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St. Asaph.


St. Asaph. "FISH ALIVE, OH!"—Within the past few days tlhene. has been a .predominating interest in fislh,, fishing, 'amid, tihiings appertaining thlelrlelto. We are informed thait now thie,rie are about i o, ooc) YIOUtillgsaJrnlon trout in the Rivers Elwy and Clwydi, iamdi together' with last year's fislh the trout fisihing ISlelalSQn has opened1 splendidly. Sierveiral well-known anglers have beera busily engaged., and wear fthie, cilcy some splendid "bags" of fine trout have, been secured1. Judging by recent reports-, ,the St. Asaph district should' be- cornie ithe "Kiondyke" of the trout fishing' world1. CHEAP FISH MARKET!—It is mlof a fre- quent occiumrtemicei tlhiait a consignment of salnnon becomes an extraordinary cheap commodity in the ciiity of Sit. Asaplh, and am imipro'vised', "fish market" -wi,tinleis,sieid. However, a box üf deli- ,ciows rtock salmon air rived, cloinsiignlad1 to a. per- son- wholsle addlreiss-the railway officials were un- able to. ascertaini, amd. 't'hie customiany dilemma arising as to the delicacy of retaining: the fislh -any length of time, iseeiinig that it lhad beeim con- is'ignled from ..Hull, the, staitiommasfe'r placed him- self in communicatiom with his, higher authlotri- tilels. Tihie fish weiria ordered to -be diiSptOlsledt oif, and there was nio,,Liiff.cualiy -e-x: per.,einic:e,d, im carry- inlg: ouit the. behest. Tihe fact1 of salmon, tlo be ',soldi at the! isitatiom ait a mere- song was sufficient, lalIlldliit is understood1 tlhiere -was ,a glrle3:tt "rush 011 thfei market." The demand,, however, did not, as in somei commie,re ialli specupjatiiomis', increase thte: price, of Idhe: -supply, andi .consequently those who Were; thiei purchasers dealt' in the cheapest possible "market." Twopence par pound: was not am exorbitant price for the. fish; and! those who 'secured, -much iolf ,tlh:earrltli'Ctlle oonisiid'etred1 they accomplished a "'stroke of business." If the box of salmon ware forwardted ais a present^ or had been ordered by iamy resident of the city, thai, person's feelingis might be well imagined. But tlhene wieire. consclentious- .people about. It ais Lent; amid lhad1: the fislh 'been kept at the: sitalt-on ;a fietw days 'longer to. be pre pared1 for the "Good Friday .'season," lit would1 have1 lent a "savourru- rness of 'ighnisss."

[No title]


Via, ?-OIWYN Bav.







, Ruthin.


Last Night's Socials.

St. Patrick's Eve Concert…

Property Sales at Llandudno."