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-------Llandudno Urban District…


Llandudno Urban District Couneil. The Gloddaeth Street Improvement. No More Pastoral Plays for the Happy Valiey. The Band Stand. Question. [BY OUIl OWN REPORTER.] MR R. BELLIS presided over the monthly meet- ing of this Council on Tuesday. There were » also present: Messrs Ed. Thorp-, J. MiaMaster, R. The.wlis, J. J. Marks, E. E. Bone, J. O. Thomas, John Jones, R. J. Williamls, W. O. Wil- liams, John Owen" T. W. Griffith, Robert Roberts, S. Clhamitrey, W. Ellis Jones, with the Clerk (Mr Conolly), the Engineer (Mr Paley Steiphensoni), and other officials. The Gloddaeth Street Improvement. The Works Goimmitfee xepoajted that the sur- veyor had presented a plan of the proposed im. provement of Gloiddaeith-stree't, together with a deltlaled estimate of the cost of the work amount ing to a sum of £ 2,862. Thiiis sum includes £416 for asphalting the footpath when, the abutting land is built upon. The commilttee now recommended thatt the plan and estimate be adopted1 by the Council, and that they be recommended "!t¡o instruct- the clerk to forward the same to Lord Mosltyn for h,1s approval; that on the approval of tlhe pJ.ail1 and eslnimiate by Lord Mostyn, and prior to> ap- plication being made to the Local Government Board to a loam to defray the first cost, steps be taken with a view to a binding agreement being entered into (between the Council and Lord Mosltyn, embodying the terms and oondÎitionls previously agreed to." Mr W. O. Williams said tlhe exipanidi/ture in- curred in that scheme a,mo,unte,d to a total of £ 2,862, which would, mean an annual interest of about £10.7. As he understood the question that road was a private road. It was well-known that there were posts put up indicaiting to all1 tlhlait tihe property 'Was private and ownedl by Lord Mostyn. More (than that, the Council had admitted that fact more than once, when they paid for certain considerationis to Lord Mosltyn. Sitntce, therefore-, the property was private, was it right that rtlheysihioulld spend the ratepayers' money upon the work proposed. If an improvement were made, lit would he, for the benefit olf Lord 'Mostyn, and it was only right and' fair that his lordship should pay foir it. In, the second place, he thought the, new road1 was not wanted, inasmuch as there was one already in existence, which served the purpose of the public. Again,, the space as it -was now, was 'a green plot, a little park,, where the chil- dren) of the town were at libeirty to play, and was muich used by hundreds of older people for pleasure. If the road were opened, as sug- gested, idhaJt would be done away with. He moved as an amendmentt that! the .matter be' de- ferred for the present, Mx Robert Roberts seconded, ins order to open a discussion on the point. Mr T. W. Griffith then observed he understood the Council were bound in the direction) indii- calted by the committee if they were determined to carry out the improvement in Trinity-street. The Chairman: Certainly. The arrange- menit in. reference to' Triuity-isftreet depends upon our carrying out the atranigernenit in reference to Glodldaeith-sltreett. 'Mir E. E. Bone then wenit on to, explain the naiture of the underisitanding arrived at between LotIid Mostyn and the deputation froim the Coun- cil, and added that the demiallld for the suggested impirtoveimenit dl i d niot come from hiis lordship, butt from the Council itself, the authority acting in resp,on:se to appeals made by people living on the Comway shore who were provided wliith such poor facilities in the way of roads. After siome further discussion, MrW. O. Wil- liams wtilthdrew his amendment. It wajs eventually 'resolved thait the clause' re- garding asphaliting be deleted, and that the esti- mate, be reduced from £2,862 to 42,446. The Trinity Street Extension. The same committee reported on the plan, and estimate of the cost of the proposed extentsion of Trinity-street. The cost of asphalting, as in Glioddiaeth-streefc, was added to the ctsimate previously given, making the total sum now £ '2,320. The committee recommenided the adoiptlion of the plan and estimate, and that the Council take similar steps as ini the case of Gloddlaeith-isitrieet. The reoammemdlaition. was, after a short dis- cussion, adopted sulbjedt to the same amend- ment as adopted in the case of the Gloddlaeth- sitreet improvement. A Damaged Outfall. The W oIlks Committee furither reported thiat they had moiet an ouitlfall of No. 3, and Miewed the, damage caused to the pipes. lit was found as sitaited by (the surveyor thait the damage was greater than previously esti- miated. The surveyor then estimated the total ooislt of 'the required x-eplairs at £ 362 instead of £' 1:60, as pireviously suggested. The ciommdittee re)coinm,eaded fjjhat the work of repairing the damagle be proceeded with at once, a the price menitiioned by the surveyor, but oni being puit to ,;the meeting, it was decided to refer the question back to committee. No Plays in the Happy Valley. The commiItteereporited thraJt Mr Harding, a director, and Mr A. G. Pugih, secretary of the Grand Theatre Coy., had interviewed them, by arrangeimienlt, and laid- before I¡lhe committee thear views wffith reference to the ipiropius-al to let the ground adjoining the Happy Valley during the coming season for pastoral plays. They urged thait suich letting would be detrimental to the best interests of the town, and unfair to those ratepayers who had, at great expense, provided proper places for the performance of stage plays. On the recommendaitiion of -the committee, it was now resolved not to grant permission' for the performance of p,a,sitoral plays in the Valley during the year. Isolation Office Regulations. A COMMITTEE REFUSE'S TO ACT. Witih reference to the proposed regulations for the isolation hospital referred back to 'the Sanitary Committee, by the Council, the medical officer of health reported ',to the commiititae thait he conld not help thinking there must have been sonne misunderstanding on the part of itih-e Coun. cil. 'The rea'Slon why they had been advised' was based on the experience Oif the past, and the object ini view was: (1) To prevent infection being carried to the town from. the hospital; (2) to prevent patiiehjts suffering frOim one dis- ease being exposed to the danger of contracting another at the hospital; (3) the welfare of the patients themselves. The regulations are simi- lar to tihosie, iiib many oltiher isolalnion hospitals. They are not so stringent as those in force in the Edinburgh, Liverpool, and London Fever Hos- pitals. In theise hospitals no visti/oing by friends is allowed unless the patient becomes dangerous- ly ill. r Another reason for the adopltioni of such regu- lation) is the important ifacit that, shioul-d a per- son contract an infectious illness at tihe fever hospital through any neglect of proper precau- tions, fclhe Council might be held liable for damages." The committee now recommended that, after bearing the views, of the medical officer of health, tihie, proposed regulations be re-sulbmildte<di to the Council for adoption. Mr W. '0. Williams protested against the regu- latifons, and thought they musit make the institu- tion unpopular. For instance, there was the rule which ipreivenited a parent seeing his or her chillld exiceiplt throulgh a window, and that in the presence of one or tlh:e trained nurses. Sudh rules1 were mone: worthy of a prison than a hospital. They must be modified, and he moved that they be again referred back tlo oommliiatee for modification.. Mr R. J. Williams seconded. Mr Marks said the Sanittairy Ciamm,itte,e had' done their beslt, and they certainly thought strict rules must be enforced in order to ensure the saifelty of the general public. A mother who wenit to see her sick child would not hesitate to kiss her litltle one despite whatever disk there would be df infection in Consequence. The 'amendment was put to the meeting, and carried1 by a majority of one vote. In moving the adoption otf committee minutes as 'amended, Mr T'heiwlis said the comimiittee would, certainly decline to give the miaitter any fr.mher coinsidiera'tiion, inasmuch as they had dealt with :iit very carefully, and iat great length. Mr J. O. Thomas moveld that the Council considered the matter in coimiril,ittteie,. ,-N,lr McIM iaisitret: I s,eeo?n,d that. Th,is Cou,n,ciq will be made to look very in dignified1 if they -allow themselves to. be dragooned by any oom- m:iltit'e'e. (La Ulglht er. ) The Chairman: I can-not accept thaJt now, be- cause iit) has been already decided to refer the maititer to cioimmiittee, and I mUISlt flease it tlhefre. The Band Stand Question. The commliititee raportted that a plan of a .moveable barudsloand, weighing 4 tons 16 cwt., had been submitted to them, and the cogtl of the structure would be' £200. The icoimimiitltee considered isuich 'a sltand too, heavy for m'oving from one spott to another on the Promenade, a,nd they asked for furlther instruc- tions. from ithe Council on the matter. Mr John Jones spoke in favour of erecting a permia,neatly-fixed stand oni the Promenade, and ridiculed the objection made aigiainst such, a scheme, on the ground thafc ift would intterfere with the prospect, if,roim the houses' opposite. "If," said' MT Janels, the present shlelfteirs dion't interfere wilth the view, why should' a band- stand? "I can't understand -the conservative, tendleincy of this Council," proceeded the' speak- er with characteristic vehemence, "'there's inoldhing practicable coming from lit at all." (Laughter.) Mr Jones's motion found no supporter, and it was decided too- lCiÜlllisidrea: the Shatter in com- mittee An Appeal-If Necessary. The ClelDk reported that he, together with the electricall engineer, had appieiared at Conway, and objected to. the assessment of the eleatmcity works, butt that the matter had been1 deferred by 'I? I;c?n, ,tihe Asses?s?meint Ciolm?miit?tee for one tib The clerk was, directed to appetar again, and, if the- result ihe nioit satisfactory, he was authorised to oarry the question, to appeal. The iclierk ,w!as also requested to supply the Council with la, print of tlhe comparative state- meillit of the assessment of the eleicltric light un,- dieirltiakinigs in viariouls health resiorts. County Council Representation. The Clerk reportted that the Local GoivernimenJt Board had appointed Wedinie'sday, the 27th imst., as the day for holding an inquiry on the recom- mendation of the CQlUlIllty 'Couinidii for the, ne- armngelillellit of the. electoral divisions of Llan- dudno, ainid1 thie, increase of the number of nepre- sentatives' from. t,WO to three. The clerk presented the case which he pre- pared in isuppior-t cgf th(et claim, of Llandudno for four representatives, and this approved. The Supply of Electric Energy. The Cleirk presented a print of a Biilll ifoT em- powering the' Nbrth Wlales Piower and Traicitiion Company, Ltd., to consitruiot ganeralting sltaltio ns, and supply electriciity in certain parts of North Wales, includirljg Llandudno, and. he read clausie 19 sulb. sec. 3, which provides in effecit Itlhlait tlhie company .slhiall noiti supply^neirigy in Llandudno wii/thonlt the consent of the Coiunoil, "which con- sent slhiall not be unreasonably wiitlhhelid' On the necoimimiendlationi of the Council in committee, it was resolved "that unless he com- pany will agree to (amend their Billlil by the in- sertion of a clause ito the following effedt, the Couruclil, to present a pafcitiian. against the Bill, viz., 'the company slhlall inot supply energy under ithis Aot wilthin the urban district of Llandudno with-outtthie.,cianssezit of tihie, Unron District Council of such district.' King Edward's Visit to Wales. Mr Robert Roberts: called attention to' a news- paper paragraph referring' to the intended visit of the King to Wales, which, it was stated, would consist largely of a coasting cruise, with calls at different point's, and a series of motor trips inland. He suggested that the clerk he requesltied^o communicate with Mr Wm. Jones, M.P., and ask ibiirn to malce inquiries ini the pjiiqper quarter wlith a view to .aiscertiainiirifgl wshiefher it would not be posaitble to. induce Hiis Majesty to vilsilt Llandudno. Bills. Bills amouniting to a total of ^3,775 ols iod were ordered for payment.

Rhyl Church Guild v. Old Colwyn…

Rhyl and the Education War.

Vale of Clwyd Educational…

Captain Cole and His Hunter.!…

[No title]

North and South Wales Bank.

Under Protection.

A Century=Old Business.