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I (I =^= v ■ BEST VALUE. I' I J. Griffiths & Son, oppof,itt- the I 7,MAHKE rSTH.EET(¥;;=':V, Aberystwyth 0 BEDROOM SUITES, 0 DJMNG ROOM 5 ■ •*» 2 BEDSTEADS ANI> BEDDING, 111 H WIRE M ATTRlfSSESh,. "11 LINOLEUM A NO OILGLO TJrlS. 5 H k. WELSH OAK DRESSERS MADE ON THE P11EM5I9B&. AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRtGESi. I SOUND QUALITY. t IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. I t" SELLING OFF! I DANIEL THOMAS' CLEARANCE SALE ANNUAL ICLEARANCE SALE ■ OF I)a ■ I General Drapery Goods, I Ready-made Clothing, Sc., flc. ■ WILL COMMENCE ■ MONDA Y. MARCH 7TH. 1910. ■ AND WILL BE CONTINUED TO THE 21ST INSTANT. H EVERY ARTICLE GREATLY REDUCED DURINQ SALE, I Jackets, Mantles, Odd Garments & a Large I Number of Remnants I WILL BE SOLD AT VERY LOW PRICES. I EVERY ARTICLE MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. I TERMS-STRICTLY READY MONEY. I KINDLY NOTE THE ADDRESS— I |W 22 & 24, -MI I Little Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth. I W -*•* • Q a I Winter Colds ■ Guard yourself against Winter Colds ■ by using an I INDIA RUBBER I HOT-WATER BOTTLE I PRICE 5/- I A timely use of an India Rubber Hot-wate* Eottle will I help to stay off pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, and ■ chest affections generally. I WINTER COLDS. i I Fortify yourself against Winter Ailments with I medicines adapted for the purpose* such as: I COD LIVER OIL EMULSION is and 2s 6d a bottle; I CHEST and LUNG MIXTURE FOR COUGHS I ) at 9d a bottle or double size bottle is 3d- I EXTRACT OF MALTWITH COD LIVER OIL I —an Excellent tonic and beatproduci ng medicine. I THOMAS. I CHEMIST, ABERYSTWYTH. Bt= Iffi I ABERYSTWYTH'S NEW HYDRO I (WATERLOO PRIVATE HOTEL), I FACING THE SEA. CENTRE OF PROMENADE. EXCELLENT CUISINE. I SBATED THROUGHOUT BY PATENT RADIATORS MOST COMFORTABLE FOR INVALID ■ BILLIARDS. HALL LOUNGE. LARGE RECREATION ROOM I THE SEA BATHS ■ Which are opcf to non-resident, include Hot, Cold, Shower, Neeile, Spray, Douche Plunge S" SEA WATER FRESH TWICE DAILY. I I DOWSIN'OS' RADIANT HEAT AND LLGHT B IT3 ■ ELECTRIC AND MEUIOATEB BATHS. I t,orongh ireaiment under care of. Certificated for Goai,, Rbeamatiaai, Sciatica, Stiff ■ Neuralgia, and Kidney Diseases. I GE-NAUHEIM & ELECTRO THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT. RONrGEN" KVF ■ INCLUSIVE RESIDENTAL TERMS FROM 42S. WBUKLY. I Fall Printed PARTICULARS on application to MAV l I m TTDWIN PETERS Begs to inform the town and I J8& country districts that he has I Jwt received his entire New Stock of Mm WINTER GOODS I mBam ^or Present Season, comprising Ladies* Gents* and Children's I Boots and Shoes; Light and Strong; also a large selection of I Gents and Boys Brown and Black Leggings at cutting I £ "ces also a large Stock of Ladies and ]Gents Overshoes and Snow Boots. I WMH REPAIRS DONE ON THE PREMISES QUICKLY & CIIEAP NOTE THE ADDRESS:— ^90 Castle Boot & Shoe Warehouse, T 51 Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth. OEDCIOUS s AINING oco^ I ECONOMICAL & L. J.liOBERT j [Z £ WATCH <fc CLOCK MAKER, [ gffj JEWELLER, AND { OPTICIAN, I 15, Pier Street, Aberystwyth. WEDDING AND KEEPER RINGS. SPECTACLES TO SUIT ALL SIGHTS. Wateh Repairs- a Speciality. Clocks Wound by Contract. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. 739e. REPAIRING A SPECIALITY. s œ o ( 2 oo EYES SClKNTlFlCAJiLY EXAMINED AND "GLASSES adapted to all defects of Vision BY W. Miall Jones, F.SKM.C. Pharmaceutical Chanist k Optkian .Fellow of the Institute ot Withalmic Optician :Fellow of the SpectacleMftkers Company, 38, TERRACE RUhD. ABERYSTWTPTB WR JAMES REE8 dO. ALEXANDRA ROAIJ, ARKRYSTWTH (Same Street aø Railway Station visors: TREGARON the fisst and last Tuesday to Month at, Mrs Dewi WiRSsms. Stanlev Houae ABSftAYRON on the 1st and 3rd tWeCfeesday'l in each month at Miss Lampshire, 25. North-no (opposite Talbot). LAMPETER the Meead and fourth Fridays in eacb Month at Mrs Evans, Paris House, Harford Square. MACHYNLLETH the Second and Fotutb Wednee days in each Month at Mrs. R. Jon, Pentre- Thedin Street (opposite Lion Hotel). Teath Extracted bv :t- e Latest Procaes. All Materials Guaranteed. laeth Filled. Sets remodelled and repaired W jderate charges YR UN3&. GYMRO THE BEST TEA IS ALADDIN'S MAGIC TEA RICH, LUSCIOUS FLAVOTTR. ilb- and 1^ f C" Packets Es., 28. 24. and 28. 6d per Ib .(, J. r{ To be had of the best Greeks, and Wholesale only of the Popiietors, William Williams and Company, TEA MERCHANTS, 5 BUTTON STREET, LIVERPOOL. JL CALL AT- The Pharmacy, 3, Bridge Street, Aberystwyth, For all Winter Remedies Cod Liver Oil; Extract of Malt and Cod Liver "Oil; Cod Liver Oil Cream Emulsion, &c., &c., ALSO Chest Protectors, Hot Water Bottles, Body Belts, &c, All the above And all Patent Medicines at at Lowest Cash Store Prices. PROPRIETOR- B. TAYLOR LLOYD, M.P.S.. Pharmacist, (Medallist in Chemistry & Pharmacy CAMBRIAN RAILWAYS TO BE SOLD BY PRIVATE TREATY the several stacks of well-harvested HAY, of the growth of 1909 (except where otherwise stated), standing at the under-mentioned Stations on the Cambrian Railways, and estimated to contain the respective quantities more or less. also onder-men- tioned. viz:— STATIONS ewe?ghtf STATIONS. |BF^htd Tons Tons. Barmouth Talsarnau 5-4 Junction 3 jPortmadoc 3f Penmaenpool. 2i jCriccieth Pensarn 3t iAbererch 4i Harlech 4 „ (1908) 8 £ (1908) 8* For further particulars, and to treat, apply to S. WILLIAMSON, Oswestry, January, 1910. Secretary LOOK OUT FOR SPECIAL SHOW OF SPRING & SUMMER HOOfS and SHOES, Choice New Goods, Modem in Style and Appear- ance. Please the eye and suit the pocket. FITTING ROOM FOR LADIES. REPAIRS NEATLY EXECUTED. D WILLIAMS & Co. Cambria Boot Stores, 3. North Parade. Aberystwyth, The "Welsh Gazette" is on sale at CARDIFF, & LLANDRINDOD — AT — Messrs. Smith and/Sons. LONDON AGENTS: Messrs. Everett: and Sons ST. BRIDE STREET, E.C. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. "J.D., Tregroes."—Ni chaniata* gofod i ni bariiau yr o&ebi«etht THE WELSH GAZE-RTE A MUCH LARGER CIRCULATION r#f,4,M amy other PAPER IN CARDIGANSHifeE. Acknowledged to be the best in the district for its complete service of new









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