further hii ca.ndidature in connection with the. St-,b-Avenev of th(- Anthracite District. Councillor .Joseph Thomas pre- sided. and spF?echcs wcr? made by several pres nt, including Mr W. 0. Jeffreys. Mr James spoke at some length, and his speech was thoroughly enjoyed. Th.. Chamber of Trade will .hold a concert on Thursday, February 19th. I.L.P. MEETING. I Arrangement havfe been made for the holding <)f the annual meeting of the local branch of the Independent Labour Party on Saturday evening, and it is hoped that there will be a good attendance of members. In addition to tho transaction of the routine business, it is also intended that the meeting shall be made the occasion for a. social evening, and a. highly enjoyable time is anticipated. Supper will be served and interesting competitions, etc., will compet, i tpom- take place. Everyone, members and friends, should make an effort to at- tend. PLAYHOUSE AND COLISEUM. I A great attraction was provided at the Coliseum during the,early part of the week by Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Benge's Co. in three stirring dramas. During the week-end there is a fine progra m me of attractive pictures, the "star" being ''The Convent Gate." three side splitting comics ai-e also in- cluded. There if; greV- 'iromi^'d for next week, when Selkirks' Juveniles appear in the magnificent spectacular display, "The Clans of Bonnie Scot- land." a feature including a host of Ytsalvf^ra children. It is expected tint the ha-' will h" crowded every night next week, particularly as the prices of admission 11:1"" been reduood to and 6d. i-;th rv doo-a at 4d. and 9d. Splenr^d y'crros continue to be sbowr and a fnVxv of good thinrr5 on Mondny Tuesda*- and av. when tho chief fi! on w-ts V T.(»ader of Men," a «tirrin«r drnm-a of compelling interes*. Th is Fridav and Saturday on exceeol- I ingly fine pdllr". entitled "A Daugh- ter of the XTnderworld." in which the lives of the poor is vividly depicted, will he screened, and there are no fewer than six other excellent films.







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