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-Rhyl Urban District Council.


Rhyl Urban District Council. The Railway Service. Sea Erosion. Seaside Resorts and the General Election. MR THOMAS WHITLEY, J.P. (chairman), presided over the monthly meeting of this Council, held otii Monday afternoon at the Rhyl Town Hail. There we-rie, also, present Messrs A. L. Clews (vice-chairman), S. P'erks, A. Lewis Jones, Jos. Williams, T. D. Jones, J. W. Jones, H. A. Tilby, P. J. AisShfielbd, Parcival Williams, J. H. Ellis, j. Fiitiiinston, R. Jones, J. Hughes, and C. R. Tay^eur, and the officials. Mew Buildings, &c. I Mr J. H. Eliis moved the, adaption. of the mimut-es of the Road! Committee, which showed that pians w--ie U-ispios,F-la -of as appearing in tine as ioiiuws .•—(Amended): Sax awetiling houses tia Lane-avenue, by Mr Andrew \*jlirams, approved. iwo dwelling houses- in Russe-11- roa-d,, by Messrs i). Griffith -and Son. These pp-roved, by t.-Iiie Coiuncil a,t the, ii'a',riS WIF-'IE a r P test 'illle'eIIÍinguJl!üer the ampriesadtoin rhat they were in accora.a.nce with tn-e bye-law,s. T'he c-ommittee now disapproved- of tnelm for insuffi- ciency of yard space., .and the clerk was directed -1? -d Son th,at 't -ie tC, in,IOTf. -Nile,s,srs D. GT!iffith? an .?i approval of the plans by the Council was ulcra vires as regancled t'flje yard1 space, as it was not in .accordance with utIle bye-iaws, and that if he -p-rocei-,de-d wmih uhe buil-dangs without providing sufficient yard .space according tu the bye-laws hie would GO so at his o wn. risk, .and render him- 6ei G-re,?inlio,u,s,e in j3ut- 'f 1!ia,b'le to PT(D,S?,tC:Ut,10n. tertonL-road, by Mr DaJvid Owen, approved. Two dwelling nouses in Sandringham-avenue, by Mr Thomas V\l..a:ns, -approved. New shop front at 30, Abbey-street, by Mr W. M-i<Mieton, approved. New slhop fromt at 11, Wellington- road, by Mr R. SjJnJl, app-ro.ved. Two dwelling houses' in Sandringham-avenue, by Messrs P. H. Jones and W. Vaughan, approved. New shop trout s in Bedford-street, by Mr Davud Trehearn, -disapproved. New passage 41ft. wide., in Mount-road, off Grange-road, by Mr1 Robert Roberts; this was an alteration from plans No. 1899, disapproved. New shop front at 34, Bed- ford-street, by Mr J. W. Hughes, disapproved. Mx S. Perks said he understood there: was a co-mmunicatJom from. Mi David Griffith w..th reference' to the buildings on, the; Bodorgan Es- tate, and if so, that meeting should- be mi pos- ses,sion of it. The Clerk (Mr A. Rowlands) .said a letter had been: received to the effect that they were willing to c.onforim to. the bye-law as regarded sufficient yard space. The .amended plans had. been sub- mitted to Mr Goodall, the surveyor, who had approved ot ahem. Lhou,ht the. ait,ter between I-r P?e!rks said, he b M,r -Gr.iffithis- anid that Council wams isa:t*sfactory, and it reflected credit upon Air Griffith. He thought the Council* owed him thanks. (Hear, hear.) Promenade Asphalting, The minutes of the sia,ne,,co;mmitt,e-e indicated that there- had b-sen a proposal .for re-topping of the asphaite- on the promenade, a:nd after dis- cutssi-on lit had been. referred' t-o- a sub-commitlea to report thereon. Marine Lake Grounds. The Town Surveyor had' been directed] to ob- tain) tenders for a supply o.f flower pots for thke pleasure grounds iat the. Marine Lake. Sea Defences. A sum of C15 was voted for groynes. Surveyor's Report. Mr A. A. Goodall, the town surveyor, pre- sented his monthly report, showing that the ,number of loads of sand xejnoved from the Promenade, Parade, roads, 'and foreshore, was 5 0. )iln,,s ih?a?d be,en 7 F-crity-,ei-,iiit l,oa(Is of s?weel b removed from, the .streets throughout the dis- trict. The -amount -of -sunshline riegistere.d in Rhyl from January 24-th to February 20th, both days inclusive, was 63 hours ten; minutes, an average of two. hours -and 15 imlinuteis per day. He regretted to report that someone 'had dam- aged one of the seats on the s-an-dlbills opposite St. AsaphT-street. Emptying the Marine Lake. 13th -S, 'The Surveyor sta,teld that o,,n thet in t., the Marine Lake was emptied for the purpose of catching the fi-sth planted there by Mr Field- ing. Mr Fielding's representative was present, Z, and 16 fish were caught. He thought, it more than likely that Mx Fielding would place more fish in the lakle. Interference with a Sewer. I The Surveyor reported a case of unauthorised connection" wiith the. -sewer from: Ty Mo-ell, by 1' n" junct-ion with the, drain from! the slaughter- house belonging to Miss- Jones, and which drain by agreement with the- Council, j-otiined t'he sewer in Grange-road. The junction had been madle unknown t-o- her, and without her authority. The matter was referred to the Sanitary Com- mittee. Mr Perks said he would like to. intimate that thie person who had offended was liable to a severe penalty, and he moved1 to that effect. Mr P-ercival Williams -s-econdied, and the mo- tion was carried. Palace Avenue Road. A letter had been read in committie.e from Messrs Chadwiick and Booth-, oom.pt.aining of having been-called upon to re-make- this- street or road after doing it in the first instance- to- the satisfaction of the Council. "As the work was done fouir years ago, and the street was now much out of order, the cnmmiit- I tee were not disposed to withdraw the notices served- upon the owners, under the Private Street Works- Act, 1892, This decision 'was confirmed. Temporary Buildings. Permission for another year was granted Messrs F. -and J. HelathcotefoiI1 a coach office to remain by 'the Royal Hotel and -to Mr Peter Edge to keep up a ro,of at the, Belv-oir Hotel yard. Marine Lake Fireworks. The committee- had discussed a letter fro-m Mr G. Goff, of Stoke-on-Trent, as to providing fireworks onl the Marine Lake; and after the experience of last season, and. M'r Hudson ob- jecting, the committee thought it inadrvisable to entertain the proposal. Vale Road Improvement. The Clerk produced an with Mr Thomas Williams, Llewes'og, for improving Vale-road .near Brynhyfryd—part of the -scheme towards which the County Council would con- tribute £3°0. A re-commend at i-o ni that the .agreement be ap- proved was adopted. Midland Railway Time Table Boards. The Midland Rail-way Company w.as, granted per,mission to. fix three time tablie boards on time pro,m,enade: aL a no,;rr?inal char, e o f i s p,er board per annum, -subj ect to the appr o vial of boards and s-tes by the surveyor. ihe Surveyor and Increased Duties. The Surveyor had informed the committee that lhds pupil, Mr Ellis, had completed! his ter;m; anid he applied his services be retained at 61 per week for six monith-s in consequence of increased dube's; and the eoimmittee recom- mended the adoption of the suggestion. Mr Perks pointed' out -that it meant a serious additiotn to the 'Council -expond,.Iture, anid the ■matter seemed quite out o.f ordeir because they had 'established :a sort of scadei of payment in the different offices. Mr J. H. Ellis It is only for six months. Mx Perks It may be for 12 months. I will propose, that the matter -be referred to.. the Finance Committee for consideration. Mr H. A. Tilby seconded. Mr Ellis stated that the Road Commitfcee had 'very (important work before them at the present time, and he was sure no one could, say that the surveyor's department was overstaffed. There wa's the additional work in connection with tthe propos-edFree Libr)ary and other work to be attenciJed to, and t'he whole of the work in the- surveyor's -department was. -incrie,a-siing whilst, the staff was not increasing. The sur- veyor only, sought the services- of his.-old pupal. He agreed that it wa's undesirable; to incrleasle the expenditure: of the town in any way but he belli-eved the proposal would amply repay tihe town, and he; hoped the Council would pass the recommendatiion. Mto Tilby said- the question was whether it wouud be ,m,orel profitabl,e to em-gage an extra clerk because of the extra work, or whether it was- adiv.sable 1\0' engage- an: architecic for the Free Library work. In hds opinion the Finance Committee1 -should! deal with the (matter in the f,.rst -insLan,ce. The amendment was. carried .that the matic-er be referred to the Finance Committee. Illness of the Consulting Surveyor. The. Clerk stated a. letter had been forwarded from -Alr 1-?. 0. Hiu- e,s, con!s,u?l?ti,n; s,ur,ve,,Yo.r, ,h 9! saying he was suffering from a sie-vere illness, and unable- to undertake at present any o'utd.ooi duties. Sea Erosion and the East of the Town. RHUDDLAN TRUSTEES HELPLESS. The Clerk reported ithat he- was stiill hoping to receive .some- useful information .from the Board of Trade' on tiliie question. of the sea ero- sion on the e,ast s,icle -of the 'town. He had Tie- cevvedi the following letter from Mr Charles Grimsliey, clerk to the Rhu,did,an. Embankment Tru,s,t,ees "Referring to my letter of the 13th January last and previous .correspondence' herein, I am o -"n i form yo.u !in reiply :th-a;t it is not the. inten.- t tion of the Trustees -to apply for new power to enforce payment of the- embankment rate on the east s-de, .and I may: say that no rlate has been 1 levied, by the trustees for upwards, of 40 years on that s.die, the difficultly being ichat the liand sold or allotted cannot be identified. The late Mr R. J. S'isson, the old clierk, tried to levy a rate, but failed. ABso- Messrs Siss-on and George, who succeeded the late Mr S-isson as clerks ^o- the; Trust, failed for the same. reason. As. fair as the trustees can see, the only course o-peni ig. for the several landowners interested iin lands on t'he east side to. join -tog-ethe;r to do wlhat L-S in.c,e.s,s,a,ry." Wellington Road Footways. AT LAST It appeared that coimp-iaintis had been re- ceived re,spect;ing the -disgraceful condition of thie, footways in Wettlingt-on-road, when it was resolved that the: nece,sisary notices be forthwitlh given: for paving w-.th bricks- Iche- footways mein- itdonedi im the Consulting Surveyor's report, and .9 for putting in order those complained of. Tarleton Street. Mr J. H. Elliis .stated that a tender for £220 had been .acceptedl for the repair of Tarleton- streelt. Sanitary Inspector's Salary. The Sanitary -Committee's minutes contained a recommendation) that the inspector's salary, lic,at.ion ihavln,g been rnadie: by h-im u,pon a!n app,l be increased by ^10 per annum, making it £ 13°. Mr Perks -moved that the, matter be referred to. the- Fifnance Committee for further oCtonSJÎdera- tion. Mr Tilby seconded, and it was carried. Medical Officer's Health Report. Dr A. Eyton Lloyd, medi.cail officer of health, had presented to the Sanitary Committee1 bis- re- port for the past year, which was- considered very .satisfactory -a,s touching ithe health, of the town wlhich had only a death-rate of 13.35. The Committee1 had recommended that three hundred copies of ,the .report be printed for distribution amongst lodging house.. keepers, medical officers and medical institution's in different parts, of the country. Rec cm-men da tioin approived. Coin Meters: New Proposal. The Gas, Committee's: proceedings iindiciaitied it was dieÓded that a meter rental of is p-eir quat,te,r be charged all consumers who failed to burn one thousand cubic feet of gas- in any quarter. Mr J. Williams (chairman of the Committee) moved, and Mr J. Hughes seconded the adop- tion of the minutes. Mr J. W. J'ones questioned whether it was de- sirable to tax the smaller to the ex- tent of 4:9 p' £ r year if they did not use the- quan- tify stipulated. Those who lived in small cottage -property wo,uld feel it to be a serious matter. They were already -charging in connec- tiOinl with the slot meters, and he moved that the1 m-aiter be dele-ted from the minutes. Mr Tiilby -seconded. On the merits of the case he -did! not -think they should tax the small con- sumers, for if they took I¡he cost of the- meter they would be charging about 20 per cent, which was a very large- -sum. T'he principle was bad, and he (hoped the time would- coime when they should be able: to dispense altogether with meter ren/ts. (Hear, hear). M'r Fri-mston said he understood the matter had been -thoroughly threshed out by the Gas Committee. The G,a,s Engineer (Mr Hall) -.siciaJted he quite understood -and appreciated the armendmeinit with re-sp-ct to the occupiers- o-f cottage property, but as a matter of fact the- charge was not made to mieiet (he case of the cottagers' because it was found that they didl burn the- required quan- tity. There were a few persons who lived in houses of be/tween £3° and £40 reutail who burnt oil. io,ne: gientlemain living on a certain road only burnt threepence or fourpence worth of gas .in tihe- winter, and he kept the meter so that if he bad trend's in the house he -could light up. (Laughter). The 'original cost of the. metier was 62, and he had it placed there for hi's own -eo'invenience. That gentle-man laugfaed at the Council, and oSudh cases as that one had caused the -matter to be considered. Mr Tiiiby said surely it was in the hands 0;J¡ the Committee to meet that case and remolve the meter. Why should they- deal genierally in; order to m;Cet a -single c.as.e? Mr Clews said th-ey couMi .not remove, the meter under the circumstances. Theire, would only be about four persons .who.m the recom- mendationi would effect. Th-,? ,a?rn,n,di e-nit was wit!hdrawn, -and the, re- 'in commlelnldation of the Committele adopted. The Market Street Fire. FIRE BRIGADE'S SERVICES. CLAIM'S PAID. The Water Committee minutes showed that the clerk had! xep-orte-di tlhait the claims for the Fira Bri,ga.d:as' services had been paid by the insur- ance offices- as follows :—Rhyl, ^35 4s; Rhudd- l'an, £15 1 us 6d; and Prestatyn, £9 6d; total, 660 14s. Mr H. P. Williams moved tlhe adoption of the minutes. Mr Tilby said it would appear that the bone of contention seemed! to hiave, terminated satis- factorily between a neighbouring District Coun- cifl and thelmslel'v'e:s. Their clerk (Mr Rowlands-) had. given. excellent .advice, with the result that the claims had been paid:1 in full. The Refu e Destructor and Rates. HOW RATES CAN BE REDUCED. The Electric Light Committee's report for the past .month showed that there had been 320' tons 12 -cw.t-s of trefuse consumed at a cost of £ 23 1261 iid, against 327 tons, iii cw-ts, at a cost of £19 us 7dJ in the -corresponding month of last year. The Chairman said those figu-reis showed t'beoie was more refuse burnt and at Ie.sis, cost than last year. Air R. Jones, quotiing from a newspaper ex- tract, said th-aic, the Liverpool Corporation des- tructor burnt 2,9218,242 tons- of refuse and made a profit of £ 4,123, which -went towards relieving the rates. He oontelnded that the Rhyl Corpora- tion shoiildl get in touch with the Liverpool Cor. poration, and pro-cure a leaf out of their, book, seeing if they could not obtainl some mioiney. by .miP.ia,nis. of the work of the destructor .towards- the .Bates. If Liverpool was able to make a profit on a large scale, why should) not Rhyl make a. small profit? T'he Engineeir (Mr Wright) explained that thie cost of ilabour -during the past .mion.tlb was due to. extra -cartage', of clinkers, etc., to. the tips. Air Tilby siaid that if Livierpooil burnt about 3 million tons, bringling in a profit of £ 4,000, it worked- out 7'50 tons for every £ In Rhyl they burnt about 300 tons, and they would make 10s. (Laughter.) Town and Promenade Band. The Clerk stated that Mr' Groop- had intimated his .intention of arriving with his Itowin and promenade band1 in sufficient time for the Easter holidays. Proposed Improved Railway Service. CHEAP FARES AND THE FAIR SEX. At a meeting of the General Purposes Com- mittee some correspondence with Mr EntwistOje, 'n. ,sup e?rintendin). (, estet Gener,al Railway Sta- ,t-?o,n, wa,s siu, rnitt-d :.n. Teiard Vo, pjr?opios,efd, i,m, b I'? proved service of trains from- Rhyl to Chester. At .a subsequeintt mee.ng -of the connmittiee, Mo Winterbo-tliom was present, but apologies for absence were received from Mr Cro'ckford, of Russell 'House, and Mr Homer, who, with others, had also been 'invited to ,attend to. assist the committee in preparing suggestions f-or such a service, to be placed before Mr Entwisfcle. Mr P. J. Ashfield drew the .atjentiom of the Council to one it-em-, -which, read: "Chetap return falres on Saturdays- (afternoioni or ewemnig) be- tween Rhyl and Chester. If that .meanfc there were proposed ciheap1 faires from' Rhyl to. Ches- ter, and, not from Chester to Rhyl, the. was strongly opposed to. t'he proposial. That Coun- cil ought to, prevent such a system, of train's commencing to run. They knew there w'as un- fortunately a certain amount of mania amongst the fair s,ex tü purchase! goods outside of Rhyl, whereas they could miakel t'hle purchases j'ust a's well in Rhyl. (Hear, hear.) To' .en.co.urage cheap rriaiihs on market days between Rh-yll and Chester and other towns, he thought was. veiry wrong to the interests of Rhyl. He thought it would be a very grave error to, encourage oneap return fares to Chester. The' Chairman What about the yo-ungi people who like to go from, the town to enijoy them- selves o-n a Saturday half-holiday? Mr Ellis-: We shall have the City Councill of Chester objecting to this. Mr Ash-fielid: If you push this, it will be an advantage ito Idhe town. Tih,eel axe plenty of amusements inl th'e town. The Chairman It -is not for amusement; it is for rieereation that the young people go. out into the country an,di chh,ex pl,ac,e.s. Mr Ashfield: I don't thilnk they go. to. Chester and bia-ck for recreation. (Laughter.) Mr J. W. J-ones considered there ought to be cheap faires- both. ways, andl also- fioir and from the intermediate stations. There ishould! be a late, stoppMUg traitn from, Rhyl on. Saturday nights. (Hear, hear.) The, Clerk staid, the .suggestions were- to be -placed' before, Mil" Emtwistlie om Friday. MIl" J. W. Jones, said' that all he was anxious foT was that the people -should, spend their -eveniingsi in the palace during the summer. (Laughter.) Mr Ashifielld' moved that the Council do not encourage cheap train fiar-es to Chester or any other large townsi on Saturdays. The Chairman: Put alt in the other form, that wle -don't -ask for t'hiem from Chester to Rhyl. Mr J. W. Jones: Oh, let UtSo have Free Trade. (Laugh teir.) The Chairman: SUlppose it is put that we do not task them to run cheap, train's from. Rhyl to Chester, brj, from Chester to Rhyl -only. (Laugh- ter.) Mr Frim.sto'n' sadd he thought the object of all the largitatiron was to get a better service of trains from Rhyl, and also to get bejeter connections with tihel company's serviices between Chester- Crewe, etc. M!r Ashfiieid's motion, was not seconded; and the whole of the suggestions were ap-pro-ved- to be plac-e,d before- Mr Entwistl-e. Mr A. Lewis Jones hoped the railway com- pany would be, induced to put 0,n a liate. good' local stopping train from Rhyl to Chester on Saturday nights. On the propOsdtioni of Mr Tilby, seconded by Mr Clews, the -meeting decided- to thank the gen- tlemen who !had assisted the c'ommitkee in their regarding the proposed improve- ment of 'the service. The Free Library and the Architect Question. 'Before the General Purposes- Committee a letter hadl belenl read from Messrs Darbishiret a-n-di Smith, archite-c-.ts, offering their services in connection with the erection, of the library. The committee recommended thaft tha,t firm be in- formed1 the Council had adopted designs' by their own town .s.ua''ve'y.o:r, and that thenar services would not be, required. It was further recom- mended that the !town surveyor, on hdsi sugges- tion, he ial-lowed to visit two or three: towns for inspection of -free library buildings for guidance and information as to details1 of -arrangements' and1 working generally. Mr Perks sa:d that as; the library was )tio, be a splendid acquisition to. the town, he did not think thei Council ishould be, too economical in every particular. They knew that Mr Goodall was an architect, but they knew that for siomfe considerable- time he had not had an opportun- ity -of practising in that direeffcon, so much as in other work. For the 'sake .of the whole mat- ter respecting the iproferre-d assistance, he thought it 'should be referred back t'o, the com- mittee. { Mr J. H. Ellis thought it would be unfair to postpone the .matter further. Mr Goodall's plans- were eXlacrninied and- ac-cepited, and Mir Car- negie had not raised any objection to them.; and he did not isee why any member of the Council should then place, -any difficulty in the way. If they were: to have fresh architects: and fresh plans the whoile .matter would have to be dealt with ,atIlr initio. Mr Perks withdrew ihis .suggestion., seeing that the plans had been adopted. It was agreed that the sum of £5 be voted the .surveyor as expenses tlo visit large towns- to in- spect the library arrangememitiS. The Town Band Instruments. Some discussion took place respecting an ap- plication! from Mr Da-v-id Owen, Tiri-onfa, for the loan of the Town Band instruments, etc., for forming a b-an-d. in time for the National Eis- teddfod this year. The surveyor had stated! th,at at present M,r A,sheir was in possession of the 'instruments, trying to organise a voluntary band. It was stated that the instruments were in a disgraceful condition before being, placed into the possession, of Mr Asher. The meeting decided that MT Asher andl Mr Owen should attend a meeting of the committee respec'tinig their app-licatalons f or the insnuments. General Election and the Seaside Resorts. A COUNCILLOR'S EAGERNESS. It appeared a letter had been received from the town cLerk of M'orecamibe askinig the Coun- cil to pass resolution's and) to memorialise! the Prime Minister ,int favour of avoiding a General Election* during the summer of July, August, and September, in the interest of c'U seaside, health, a.nd pleasure 'resorts. It was recommend-'ed that that (Rhyl) Council comply with, the re- quest, the resolutions to be in the following terms: "Thafc this. Council -is o'f -opinion' that a general e,lection .dturin.g the summer months is financially detrimental to sea-side waiter^ nig places and inland health resorts, inasmuch as it prevents Parliamentary electors and! their fami- lies for a -considerable' period -previous to such election leaving their homes for the annual holi- days during f[h'e summer season, and thereby the benefilc io;f the season is 'lost; that this Council memorialise: the Goiv-ernmen-t ,in. terms: of the foregoing resolution, and that the Common Se;al,of the Council be anixed to -such memorial; and thajt the local members of Parliament be re- quested to support the memorial. Mr J. W. Jones moved thait in order to alvoid the necessity for a General Election in the sum- mer mont-his the Government be respectfully ap- peaílledl to to. resign immediately. \Loud' laugh- Iter). If the Govlemnlmelllt were prepared, to dis- solve in. J-uly he was sure it was the desire- of every member üf that CouniCiil that they should do so and not wait until October. (Laughter.) The recommendations of the Committee W6\r,e adopted. Street Noises Street Hawking. The General Purposes Committee recom- mended that the County Council be requested to make- byelaws to the effe-cfc that no person sh?ou',Iid,, for the p,ur io,s,e of hiaiwk-in?g,, s,ell?niy dis- p I tributing, or advertising any article, shOlut Or use- any bell, gong, or any other noisy instru- ment, in any s,tr,e,e-t or public place, -so- as to cause a nuisance- or annoyance to the inhabi- tants of the neighbourhood. Nto. person) .should throw or s-caitt-eir any handbills or papers of any kind in any, street so as to cause a public OT common, nuisance. Mr Ellis asked how wa.9 a -p-ersoni to regulate the st,andaird for no-use, and .mov-ed the delletion of the whole of the ste,ct-ions( because he thought it w-oul-d be unfair to interfere -with people carrying, on their businesses. Such actions as were proposed Winu/lid -only make the Council ridiculous in the eyes of certain/ melilllbelrSi of the County Council. (Laughter). Upon- a vote, four -volted. for the, rumendmlenrt: and eleven against, and the, recommendations were carried. Failure to Sell ate Road Property. It was ''intimated by the minutes of a com- milHee that the Vale-rio-a-d property, consisting of twoi houses- in Victoria-road and two in Vale- road, Itiogetlher watjh the vacant. land, were offered for sale by auction, but as the- bids were, under the reserve puices there was no 'sale. Mr P-exks remarked that the experience of the Council in the attempt t-o sell uhe property con- firimedl his opinion expressed: before that the acquirement of the. property was a very seri. us charge upon .-the town. It was' thought when the matter was discussed that the- Council would be/recouped by the re-sale of the property, ut there was. a very wide margin be/cween the amount off-elred and) that which it was expected to get. Local Government Board and the Free Library. The Clerk stated that a letter was received from the Local Gover.n-me.njt, Board stating tha,t that Board -should be furnished1 with the- follow- ing proofs of the adoption of the: Act:—(a) A copy 'of the resolution, of the District Council under section 2 (1) of the Public; Libraries A-CL, 1893, (b) a copy of the -special notice under sec- tion 3(1) endorsed as to. the date of service alar. (c) a copy of the advertisem-anit, and'notice under Isection 3. (2). The Boalrd would be prepared to entertain an application) for approval of a site for the proposed building under the1 pro ."s'o.^s of section 12 (2) <>f the Act of 1892. The appli- cation' should be made1 by resolution of the Dis- trict Council, a copy'of which -should be fri- warded, together with p-lanis, in duplicate iori tracing ciloth) of the proposed site. On ,thel motion of Mr Clews it was resolved that the application be made and that be furnished. The Town Finances. INFORMATION FOR RATEPAYERS. Mr H. A. Tilby asked whethe-r the chairman of the' Finance Committee had any information re- garding the finances of the town generally. He thought the Committee' should! be a-ske-d to take into consideration the question of their estimates at an early date in order to get the. matter settled for the making of the rake without undue' delay. Mr J. W. Jones: (chairman of t'he- Committee) replied) thalt .the tot-al amo-u-nit of (the General Dis- trict Rats collected up' to date was ^'14,144, or ,ab,o,ult -C300 under the estimate. It was not like- ly that that would he -collected before the end of the financial year. As to the water undertaking there had! been collected ^6,495 7s 6d, leaving Z505 to be collected no make 'up the estimate of £ 7,000 odd. For the- gias undertaking there had beie-n collected ZS,425 'Olult 'Of 'an es a$' -io,640. -He:, however, 'b.eil,i,ev,e,d, t]?'ey ?? 0 i W,eTe e,ee,d the c-st,imateis -when t,h,e a,rn,c)iutnt,s, eo l?e,nt they ?n. l?n ?t,,h-c Eil?(e,c,t[rl,c, l,i?,ihit Dep?ar-til m?ated, to -.receive ,62,0o'o, and, thet,e t been c-oll:e,cte!d up to, t.he end of 1 'S' d ;61,902 13's 7,d, :and w'Lth airirears, an, tet',s a;cc,o,u;n?t-s t[hey fu?Itly ex,pect,e,d ?0, 210? u'PO,n Z3,ooo, as aga)ln(st the, e?s?tirn'dt-, Of ? (He?a,,r, he?ar). tb a M.r FT.ims:ton, a!ske,d wh,at would cial po,s,lt-On,at the ?e?n,d of thie finianc'la Mr J. W. J,o,.ri,e?s said, 'he rn,ight !sla'l'p, ly !say -,vio,u,l,d be -on the r,i,Pht sd?d?e. Iciod of 'Ilr Tiilby: Yofu c,ann,o?t rn?ake, anY mise at present? Mr Jones No, no. (Laughter). Officers Reappointed. 'ry T"hei medi,c;aa officeT an!d sanit, were T?e-aipp,odnt,eid, tog,e,ther with th", seeris, and the meeting -concluded. -4-

Rhyl Football Notes.

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