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WESTERN MINERS' AFFAIRS. The monthly meeting of the Wes- tern Miners was held at Siddall Build- ings, Swansea, on Saturday, Mr David Davies, Gorseinon, presiding over 26 delegates, representing 5.000 members. There were also present: Messrs. John Williams, M.P. W. E. Morgan, agents, and Mr D. J. Williams, treasurer. The doorkeeper was Mr P. D. Rees, and the tellers, Messrs. Samuel Rees, Dun- I Tant, and J. Richards, Craignedd. CYNON COLLIERY DISPUTE A deputation consisting of Messrs. John Jones Edwards, secretary, and E. Miles, chairman of the Cynon Lodge, waited on the meeting to appeal for financial support for the men who have been locked out at the colliery owing to a long standing grievance re pay- ment for raising clay. The men, said Mr Edwards, were working in the Wernddu and between the two layers *f c-(;.il the.e was a thickness of clay ranging from 18in. to 3ft. The employers insisted that the first 12ins. of the clay should be raised through the face without payment, whilst the men claimed that a penny pw week per inch per ya.rd forward should be paid-a, payment which existed at nedgtbouring collictries. The men had exhausted all power of negotiations, and the whole machinery of the Conciliation Board had been brought to work in con- nection with dispute, which, in itself was almost as old as the colliery itself. About 18 months ago the question. became acute and after Mr Hartshorn, the agent, had failed to obtain a settlement. he re- ported the matter to the Executive Coun- cil, and the attention of the Conciliation e;L'l, ;d was called to the matter for the fifth time. In March of last year another arbitration took place, Mr Hutchinson, a member of the Coalowners' Association representing the Masters, and Mr W. Jenkins representing the men. After Mr Hutchinson had heard the case, he said he saw no reason whatever in asking a body of men to raise 12 inches of fire- day through the coal face 9 or 10 yards in length without payment. "From my experience," said Mr Edwards, "the sooner we as workers will make the way clear to do away with the Conciliation Board as at present constituted the better for us—(hear, hear). A statennenfc doming from the representative of the Coalowners to the effect I have stated only proves the entire futility of the Conciliation Board." The speaker then went on to show how the new manage- ment had tried to coerce the men to agree to remove the clay without pay- ment. The manager eventually stopped the men, and a deputation waited upon him, and stated that he had no rio-ht to do such a thing whilst the matter was being considered by tho Board. The manage estimated that the work of the Boaid as they worked in Cardiff, his ithe manager's) work lay at Cynoo. Abesat 609 men had been locked out. ) Some of the men had found work else- where, but some of the men had been stopped as many as four times owing to the system which prevailed. A little time ago it was possible for men who had been thrown out of work through a dis- P I to get work elsewhere, but sinoe I the introduction of" the Insaranoe Act, that was not now possible. A list of the names of the whole of the lIIDn who had previously worked at the colliery had been circulated throughout the South Wales and Monmouthshire Coalfield, and his information, was that the list had been sent to every associa- ted colliery in the coalfield. It was, perhaps, not newa to them that a sys. tern of boycott of men ongaged in dis- Put- had been adopted by some of the .^coalowners, but it wae, probably, news ?c them to hear that printed lists were i  ? W."t out 41 over the conoid to 1 TJnpiuyorfl. The ap^ikef here handed a 16 p. p. pamphlet to the Chairman upon the title page of which Wtro the words LIST OF EMPLOYEES I of the CYNON COLLIERIES, Port Talbot. May 27th, "1913. The pamphlet contained the names, addressee aJx-! occupation of 524 men who were previously employed at the colliery. Continuing, this speaker said that very ) ofteon it weus tlie Crt" of the chidren which eaatched victory from the men when it wtus ainucot wft-bm their grasp, if they only knew it. t-tmttlty Councillor Jacobs had stated thl& it was his intention to snrasb Trade Unionism in the Avon Valley, Virt probably that gentleman had t forgottem he story of Canute and tJ., jI ( applauae ) &n'1"81 "? CwAm "Me askd bF ?Ic- ?,a? *nd &.M'Werc.d. I Subquntly, ?ter oth6r b?)%t66 h&d been triwieacted, cm. tke raoUcki of Mx P. D. Reea, seconded by My W. Morgan, it was tlflflnimousty di to grant jS8 towards the fund. Mr W. H. Davie* thought that a re ■fcommendatioa should go out to the lodges asking them to 4uppoit the Cynon men, and this was defended upon. I CHAIRMAN FOR THE COMING ] YEAR. The Cfournmn reported that the Ks«i- tmtive members for the coming rAf r would The appointed by the Mountain *rfd the BeTtWwyd Isudgeo, anel the obeiivft au from the Birohrock lodge. That VoOs in accordance with. the principle aftted thfct the lodges sending Executive i fcetre and Chairman should be ch«S¥H ac- cording to seniority. The Disti# had been notified that Mr Caradog J,s had been appointed Chairman by tlto- Dirch- rook kxkje. A Delegate Has Lodge 35 .t'n de- pnved of this nomination. IW it gone on in rotation according te Standing Ordera ? The Chairman That is nfe right. It is not going on in rotation. The Delegate We undtoitood that it was to go by rotation. The Chairman The lakiges go on by seniority. Samlet will -;get their urei according to the year thip- came into the District. Mr W. E. Morgan.: ."About four or five years ago this question was raised, and it was decided then that the lodges should oome on in order of seniority. New lodges have been established, and they have taken the numbers of other lodges which have fallen out. A proper register has been prepared, and we find that Birchrock Lodge is the next oldest, and is entitled to the Chairman. Mr Caradog Jones then took the chair. Mr W. E. Morgan said he felt sorry that the term of office of the chairman had come to an end, as he could bear testimony to the fact that he had found him one of the best chairmen that had ever been in the District. He had proved himself to be impartial and ankiaeed, and had always endeavoured to further the welfare of the District. Wkefcever a case was brongkt before him ke weald not express am opinion upon the quea- tion at issue unless he had koth sides before him. Generally speaking they had had a very pleasant 12 months, and he proposed a hearty vote of thanks for his services. He know Mr CaJ-adog Jones very well, and he hoped. that the on- suing twelve months would be as pleas- ant as that which had elapsed. Mr P. D. Rees seconded. Mr E. Davice said he readily sup- ported the sentiments expressed by Mr Morgan The past 12 months had been a strenuous time, and perhaps there had been more difficulties than in any other similar period in the history of the Dis- trict, at least, so far as be knew. No one could have had the interest more at heart than Mr Davies. There may have been abler men in the chair, but he was oeuttavi that there had! never been a chair-man with the interest of the Dis- trict more at heart. Mr W. H. Davies spoke in similar high terms of the services of Mr Daviee. He hoped that Mr Davies would con- tinuo to render service to the District. The vote of thanks was carried with acclamation. In replying Mr David Daries said it was not iisual for those in the Labour movement to receive thanks for what they had done. He thanked them most heartily for thoir thanks, and also for their sympathy and co-operation during the yoar. He also thanked the officials for their co-operation and advice, and his only regret was that so much time, money and energy had been waated in quarrelling amongst themselves when such could have been used to the better advantage of the District as a whole- (applause). THE SOUTH AFRICAN STRIKE. RIFLE AND BAYONET- TACTICS CONDEMNED Mr W E. Morgan suggested that a. resoluti on should be passed condemning the action of the Government of South Akin in attempting to break the South African strike by means of the rifle and bavo.net. It was a scandalous state of affairs that, in a British Colony where the blood and money of the workers had been poured out within recent years, the Government should assist the exploiting class to defeat the men who were only demanding justice by means of the armed forces which the workers themselves wore compelled to support. i The following resolution wae carried unaruniously "That this delegate meeting represent- ing 9,500 miners in the Western District of the South Wales Miners' Federation strongly condemns the action of the South African Government in attempting to break the South African Workers' i strike bv met" of the ri& and bayonet; especially because the cost of the armed forces of the Crown is borne by the workers; also we condemn the action of the Government in imprisoning strike leaders who have only acted an class- eanaciouB workers." It waa decided that copies of the re- solution should be sent to the Prime Minister, Secretary of State for the ,Nllillstt*r, Mr Ramsay Macdanold, and Co l on i c- the local M.P.'a. MINIMUM WAGE ACT I LORD ST. ALDWYN'S LAST AWARDS [ Mr W. H. Davies asked why the secretarkvj of lodges had not received oopios of the award of Lord St. Aid- wyn. He had heard that a copy had been sent te every eollinry in South i Wales, but hg *sly knew wkat had ftp- peared in the Press. It looked as if an effort was being made to keep the mon in ignorance of what was gaing on in connection with the Minimum Wage I Committees. Mr W. E. Morgan said he had called the attemtioa of the Executive Council to the matter, and asked that a copy of every resalutioa of importance should be sewt out to the various ledges. Only one aopy of the last award of Lord St. Aldwyn's had come to the office. If sufficient copies were I sent it would save much of his time in ) answering at length questions ssnt in by the various lodges. Mr John Wiiilajiiu said it had been l resolved at the last meeting of the Executive to print sufficiemt copies of the resolatioms te forward oJfe te every lodge. The schedule of reTised rates had appeared in "Llaie Llafur," and hp suggested that delegates and soore- tetfioa should obtain a copy of the issue Containing the list. Mr Williaawi tkem proceed ed to read tllae award, witich was dated Dee. 20th, 1913, and signed by Lord St. Ald'wyn. j COAL MINES (MINIMUM WAGE) ACT 1912. "neas the Joint District Board for SoQ Wales (iaelnding Moaaseath) oonitfituted for the purposes of the j Coal Mines (Minimum Wage) Act Wged te the elassiftcatie* ef the wftrkme* te whom the Aet appliee ifrhich was embodied i. m,3, Award of <?uly 5th, 1&12: &Bd whereas the said j Board h?T?a?c? agreed that the s&id 11 classification shall be varied by adding to it the following additaenal classes of workmen, Tiz: Bottom Cutters, Assistant Bottom Cutters, Sheafmen, Ilolleraasn and Pnlleymen, Uaderground Banksmen (at Vertical Slialta), Underground [ Winding EliginR (at Vertical j Shafts), Pipemea, Rope Changers (other than Shacklers), Slummers em- ployed at Pit Bottom, Jig Hitcherfc at Tap and Botteni of Inclines, and Wallers in Working Face. ) And whereas the said Board have agreed that tJie minimum wage rate for Pipemem shall be a standard rate of 3s.4d,, to which is to be added the percentfrara time to time payable under the Donciliation Board Agree- Ii ment of December *1912, but have failed too •agree on the minimum wage rate fvc the other classes named above. Now 1I, Viscount St. Aldwyn, as Chairman of the said board, in pursu- ance of the terms of the Coal Mines (Mrmmtim Wage) Act 1912, having heard the parties, do hereby settle the said rates for each of the said Classes as follows, viz:- The Minimum rate of wages shall he I the standard rate hereinafter fixed for each class of underground workmen, to wkich is to be added the percentage from time to time payable under the Conciliation Board Agreement ef De- cember 1910. I WORKMEN OVER 21 YEARS OF AGE. Standard ltate of Day Wage. 1 Bottom cutters (cutting hard bottom) 4 0 Bottom Cutters (cutting soft bottom) 3 7 2 Assistant Bottom Cutters 3 4 3 Sheafmen, Rollermen and Pulleymen 3 6 4 Underground Banksmen (at Vertical Shafts)- a Leading. 3 9 b Assistants 3 4 5 Underground Winding Engine- men (at Vertical Shafts) 3 10 6 Pipemen 3 4 7 Rope Changers (other than Shadden) 3 9 8 Slummers (employed handling trams through the slums at Pit Bottom) 3 4 9 Jig Hitchera (at top and bot- tom of Inclinee). 3 6 10 Wallers in Warking Face 3 4 It was agreed by the Board that these rates should come into force as from September 29th, 1913. (Signed) ST. ALDWYN. I December 26th, 1913. I COAL MINES (MINIMUM WAGE) I ACT, 1912. Whereas on the 2nd day of August 1913 the members representing the workmen on the Joint District Board for the District of South Wales (in- cluding Monmouth) gave notice of j their intention to apply that the General Minimum Rate of Wages and | District Rues settled under the said ] Act by me, Viscount St. Aldwyn, and j which appears in the Schedule to my Award dated the 5th July, 1912, shall be Taried in the following respects, that is to sav:— i SCHEDULE 1,—PART 1. i ITEM I.-Bv the omission of the fol- lowing words from the description of such item namely:— "On more than seven days during a period of three months. (In any other case the minimum day wage rate of such a Collier working at day wages away from working place shall be the minimum day wage rate applicable to the class in which he is working.") ITEM 2.—By the omission of tho fol- lowing words:—"subject to the above rule," and by varying the standard rate of day wage of 4s.3d. fixed by the said Award as payable to a collier in charge of a working place who is not a worker at T)iecework to the sum of 4s.7d. ITEM 4.—By varying the standard rate of day wage of 4s.3d. fixed by the said Award as payable to dav wage Timbermen to the sum of 4s.7d. ITEM 5.-By varying the standard rat« of dav wage of 3s..2d. fixed by the said Award aa payable to Ostlers and Labourers to the sum of 3s.4d. ITEM 10.—By varying the standard rate of day wage of 3s.2d. fixed by the said Award as payable to Subsidiary Haulage Men to the sum of 3s.4d. ITEM 11.—By varying the standard rate of day wage of 3s.2d. fixed by the said Award as payable to Small Pumps- men to the sum of 3s.4d. ITEM 18.-By varying the standard rate of day wage of 3s.2d. fixed by the said Award as payable to Shacklere and Spragmen and Watermen to the sum of %.4d. ITEM 19.-—By varyin g the standard I rate of day wage of fixed by the said Award as payable to Lamplockers, Lamplighters and Oilers to the sum of 3s.4d. Class 3, By varying the standard rate of day wage of 3s8d. fixed by the said Award as payable to Night Hauliers to the sum of as.Ild. By varying the standard rate of day wage of 3s.3d. fixed by the said Award as payable to Trammers above 18 years of age to the sura of &td. PART III. By varying Part III. of the said schedule by adding thereto a condition that where payment of 6 turns for 5 turns worked hM hitherto been paid to workmen working on the afternoon er might shift. the payment for each of the aix turns shall be made at an ameunt net less than the minimum rate for the time being applicable to the class or grade in which the partieu- lar workmen entitled to the payment shall be working. And whereas on the fifteenth day of September, 1913, the said members re- presenting the workmen gave further notice of their intention to apply that the said District Rules should be varied by the omission of the following words "at least five sixths" from the first paragraph of Itule 5, and the substitu- tion therefor of the words "Eighty per oeia t. And whereas on the fifteenth day of August, 1913, the members represent- ing the Employers on the said Board gave notice of their intention to apply that the said General Minimum Rate of Wages and District Rules should be j varied in the following respects, that is to say:— SCHEDULE I.-PART 1. I Class I. ITEM 5.—By varying the same by II inserting after the word "work," the word s "other than propping or post- ing." Class II. By the omission of the words and figures "Boys under 15 years of age, ls.6d.; and by inserting in lieu there- of the following words and figures:- "Boys over 14 and under 14 years of age, Is.3d." "Boys over 14! and un- der 15, ls.6d." 1 And whereas it waa argreed by the Joint District Board that all the above- named applications should be con- sidered by the Board at Meetings on the 8th and 9th December, 1913. And whereas at such meetings it wae decided by my casting vote not to vary Schedule 1. Part 1. Class 1. of my Award of the 5th July, 1912, by the omission of the words proposed to be omitted from Items 1 and 2 and not to add the condition proposed by the workmen to Part III. of the said Schedule. And whereas the said Joint District Board has failed to deal with the other variations applied for within three weeks of the expiration of the notices for applications to vary the minimum wages or district rules. Now I, Vis- count St. Aldwyn, in pursuance of the terms of the CoaJ Mines (Minimum Wage) Act, 1912, having heard the parties, do hereby decide that the Minimum Rates of Wagea and District Rules settled by my Award dated the 5th July, 1912, shall be varied as fol- lows:— SCHEDULE I.-PART I. Class I. ITEM 2.—By varying the Standard Rate of day wage of 4s.3d. fixed as payable to a collier in charge of a working pjlace who is not a worker at piecework to the Standard Rate of 4s.4d. ITEM 4.—By varying the Standard Itate of day war Rate of day wage of 4s.3d. fixed as payable to Timbermen and Repairers or Rippers doing Timbering work, not being regular pieceworkers, to the Standard Rate of 4s.4d. ITEMS 9, 10, 11, IS.-By varying the Standard Rate of Day Wages of 3s.2d. fixed by the said Award as pay- able to Ostlers, Labourers. Subsidiary Haulage Men, Small-pumpmen, Shack- lers, Spragmen, and Watermen, to the Standard Rate of 3s.4d. ITEM 19.—By varying the Standard Rate of Day Wage of 3s. fixed by the said Award as payable to Lamplockers, Lamplighters, and Oilers, to the Stand- ard Rate of 3s.2d. Class II. By omitting the words, "Boys under 15 years of age, ls.6d." and inserting the words "Boys over 14 and under 141 years of age, ls.4d. and under 15, ls.6d." Class III. By varying the Standard Rate of Day Wage of 3s.8d. fixed in the said Award as payable to Night Hauliers above IS years of age to the Standard Rate og 3s.9d. By varying the Standard Rate of Day Wage of 3s.3d. fixed by the said Awa-rd as payable to Trammers above 18 years of age to the Standard Rate of 3s.4d. SCHEDULE 2. DISTRICT RULES RULE 5.—By inserting after the words "working by accident or illness" the following words—"Provided that a workman in a colliery open for work for less than six days in any pay shall not forfeit his right to wages at the minimum rate by absence from the colliery not caused by accident or ill- ness for one day during that pay, if he has worked on every day during the previous pay on which the colliery was open for work And he was not pre- vented by accident or illness from I working." The above variations shall commence I to operate at and from the date of this Award. (Signed) ST. ALDWYN. December 26th, 1913. Mr W. E. Morgan suggested that the award as issued should appear in the next report, and this was agree d to. ————— ,»♦«.





