BENJAMIN THE GROCER, _[) HIGH STREET, BRECON FURNISHING AND GENERAL IRONMONGERY, SEED, AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WAREHOUSE, HIGH.TOWN, HAY. I' J E A ~S~T HOPE BEGS to inform his numerous Friends and the Public generally that he has taken into PARTNERSHIP Mr. R. S. GILLETT, who has had many years' experience, and is thoroughly conversant with every department of the Trade, and whom he can introduce to them with great confidence. J. E. embraces this opportunity of tendering his best thanks for the kind support accorded to him for the past twenty years, and respectfully solicits a continuance of it for the Firm of EASTHOPE & GILLETT, Which dates its commencement from the 1st of JANUARY, 1869. [1226 BRISTOL PACKET COMPANY. -L) JOHN PROTHERO Respectfully informs the inhabitants of the town of Brecon and neighbourhood that he has just taken to the old-established and well-conducted CARRYING BUSINESS of the late Mr. W. THOMAS, and that all goods intended for conveyanca by his Boats, which will arrive in Brecon from Newport every other day, will receive his prompt attention. All goods to be conveyed by PHOTHEBO'S BOATS—from London, per Great Western and South Wales Railway, Newport,from Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, and the North of England, per London and North Western Railway" to Newport,-tbence "per PBOTHERO'S BOATS "-and all goeds from Bristol, 'per Burton's Bristol Packet." GOODS CARRIED and DELIVERED WITR CARE and at MODERATE CHARGES. No more complaints of delay in delivering goods!—PHOTHEBO'S BOATS will await the arrival of the Packets at Newport, and be despatched with promptness to Brecon three times a week. Brecon, ht Oct., 1863. [17 THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" SHEET ALMANACK. COPIES of this Almanack, Mounted on Varnished Rollers, with brass ring,—most useful for Offices, Counting Houses, &c., for reference,—are now ready. Price, 6d. "Brecon County Times" Office, Brecon, January 11, 1869. [1247 THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" RAILWAY TIME TABLE. THIS convenient TIME TABLE for the Pocket (with alterations for JAN. 1869,) may be obtained at the Agencies of the BRECON COUNTY TIMES, and at the various Railway Stations in the district. PRICE ONE HALFPENNY." [1070 BRECON COUNTY AND BOROUGH SAVINGS' BANK. Statement of Receipts and Disbursements from the commencement of the Establishment to the 20th November, 1868. £ s. d.. £ Bm d. To amount of Subscriptions and De- By amount of Deposits returned, and posits receivedfrom 2ndNovember, contingent expenses, from 2nd No- 1816, to 20th November, 1867 242,700 17 1 vember, 1816, to 20(h November, To Deposits received from 20th 1867 21o,727 11 7 November, 1867 to 20th Novem- By Deposits returned from 20th No- ber, 1868 3,832 8 9 vember, 1867, to 20th November, To Interest on Government Securities 1868 4,681 7 8 trom 20th November, 1867 to 20th By contingent expenses from 20th November, 1868 854 1 5 November, 1867, to 20th Novem- ber, 1868. 107 10 9 By amount of Government Securities 25,960 1 11 By Interest thereon to 20th Novem- ber, 1868 421 16 8 -rv By Balance in Treasurer's hands 325 16 8 By amount of Surplus Fund 163 2 0 £ 247,387 7 3 9247,387 7 3 Statement of Account between the Savings' Bank and the Depositors. £ s. d. f, s. d. To Principal and Interest due to the By Government Securities 25,960 1 11 Depositors on 20th November, 1868. 26530 15 5 By Interest thereon to 20th November, To Balance in favour of the Institution 176 19 10 1868 421 16 8 By Balance in Treasurer's hands 325 16 8 226,707 15 3 226,707 15 3 January 13th, 1869.-Examined at Annual Meeting held this day, pursuant to Public Advertisement, and found correct, and Government Receipt produced for P,25960 Is. lid. 1240] T. PRESTWOOD LUCAS, Chairman. CHRISTMAS QUARTER. LIYEEPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE CO. INSURANCE CO. Fire risks of every description undertaken. IVEEPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE JLj INSURANCE CO. Farming Stock insured at moderate rates. LIVERPOOL &-LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE CO. about to insure their lives as a family >ri^ll!on should consult table 2 in the Company's a nllilprospect S. T IVE&P0OL & LONDON & GLOBE Persons d • INSURANCE CO. „il find sntiff lr°us Pr°viding comfort in old age J^IVEBPOOL^ LONDON & GLOBE Parents may make provision for their children on I of 14 18 arrmngattheagesofWls, or 21 years, by consult- t bl N 13 the Oomp' ing table No. 13 ^jh^Cowp^y, m] prospectus. LIYEEPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE Co. UlAJUlb Any person wishing to create a present annuity on 11 advantageous terms should refer to table No. 11 in the Company's annual prospectus. IYEEPOOL & lZ)N5)0^&~GLOFE INSURANCE CO. The Company's Annual for 1869 supplies every information on the subjsct of Insurance in all its branches, and may be had, gratis, on application to the undersigned, EVAN JONES, 1225] BANK, BRECON. JUST PUBLISHED, rpHE Second Edition of GWLADYS A WILLTAMS,an ENGLISH DRAMA bearing upon Wales. London T. T. LEMABE, 1, Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. It deals with Characters in the County of Car- marthen, and with scenes recently enacted there. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. The reader need not be told that throughout this little rama there is no false feeling-no base hero dragging his slow length through scores of pages—provoking what next 1' and what next! till the patient reader loses himself by a fortunate hiatus, or a skip' of some forty or fifty pages. No, this is neither novel high life, or low life, improbable or com- mon place, but it is a combination of those characters and qualities, and one that needs but be seen to be enjoyed by 'the forward child-understandng.Notl'ingham Review. "It is the most interesting little book we have taken up for some time."—Leicester Journal. Y mae yr awdwr yn ysgrifenydd esmwyth a rhwydd, ac yn ymddangos yn gyfarwydd a theithi anhebgor nofe 1 boblogaidd.1 I- Y Tyst Cymreig. [902 [A CARD.] MB. W. EDWARDS, AUCTIONEER and ACCOUNTANT, LAND and ESTATE AGENT, INNKEEPER'S and GENERAL VALUER. Valuations made for Probate. OFFICES: WHEAT STREET, BRECON. [1216 ESTABLISHED UPWARDS OF 30 YEARS. DENTAL SURGERY. ME. EDWARD KING attends Monthly— BUILTH: The last Monday, at LION HOTEL. LLANDOVERY: On Saturday after the secon Wednesday, at KING'S HEAD HOTEL, from 11 to 2. Artificial Teeth fixed, from one to a complete set. Teeth stopped. Loose Teeth fastened, and Children's Teeth regulated. Residence—BULWARK, BRECON. [897 THE PLANTING SEASON. Hardy, Regularly Transplanted, and therefore woll-rooted TREES & PLANTS. JAMES DICKSON & SONS beg to draw special attention to their exceedingly large and good STOCK of FOREST TREES, Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees and Shrubs, Evergreens, Coniferse, together with all other Trees and Plants, the whole in fine healthy condition for safe removal. Price Lists post free on application. NEWTON NURSERIES, CHESTER. Alrbo at LLANDILO, SOUTH WALES, and NEWTOWN, NORTH WALES. [1191 CHEAP ENVELOPES FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES. Per 100. Per bundle Per (250). 1000. s. d. s. d. s. d. Blue Laid, ordinary q 6 12 4 6 „ „ 2nd quality 0 8 1 0 i!! 5 0 cre..Laid,. quality 0 9 1 8 5 6 Large Buff, for enclo- sures 1 0 2 0 7 6 Foolscap officials 2 9 6 0 22 0 (If Printed on, 3s. 6d. per 1,000 extra.) AT THE "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, BRECON. [1199 T>RECKNOCK SHIRE TURNPIKE ROADS. Statement of the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1868 :— RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Remains. £ s. d. £ s. d. GENERAL EXPENSES :— £ s. d. ———————— Balance by last Statement To Public Works Loan Commissioners. 2191 17 8 available for 1868. 723 11 8 Annual Charge for Redemption and interest of Loan 91 4 10 Terminating From County Treasurer— Salaries 284 15 10 & Composition for Bridges 233 10 0 Stationery, Printing, and Advertising 11 6 10 Michaelmas County Road Rate 2184 0 1 Rent of Toll-houses 13 1 0 -2417 10 1 Premiums to Constant Laborers. 5 0 0 From Tolls— Board of Health, removing scrapings 8 0 0 From Lessees 847 8 4 Treasurer's charge for Commission 5 9 6 From Gates in hand. 1451 19 3 Weiring at Sunny-bank 17 5 3 2299 7 7 Building Privy at Hay Toll-house. 6 19 6 From Fines and Cattle im- Road Scrapers 610 0 pounded. 0 15 0 Repairing Toll-houses at Builth 21 10 0 From Rent of Penderyn Rebuilding Wall near St. John's Toll-house 1 17 10 tramway crossing. 0 0 0 Damage at Minfield Quarry 12 0 0 From Hay Waterworks 0 1 0 Miscellaneous 19 8 1 ,113 3 10 ■! ROAD REPAIRS. t Labour. TITHIPS- •* .• • Miles. Materials. men's Constant. Casual. Bills. laneous- ■" No. 1 Abergavenny, Brecon, & Carmarthen f s. d. f s. d. £ s. d. f s. d £ s. d. Mail Road 31.2 544. 13 4,152 4 11 83 11 2 4 17 S 785 6 8 0 Brecon to Hay 1501 Pencerrigcocliion Branch Road 224 6 10i 60 8 4 39 18 10 5 16 3 1 10 0 337 0 3 3 Brecon and Merthyr Tydvil.. 15;6 96 5 g 67 ig 4 11 6 1 0 18 0 176 7 7 4 Branch from ditto to Hirwain. 8,8 42 16 2' 23 16 1 8 11 7 2 0 0 77 3 10 0 T, -a- 16-3 n7 19 7; 65 16 8 18 i 11 0 is 02 2 0 204 13 2 ft Builth by Llyswen to the Three Cocks 14. i 1 The Marish Branch Road 15} 51 7 10j 55 4 2 19 7 6,4 18 3 130 17 9 r, Bronllys bv Talgarth to Bwlch q'91 Talgarth to the Three Cocks 101 9 7j 58 12 11 13 10 5 8 9 5 182 2 4 .1 I ^,VwneTy R°ad ••"•'Vi 3'4 30 15 10! 12 1 8 3 8 9 0 7 0 46 13 3 9 Builth to Tavern-y-pndd g.6 155 10 5 32 10 0 38 6 10 0 13 2 2 18 0 219 18 5 j!27 0 1365 4 9.'533 13 1226 3 1 28 12 4 6 10 0 2160 3 3j Balance available for 1869 584 15 9 £5441 5 4 5441 5 4; H. Y. WORTHAM, M. General, 11th January, 1869. General Superintendent of County Roads for South Wales. Estimate of the Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1869:- RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Sharks. Balance by last Statement £ s. d. GENEEAL EXPENSES :— £ s. d. £ s. d. available for 1869 584 15 9 To Public Works Loan Commissioners „, 219117 8 From County Treasurer— Annual Charg-e for Redemption and Interest of Loan 91 410 Terminating Composition for Bridges 222 0 0 Salaries 285 0 0 at County Road Rate for Stationery, Printing, and Advertising 20 0 0 Michaelmas 1869, £ 2191 17s. 8d. Rent of Toll-houses 13 0 0 Ditto, Arrears of 1868, Premiums to Constant Laborers 5 0 0 Ditto, Arrears of 1868, Premiums to Constant Laborers. 5 0 0 £ 7 17s. 7d 2199 15 3 Road diversion at Pont-Ithel 395 6 6 2421 15 3 Balance available for contingencies. 200 2 0 From Tolls 2300 0 0 8 gj From Sale of Watton Toll- ROAD REPAIRS. house 200 0 0 Labour. Repairs »T- Miles. Materials. to Toll 1^el" Constant. Casual, houses. idnecms- No. Coiastant. Casual. liolises. 1 Abergavenny, Brecon, & Carmarthen £ s. d.: £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d., Mail Road 8L2 645 0 0169 0 0 67 0 0 5 10 0 8SS 10 0 0 .Brecon to llay Pencerrigcocliion Branch Road 310 0 0 78 0 0 41 0 0 3 10 0 4-32 10 0 2 Brecon and Merthyr Tydvil 15;6 100 0 0 72 0 0 15 0 0 3 0 0 190 0 0 4 Branch from ditto to Hirwain g.8 38 0 0 28 C 0 5 0 0 0 10 0 71 10 0 D Brecon to BUIlth. 16.2 108 0 0 74 0 0 11 0 0 1 10 0 194 10 0 » Builth by Llyswen to the Three Cocks 141- „ The Marish Branch Road j'g f 64 0 0 65 0 0 21 0 0j 1 0 0 151 0 0 J n Bronllys by Talgarth to Bwlch q'o 1 Talgarth to the Three Cocks g'gj 95 0 0 64 0 0 15 0 0| 2 10 0 176 10 0 8 TheLlanelly Road. £ 4 28 0 0 13 0 0 2 0 Oj 2 0 0 45 0 0 9 Builth to Tavern-y-pndd 8-6 130 0 0 24 0 0 13 0 Oj 0 10 0 157 10 0 [l27 0 1508 0 0 587 0 0 190 0 0120 0 0 2305 0 0 —————— 11 0 X5506 11 0 ————— H. Y. WORTHAM, M. General, 11th January, 1869. General Superintendent of County Roads for South Wales. Charges upon the County, executed, by South Wales Commissioners, or Secretary of -I Officers appointed by the County Roads Board. State, and Annuities payable. Date. Amount of Charges. Annuity. Termination of Annuity. 25th March, 1845. 31,953 16 2 1,677 11 6 26th March, 1875. TreaureT-vViL-KiNs Co., Brecon. Salary XO per Annum. 29th September, 1845 9,092 2 6 477 6 8 30th September, 1875. 25th March, 1846. 521 11 11 27 7 8 26th March, 1876. Clerk to the County Roads Board- 29th September, 1847 182 14 0 9 11 10 30th September, 1877. J. R. COBB, Brecon 80 ), 1239] £ 2,191 17 8 Surveyor-,TOHN KIRIC, Brecon „ 200 „ Clear of Income Tax. WILLIAM HAKRY REES, (Successor to the late Mr. Thos. Thomas,) AUCTIONEER, VALUER, ESTATE & HOUSE AGENT, ACCOUNTANT, RENT AND DEBT COLLECTOR. Agent for the West of England Life and Fire Insurance Company; the Railway Passengers' Acci- dental Death and Personal Injury Insurance Com- pany the West of England Investment and Loan Society, &c., &c. Valuations of every description made for Probate Duty and other purposes. All Accounts promptly settled. Cash advances on Freehold, Leasehold, or good Personal Security. ADDREss-CHARLESVILLE PLACE, NEATH. [656 BRECKNOCKSHIRE. NOTICE is hereby given that the ADJOURNED GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the County of Brecknock, will be held at the SHIRE-HALL, in the Town of Brecknock, on WEDNESDAY, the Twenty- seventh day of JANUARY instant, at Twelve o'clock at Noon. Dated this Seventh day of January, 1869. EDWARD WILLIAMS, 1237J Clerk of the Peace. In the Matter of the Estate of JOHN GRIFFITHS, late of the Town of Brecon, Builder and Timber Merchant. OTICE is hereby given, that all CREDITORS and other Persons having CLAIMS and DEMANDS upon the Estate of JOHN GRIFFITHS, late of the Town of Brecon, in the County of Brecon, Builder and Timber Merchant, who by deed, dated the Thirteenth day of June, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Eight, assured all his real and personal Estate and Effects to Trustees to be administered for the benefit of his Creditors, are required to send in particulars of their Debts, Claims, or Demands, to the under- signed, DAVID THOMAS, of the Town of Brecon, in the County of Brecon, on or bffore THURSDAY the Twenty First day of JANUARY, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Nine. Creditors omitting to send in their Claims as above will be excluded from the benefit of the first dividend. Dated this 11th day of December, 1868. DAVID THOMAS, 1205] Solicitor to the Assignees. AMES GRAFF, Practical FURRIER., CATTLE STREET, NEATH. Furs cleaned, altered, and repaired. The only Furrier in Wales. [1185 BRECONSHIRE HIGHWAYS, VAYNOR DISTRICT. TO MASONS, CONTRACTORS, AND OTHERS. ANY person or persons desirous of Tendering for the EE,ECTION of a STONE BRIDGE over the RIVER TAFF, -FA-WR, near Blaen- taff, in the parish of Cantref, are requested to send or deliver sealed tenders for the same, addressed to RICHARD EVANS, District Surveyor, Glyn Neath, (Endorsed" Tender for erecting bridge") on or before the 6th day. of FEBRUARY next. Plan and Specification may be seen at the resi- dence of the District Surveyor, Glyn Neath. The lowest or any tender is not bound to be ac- cepted. RICHARD EVANS, District Surveyor. Dated the 12th day of January, 1869. [1245 NEATH UNION. RELIEVING OFFICER WANTED. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Guardians of the Neath Union wil!, at their Meeting to be holden at the Union Workhouse, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of JANUARY, 1869, proceed to appoint a RELIEVING OFFICER for the First Central District of the Union, in the room of Mr. Jenkin Francis, resigned. The District comprises the Parishes of Neath, Llantwit Lower, Blaenhonddan, Coedfrauk, Dunryn, Clydach, and Britonferry and the person appointed will be required to reside in the Town of Neath. The salary will be £80 per annum, and the person elected must be prepared to enter forthwith upon the duties of his office, to devote his whole time to the performance of those duties, to find two sureties in the sum of £ 200, and be competent to keep the Books and Accounts prescribed by the Poor-law Board. Applications in the Candidates' own handwriting, stating age, and last or present occupation, accom- panied by recent original testimonials as to character and competency, must be sent to me at my office, not later than the 22nd JANUARY instant. The Guardians, after examining the testimonials, will, by letter, request the attendance, on the day of election, of such Candidates as they may select for that purpose. Canvassing the Guardians is prohibited, and a knowledge of the Welsh language is required. By order of the Board, HOWEL CUTHBERTSON, Union Offices, Water-street, Neath, Cierk. 4th January, 1869. [1231 WANTED, a strong, active Man as PORTER, and to take charge of a Horse. —Apply to J. E. NOTT, Ironmonger, Brecon. [1228 TALGARTH. D MORGAN, Plumber, Glazier, House @ and Sign Painter, Imitator of Woods and Marbles, &c., lias now in stock a large Assortment of Sheet and Crown Glass, and Glass Slates (the highest qualities of Glass supplied to order), Sheet Lead and Zinc, Lead Piping, Oils, and Colours. A large Assortment of Paper Hangings, of the newest designs, in great variety, at moderate prices. Gilt and other Mouldings in various patterns. Picture Frames made to order. D. M. respectfully informs his Friends and the Public generally, that he has introduced, in connec- tion with the above Business, the GENERAL STATIONERY and NEWSPAPER TRADES, in which he will supply all Goods at a fair remunera- tive profit. Agent for the Brecon County Times. London and other Publications supplied Weekly. [1242 MUSIC.—A Young Lady, who is a competent Pianist, is prepared to give LESSONS. Would not object attending Pupils residing within a few miles of the town.—For Terms, &c., apply by letter to "Y. Z. COUNTY TIMES Office, Brecon. [1234 rrRUST MONEY — £ 8800 Trust Money to be advanced upon real Security, in sums of not lei's than ;C500.-For particular#, pp]y to Mr. JOHN WILLIAMS, Solicitor, Brecon. L1241 -U- RECEIPT BOOKS, in Blank Form, I with Counterfoils, 100 leaves, price 2s. 6d. (by post for 32 stamps), may be bad at the "BRECON COUNTY THIES" OFFICE, BRECON. [1246 L TO DEALERS IN SPIRITS (Wholesale and Retail). QPIRIT STOCK BOOKS, as required 0 by Act of Parliament, are kept in stock at the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" OFFICE, BRECON, Price 2s. 6d. each by post for 32 stamns. [1072 A MANUFACTURER of a MANURE, established sixteen years, wishes to appoint a fe\v respectable AGEN i'S. Good Commission. Address by post, with occupation, &c., Manure Agency," at No. 158, Bishopsate-street Wïthout, London. [1236 HA T, BRECONSHIRE. MR. WILLIAM LLOYD will SELL 1", by AUCTION, at the ROSE and CROWN HOTEL, in the Town of Hay, On Tuesday, the 19ih day of January, 1869, At Three o'clock in the Afternoon, in the fol'o ,ving or sach other Lots as may be decided on at the time of Sale, and subject to certain Conditions of Sale, which will then be read,-the following PROPER- TIES. that is to 3ay:- LGT 1 -All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT and BUILDINGS, with the Garden Ground and Premises thereunto adjoining and belonging, cslied the TUMP HOUSE, situate in the centre of the market town of Hay. These Premises have an extensive frontage to the Square and to Belmont Road, and are admirably situated for the erection of commodious business premises or a genteel residence. LOT 2.—All that MESSUAGE or TENEMENT and PUBLIC-HOUSE, called the frTRE INN, with Brewhouse, Maltbouse, and Site of Maltkiin, capita and extensive Cellarage, Yard, and Garden Ground at the back thereof aud belonging thereto, situate ia Red Lion Street, in the town of Hay, and now occupied by Mrs. PROBERT. LOT 3. — All that piece or parcel of PASTURE ORCHARDING called the LONG ACRE, containing by admeasuremeat la. Ir. 13p., or more or less, situate about a quarter of a mile from the town of Hay, and adjoining ihe highway leading 9 therefrom to the village of Cusop, now in the occu- pation of Mr. JOHN NOTT. This Lot has an extensive frontag-e to the highway* and is well adapted for the erection of Villa resi- dences, which would readily let at good rentals; the trees are young and in fall bearing, and are very productive. For further particulars, and to view the respective Lots, apply to Mr. ARTHUR CHEESE, or Mr. G. H. PAGE, Soiicitors. Hav. Hay, 22nd December, 1868 [1221 GLASBURY. RADNORSHIRE. SMALL FREEHOLD FARM, AND ALSO COTTAGE RESIDENCE. 7 R. WILLIAM LLOYD will SELL -L1JL BY AUCTION, at the MAESLOUGH ARMS, GLASEUEY, On Friday, the 29tlt day of January, 1869, At 2 o'clo- in the afternoon, LOT 1.—xhe very valuable and desirable small FREEHOLD FARM, called Cwir BACH, in the oc- cupation of Mr. Edward Evans, consisting of 8A. 3B. 17P, of rich well watered Meadow Land, with Barn, Stable, and other Outbuildings, situate in the village-of Cwmbach, in the parish of Glas- bury, close to the village of Glasbury. four miles from the town of Hay, and within half a mile of the Glasbury Station on the Hereford, Hay, and Brecon Railway. The estate is surrounded by the proper- ties of Walter de Winton, Esq., and Mrs. Hamilton, is close to Maeslough Castle Park and The Wood- lands, and offers a most eligible site for the erection of a residence the River Wye is within half-a-mile. LOT 2.—A superior well-built COTTAGE RESI- DENCE, called SIIBTJB COTTAGE, with Buildings and good Garden, situate within the line of Maeslouo-h Park, close to lot 1, only divided from it by the high road leading from Glasbury to Boughrood, and well adapted to be used (if so required) as a farm house attached to it. Possession may be had on 2nd February. The property may be viewed on application to the tenants, and further particulars may be obtained of the Auctioneer, Hay, or Mr. JAMES GILBERT PRICE, solicitor, Abergavenny. [1243 A R M FOR SALE, j|_ at BBOKLLYS, between Brecon and Hay, Comprising about 60 ACRES OF PRIME FREEHOLD LAND, Good New STONE HOUSE, Usual OUTBUILDINGS. Rent of last Tenant, £ 90 a year, now in hand; price £ 2C00. Timber, about £ 100. Apply to "A B," care of EVAN JONES, Esq., Bank, Brecon. [1244 IMPORTANT. TF you want to BORROW MONEY at a cheap rate, go to Mr. W. WILLIAMS, 16, Dock-street, Newport, MOIl., and Insure vour Life, and he will guarantee that, with approved personal security, you can have any sum from £ 50 to X2,000, for 1, v 2, 3, 4, or 5 years,, repayable by fixed h-uf-vearlv or quarterly instalments. Office hours: to [174 IMPORTANT NOTICE. FAVOURABLE OPPOR- J UNITY, by which a sum of £ 20,000 can be obtained on the small outlay of fl only, by a bonet- fide Money Transaction, established and guaranteed, by Government. For Prospectus containing full particulars (which will be sent gratis), apply by lfttfr, address J, A. RINCK, 14, Duke Street, Adf-lphi, London, W.C., [1149 "X NEW V E A UrS ""(} I F T X1L Acceptable to Friends at a distance. "BRECON AND ITS NEIGHBOURHOOD," Cloth gilt, handsomely Illuminated and Illus. trated, 3s=; or in Paper Covers, Is. 6d. Published and sold at the "BRECON COUNTY TIMES" Office, Brecon. Suld aiS0 by the Booksellers in Brecon, and at fhe „ Railway Stations. •s # By Post for 3s. 8d. or Is. Sd. in Stamps. [1203 ECLECTIC MEDICINES ONLY WILL CURE. Just published, free for two stamps, GUIDE TO THE CURE OF NER- VOUSNESS, by RENKY SMITH, M.D., of the iversity of Jena, author of the "Volunteer's Manual," A new Medical Wo;k on the wonderful power of Eclectic or Covicentratfd Medicines for the Cure of Nervous. Mental, and Physical Debility, Lowness of Spirits, Indigestion, Want of Energy, and Prema- ture Decline, with Instructions for perfect Restora- tion to Health and Vigour without the painful Shocks of Galvanism or the use of Electric Belts, &c. The WARNING VOICE is Illustrated with many Cases • Testimonials, Gives Advice and Rules "for the Cure of aU diseases by the use of the new Eclectic Remedies. Dr. SMITHhn Les aiJ who have tried the falsely- called remedy, Galvanism or Electricity, to send a stamped-directed envelope for his new Pamphlet, which will be sent by rprurn of post CONSULT A LONDON PHYSICIAN BY LETTER., WITHOUT FEE.—Dr. SMITH will, for the benefit of Nervous Sufferers, on receiving a description of their Case, send his writfen opinion, j w3'-b advic.- ,ind fe.<- the most successful tr -atment, and cur. Address, Dr. SMITH, S, Burton-crescent, London, w-a [1187