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TARIFF REFORM IN 1910. Toiriff Refarmiors hove Ylrv reason to 00 satisfied wlth tho prxngrasK made- by tine nnovomenit ill the year wihikfli ie now cuo'xtag. A review of tiie prnciicrjpei events erf this mcimarabk} year will tiliow that their satis- faction -its wl founded. At the close of 1909 thane was a (loadkck letwoem the two Ho-jock of Pariiaimiemit an thr-3 Budgot propolis. The House of Lords, cad the I .p.t Party tihwugthout tike couoKtry, ttecuared that the provisncfiB of tiho Biudr^t were dra-wii frvren Sotecukit Boatrces, and that tlkey "-utild capital. disturb itoduus- try, and shake puKie codikl^Gco in the se- curity of every form of hotTtie i.n v-cshmont. Tbe Peons clai/med that in this coateoversy tihey wspe figktkig for the Liberties of tfiie people, amd that tilie people (have a. right to bo cceisif-t,-d before limAummftal cbeun.g-ee w,eir,e made in the laws affecting thorn. Fin- £ uliy, the Houlo of Lards threw ouit the GovGrrunseiiit Fianeurco Biilll, and thus forced Mr Asquiitih to appeal to the oouiutry. Aoootrd- d by ROVCL1 --y IC?l,.h, 1910, ard of J?? writs i' l'e i £ xfu<ed for tihio ctkxstloci ctf a mew House of Commoins. The rcril quej?tioai at i&!i« in the Gumev-al Election which cmeued was that of Tariff Reform veowus th-e Budigot, but it did not Slriit tine puapoo^ of t.-I;e-- Go-crm, menf to stake thciijr existeaioe ltpoil eucfh a questioei. Ihey, therefore, raised tike old ory of "The Peers aga-lrust tike People," and emdeavoiired to persuade* the electors tih-a.it the Houso of Leeds wcoe trying to nde rougii- etiod oven* the privilcg-os of the populiacuy- ajoobed Bouse of Commons, Th taet-ir-s, howeverr, did iimot suioccod to tiue exteaxt mntl- cipabfd by the GovcKimcfiJt. The Gcmiciral elootictn ivBuitxxi in n -not g'a.in cif 106 scote by the Uniarcists, ooitrktimg 212 an a divisi»«n, tha ccinihiiHation ocf tihio previous Radsical majorÓty, aud the reductioa orf the prothleim- atiaIJ Cculitica majoraty to ome-thurd of its prtevkvus dimteoiiaiocn^. This was the sunsweer of the oonatry to Mr Ajftfiujth 'e appeal for aueih a majwily as would ceaalii> hdm to pass litis Socialistic Boidige't, to aholdsh the Votc, Of the He-use of Loidis, and to braoi up the Unaoti. It Icift hicn in euch a pasritioci that he could u:t oanamcaid a maj<)i-Av in the Bouse un- Ikxb by tire purchase of ddsloyaH Irish Kind SodaSst votes. 1T1E TARIFF ETIFORM VOTE IN PARIJAMFJNT. King Bdv.Ta,Td VII. opemtd the nxrw Parli.a- im.-in!t ia Sitate an February 21st, and on the 23ad Mr Auistcm Cfoa.mbcTiaki mo-sied cm &iji<sn>iii»i iit to the AddiiMB in flavour of Tariff Reform. After two nights' doba,te it W36 dtrf€\a»ted by the ErrrtaGl majority of 31 votes, the iig-itres b^in.g 285 to 254. In a division on tho suijoc^t of boet.ule tariffs, on April Sth, -the GovccnnKtiit vcare o^iy eaved by a. niiajor-ity of 33, the voting bcurg 2.35 to 202. Mr Asqoiiitlh. havimg auoomd,<i m acoiur- i.r4g the }¡n,il1 acid .a.lri£t T-ote, the Fraimtnoe BLil was aoocspited by t&e Houae of Lords, wibore it wa3 rrad a si:ccc:d time oa April 2Stih. It rctc- v" d the Royial Assent an the 2auh, when both Houses adjoucined unitiil May 29th. The iinivcrF.i'iy Kagrefcted doa>tih of tllie KiIng, hav.wcr, cauit^ the Houses of P-arli laaiit to ne^aEeonib-e Oil Maty 7th, to taie the oath of aJi'cg'iaii'oe to Kitag Geo,ge V., amd •it was Tjot ur.t.ii J rave &h that tLItey rcisuined far the dpc-patcgi of pxibiie business. THE CONFERENCE. On June 13th tho Prime Minutes- st.ated in Pariaamjcoit that cotBBQUBfic&tJoQa had passed between hitn and Mr Batfour which •nighit lead to a Conforemce icn r<gcrd to the r<ia.Lo3s betwcca the two Houses af rarilia- m-cuit, ajid on the IGth it v.ias. onsiounoed that exw'h a Conrfesxcice would taJfe pccoe Wwv*n loaden-s of tlie U-nioaifit aaid Rv„<3iteaJ par-tees. The object, of coui-se, w-aa to erdoiavoa:r to effect a scttk-raeoiit of the CanstiitutioaiaJ qucs- tion by mutual co^e:sa:<xi acd a.nnajig.aneiit, 00 thajt the new King, c.t tihe bcg'iaciiip- of las mig-a, iright not be factd wi-th a- thwny and ombiurrissBktg satuatjoa. AiL! ho.nes of euch a settjemeimt, however, were doomed to d!satppaintimorjt, and the members of the f«"'Et!l (X', a.ft.f! h.fÙ1.i¡¡:fJ' m:i:1'V m'pt:I/'1f"t' <'n- 0) J.,UC -11 .t:1'" 1"2tkd 0:1 Novcmbu: 8t.h W:ithoLlt oom'in; 'to miy a^rcomcnit. MR LLOYD GEORGE'S SECOND BUDGET. C?.r, Ju-.l, 3?);?,'l Mr IZ,?,d Gc,.or,, h'LS scc?o-? Bad i a '9'clt, wh:h ve iio red,f f,-f?a?i 4Jhe heavy tax&tvci innpotcid bv his first Bud- get. On Jmy 25th, 0-t ter a <l(,!Kfe, an the t-a duty, ira wiancu tlie Goveframecit refused to re- dwjc tlue ex'Tt": i;ij ratte, the nctport 01 the Bud- g>iit rceouutxos was agreed 'to. P<?rliaimc3'-t ro-assemWcd aft.:tr the autmwn reocss otn No- veiaber 15th, a,nd ca tl^ feCioaving Lo-d Crowe introduced l.ll.t.O t.OO House of Lords 1.110 Vcto B:L.I,?m&-ch by LID pjw%.r Of' tlbe -?JS tl"fl?r 'y rne,vw,o ;>»cd by the CommoTs, wou:d pviac- tioaily iu'troiuoe Sangde-Cfoambrc GovcFn- menrt. On tfte 17th Lord Ect?wl)e:ry duoed his ^csolutiiaTis rcgT»Jidii>^ the inform of the Upper ChncabeT, which verr adoiptcd. The Govm?r.,ra,,u--t the ]3udTcft l?L-'rp?WaL, alter a. "Vlib?ch a,&,(Iu-te W,_3 I- 1 cx s?-cmd ti'me an the CcLrmlo- (hu -r?d wa?l' 22nd, c?ir-d .,I t&dxd tiane ?ei Uie 23 d, a passed by the House of Lards on the 24th. On No"mbr-r 28tih, after a. stormy arad cvcaiit- ful erxiatKiruoe of ki33 than eievejn inocitiu;, Par- fciairniant WIa6 di&eoilved. mr THE REFERENDUM. Mr Balfour made a ginecut spocdh ait the AiUbesnt Hall, Lomdlan, en Nov 29th, in which, in respanse from a cflijaJCeiiige fram Mr AeqtisStJi, he declared thoit he had not the loast objeatkMn to eubmiiit the principles of Tariff Reiorm to a Raferendrum, and he threw down a oounteir-chaEes^gpe to Mx Aequiith to submit his sahome of Hcone RtuLe to the earne triibmuai. Noedilieas to aary, Mx Asquxth has not picked up the g-aiiinttleft. During the eliort and eli.aiip eiLeotion campaign Mr Bal- four made matniy other speeches in different parts of the {)()Wltry.. E'lpe.a.king at Grimsby on Dc\c:imibar he ropeated the piedtge be gave at Not.t.imgha,in, thtyt undeir no aiireuim- stanoes would Taa-iff 'Reform increase tihe oos-t of living. At Sbcsffieid, ooi the 5tii, amd a.t Ohogtor on the Gth, Una fnctiber tLiicu- dated the pcuioy. At Wrexl.am on the ith, he repudiatad the idea that tlue Refeiresidum was, as euggeEtcd by Mr Atisquiiitli, a propooail "for shiunitiinig Íll- diefiniiteiiy toot whiiah hias hi.thcsrto bocin tSie first piaink Mn tibe platfomn of the groat Uniircuiiieiit tparty." Om iXeoorabar 12Sth he spoke ait Dikrtfo^d, amd netitieratcd liis declac a- that TarifT Rerfocim stin heCd the fiirat pJ:lI03 in tlie progirarnme of the Uncomrist pairty, tluxt there was no shcuvr.mg or si/Iie^tnitckiai^ of the question. PREFERENCE APPROVED BY FREJS TRADERS. A striking proof of the progress iniade du. Trjrag the towards the adoption of Im- po:iia,l Preifareuiee is fufrnaahed by the Rqport of the Royail Coiririiii £ isic<n on Trade Reiaitioine betwocin L'anaida and the West Indies. The question for tho Wccst Indies was how to re- taLla and extend thetir .position in the Can- adian rmarkitit, iln wihiich they at presetnit mjoy a pivrfcuxaice. The pouicy reconnanjemidtcd by tho Commiissiane-re, iueludimg two such stal- wart Free Traiders as Lord Balfour of Bur- leigh and Lard Isiirig-tan, in ordor to att-am this object is thus statsd in the Retpoirt: — "We a.1e faced wiith the eanoInsixHi thart. the gra,iit of a. reciprocal preference is the ociiy policy which is at alll liJcely to camanand any niieaisure of appiovafl either in the Wost Ln- diaiii Oaloniiets or the Domv.miicin We feei thai the vary specdaJ negations v.ihida oxiafc bsftweisja' CaiQtida end tho West Xadctse juistlfy us in sup porting the adoptuoci of such a. poLi.cy in thiit; case." Reciprocal pienetrcinte, thLin, is the policy proposed by the portions cc tibo B.riitrL-ih Em.piie. The edgmnficance of t-his report canynot be cocrfioncd to the question of the reuaitious bclbwoco. Oaniada and the West Indies. If mu.tW3.II prefemeiiioe is a good thing for these two Cokmiies, iit Cianmot be a bad thing for the nest of the Empire. As a ma,tt:ir of fact, our leading Cotloades freely ext-and to each other the prefieirein/tial treat- ir.iioiit wihjidh fhtey giive to the Mother ( "ttuiu-try. We ciccuo staind ouiteride this great Impre-id rcoreiraemtt, taking evetry fisscsal advantaige' th at miay 1>3 offeired us, but giving none in re- twn. THE DECEMBER GENERAL ELECTION. The polling for the General Euoc-tion &ora wluiieh have just eimerged began ca Fri- day, Dooe'm.bctr 2nd. The oandruct of the GovK»nrurnje(nt ia taJo'irug the cieetixxn upoin a regiatetr eighteeo months old, ifiiBtt*>>ad. of upcm the new register, wfuich cotmes into opera- tiioa on JtScruajy 1st, was severely exit iciwrd. The GovennmcEit evidieintly rcliied uipom the pircibabi.'c.ty of those who voted foe* thiCGn a few rucoiths previously remnamiing true to thâr aTLegiainoa, Avluiile to admit- the votes of tl lC Icarge number c.f niejw vobeirB who would CJXI1>C llT'tOC1 tik» rcg^l-i-K' an Januiary 1st bo to a sieirious risk of defeat. Tlio Govoiiruniiantt wveco wise tin thcatr gvaueratiotn. The rceuLts cf tihe elfeticin (Leave the state of parties iwncibajigied. Mr Ast|"u.ilth eitull has no majorrjty fw "Bftts Trade," and cam anily ro- t.6n office by pandering to his Irish amd Socialisit aTPctes. Buit although there is no chjamge itn the illative poeatitca Off partes, tlitste is a very It ciuaic^o in the relative tuu-mlbec* of votes cast far each. Altho-ugih the two p^.irtieB sse eqiffil in rjuari1: tiha IJmion- ijats have palled by fan- tihe laJgetr nrciibt-r of votes. In Laflicasikire eapecitailCy, which has Iccg bc in oooEiidiCtrtcd the cthiaf Btmoaghold of Gcibdiemcsmi, the cause of Tariff R^fortm has mtade progrvsK. Im tihe oouaaty th* piaaty of U'niXici" Tariff Reform wan two scaite [cet noae, whale in the barougihs six seats wtare woin. cund two lost. To theoe mav fairly bo adlded the gains ait Altrkiehrjrn Etnd Bcrkeafoeiad, wihich are pnaxjtiicailily in Lameasihiire, maiintg a. not gaiin of eight mate. The /po^iltinig in Laaiicia^ihii're wszs aZ&o vKiry ew- couragfmg. Owiang to deaths and repnovals tluare was, orf ooun-te, a. feililiing-oill in the nrum- bar erf voters, buit while the Reidieoil "Free Trade" vote Ml off by 37,355, tins dacrcss-o in the Umiicciitit Taniiff Reform vote was ccily 2985.





The North Wales District Auditor.






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