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BUILDING LAND BUSINESS AND I RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY TO LET OR FOR SALE. J. M. Porter & Elcock, Architects and Surveyors, Estate Agents and Valuers, THE ESfATE OFFICE, COLWYN BAY- Telephone No. 38. Telegrams: "PLANS," Colwyn Bay. 1>WLLYCROC3I AN ESTATE. Valuable Freohold, Bui-dang Plot for suit- able for di. t-achod aasd SAemi-diuLacncd Rcsi- ck-necs, a.nd Bung slows, situate in the wcgt ond of Co. w vTi Bay, atnd also abovü tlhe Woode; within roach. of Station, ShopG «ud Post OF Price according to a.rea. :1.00 poo i't/oa of land putlhd. CONWAY. Ik tec hied Country Rce'deccc for SeZe wit-h about :2 t acres of Land. Suauny azd y hoi to red poelA-iian. Abouit 5 of a in no from Station. i wo Rcccption and fouir Bedrooms, Bathroom, 2.111<1 usual Offices. Early poaoc&ion. Frewiold price, .21000. COUNTRY RESIDENCE to, be Lot or Sold. c Three R.eoclph:c.:1, eight Bedrooms, oon- Tenio-ji-t Domestic Offioce, St-aJxtaig, walOsod-oai Ga,-d n. About 61 acres of Laind im &-L South aspect. Rent £120. Freehold price iiiodorabe. SHOPS AND OFFICES to Lot i>n good busi- ness positions. FURNISHED HOUSES for Winter Months to Let from £1 Is per week. For further particulars and orders to view, apply as above. Nat. Tel. 55. R. E. BIRCH, F.S.I. (Agent to the Cayley Estate), T ARCHITECT, SURVMOR AID VALUER, "ESS TO INFORM HIS CLIENTS THAT HE HAS Re mc/ed from Wynstay Chambers to Oak lands (First Floor), Conway Road, Colw ip, Bay (NEXT TO COUNCIL OFFICES). A. M. Fowler, Júnr. (Elected A.M.I.C.E. 1889). ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, VALUER, LAND AND ESTATE AGENT. TEMPORARY OFFICES during course of erection of new Business premises— COLWYN AVENUE, Mos-on- ja, Colwyn Bay. Telephone Office. No. 222a. Residence, No 222. • -acis '• Eo ier, Architect, Llandriilo-yn-Rhos. £ ,Ulf-D'rNG LAND-Choicst Plots of FREE HuLD LAND for Sale at RHOS-ON-SE A, PENRI 'N BAY. OLD COLWYN. and CRAI -Jf-DON, LLANDUDNO, suitable for the erection of Detached AND SEMI- DETACHED VILLAS, BUNGALOWS, and BUSINESS PREMISES, exceptionally suit. able Plots for HYDROS, BOARDING and APARTMENT HOUSES. Money advanced on two-thirds value of Land and Buildings during erection, and as permanent mortgage. Houses built to suit Leaseholders or Pur- chasers. MELLOR & ALLEN, LAND & HOUSE AGENTS AND VALUERS, COLWYN BAY. Property Bought and Sold on Commission. Furnished and Unfurnished Houses to Let. Apartments Recommended. ON SALE. fjENTRAL BLOCK of BUILDINGS, suit- abLo for good Business purposes: Cafe, Tempe-ranee Hotel, Workshops, Storerooms, Offices, etc., fully occupied and showing eood "Returns. ° D. HENRY ROBERTS ARCHITECT, SURVEYOR, and ESTATE AGENT, 9, DENBIGH-STREET, LLANRWST. HOUSES TO LET OR SOLD. RENTS COLLECTED. I R. ARTHUR JONES, I Land, House and Estate Agent, THE ESTATE OFFICE (Nr, TownlIAll). j CON W A Y, AND AT THE ESTATE OFFICE (ur. Post CIDce) DEGAK W Y. Telephone: No. 29, Conway. Tro.ms: "Jones, Estate Agent, Conway." RODINERBPELS RATS 1 °f IODINE at.Ta.cti the rats; 8 I iiv y them. They eat it greed- 1 justantly, leave 110 smell. Never I 1 K o extermination assured. 6d I I ch<u?s't P" f- |,cst' 2cL HARLEY, 1 3 ^eiiust, Per il. Agents:— 1 1 R Tr, Pryt^rot1-. Chemist, Llangefni; R I I J0t.cs, Cnomist, Amlwch- J-T P Ti, I rvy a"vche„«»- 1 TO LADIES. .^regularities, etc., removed by an entirely new and ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN METHOD WITHOUT MEDICINE. No pins, mixtures, or nauseous drugs to take. No useless injections. THE GREATEST DISCOVERY OF MODERN MEDICAL SCIENCE. Guaranteed harmless. It is positive, safe, certain, and speedy. Does not interfere with household duties. Every case guaranteed. Do net experiment with useless remedies. Send at onoe a stamped addressed envelope for full particulars and testimonials GUARANTEED. GENUINE UNDER A PENALTY OF JSlOCO. Mrs. STAFFORD BROOKES, (147 Dept.), 220, ARDGOWAN ROAD, HITHER GREEN, LONDOtf, S.E. (Established over 16 years). SITUATIONS VACANT. AGENTS Wanted, Salary and Commission, with permanency to good men.—Apply, with reference, to "Box 7584," "Clirouicle" Office, Bangor. A NGLESEY. REGISTRY OFFICE FOR .c SERVANTS.—Good homes for Servants awaiting'- places. — Mrs Roberts, Britaannia T«mperasco, LI an fair P.G. 7699c AUSTRALIA. — Wanted Farmers, Farm LaiKMirefm. Market Gardeners. Fare from £2. Female Domestics Free. Others must pay full 'fare; big dema-nd for willing workers. — Write to Australian Agency, Ð, London-etreet, London, E.G. 7338c BANGOR.—Mrs Williams, Registry Office for Servants, 216, High-street. (Stamp for re|)ijr.) COOK and Bjousemaid-Wajtirciss (Eng<liah) for Colwyn Ba.y. YOUng Cook-G'tin-yrails ilor Liverpool.1G, V iiOTV-noad, Gajwyta Bay. 29323p DENTISTRY. — Mr H. G wilym Owoa, L.U.S., R.C.S., London, has 0. Vacancy for a, Pupil. Premium.—Address, 337, High- sti>eet, Bangor. GENUINE spare time work, which requires neither outlay nor expcri-onoe. If you a;o look my for th-s, addr^iis to-day, statinig' ag-s and occupation.—"W. K. "Pion-oer" Oinoo, Oolwyn Bay. 2!Jp- i OOD COOK fctr LlondiU-dno a^id Houtic- maid; Waitress keipt.—16, Bay Vitsw- road, Colwyn Ray. ;¿9a2 LLAND UDNO.- W a.tcdG<,eal- S«ya.nt.; -J small family; etirly riser, clean, cook well.—Addivss, "812," "Directory" Office, Llandudno. "jVJTSS EVANS, Servants' Registry, St. Asaph. — Wanted, Cooks, Housemaid- Waitresses, Generals; good references. Stamp for reply. p MESSRS MORRIS <md JONES have vacan- cies for two young Gentlemen, of good education, as Apprentices. No premium l quircd.—Apply, by letter, to Messrs Morris and Jones, 12, Cannon-slt reet, Manches- ter. 29198p TVrl^SRS~JATONJ^i and CO., — Cih.^milts, Dcti:!big.h, have a Vrxvarey for an A^pntaBtiioa, ia-dioois. — Apply as above. 29313ip TVfENTAL NURSE Wftmted."— Apply, stating age and send testimonials, also photograph, to Matron, Hayes Park, Hayes, Middlesex. 7593cl XTORNING GOVBliNESS i\?qd for one l, PupLl. — A.pply, by letter, atfi^biag torrus, T. "'PjaiitiCT" Olliee, Crfwyn Bay. 29330p I EGISTRY OFFICE, 120, HIGH-STREET, l'ORTMADOC.—Mrs H umphreys has excellent Situations for responsible Women as Generals, Cooks, Housemaids, etc., for next Term (.P^ntyitihor). 0 REGISTRY OFFICE. — Housemaid, Wait- :\¡ resses Wanted for Private and Boaad- ing-Houses; also good Generais.—Mrs Payne, 15, River-street, Rhyl. 27049p Q°LE AGENT Wanted to seil House to Houso New Soap; must be good. reliable purwll.-Writ.e, Smith, G9, Roth well-street, Blackpool. d riVRUSTWORTHY, Active Man wishing to increase his earnings, and liaping two or three hours free daily, wanted by old es- tablished Company.—Addrc-ss, "S. "Pio- neer" Office, Colwyn Bay. 29052p TTSEFUL HELP or ousparLor General, hou £ >e- work ajid p21:1;1D oaokiaiig; Clhurch- worrjan, cltetaiaor; two im fajniiy f £::30-.£22; LkiiMi'Jirfeicthan.—W. V. "Pioneer" Office, Colwyn Bay. 29331p \\rANTED, thoroughly domesticated, uss- ful Mothen*'a Ileilp, for two young chil- dren, and light housework. State age, wages, and refers 11 o?s.—"W. J. ''Pione.er" Office' Colwyn Bay. 2928Sp \\TANTED, eingk-handed Houseanaid, for 1'1' country pl(), not under 25, ChuTch of England, wiUing to give sight assistiajioo to cook; wages, iilS to i;20.—"W. M. "Pio- ruecir" Office, Colwyn Bay. 29294p ANTED, GENERAL, for the counitry; wa£J1, iron, and ab.e to milk, if re- quired.—Apply, "M. Cooke's Library, Col- wyn Bay. p \\T ANTED, tthoroughly capable Genera.1 Servant, who cam oook; small family; boy kopt. Wages, £18. — Miss WiEiams, Castle Hill, Holywell. p W ANiED a lloiisieoniaid and a Kcitcihca T Gemiecna.l.'—ILoyail Oak Habeil, B<it.twlsr)r- 29321,p Wf ANTED, at ooiioo, yog-ii »* Waitress; Ðmaa f aimiy; R.C. pro- feeivxl.—"K. "ReuJtcir" Office, RhryC. VX^"ANTED a good Gei^jriul one who can oook a plain diemier.—Ap|x!y, Hcmilys, Abbey-road, Llandudno. p ANTED, ITN.-LVrrm (Improvetr), amid to filil in time b.iliiind coimter.—Roberts and Ltd., CoJwym Bay. 29329ip WANTE15- s1:mQ;g- Geaiiarail Stervaiint, 18 to 20. — A.ppliy, Hutrut, dhiarniist, Colwyn Bay- 29332|> WANTED, COOK-GENERAL, for~L\ d'udauo; two in famiily.—Apply, stabing age, iTif-ai'-tinocB, and "Box "W. S. "Piarjoear" Office, (Vilwyti Bay. \\TANTED, tat onoe, tihiaraugMy docrut-sfci- oated floud expctrieinord Gemorail for oouiivtry hovusie. Musit :be gto j.d, plaëm cook, ar.,d ^aibCta to wa<slh. Farrijijy of thrioe. Muet b-3 alxaed-Uitely pa«rtiiauj!)ar and metihodijcal, and have kruowxd'go of li.<g-ht diairy work. Smart, oncirgtit^c peLisKMi, rot uimdiLir 25 years Off Good boane and good wcigies to suitaljlLe per- 80:n. Piirat-cilass revjuircd. — Ad- direcas, W.P. "Piion.-qor" Oilier, C()¡hn"ll Baty. 29320p" W ANTED, UN CERTIFICATED ASisIST^ ANT1 for ,C.E. Infant School, ?lenai Bridge. Welsh essential. Singing deeix- able. Salary, .£45.-A.pply, enclosing testi- monials, ERe^tor, Llanfair P.G. 7045 ANTETDT GENERALTSEU VANT, niR-strbe clean and methodical, no washijig, Englisdi girl preferred.—Address, "M. "Uhronicle" Office, Bangor. V\TANTED, a. Man with Milk Float.— Apply, WLtih rafeuvmcie, "Box 7723," "North WaLets Ghironiicle" Bangor. BANGOR CORPORATION GASWORKS. THERE is a Vacancy for a. Gas Fitter's Ap- prentice at above. Period of Appren- ticeship, years. Wages is Gd par week with annual :1l1orE!lnle.nts of Is Cd per annum to 10s od during Last year. Applicants, who must be not more than 16 years, must for- ward applications JjJ own handwriting to th« undersigned by Monday, January 2nd.-Prioe F. White, Gas Works Manager. EDUCATIONAL. XZ"INDERG-ARTEN. — Lady (Oar fei flea ted) gû vœ the fuJU CV>uit>3 of Led.i»ns (Praoticail and Theioretical) to initccidiuif* Teach- o. Terms nnoclaraits. — "W.O. "Piion.c;ir" Office, Colwyn Bay. 2S318p' A Quarrymen, desiring success, take Postal Lessons, in Geology, Metal Mining Surveying, E.tctricity. Certificates awarded! —Write for free Book, "Cambrian Mining School," Glan.tIrwcl, Porth, Glam. 29053p PVPIL.-Woo PupU for OffiCiO 1 complete lsnstrnotion wiH be givon in Shorth«.nd, 1 y pewnitLng, Book-keeping etc —Apply. "Pupil," "Piotnetar" Office, RJiyl. MEDICAL. THE MEDICAL FIOME, COLVVYNIBAY^- FULLY TRAINED CERTIFICATED NURSES supplied, who Live in the Home when not at Cases, and are under persona1 super- vision. Patients received Massa&e Nursing App,ianoe3 on Hue, Tel. No. 24. -Ma.tron. M is j Isabel Matty. 22553p WANTS (Miscellaneous), MOLE SKINS. — Gerrard Brothers, Fur- Tiers, Edinburgh, announce increase in price for Mole Skins.—Send for particu- lars. 29054p MILK.—One or two good Dairies Wanted; j13- good prices given.—S. E. Dale, 57 aaid 50, Albert-street, Ardwick, Manchester. 7592cl -=- DOTS FOR SALE. Old EffigMiih and Rough Coa»tod parents excellent workers.—Apply,E. Fvanois, Hafod Onen, Amlwch. 7594cl FEDIGiiEf-l WMLSII TEERIERS^—Notod pri/-e-wii;^iing bitcli and 'SeveraJ puppies ready to show; Soid a.t very low prices, to oloar; overstocked.—Apply, "W. H. "Pi neer" Office, Oalwyii Bay. 26L WIIITE West Highlaud Terriors for Sale, » throe females, nine months old; pedi- gr,oe.-Add-ress, "J.M.B. Gorddinog Estate Office- LLAAFAJRFCELMIN. SITUATIONS WANTED. COACHMAN -seeks Situation as Chauffeur, or ogroom Chauffeur two months' first- class Garage expedience; life experience with horses; highly recommended; good refer- ences; single; age 27.—W. MellicJiaf, Gross- way-Green, Stourport, 29183p GENERAL, disengaged, thorough country gird, 20, 2J years' refea-enoe, cook, waah, tall, strong, £ 13.—54, Berwyn-etreet, Lian- goLlen. 29285p .ARDENUR (Single), agid 27, good ail routnd experivinoei itioidd and outsiiiio; goad r-ureirenofs.—T. Da view, 2, R^Hwe/y-'teT- iwice, Dajgcifey. 293Wp GENERAL, d'jjemgagied (21), fa-rjinar's G daugixtar; tLzLi, 6trong; exckjleinit mfer- icc-.cos; took, wasCx.—25, Berwyw-sitc;eeit, L'aia- gotLan. 29317p XTOUSEKEEPER, middle-aged, requires roe- engagement; testimonials, six and two years.—' T. P. "Pioneter" Offioe, Colwyn Bay. 29199p YOUNG LADY desires post as Nursery Governess (experienced;, Colwyn Bay or neighbourhood, douy or weekly. Ad- dress, "W. P. "Pioneer" Office, Colwyn Ray. 292G3rp PROFESSIONAL. YOUG LADY seeks D-aily Teaching; iDeighbourliocd Penniaeaimawr; usual subjects, French, certificate acquiixid abroad, private French kvi-ions.—Misis Barrie, Bedol Haoli, Dwygyfylchi. 29250p MISCELLANEOUS. BOOK DEBTS purchased, Cash down, any district.—\V. jackson, lib, Corporatioa- street, Manchester. 26511P (CONTRACT Wanted for pure, rich Cream J (partly Guernsey;. About five gallons a. woek, in small jugs ready lor j>er quart, or including carriage and jug3, 3s 3d bale, Retailab-io at 4s.-Ulenmonswn, Eastham. GENERAL. ACCOUNTANCY, Rent and G Debt Collection, Liouse Agent. Holder of a Certificate uuder the Law of Distress Amendment Act.-liew. D. Jones, Account- ant, iSangor. IMPORTANT TO MOTHERC, Every Motner who values the Health of her Child should use Harrison's "R-eliablc" Nur- sery Pomade. One application kills all N it and Vermin, bcautifaes and strengthens the Liair. In Tins, 4^d and ud. Postage, id.- Geo. W. Harrison, Chemist, Reading. Sold by all Chemists. Agent for Colwyn Ba,y J. W. Adamson, Cli-cullst, Station-road. Agent for Penmaenmawr :—T. J. Hughes, Chemist. Agent for Conway;—L. Jones, Chemist. 23828p LADIES.—My improved Remedies act in a few hours, vvh«n a.l elie faiis. Surprisingly elective. Success guaranteed. Send stamped envelop*) for Free Siiiipi«. — Addre=3, Nurse Hammc-nd, 20, In^ec-duiio, Boseonibe-road, South- end. Essex. 26421D T3>RACT1CAL Lmidscape Gardener and Con- • suiting Koiticuiturist. New grounds laid out, cid gaidens re-modelled; highest testimonials.—Hoitus, 27, Westbeurne-road. West KLrby, ChtSaiire. 6839c £ \/i PAGE BOOK about Herbs, and how to use them, free; send for one.—Trim- nell, The Herbalist, 144, llichmond-road, Car- diff. Established 1879. 23119p HORSES. CARRIAGES, &c. FOR SALE. new Rubber-tyre Governess Car and Second-hand Gig, Dog Cart, two Light Lorries, Horse Breaker's Cart, two Pheetons,Rubber-tyred Landaus,Victoria, and Brougham, Business and Pleasure Floats, a speciality; Hand Carts, Wheelbarrows, and 'Bus top. Cash or easy terms.—Francis and Sons, Coach builders, Colwyn Bay. rTVD BE SOLD, two Light Horses, 15-3 hands high, rising four and five years old, very quiet, and been broken-in; to be seen at Rhyd y Gwtta, v. aen, St. Asaph. 29090p TO BE SOLD a First-class Brake, in good condition, to hold 35 persons; cheap. —Apply, Minns, 23, Queen 's-»avenue, Ches- ter. 29292p "1/VTANTED, good Hruoiltcir, wiith nuoiiynvirs; rrjust be sov.nid all Touind, amid us.d to a dilte.h ar.d ticmioa; ooumjtry-.—Apj)Jy, Ciiou.g'li, Ty Mawr, Dtqntbigih. 29333»p LOST. T OST, liafiit wock, bcitwetcm Taly-oafn and GiLaji C'oiKwy, W'ClIbih Wcitlneins; iiuurk-:d vv'itih red on back, aijo cCip on top of shoiuidttu'. Fides, Llamdfudino. 2ti326(p T OiST, a Dairk Bno\n Fur Stole, bcit v.ieon [ Wcodlland Park and the FLagstaif, Col- w^m Bay.—FirucLca' veiill bo rcwaa'ded on re- tu'rtQMg it to tilie Podio'j Station. 2932op T OST, be,ginmiintg O'f Dioctomiber, three Wtjf«h Ewes, wuitih pitch mark J.J. in a ring on loft aide; aileo pitch mark on kft lirjp.—Any cup ply to Mr John Joaies, Griims- by CAXwyn Bay. 29327p I APARTMENTS TO LET. IL LAND UDNO.-Comfortabl-o Ap,,irtmen' ',i' (with or without Board); permanency or otherwise; sunny and centrally situated, Bath, Piano, and all modern conveniences; good Cooking and attendance; moderate terms.—Apply, Mrs Griffith, Hemminglord, Caroline-street, Llandudno. p RHYL.—Permanent Hooms in centre of Town for one oi two gentlemen or ladies; good cooking; very moderate terms. 2,-Crescent- road. p comfortabLe and IP-1 clean, nmu Castle and River, permanent or season.—Miss Davis, Tower House, Cütle-st., Rhuddlan p ^IT'ITNG-RObMandBEDROOMT^pretty Cottage; large garden; close to sta- tion.—Proprietress, Rofft Cottage, Rossett, nr. Wrexham. 28773p APARTMENTS WANTED. \J £ TANTED, in Spring, throe good-s;zed] partly furnished Rooms, with attend- ance for lady, for a permancy; good cook- ing; west 6lld of Colwyn Bay. Apply, "T.N PiCD,&CT" Offioe, Golwyu Bay. 29193 V^TANTEi), for a fortnaght, about Eastor, w "t Llasidudtno, Sdttioig-inoom and-two Bedinooms, Batflirosm csaemtia. — "W.R. "PiioneeT" Offioe, Colwyn Bay. 29324ïP FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY. A NGLESEY.-For Sale by Private Treaty, A Freehold Farm, 240 Acres good Land; immediate possession. Apply to J. tV. Paynter, Solicitor, Amlwch. 7570 ]FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY, alT • those two Dwelling-houses, known as Brynodol and Maisonette, situate on the corner of Ellcsmere-road and Prince's Drive, Colwyn Bay.—For particulars, apply, T. IL Morgan and Co., Solicitors, Colwyn Bay. NURSERY, freiehold; three glass houses, .J.. 100 x 12; two ditto, 36 x 14; three acres Land, Cottage, ctc., etc., to bo Sold, a l>ecrgaiin first-class opportunity for a prac- tiicail man; no opposition.—-Further pa.rti- culars of A J. Williams, Boo Hive, Llan- gefni. 292GOp FOR SALE-VARIOUS. BEST Galvanised Corrugated Sheets.—5 ft., Is 3d; G-ft., Is 5d; 7-ft., Is 7d; S-it., Is 9d. Ridgecap Naiis, Washers, Belts. Carriage paid on lots of 20s.—Alyn Galvani- zing Works, Mold. 25962p IrVOE SALE, chca,p. Peacock, in full pium- age. — Address, "W. L"Pioaoer" Office, Colwyn Bay. 29293p GALVANISED CORRUGATED SHEET, all G warranted sound, 27ia. wide; 5ft. Ii, 6ft. Is 3d, 7ft. Is 6d, 8ft. Is 9d, 9ft. :11, 10ft. 2s 4d each. A few light Salvage Sheets, sound, but soiled by sea wstet-, 5ft. lOd, 6ft. Is each; ridging ;!d per foot; spouting 3kl per foot.—N.W. Dept., Butler, Bell Works, Wolverhampton. 28112p GREY HAIR permanently and speedily re- stored to its original colour by using HARRISON'S HAIR COLOUR RESTORER. It is not a dye, but a natural means acts as a restorative. Contains nothing injurious, and is beneficial to the growth and beauty of the Hair. la bottles, price Is 6d (postage 3d extra). Uanufactu:er; G. W. Harrison, Hall" Specialist, Reading. Sold by Chemists. Agent tor Bangor: J. Bo we 11, Chemist, Castle Hill. Agent for Liiajigefmi: S. Prytherch, Ciiemiot, Moiia Drug xiall. Carnaiivon: R. Roberts. Holyhead: J. Hughes. V^ALVANISED FENCING WIRE, in J-cwt. bundles, from 6 to 14 vv.g., pcrfect new wire, but shorter lengths than usual, 8s per cwt.; Galvanised Barbed Yvire, salvage, slightly soiled, in 84-lb. bundles, 336 yds., 9s pet- bundle.—N.W. Dept., Butler, Bell Works, Wolverhampton. 28113p All DEN BARROWS] strong, well- seasoned wood, from 15s 9d each.— J. B. Randies, Ironmonger, Cdwyn Bay. p GOOD Second-heind Iron Fittings for Butcher's Shop ilor Sale. — App^Ly, Lloyd, Petndorlan, Colwyn Bay. 292(>5p ALVANISED IUiOFING SHEETS, Spcciail job lot iight sheets, 21 inchos wide, to cover 18 inches, 5ft. 7 d; Gft. 9d each; all new, sound and free from holes, but sTiighitly soiled. — W.C. De.pt., Butler, Bell Works, Wolveriiampton. Establriahied 1828. p 7TALVANISED B AR B WIRE, Eiiglisli make, new, but aightly soiled, 841b. bundles j.'IGyds. 9s per bundle.—W.C. Dept., Butler, Bell Works, Wolverhampton. Estab- lished 18J8. p '-GA.:LVANISBDCiÛRHUGá.TED SHEEIS, G S'pecial, salvage, n.aw sh-oats, eoiikd by Baa. wak-r, 5ft., 18; 6it., Is 3d; 7ft., Is Gd; 8ft., Is Sti.-W.C. Dept., Butler, Bcul Works, Wol ved*h ampkw. Eetabiishod 1828. 29247p -H-'At¡DSo=\f.F;ip..dk'n-M(i.c;l'-I ug;- dark gr^tieai mount, as new, Ibailf-ipniee, 16; used'ul pres-emt. — "IV.N." "Piionoea-" Offioe, Colwyn Bay. 29302p MANGLES and Wringing Machines, 22- It inch Rollers, warranted quality, from 30-s 6d each. J. B. Randies, Ironmonger, Colwyn Bay. p JIG -FEEDERS.—Best Mill-sweepings, 7s per 20Qlbs. sacks included railis in Liverpool. Cash.—J. M. Council, 10a, Sun- stre-ot, BrownAow-hilJ, Liverpool. 29291p A'iS, MICE. AiOLES, COCKROACHEST and BEETLES greedily cat Harrison's "Reliable" Rat Poison. Cats and dogs will not touch it. Vermin dry up and leave no smell. Prices (id, Is, 2s 3d, and 3s 8d. Post- age 2d.—G. W. HARRISON, Chemist, Read- ing. Sold by Chemists. Agent for Bangor: J. Bo wen, Chemist. ABBIT NETS] FisirNetsTCricket, Lawn Tennis Nets; Traps every description; Catalogue stamp.—Young (mention paper), Net Works, Crewkerne, Somerset. 28351p LLP A PL ItS from ljd per roll. Any » » Quantity, large or small, at Wholesale Prices. Stock exceeds 250,000 rolls; all classes.— \l:\e for Patterns, stating class required.—The Barnett Wallpaper Co., Ltd. (Dept. 221), Camp. field Avenue, Manchester. «<■ jc- >at iac——>ac= » —a You Get More Replies by advertising in the "rioneer." "I n If you want a servant, to rent a n U house, to sell or buy anything; if ) • you want a situation, the best thing to do is to fill in the form printed U at the bottom of this page and send U n it to the Advt. Manager, n u "PIONEER OFFICE, Colwyn Bay. U .<====J.<===>. 9 crrrscrrrr) To LET ON FOR SALE. rgT0 BE LET or SOLD, the Freehold Pro- perty known as Mon.a Stores, Brymtog, Anglos»ey, i.nciud'i.ng House, Siluop with douible- frontage,-and Wei-ichou^e; suitable for any trade. Apply, "Box 7732," "Chronicle" Office, Bangor. CYCLES, MOTORS, &C., FOR SALE. STOCKTAKING SALE. — Tyres, 1911, pattern covers, 3s 3d. Air Tubes, with valves, 2s 3d each guaranteed. Pr Tyres, Frames, Wheels, Capes, Saddles, etc., guaran- teed new goods. Sale list free. W. A. Gorton, Manufacturer, Wolverha:vpton. c ADOPTION. \XTANTED Ilome for Baby taken from birth. Address, "S.O. "Pioneer" Offioe, CoJ wyn Bay. 29039p THE FAHM A^D GARDEN. A LBERTS BASIC SLAG.—For prices, apply A to W Ellis and Co., Merchants. Abergele. XpLOWER POTS from 2J inch to 18 inch kept in stock Seed Pans, Rhubarb and Seakale Pots, Rustic Ware, etc., try our 7s 6d, 10s Gd, 15s, and 21s crates. Catalogue free. Buy from the makers-Herbe-t Park Pottery Co., Darlaston, Staffs. p 07FICES, SHOPS, &c.. TO LET. i OLYREAD.Sliops to L)e Let, situate in ..1. main thoroughfare.—T. G. Owen, Pen- rhos Estate Office. 7580c OFFICES to Let; commodious, well-lighted, and central.—Apply, C. Bowen, Drapea-] Bangor. 7679c mo BE LET, with immediate possession, .L ShoOp and extensive Premises in Arvonia Buildings, High-street, Ba.ngor (three minutes' walk from Railway Station).—Ap- ply, Colone>l H. Savage, Arvonia Chambers, Bangor. c 1^071*^1^7 A To ■D6str°y every &2axYj.^i» form of Eczema use F FRANCIS'S SKIN OINTMENT. Itching will ceaso after One Applica- tion. Wi.l care lling- worm in 2 or 3 Days, la infallible \>t Piles. j Aeis like a charm on Bad Legs. Heels up j old WounJa & Sores. j Destroys every form of Eczema and other j I Rkin Troubles. Has | never been known, j | to fa.lL In boxes, ■ Is. Id. each (post free) I FFiAiiCIS & CO.,CHEMISTS, WREXHAM) old WounJa & Sores. j Destroys every form of Eczema and other j I Rkin Troubles. Has | never been known, j | to fiil In boxes, ■ Is. Id. each (post free) I FFiAiiCIS & CO.,CHEMISTS, WREXHAM) HOUSES TO LET. GLAN OC nWAY. Nine-roomed Semd-de- tached Villa to Let, with modern ccn- venionoeo; plcasaautly situated, closie to Station and Village; reait iil7 p.a.-Apply, i Estate Agont, Lkimrweit. 29242p OLD COLWYN.—ALFRED COY, House and Eetato Agent, Station Yard. TO LET, good selection Detached and Semi- detached Vill". General Enquiry Office for matters relating to LAND and PROPERTY, Old Colwyn and neighbourhood. 27975p rpO LET, "Bodgwynedd," Abergfie-road, rp Colwyn Bay; three Reception, eight Bedrooms, Bathroom, and usual Offices; vacant next March 25th.—Apply, Glyn Villa., Llandudno. 291S2p- fT\REFRIW.—Thirteen-roomed House; fine and sunny situation, large Garden, good sanitation and modern conveniences,1 close to village; rental JJ35 p.a.-App:y, Malck, Estate Agent. Llanrwst. 283:31p Houses WANTED. WANTED parties having Houses to Let to send particulars, at onco, to Ha^lam, Es- tate Agent, Rhyl. ANTED, email House, for February; two reception, four ox five Bedrooms. Rynt, £ 28.—Address, "W. E. "Pioneer" Offioe, Colwyn Bay. 29262p HOUSES FOR SALE on To LET. PP BE, LET or SOLD, a Semi-detached -■- House; Dingle Hill, Oolwyn Bay. Apply, S. Bond and Sons, Builders, Colwyn Bay. 29192p HOUSES FOR SALE. OFFERSINvi.'l'ED. For Freehold and 0 Leaseihold Properties in Llysfaen and Llanddulas. In Llysfaen Freehold, Panty Ca.rw; tiff 'ottages, with about three acres of Building Land. Lianddulaa: Leasehold, Clip, Terfyn Co^tag>es; always letting; 70 years' unexpired Leasehold; also two Cot- tages in Mlill-street; 16 years' unexpired Lease. A reasonable offer will be woeJl con- sidered, as the Vendor desires to rc-adise.- Apply to Mx William D. Jones, F.A.I., Holy- head, or to Mr A. LI. Stevenson, Auctioneer, -etc., 16, Station-road, Colwyn Bay. 29160p FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED. '-f-A,I,L FU-RN-LSI-IED HOUSE, "ilth tib:1!l" dusnoe; or two SititiingHrcpms and fchircio Bcdrtooeaa, wthecre ,no otlEeir visitors aaro taken; irteq;uii;uid oacily Fvibru-eiry, for three mccttths (with optiiooi of six mttaltlis), North Wcl>es, ■ni.tar Cictlwyn Bay.—Waiiita "C96," c?jrs Leie aiud Ncgihitiiigaie, Advcclbiaiing Offices, Livar- 29315p FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET. I^EGANWY. — Promenade. — Furnisthxd House: two Entertaining-rooms, five Bedrooms, usual offices, to Let, three months or longer; reasonable terms careful tenant; inspection by arrangement. Also for Sale.—■ Write, "R. 73," cai-e of Lee and Nightingale's Advertising Offices, Liverpool. LICENSED PREMISES TO LET. "TJUTCHER'S ARMS," LLANFAIR P.G. • —To bo Let, with eariv possession, In-going by Valuation. Apply, Lichfield Brewery Co., Ltd., Lichfield. 7151 mO LET, "K ing's Head, Llandudno; well ec oust a nved all-year-round trade. — 'tco' Apply, Ind, Coope and Co., York Chambers, L:amdud,n,o. 29WOp To BE LET. rpO LET EARLY IN 1911. lIA WARDEN TOWERS, Cornier of Hawa-rdon-road and Princes Drive. Rent £ 70. BRIGHTON HOUSE, in sajno block as X50. HOUSE am-cl SHOP in Ceylon Buildings, A'bejrgede-road. £50. LOCK-UP SHOP iin tlie best spot of Higili- street, Rhyl. £ 52. —Apply, E. B. Jones and Co., RhyL T 0 LET, Frooiit Lodge, PI as Coeh Remit] £5 ppT arjuum. Aiiowcciice to be made far koe-pimg gut.e.-A,pply to Hugh Ilioiirw, C'lainrog, Rhoagoch. 7604 rilHE Ground Floor of a Chapel to be Let 1 as a Warehouse; very suitable as a storeroom or joiner's workshop; rent, 2s Gd per week.—Apply, If.w Jones, Homedale, Re- gent-street, Bangor. 7531c -.=. BUSINESS FOR DISPOSAL. "O RICK WORKS for Sale; leaseliold pro-. perty.—Address, "T. 0. "Pioneer" -1 Office, Colwyn Bay. 29184p FURNITURE WANTED. "TANTED, Modern or Antique Furniture; Homes purchased outright.—Haslam, Auctioneer, Rhyl. p FARMS FOR SALE. A NGLESEY.—Free-hold Farm oi~108-Acres "with House and Buildings for Sale, or would divide in lots to suit purchaser cer- tain portions very suitable for building. For particulars apply to G. H. Williams, Braint, Lkvnfair P.G. 7682c FARMS TO LET. jC?10 okvi.r, small Farm, il acres,"oaTmailii ixxad, Rlicdyji Cocih Bach, Now- bo^oiuglh; good opening foir iLaird-wcu-kiint^ Maa. Apply, Tieinamt; or G. Easithaxn, lo] Cuiumh-^it., Manohteiteir. 7603 CATTLE FOR SALE. L WI BYP-GORN, 0 Walthog Bvig-arn, 77 Ecifi-Lth gynyrchdl, Swydd C aor;" Ic-irw, utts; ILefTrod, 3os i lyniny. — Framk DobLe, Jjit-teetcci, •Caeir. SHORTHORN CAL YES, from bi'l5-fmm.od, doeip-miJkiiiig Cheshire Shorthorn Cow: Bulls, 30s; S5s upwards. — Frank Dobue, Littleton, Cbester. 7726 POULTRY, EGGS, &e. IISS BABCOCK, winner of 5000 Prizes, ^1^. Specials, etc., at all the Classical Shows, including Crystal Palace, Dairy Royal Birmingham, York, Leeds, K^nches- ;,er' ll,as ior sale splendid Cockerels and luilets; also Adults in Old English G.ime 1n all colours; also Bants; also Indian Game and Indian Game Bants; also Andalusians; also Whi Orpington Cockerels, Lindner's Strain Plymouth Rock Cockerels Oackson's Stiain) and others for utility purposes.— Ap- Colwyn' or R- b- M«rsdel K-nii.igton, Chtheroe. ?8440p 0 000 ARDS Wire Netting always in Tt'V i Stock, from Id per yard.—J. B. Randies, Ironmonger, Colwyn xT £ y. Turkey, Duck & Geese Eggs SPECIAL OFFER. d<JZ. American Mammoth Bronze Turkeys 8/6 Immense Aylesbury Ducks ]] 5/. Enormous Embaen-Touiouse Geeso 9' S]:ecial Indian Runner Ducks 4i,G Unfertile Replaced FREE. Sound Delivery Guaranteed Anywliere ARTHUR HARWOOD THE GROVE, HAMR-IERSMITH. 'V"v-F F Fill in this Form and send it to Advertisement Manager, 3 f 1 PIONEER" OFFICE, CONWAY ROAD, COLWYN BAY. ) -1'.0. .ti -&IBM C I The charge for all kinds of SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS, SITUATIONS VACANT I < I and WANTED, &c., in the" PIONEER is 13 Words i/- Three Insertions, 2/- I } f 1 (which must be Prepaid). Name and Address must be paid for. J 20'————— 2 -3 .s ¿, Please insert above Advertisement J° times, for which I enclose P.O I or Stamps value 8- d- 3 Name Address, e Name Address e

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