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ST ASAPH BOARD OF GUARDIANS. PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO THE WORKHOUSE. REMARKABLE "3CNELES3 CHILD." j The fortnightly meeting of this Bord was tte-ld on I" ril-u-ty, Mr J. i'rims'.on, J.P. Rhyl) presiding, with Mr Wiu. Jones in the vios- chair. There were also present: Messrs J. Ro- berts, J. Pierce, T. Evans, Jo;,n Jonss. J. R. ElLa, J. Blackburn YViiliam3, Abergele; .T. T. Parrv. Robert Da vies, Bcttws; VV. 8. Roberts, Bodfarv; Thcs Hughes, Rennet Jonss, Bylcb- floU; O vvea liees, Cdn; Edwin Morgaji Dymench- ion; R. A. Wiiliams, Wm. Williams, lleallan; iiev. Canon Robe-rts, Liandduias; Messrs T. U. JoBes, Win. (Jv.-jn, LlaiK-air; D. Roberts, LIaji- sannan T. Pennant Williams, PrcsLatyn; Liew. n. Evans, RhunidLan; S. PerKs, G. 1)'. Gunner, J. Roberts Jones, Hugh Edwards, 1. jiatho, Mis Mary Jones, Rhyl; Messrs J. Lothian, St. Asaph; J D. Jones, St. G-eong-e, John Morris, Xr-etoam; and the cflioiaL. WORKIIUUSE INMATES' CHRISTMAS TREAT. The Master was authorised! to p-ovide the extra fare for the Workhouse inmates' Christmas treat. A dionatkin of oce guinea was received from Mr Wood ward, of Bryr; MeLclen. who was thanked for his generosity. THE UNEMPLOYMENT QUESTION. Several men were brought before the BOloN I to explain why they 'had oouie into the Work- house, ilid in one case it was stated that a man was th-c-re with his wii-3 au-d six children. The members questioned the IIKII as to their ability to earn their own living, but the reply from eaoh one was that tnore was no work to be obtained. Mr Llew. B. Evans, referring to the case of the man with a family, said it would be far better for the Board to allow a. little out-relief Chan to keep a family in the Workhouse. While be a.. I aware that no one would let the man a ] bouso whilst he was out of work, he questioned whether the Boa-rd could not pay the rout. The Oierk said it was. illegal to do so. The Board decided to leave tihe matter in the banc6 of the Relieving Ofbcer and Mr Evans, to relieve, the man and his family for a few weeks until he obtained work. In the case of two UDCH it was stated that a member ef the Board 'had found them work, and that thay would take their discharge on Motidav. A NOBLE EXAMPLE." Reference was made to the case of the lact, Teddy Evans, who recently died and. left B2 3s to title Board towards defraying the coat of his maintenance in the Workhouse. The Board bad decided that while fully appreciating what had been done, tlhey felt it better to hand the money over to trie deceased lad's brother, who is an orphan and had bean put out to service by the Board. This lad now appeared to thank tlie Board for their kindness, and stated that he kitamd-ed putting the money in the bank. The Oierk said tho only qusstion was as to who should take charge <Ti the bank book. He bad questioned the lad as to wdiat he had saved during the time he had been in serv oe, and found that he had drawn out what he had saved Bad spent it. «'he lad explained that When his mother died be had drawn the few shillings he had saved and bought clothes. Mr Lothian considered that the bay's employ- er was the meet fitting persoa. to take viiargo A the lad's bank book. This was agreed to, the Chairman advising the Lad to save all the money he could. The ex- ample set to aU boys by the deceased was a nobio PDB. as although he earned very little money he had in a short time saved L2 3s with one object in view—to repay these who had cared tor turn when he ooul-d not care for mU15Ielf. AN EXTRAORDINARY CHILD. The Board discussed the case of a child who was stated to be in an extraordinary condition, and gave instructions to their officers to attend to her. She was said to be to years of a.ge, but was born Without boni&s, and at the present tame only measured 26 incihes and weighed iOibs. PROPOSED ALTERATIONS TO THE WORKHOUSE. Mr Batho, on behaif of the House Commit- tee, referrad to the recent report of the Local Government Board Inspector, who urged that as the accommodation in the Workhouse was be- coming very limited the Board should consider tie question of entirely removing all the chil- dren. They should either take them into oot- fcaga homes or board thelll out. The committee recommended that a deputation consisting of Mias Gee, the Chairman, Canon Roberta, Mr J. Il. Ellis and iiimfleif should, visit the cottage bonaes of the Conway Union and raport fully to the Board on the same. It was considered that the Conway Homes were modem, and no doubt tlhey would lam something there. The .Local Government Board Inspector also reported against tho present tramp accommodation, and posnething would have to be done in that mat- ter. It was also suggested that in order to pro- vide ttciequate means of exit from one building in case of fire an outside staircase should be pro- vided, and the Master bad beoen asked to pre- pane an estimate .for the work. The oom/nit- tee had eeen to the question, of fixing til,a fire- fuards in the wards where they were required, le moved the adoption of the report. Mr Davits seconded. Mr Jno. Roberts questioned whether there wa3 auy ne-ed ior the deputation to visit the Conway Cottage Homes, seeing that they had less children in the Workhouse. The Chairman replied that it was true they bad less children than twelve months ago, but tfcyy had far too little aooewnmodation now. Mr John Roberts asked if the deputation would pay their own expenses. Mr Batho: We shall not charge the Board with any expenses, and we shall report to you. The Local Government Board are insisting on clearing the Workhouse of children. Mr Llew. B. Evans moved that the Board pay th3 expenses of the deputation, seeing that they 1 Were going on the Board's busin-ass. Mr John Roberts; Oh dear no. They will be paupers if they accept money from the Union. The Chairman: We do not want it. The report was adopted. EXTRA CHRISTMAS OUT-RELIEF. The Board decided to grant the usual extra Is (jut-relief at Christmas to all pawners. THE OLD-AGE PENSIONS ACT AND PAUPERS. The Clerk read a lengthy letter from the Local Government Board as to the operations of the Old-Age Pensions Act, in which it as stated tllJat it was clearly laid down that no paiuper who was TO years of ago was compelled to apply for the Old-Age Pension, and that a mfu-sal to apply did not deobar a poraon from being granted relief, but if relief was granted they were debarred from receiving a ion, but m-cdicai relief to am oui-age jje-neioner did not disqualify. Mr G rims ley added that no doubt nlaily old people would prefer to remain in the or khouse and 00 well oarcd for I ban to go out and live on js per week even with £ rieiida. Tie Relieving- Officers were called in. and the provisions of the Act explained to them. Mr Jones (the Denbigh Relieving Olboer) ask- ed what he should do in the case of paupers who oould not find money to obtain their birth or baptismal certificates. The Clerk said the Registrar General was ready to help in such cases. Mr John Roberts sajd be was given to under- stand that the Vicar of LL&nnafydd had given certificates free of charge whoa asked to do so Cfreaa-, hear). Canon Roberts: I think that is the rule with all clergymen. I always give the certificate in such ca,z (hear, hear). INCREASING OOST OF RELIEF. It was stated that by the Poor Law (returns, } the relief in the* Union had increased £ 308 in the half-year, but the Chairman said there was an increase everywhere.










