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BOOTS CASH CHEMISTS' 6!fT BUYER'S GUIDE, !<)!0—tpt t. FREE ON APPLICATION. 400 BRANCHES. THIS is a voJume ore may easily grow en- H thuaiast:c about, and tJLcre is no doubt that Boots' CataJogue wil] be eagerJy sought g a-i'tpj by an apprecjative public whicJi knows how much it owes to the magnincent n&d tireless enterprise of Boots, the Great Cash Chemists. We have aeen 'In our time many sumptuous amd pretentious "Ca.ta.logues" issued by gxeat estabLishments, but Boots' Christmas "Gift Buyers' Guide" surpasses these easUy, inas- much as it is a carefuHy compiled work of reference which every dass of buyer wHJ find of tile utmost v&Iue at this &c.aBon of the yeaj-, when the ajjmuaJ worrt of "What to buy" and "Where to Buy It" foroc,s itself upon the attention. For this la.<;X}n Boots' Guide doesNve-s to be in the hajids of every buyer, partlculaj'!y tho&e whose g'rea.tetit difEcufty is to rewncpe desire with meame. Fof Ui;Gae—as weH as for th'e more fortu- nate possessor of exteraive means Boots' Gutide satisfactorily soJves what is aJwarys a gi-.c,,at proMem. 6 no may wand-er for hours gazing at &}t0p windows without gaining a t'c'nth part of the information and helpful sug-g-estions oonta.med .i<n A &ingLe sectiom of the Chri.stmM Gift Book. Moreover, many of the 224 pages of the book consist of Be&ut'fu) Cotoured tHustraHons of a-rticJes of &dornm<-jit a.ud utiJity, so that in effect the possessor of the book;? is well able to judge tJie merit of a. proposed purchase. Wo venture to predict that there is no purse or buyer which is !Ieft uncatered for i:n Boots' Book of G ifts. The SUver and .El-e<:tro- Platc Section ,alone embraces A Multitude of Barg-ains for tho Toilet, file Sideboo.rd, the Ta.bLe, and for PefsonaJ U.se. The LtGather Department ca.tei's for my lady's d.a.mtiest desires in Wri&t Bagg, Card Caees, Dressing Cases, Purses, et< The book' 10y,'r wiU 6nd a deJightfuJ Section of the lat..est and best books making iii'eaistiMc appca-Is to his fancy whiJst there are a host of em.ine'ntly suitable CILristmt-s Gifts in Photo Frames, Copper and Brass Goods, docks. Fancy Cutlejy, and other articles which a.re amongst the hundreds of artistic CTigra.vmgs appearing in the pages of the Gift Book. C'hr.istmas is peculiarly a pe.ason. of gift- buying a-nd g-ivijtg, -.id everybody docs their best to act up to the Spirit of the times. A guide book I'ike this issued by Boots, Cash Chemists, is therefore most heJpfuJ and time- ly. It enables the would-be buyer to arrive a.t some approximate idea. of How Fair Money Goes i'n pu.rch.as'¡ng CiLristmas presetits of a. kind that wUJ do credit to his or her judgment. Th-cn, a.gRun. th'M'e a.re many people who Tequire suggestions and who are yet reluctant to seek them in the shop itself. Such people, in unaJ despair of thinking of anything -nove'I, usuaJly buy the first thing which occurs to them—a.nd the result is a, dissatiened gliver &nd -an emba.rraa&ed recipiei:t of s<Hnething which may be whoMy superfluous or useless. LitMe dimcu-Ities ALv quickly disposed of with the ,a.id of Boots' Gift Guide, whetre Hoata of Xmas Gifts o-re arranged for the review of tJie buyer. Armed with the knowledge gleaned from its interesting p-a.ges, the buyer can then seek out oTie of Boots' Cash Chemists' many branches, and see end handle the objects wh,:oh ha.v)e been selected beforehand. Each of the principal branches of Boots I Cash Chemist's is a veritable Christmas bazaar at this timo of the year. and there is no member of the family who cannot find ample to interest him or her in the various departme'nt.s of this great popular gift-pro- vider company, inc-Iudimg as it does practical- ly eve.ryt.hing except food and clothing. Few towns are without one or more of Boota' Branch Eatabtishmenta, London alone posses&iBg over forty branches It is tire magnitude of their operations which is tJie secret of th-c cheapness and popularity of these fa.mo.us C'ash ChenMsts. Where to Send. Those residing at a distance from our branches should send their applications for the Gift Buyer's Guide to Boots Cash Chemists, 2, Art GaJJctry BuUdings, Va.ugha.n- street, Llandudno, or to Sta-tion-street, Not- tingha.m.







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