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blyl Foreshore and Dredging…


blyl Foreshore and Dredging Operations. Allegec, serious Damages. of T.- a rade's Inspector at Foryd. Rhyl Council Desire Control. pl, ?c'e 'of ?rierta,i?n, ,tatcime,nt,? aiiitd com?- Te,oe,i?v e, -at the '?o;vembeir mleetiin,g of the, l?ct Co,uin?cil tha!,t ?s,eriious all-e,eld tdas, l?1219 ?cffe?r-ted, t;o? iiihe foir,eish,o,re 'at IGWLrl"" ;t,o,,d!red,cri. io,n? ca(rri;el, 04t by Xilp P, n,g lopeir?at* 'f T:Ila 'JOrles(, -the, lilce,n,,s;e,e, by the, B,oa?rd th del the, 'C,Ouinciii m?a;d?e riepre,si,-)nitati,oins to ,e itioa, blb tirai?t '('If T,,a,dle, that :c,o?n?troll ?sh:o,uld sh, -eld, the'?" -as, to how.and,,wh,er?- t?h?e dre,dig,- C)Illid take plac?e,. lirl rniel't'ing 'on, -Al'o!i-ld?av, last, the aiiiiounceid ac,o?m?m,uini- di b 11 ?re,ceiv,e-d! from, tTie B?oa,,r?d -of 9 th ?ha, diir,e?c,t-ed, Ca?pitai?n G. C. P\ LN efiTRI loin:e? o?f t,hei',r? Provi?s'lio?nal offi- e, sit 'yl O,n, NNI"e?dne,sid,av aft,ern?oo,n,,aii,d eT 'of th-,d?re,di,in,(,,i ?oiplera?,t,'I,o?n,s !i?n, the ,ibl,e wy1d ?t? leffI'thle I-o,ryd, to? as,cert,aj'fn. !the: po(s,- e, ?v'()?tI,'('?ap,tiai:?n l,'?r?e?d!F?rick met g?''ll,tlel-lle,n un, the,fo,reshcre at th,e ?N,b"lictIrb VV, e, d'? 'rl?l'sday afte?rino,o.n,?,c)u,n,ciil,l:o?r)s I:Ibyil Y(oh,airrii?ari, ?oif, t,be, C,oun,c,l'?1), H. A. J. Ell' e,rk, "'Si, J. f,ri-mist?c?n C. R. T'ayll.e,ur, ew,j:s jo PIE(rclivia!l? J. Hiifg-h-ei.s,, A. li,es all,d A. Ro,wl! -r a,,n.ds, (clielrl?), a:,n?d? D eld,i C. e,r). T.he?re -,ve,re, -a-itso l?r J. and R. Sut!clll?fe (Liver- d(;su,rvey;o,r), 'fr R. jo.nr:,s, (Pe,p, ?I'l-Chiarl, eis Jc)ne I C.C., A. F,oulk,e,s ""ng 't'h?e S? "PrIBsellIlt. I'?,?lrlrn,e?l l?'st,,a,te), -\Ir G. G,r,lM[S,- tow T'r?ufs?te,e, inig t?he? R"h,u,didlain -,Al?arsh E;m,bi,nk- stl,rv 8), and ?-\Ir A. Goo?d?al-l? (Rihyl T?b, I c'Yor) 'to t-h,e ou,ts,et, ?exp.l.ai,n;e,d' the ble, Ite,c.e,i "S'it, .??tatin,, :thiat i,n,ti-,mat,:I,o?n!s hadi ? 11Q If s, S!u,t&,i ti ST ffe a,,nid the 11)4 v e? ec!t .that 'I f, L-r?e th,e, d,ile:d?,-t',n,- ope,r,a?- L, ?,ei tioi be, in,terfe,ri?iig with the e()ry,d,. e t, kt 'l"Speeto" to -Ir R. jioin?e,s) Whiat ti,mie *th l?die, d-o JQII,E? Y*()" ge?rl?eir,al,ly d(reldl,-ie? th,e NV,e, stair-t an?, E'Dud, two -bio-u?r?s- ebb an?d' wo?rl, *a3,thle. W,e d,rotp ?o!n rtv?e,t-h,e c,,ppo?slite, bank, T 'Li 'h (,c) Tnic,ile to ?t,he,c;e;n,tre ;o,f the DN?it 'e dlre,d?ge,r 'je S'blolre 'W:O,rk-s as, a--r,u,le ia,lon(g th?e, "C"I'es ex-pl .a,c lli,n,ed where t?hie d,redig,i?n,g? b,a,di L' d,u,r,' ,?f 11,lz "L?he 2 m,cin?th,s. ?IL.,he- wharf to ?a c?oiuiplie, y dr Ir ard,, d?Owri, the rive,r?-Y,e?s. h ta?s act:ual,liyl been a arit!i ?P c,ula.r spio?t for t?,hie ?las,t fiv,e? ti"llh. ,,f llrIsPe,c?t, .?4TVe tble, re,m?ark-'e,d, ?t,h:at cc)?nfi:,ura- t.4 S, e,v,d?e,nt,ly alt,e,red? .,?-inc;e the pot4ing 8. Nk, ),e, I r, 4liks. th BD.8,"late,d that, d,u,iiiin, -,tlh,e pa;s,t thT!Eie, th?, each k-e '04 Pt -tiri,si,niar, froim, the w-eisrt a,l?cmnig C)!P,P,C):Sit?e si?die- of ithe Pive,r aft:eir 0t?,dle e ir;,v 's Ri-lid! the ;stcrms. G(r!avell, T 1,1,e,d th er at t'h,e, tati?l-e?n,d' of Ith-e? emb?a;n,k'om,eiiit b(io le?y b ('f tb'?' ?'d Id,r,e,d?me,d T??htey hia,d, never ele only c)-n thie! D.e,nbi,hs:h,i-re said,e bspe,ct Tih,c, you, have -oul:leld down e "),P?O,s*.t,e s?,h(ore.? "le,s. tu rntelani cin, the De,nbil-h- at ea la;s.t eis. ,,I ar lthiey? Co,nit-i;n,u,i,ii(, h,e menitloine:d tr V'E' l,ini :had,' !()ad;e!d a'?'b?olut 65 v?es?se,ls, ,Ilft120 itoin,s, O,f --rave-1. I a,.sk you, J,o.,n,e?s, lie Y'()?ll rec!e,iv!e,d' co,mp)l:al?n,t,s, tOn the F,I,i?n,ts;Iii,re -s,id?e? Nv, I e.tT IIC)e?v?eir ha-s? told? Y;oiu th,aic has, laroit ere !0".a(l You ever re?ceived a lett,t?eir 'uf -th,e 'I ?to, the: -effect tba!t 0 u,n,c 1, T,. "ledl,i,n 6-On, t?hiiis- ?id:e wiltbii?n. t?het ll,b,y. 3ertainly ,t. We,r OIL ."in ee flxe,d,.) 'ce ?t.bie, tia,st when, the, ?lf-t, flo,m -l'ihe only ii,nit,im;ati-an I lip rc,14 tb,e 's,uirve3,or was, ito ask me 'to; th ?0,rhe, Plairt I)ler, Tie;a,-r !h?e,re, to a!a,c,er h:h,e!r tak chcd ;s- ?bn lail l?r,e, i,dle. ca-rcif? "rli,?o,r uil ,b;i!n?.,?pecto,r he had t'i'on's? of P,as,t th, r?e? itih(e, fo?re.hore d,u,r- ars. t -o.f te, an, yio,u te.l,l m!e, ro,u,,hly the it "9, ei le ],n, any pia,rtii,ou,l-a?r di!re:c- tIt? j:tll rol ea,s,t to we-st, an,d thie tlb lY ti t the levie:l ',has fallein t"ea,,7,s? 0, 10,vle .-I obsierva- kill 'a's 9 ts ela?r etv, 190'2, .n coinin?ecti-ont It Ij-P, i2 -I! Ic eir?,e, a,n,d on, t,hait ?dlatel t.hie e,, e,l,(":w -the, -b o!p, ?of tihic? posts, llirl,t 't ?o, fe'e.t thtree i,nc!hie,s,. T:h?e, er (?ztj,o iis narr?()',ver. A c,ontsiide-r able '?"eh (O,fa ,e C"h le" s 'bee-ri? taken ?awaiy ifiio,'m,tha?t rIv 'r a:n,rllel. la'n?d! it h-a's a,ltere,d, thle course 't fl,he, Rhu,did,la,,n tru:s?teie,s 'e 'iN, -tlle? of '4'?'et Itill *jsle !e, the fi?aviiqatii?o,n ll,r r,e ?t;he isea a?s to, Iqtl tl-V.er ?v,e're? ti:rlj.uT* 011?S OT' othie,r- ie tlt e tr 'SiT. e?ll, a:,?bU'stet ?N,?o?t:h,i,n,?, has, b,ee,n dc leetrl foir sio?rn(e ?leia,r- N?o, clom,- '?tl?e ade. :to it; ac-br,, hie?ln, :aitd ?n,olhing hats 'ry, Ills, ,e -Th I -Ib,at ()In ?)t,h6etrllt Itii, (a?s c,()?rn 1, 1: as satiis,- ha clesvkip!are?d w,i?tlh, t?hie? pa,s,t? 4ddlttu Tr '()w,'I,ed!,ge thiait it is, to T, r'lIa,,fu'rth,er le f?Or 'S.I,ey t'i,o,n, Put by the in,- 'an t,b,e? tru,sit,ei,?:?s, bta?d) do(nie Qe iciar,, t,)Yea!rs. ?eY b?ad,' fai?l-e-d fo-r as t,h rr?ec,o,veT a rate,, ?a:n?d the ccxn- a,t llatt,e rlo il.?-taL,cl le:erl,shad been car?r,i,e;d itrj, tilIe'vi'ed, ;aln,d wa,s.?st,i.11 be,i,n, r,Cre.1, e(lis?t Sli,cl;el ?Lv.a?)f the trow(rl'ihey h',a?d' rate to -I,r jo,iiie? that 1)() Wer 10, Te .0 -tei ()?c la !t' !at the P?o,i,nt ratise?d !stat f?il es: re?'i 'I \It ly at ?, -alte? ?teey 'must '?h?ave- th;e ?ltrd .t,h,e I!e ireldirin,g. (SeTe,ral ibtl.- 'e'r th. a's?t ir, io4?e, ;rnat.t,eir w,as ,n,e into tl(?V el tirus, q.u,iry. tt?eis, :by, A, Tihel P,o-e,rs, b,eii.ng :trl,,IID liall'o?t?b, be iTlie-c?- (Jf P?ar-l'i-a?m',Ient, an- y.er b,(),,Y., el,?a.,Py t,) rn,?t?e-t,ran.s?fe-r th,i,s Cli? dlrl?4d',?s"A',Ve !ask is, ?t;h,at -"if be 'dl--e, that 'e, h,,?,?ld ?,,ay lv'h, th, ?ni" D,e?ct elr'e, it should T 'd? on!Ot wan?,t ?o, Mir Ellits No he said they wanted it to be dome its a. systematical iiiianineir, arid wanted a voice iin stating where it should be done. The Inspector saJidl Mr Jones only wanted' t'he gravel accordLinig ,to ,his licence; and1 they must look at it from; a commercial point of view. Mir Tiliby A commercial speculation;! Mr Ellis: The (foreshore has beenl weakenied, and the sea wall exposed. Mr Jones d<amied that he had done-hairm to the foreshore by the dredging. The Inspector Your main cointemtian is thialt yo'u have1 not dome amy harm, on this ■s.idie', but cm the other side' of the chaninel. Mr Ti'l'by mentioned that the powers vlEIsted in thie Trustieies haid n&vcir been exercr'sied, and' that was a point the 'Council desired- idie Board of Trade to ,cOInlsider. ''Hypothetical Body" The Inspector whrEifher the Trustees were anxious tlO palrt with their powers. Mtr Grirmsilieiy 'replied he lúad mot heard. Mr T'ilby Have you heard- whether they a.re anxious to' ireliaiin, them?—No, I have mot. k A. Rowlands said the Board of Trade pos- sessed powers .beyond the Trustees. The Imispecltoir presumed that what was re- quired; by the Cbuuicil was; power' to control the dredigiinig, 'or -in other wic)rdts, 'police' supervi- S,: On. Mr Ellis: The trustees airei a 'hypothetical body; a, Isor:t of Rip Vai-i Winkle,. (Laughter). Mr C. J omesl: Question. M'r Ellis Well, thiey ha vie1 dione, nothing to de- serve a voice. x We don't play unless we get value for ;it. "Mr C. Jones;: There aire 'three-feet more water on ithie: bar now then there used' to be. Thie Inspection We must admit that Mr R. Jones is inot acting taiuSagOinisitio to us. Mir Ellis Yes; we admit he1 .is a rea.so,nable individual. (Laughter.) We' want control. Mir Tilby And as far a s' he -is. coniceirme'd! ha makes -nioi objieiction. Mx S'utcliffe said that fdom, informatiioin he had it appie-airied thiaic the' dredigefr came, fairly over om to the Fil-iintshire- -side- to dredlge. M'r Jones also dreidged into the deep water and where that was done thtei gravel dell linto it. llfo that were so it wouild. continually dieiorease; t,hiet foreshore. Let theml lolok tandl compare- 'i::hecha,r,adler of the foreshore; on t'he opposite; side, and they would seie that the, gravel oni the fore^hoTe- was, very much better and more' pllenitif'ul thain oin the other side. A Concession. Thie Inspector (to Mr R. Jones) You say you have mo objection- to <ac-tin[g under the Urban Oouincirs 'diiredtioms .amd supervision1?—No, sir. The Inspector: Well thtat is something" to be saiidf to the Boiaxd loj Txade—that yoiu accept the cionidiltilon to work under thte Council. M,r R. Jones;: The Council are; (all very nice, people. (Laughter). Mr Ell/is: And I aim, sure we have; always, foundl Mr J'omesia very nice giemtfemian. (Daugh- ter) Mir Foulkes iinforml&d' the inspectori that Mr H. R. Jiughes, of Kin.miel olaiimed khe priolpertyon the! welstern siidie of the1 rivet1, and that Mr jonies ought to be paying him for the material which he too k on -the Denbighshire -side, of the river. Mir R. Joinleis denied1 that, that was the case—• that he1 sftioulld be playing Lr H(ulhie,s. After fu!rth,e!r remarks by sie'venal gienilemen, The Inspector saicl, he imtendedi viewing the seawall, and would Report, tioi fhiei Board of Trade, -who would communicate with the authorities concerned,! in due course.. ♦—— —

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