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DENBIGHSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. t..4.IN ROAD MAINTENANCE: AW IMPORTANT SUGGESTION. PUBLIC HEALTH: COL, CORNWALLIS WEST'S WARNING. *BSRGE!_E COUNTY SCHOOL PROELEM: DEPUTATSON REFUSED A HEARING. :I RATES: PERTINENT QUESTIONS The (j'uartcriy mcetuig off this authority was "d at OoLwy-n Bay on Friday. There were Mr W. E. Samuel (chaiirmai!,).. Mr ^Niier Roberts (vioo-ohairmou). CoDonol Com- •*> Wast, Sir Yv at-kin WiuJaaaiis-Wyiin, Co''or.cl a:Il\\1J.¡::nç;, Dr. David Voyd. Dr. J. C. Davuaa, Boaz Jones, T. Refers Jones and W. J. LLaj-.rwirt.; W. Grifiitht Llaafair T.II-; doubts, L cnier i\Oi>oft&i W. G. L-o-dd, > S. Davicts D. O. W-iLiLaims, J. Wiboxon, Dd. j VrJ5, Mac. N :ooil> Ed. Alcn, Ed. Roberts, Porter, Geox-ge Croir.ar, Goatrey John Adieu, Hubert Jones, John tlughai, -> Robenls, Jonathan GrJlfith>.» E. Jjiioyd t' w. U. J. Stapben Jones, J. James i'l aWl'J E. VV. Tmxnuas, R<x>ort XII-OMAII Joiios (Wrexham), Thomas EVOILM jj Miiiward, E. R. Parry, 1". A. iSturge, J. Jv»ii £ d, J. A. liar rap, Evan Robert;, txebt. > «.ianis, John Wiiiiajisa, Ed. Evans, Ed ward j, :^os, Richard Edwards, J-OLXias, Lee, D. \V. ^ns. and Dd. Lewis. v OLD-AGE PENSION COMMITTEE. Thorj.a3 vvaa appealed in tlho plaoa "h J. D. J on'i- on the Cenigydruidtoii fcyub- iJ.ltoo. Mr D. S. Dav^Jti ro .jUiioJl hit? ^j^b-ci-saliiip of the ll-u-fcb'.n Saib-CciaiiXi-jjdOO, and r ii«nry WiLSanis was; ejsatod to tiw vacancy. PCBLlC HEALTH. I D NV I V E, THE SUPPLY OF MIDWIVES. .^REDUCTION IN THE BIRTH-RATE. li"OiAr;viiv\r OF COUNTY MEDICAL I OFFICER DEFERRED. «« PUBLIC Health Committee CONSIDERED .SAX ^•^cati-ons tor Uie five grants of JUkO offered by CIJUIIOJ. to sait&blo women to eiuubte lihean to Ij. 11 witli a view of obtaining- the oextiiicato of Central Midwives Board, and thoy leoom- the selection of the foMowinjr:—Mi^ M. ^4 milnt.oii, Bwlchg'wyn. Wrexham; Mrs Mar- Ace,; ^dVi«s» Weiirngton-road, Old Colwyn; Miss O.vcri, Llaniair T.H.; Miss Mu^io Parry, -,tstreft, Ruthin: and Mrci Saxon i 7*' Ruabon. teT^ers were now read from two of the chosen ""it}¡ l'1t explaining that they could not go on to '1 the work, and the matter wah referred back ornrnittoe, h6 Lovxul Government Boiaird having wwitten ci ,lJg that the general order relmtitk-, to tiho of a medical offioer of heailth oi a county be issiuod iihortly, tho occiwnittoe ^^■doration of the aj>poJirKnK>n.t of euoh an offi- ^er Deabinrhishire to await the report- jJf1"- J. C. Davioi and Dr. D. Lloyd were re- to have '((Tenanted to Health Oom- the following reiport rdatiits to the work dwives in various ui-b;iji and rural ddstricte county:— «. "e have carofuliy oonsklenod the reportj of Overall infiiix^ctors. under the MidwiveiJ Act. v^ t!^r. oouraty of Denibiigh. From tihedr ix-iwrtri. insider that the Act is carefully am.d e-tnii- Hj'y iKlnilniiStered. Wo Avould dciare to draw attention of t,he cornmiittee to tihe fact t' I'll three midwives were suspiended during t' c ee nii. T> and tho.;e nurses ,resid>ed and practised m (v r .'n<>re popuilous parts of the county. ( Dr. Lewis, of Derabiffh. states _tlhat the MU.^C r> "enJian is withouit a midwife, but that a i-l student is (if successful) about to s-ettl,3 tr- 'e- Dr. T. Owen Jonej (Rutlnxn Rural Dl: ) draws attention to the faot that there- are a e-xteni ive localities in 1m di.Ktrot wv.thoat ^dwife af any kind. Dr. J. Kenrok Jor.e* the attenition of tihe conamittee in t.te re- to the laok of mid wives in the ruear .uture a district, there hcing orJly one framed, SJa throe untraiwed, who are gotten* very oxl three oase> of jyuerperal f<wer were in L>r. !;• Li. Williams' districts, aivf he dcsirct; »»» ^c>0rt tih at the cormnidttee should send a w r to two mid wives." The follow-in"• is a sumtmary of bhe roT>nc«> ."Dr. Collins I^cwis- reported that there are midwiT^s availlaiKie in the .borou«ih of >-en. arid that in hi,, opinion ci«bt ai* requuo^ J. D Uoyd rciported that there is an ^i^ato number of midwives proo;,sms: ni.^ district, but one is reqiwred m district, where there is not o.ie at j. 8ont. ..j'Dr. Isaac reported that there is no ,^wife arable at present ™ ^e Coi .J,g.,druU "Dr. Venable, Williams reported that there •» j^Ufiiolent number of mcdlwives in ttie rf wbv«™ ..ported thcrj are £ Mistered niidwives in the borough of W rex. 4V/n. which he considers am|e for the needs el iI. borough, and that there are 62 registered It<:l aktitsipp: as niidwives in t.lie rural d'lk irci,: ti t'ùa.t he is not awilre of any shortage, but tr:" Hiany of tJ.dm are old women, a.nd juiinot their vocation for very long. f]v. J| Lewis Travis req>orted that there are <1' Pwdwives in the Llanrw^t urban and ruiai to thIet-õ, hut he dce3 not e.cpro;s any opinion as foe sufficiency or insufficioney of tiiio sup7>y. thi- W. F. Byford reported that there are midwives in the boiwkRh of Ruthin whioh aj-e quite sulliciont lor t«ho needs of the Ration. ^ai ^r- T. 0. Jon Co rejoorted that the following H of tho Rutliin rural d'striot are very mut'.h j^ieed of a trained midwife, namely, Gyfiyli- _andegla, Llanarmon, anil Llanferics; that r l ls one untrained midwife in GyfTyliog, but r¡..t¡ now g-c\,ting 0,4, and ru,t abe to attend cases, and that in L!ai:axinon and Lilian. ere is not even an un,rin.L juidwife. lx>,y- J- K. Jones reported that there arc four tfcej. niidwiv€o in the Llansilin rural dis- only one of them has reoeived v>ro)>er the and that her services must be given in 1t1.1:i¡¡rIBh of Lluti.Mh.vy-a when tihey are ro- barj^ there, s.-> tliat ahe could not leave that tw0' she ha.s a ert» ait Ii ani^ochvyn that tsut niid'vvilves are very old, and that three An the /our mid wives reside a.t ILv.cbydd-ir, <klr y(^ff1,b-i0 P1:loe in the parish of Lla'nrhai' Q^lon-j OwnwalI':B Wwt (cha.:rman of tihe ltfo6). rn propo-in^ the adoption of i,h3 re- *oL*r,(l the suimmary of healtih. fta.tiaKdee for the £ iarns 'P^.909' Prepared by Dr. Stenhoiwo Wil- in ;i~' 9* L'.verpcoi (raleronee to wlmh is made 110 Hrl.rt i1" ooi'u'n?'3?^ £ ia: committee had had J^ith i'r ,9°nBKflor i .tter, and would dtanJ 10 j?n'° for the n,1 Cbujioil meatini^. K i to I[,x,lth Committee's work it Su«stion J T~]r^ 11leY deferred the or ik„ ai^[K)in„m^ a merl.cal officer of heaMh ^'tid ,l'° T wuh question a3 a whole j, Pend v^.ry mucii upon circumstances. Oe en+L lU^t fra!lk1^ °'lt tiiar. they Tvould 111 to 11 conoiderab!e expense. If thev- « roUr!fa ofiioer they nruwt .ha.ve for suoli tihor!l s Properly qoalified and ex- f°r (hey mu.t be other ro„i^ prett\hK!vlJ^ They had no ml+w v t ^Ura,UC c P:c £ 'UT,>ed than to face •' I-'T-' ,,e^^ of t'K' continuous in. .il oflGoeirs appointed under *ide«yl *4-1 j0B't €S.' n )vas fltiite time thev con- nuejtion of ^d.ueinff some erf the ex- '°f'Jl'er ^r«"rions (hear, hoar). With i°^'4ato o^UlpP:'i °f ri,dwiws a «^«-r ser- rjosijj,, t.ie o^mjnii,te; and m view of t.h^ in unfortunate v held th- Td i r'an and the opinion the Local Geverrarcnt Board on the matt-r of affairs wk, ^Ituraf t sa-to'T.. PartV affri. °°Un!v\ industrial tho y}>!v h-r]lor^?"a,v'T0 *tv eonsider- ^Un»v~h-bor'i-^ f ?Vurag° f°r tJl° rest of the '>111-J," ."l/ l" f,K t tlian »!any counties of a ^'neMn^'t, -trial ctlara^ter- -fiiere ^,as tC "fn ? methods of nursing or brou^rf of tho l«>«80s which ^i-'rt woSi •;r;u,|;ll.^ r',nylK>y who if rh s ° th,lt must f.pend monev th0 wero going to look after the health of ^^TTl\y\r4™^y 'n re?ard io ino-l H f>ii-(a :aLe wh.eh w.xs gradually ^o- in"tv\jl £ Jv [,!0rc' to obtain an Improve- *Uim1 u i*! J was ab:<>!ufelv necessary to «»,mr&&Sr-Vitk •■xnK-h'O *UirS bnt fn V, .iW°re Slr0adv r,ll"ntv of \vo')M'] -I r"01^ there wena none, and it »sI-til '!? I" uUlrVf a!1 th<! niedical officers t!;t; Vl0" r":li,er vvo,l|d furnish tI!(\r}p.¡,,I.It-(,«} \'J.t.h I th£>lf Opin.on to whether .i SU'i,CIon! rn,r^ -serviof! 3n their re- &'L4r7^ tW° ?'■ ,hroe of having v,HJ ,f.f° ii;u on s occasion. ITe unoW- 1V7 ..communication from the North rVur61"= Association, wn:ch had been formed for the express purpose of helping the publio in 'that matter, had bcon sent on to the Higher Education Committee of the county who refused to have anything to clia with it. and if anyone present could explain to him why thLa-t refusal had been made it would be gratifying to ih0 oommittee. Reverting' to the vital statis- tics in infantile mortality, Col. West pointed out that the county of Denbigh was seventh in the whole Kingdom in point of the high percentage of deaths at the age period of under three months, while in the birth-rate it was the fifth lowest in tho county—startling' statistic which, he rocommeiidod all interested in tne birth-rate to read. Mr George Orornar ,-econded, and said lie must point out that since it had become necessary for the County Council to deal with the deficiency ia the supply of midwives, the Council had taken active steps to remcdy' matters, and little time was neocEsa-ry to reause what Ún- provement had been effected in the meantime. It was admitted that tho statisucs proved that the infantile mortality in the county was heavy, but it must also be admitted that the Health Committee had done very great work in recent years in stirring up tho district authorities to improve the conditions. From the reports to hand it would, appear that there had been a con- siderable improvement up to the present, and taking all things into consideration he thought they could congratulate, themselves upon the progress made in that direction ihroughout the county (hear, hear). Mr E. W. Thomas asked' what the. committee were doing with a view to ensuring the settle- ment of some of the nurses in the rural areas. There was a danger that. the- money spent would bo for the benefit of the populous districts only, and that tho rural districts would be left with- out any midwives so that they would in reality bø :in a worse position than before. Col. CornwalLs West replied that he quite agreed with Mr Thomas that there wa.4 a gTeat w ant of nurses in the rural districts, and it was to overcome that problem that the North Wolias Nursing Associaion had! been established. At piescnt, the County Council had ro power to insist upon a. nur^o trained at their expense go- ing' to a particular place, and the rural districts were starved, the women preferred living in the poplous areas. Mr Crornar said the committee were endea- vouring to meet that, point when applications were fent up to them for the grants, and they hoped in due irr.e to distribute the nurses aLl over the county (hear, hoar). Mr E. W. Thomas suggested that when a grant was made the committee granted it on condition that the woman went to a certain dis- trict. Mr Cromar: We can a,,1-: that certainly. The rc-ort was Ul-en adopted. The Clerk reported that two applications had been received from holders of grania for per- mission to go for eight months' training to a school belonging to the Nursing Association. The applications were granted on tloO uiider standing that the applicants returned to the county to serve their time. MAIN ROAD MAINTENANCE: CON- TRACTS WITH LOCAL AUTHORITIES. The County Council on the 1st November, 1907, acting' on the recommendation of a special committee respecting expenditure on main roads in urban districts, unanimously resolved that the following resolutions passed by the Finance Com- mittee on the 26tii Oeiober, 1905, be strictly complied with in future, viz. :-(a) "That those urban authorities who do not contract for the maintenance of the main roads within their district be required to send in by Christmas in each year a full estimate of the probable oost c to be incurred in the then ensuing year, and in what form such amount is to be spent." (b) "That such urban authorities be required to send in every fortnight the wages slieeta and statement of materials applied, in crder to enable the Surveyor and Accountant to properly cheek the. expenditure on the urban, roads. (c) "That tho two county main road surveyors be, and they are hereby directed to prepare for submission to their respective committees, at tho same time as the estamaes supplied by ibe uibaa-I authorities, pursuant to the above resolu- tion, their own report and estimate of the cost and maintenance, repair, and reasonable im- provement on the mam roads in each urbaai dis- trict during each financial yar, commencing on the 1st day of April fallowing." The Urban Ma-ai Roads Committee now re- commended the County Council to amend reso- lution "b" as follows -"That such urban autho- rities be required to send iG- every quarter tho wages f.h.ets and statement of materials applied in order to enable the surveyors and the aoooun- tant to properly check the expend, ture on the urban roads. On 1O(,h.. of May the. Clerk of the County Council wrote to the Corks of the County Coun- cils of Anglesey, Carnarvon, Cheshire, Flint, Merionetlisliire, Montgomeryshire, and Salop inquiring upon what principle their 1;2-Spe0tive Councils arrive at the amount of the annual payment to the urban authorties witJull their respective counties under Scetlon 11 (2) of the Local Government Act, 1883, and from the sum- mary of iheir* replies it appeared that the prin- ciple of the resolution had been adopted by other County Councils. The. Ruthin Town Council wrote agreeing to contract ior the maintenance, of the main roads with the borough for the current year for the sum of £247 10s "on the understanding that the Town Council are not expected to steam-roil any I>ort:on of the main road during' that period. The committee recommended that these terms be approved. Tie committee were reported to have been in communication with the Colwvn Bay. the Aber- gele, and the Llangollen U) ban District Coun- cils regarding the matter. The Colwyn Bay Council were asked to accept, ;610W per annum in settlement of their contract to maintain their main roads for three years. The committee re- commended that the Llangollen Urban District Council be informed that tho County Council would undertake to maintain t.beir main roads for twelve years on the understanding that the Urban District Council repay the usual propor- tion for watering and scavenging; further, "that the estimate of the expenditure on the main roads during the current year amounting to £ 673 be adjourned., and that the Urban Coun- cil be informed that the Garth silica. stone is not writable for road maintenance, and that should they insist upon using ilie same they do &q at, their own risk." Mr (Homer Roberts (chairman of the commit- tee) moved the adoption <;f the report, and said he hoped urban authorities would take parti- cular notice of trie xejolutlon passed in 1905, be- cause he was fforry to say several of them had not complied with the lesolution, and, there- fore, hindered the work of the committee. He hoped a solution to the problem of the diffe- rences between tho Council and the urban authorities in refererKe to the roads would be found in the special report, to be prepared by the County Account-am. Durmg the last few years they had had serious difficulties bet-ween the Council and the Urban Councils, and lie boped they would to able to establish a scale of payment which would prove mutually satisfac- tory to ail parties (hear, hear). He was glad that the Ruthin Town Council had been wise enough to accept the JE247 10s offer for this year (laugh.or and hear, hear). The Clerk interposed, saying' that with refe- rence to the Llangollen's Council's account, that authority had just written refilling the otter of £ 4-16 in full satisfaction of their claim of f.6S8, protesting against the intention to deduct a cer- tain sum which had been, legitimately spent upon the main roads. and saving that unless the County Council agreed to their terms they would immediately appeal to the Local Govorn- ment Hoard, who should determine their -diffe- rences. Mr Gomer Roberts proceeded to say ho was very sorrv to hear the letter read, because it was quite different from what he had expected from Llangollen (laughter). It was written in a threatening spirit, but they were not in the least afraid of it—(h,lighter),— and they would probably deal with it at the next conmnittee mooting. Ho felt, thankful to the Surveyor for his report upon the roads, and if the- Llangollen Council would read that report and digest it they would probably come to the same conclu- sion as the committee that £446 would be a reasonable sum to agree to. The Clerk interposed again with the informa- tion that the Colwyn Bay Council had written -o taccept £1200 per annum for the mainteaa-rioa of the roads in their district. Mr Edward Roberts: We offered Llooo. Mr Gomer Roberts said he was glad to see so many friends from Colwyn Bay forming an a>udienoe that day. They would do well to in- sist upon their Council accepting the generous offer of the. County Council in that matter (laughter). The Colwyn Bay Council were ap- parently a little bit. wiser now than they had been in tlao pat-(laughtcr)-for they had ac- cepted the offer, and he hoped every other urban authority would follow their example. The Clerk re marked that he believed there was some mistake. Ho would like to know whether the Colwyn Bay Council accepted the County Council's offer. Tho offer was £ 1000, but the Colwyn Bay letter was that they "would accept £ 1200." Mr Ed. Roberts, who seconded the motion, said it was very desirable that some uniform 1 xisis .shouh'i be fixed upon m reference to main rood ika rgtk- Mr D. S. Davies, who remarked upon the difference between that and the "usual treat- ment" of Llangollen suggested1 that they should write the Colwyn Bay Council asking whether the. JE1200 was not a clerical error. From the tone of the letter it appeared as though they accepted the County Council's offer. Mr Edward Allen (Colwyn Bay): No, no. The B1200 is quite correct. That is the irreducible minimum we are prepared' to accept ("Oh, and laughter). Mr Boaz Jones said he hoped the Urban Dis- trict Councils would see the reasonableness of the County Gounod's offers. Mr Rigby suggested, in regard to the Llan- gollen Council's contract, that the committee invito a deputation from the Llangollen Coun- cil to discuss the matter with them. A great deal of money and time might be saved thereby. Mr E. R! ilarry (Llangollen) made a vigorous protest against the Council's treatment of tho Llangollen Council, and he was supported by Mr W. G. Dodd, who observed that the. Coun- ty Council were offering ii Bay £ 1000 per annum for 4^ miles of road, whereas they re- fused Llangollen £ 600 odd for 52 miles of thor- oughfare, which Loro the largest amount of motor traffic in the county (laughter), Mr Cromar said that four years ag'o the ex- penditure on tho L\J.-ngolcl1 roads was £ 60 per mile, but last year at went up to £ 112 per mile. Nevertheless, there was very little difference 00- tween tho n:otor traffic at Llangollen, -and Col- wyn Bay—(iaughtr),—yet he did not i'-ink they would bo very tar out of the way if they accep- ted the £ 1200 offer from Colwyn Bay. In any event he askedi the committee not to £1.s the question to arbitration (beer, hear). After Mr Gomer Roberts had replied to the debate, It was resolved that the letters from the urban authorities be referred to the oomnnUee, the re- port being- otherwise adopted. COLWYN BAY—LLANDUDNO NEW ROAD. The Clerk read a letter from the Colwyn Bay Council pointing out that the formation of a special commit,tec representing Carnarvon aTd Denbigh County Coun- cils, the Colwyn Ba-y and Llandudno Urban District Councils, ar:d the Conway lvural District Cou-nail was suggested with a view to discussing the advisability of taking over the new private road which runs a'ong the s,ea at Rhos-on-Sea, between Colwyn Bay and Llan- dudno, ajid inviting tho County Council to ap- point representatives on the committee. The Chairman suggested that the letter be refcrrcdi to the Urban Main Roads Committee. Mr Edward Alien said he hojied that woiuld not bo dcritg. as tha matter was an urgent one and because the committee would bo called together at an early date to consider what steps they should tal-ze to avail themselves of the help offered by the Rod Developments Act. Two or threo speakers said there was plenty of time toO deal with the matter, and it was eventually received to refer the letter to com- mittee with powior to appoint representatives, a motion proposed by Mr Alkn, seconded by Mr D. Mac. Nieoll, to the effect that Messrs Com-er Roberts, D. O. Williams, and J. M. Porter be appointed to represent the Council being* de- feated by a large majority. SMALL HOLDINGS. M.' 'D. S. JJavies, who submitted the report of the Small Holdings Committee, in the h- sense of the Chairman of tie committee, Mr John Roberts, suggested Hint a considerable proportion of the holdings acquired were taken on lea-ie for seven or fourteen years, and strongly advised the farmers to apply for land to be purchased by the County Council, and leased to tho tenants for longer terms. lIe showed that the rents received; by the County Council for the holdings already provided weie sufficient to meet all ex rsenses, and that theie was no burden upon the rates. IS A PATROL SHEPHERD NECESSARY? It wan reported that Mr J. W. Jones, who has acted as patrol shepherd of the county for some time, had resigned! owing to ill health. Mr Gomer Roberts proposed that the letter be referred to the Diseases of Animals, etc., Committee. Tho man had been a very good rerva-nt, and had done good work. The position of the county to-day in respect of diseased animals was far better than when the man was appointed, and though he did not maintain that Jones had done all tlie work he had hoped very materially in bringing that Ún- proveanent about. Mr Croma-r seconded, and remarked that as farmers ware now better acquainted with the Aob it was debatable whether they ooulQI not dis- pose with the seivise of a patrol shepherd, (near, hear). Sir Watkin Willia-rns-Wynn said he considered the payment of the money in that case an abso- lute warte of the ratepayers' money. To say that one man could supervise something more than a million sheep was absurd. He knew what sheep farming was, for he owned about 1200 mountain sheep himself. In Merioneth there was no such officer. Mr Gomer Roberts: There are two there. Sir Watkin Wiiliams-Wynn: Weil neither of them have ever been up our way, and as I say I have 1200 mountain sheep. I take a great deal of interest in the mutter and know what I am talking about (hear, hear). It is not a necessary expense to place upon the county, and now that this man is retiring you can well manage to put an end to the office. Mr Gomer Roberts replied that he agreed that at present the county did not require the help of such a ma.n, but they must not fcrget what would have happened in the county if the man had not been appointed. But for his appoint- ment the county would have been under very stringent regulations from the Board of Agri- culture. It was decided to refer the matter to commit- tee. MAIN ROADS COMMITTEE REPORT. THE COUNTY ANALYST AND ADUL- TERATION. The Main Roads Committee reported that a largo quantify 'of stones had been given by Col. Mainwaring for u«e on the- Llanfihangel read. The County Analyst reported that 38 samples fiom West Denbighshire had been analysed dur- ing the quarter. The adulterate-d articles in- cludled bottled peas which were coloured with copper, lime juice cordial, containing salicylic acid. "As lime juice cordial is very larg'ely j Used for children the presence of a large amount of a powerful drug is very objectionable, com- mented the Analyst. Potted shrimps containing boric acid, and brandy containing not less than 61 per cent, of corn spirit; vinegar deficient in acetic acid to the extent of 26.5 per cent.; and two samples of rico faced with steatite which was dangerous to health had also been examined and reported pon. "All tho samples of milk and btter were free from preservatives, and the milk samples were of fair quality." The County Accountant's statement of ex- jienses showed that the total on main roads, bridge approaches and fabrics, etc. was £ 946 4s 9-d, as against £ 827 8s 4d for the correspond- ing quarter last year. Mr Gomer Roberts (chairman of the commit- tee) proposed the adoption of the Roads Com- mittee's report', and said he hoped one of the members would propose a vote of thanks to Col. Mainwaring for his gift. He was sorry that their expenses on the roads were £ 244 higher on the quarter than for the corresponding quar- ter last war. Mr J. M. Porter, in seconding, remarked that the committee. had already thanked Col. Main- waring, and if the donor were to receive many more thanks it was possible that he would stop giving* them more stones (laughter). Mr D. Mac. Nicoll, who supported, called special attention to the County Analyst's report upon adulterated rice. The mineral facing, steatite, referred to was very injurous to health, rnd he moved that the Local Government Board be. requested to take the necessary steps to reo- duco the limit allowed to 35 grains per lb., as suggested by tihe Analyst-. The report, wa<3 adopted with the addition proposed b; Mr Mae. Niooll. ELECTIONEERING TACTICS ALLEGED. The (Finance Committee recommended that the rate for the next half-year should be o.^d for county purposes, ;}-d for elementary edu- cation, and Id for higher education. Mr Cromar moved the adoption of t.h-c re- port, and remarked that as would be seen from the report the expenses upon the main roads had increased considerably. He direct- cd attention to the fact so that they might be prepared as to what to expect. On both eastern and western districts of the county the main road expenditure during the quar- ter Avas £ 4305 Is 2d, as against X3088 du- al ring the corresponding quarter last year, an increase of ill216. With regard to local taxation licences it would be seen that there was a very considerable increase i.n the amount colkcted. From the comparative statement given by the Treasurer, it would be seen that the total amount collected du- ring the whole of the year in 1909 was X7669, while for the six months just ended they had already collected X6363, and they had six months of the year yet to go. That was ia. noteworthy fact, showing the increase that had taken place since that work came into the hands of their Treasurer. From an- other part of the report it would be gathered that Mr Conron (the treasurer) was apply- ing for on increase of salary, and so was the clerk employed in his office. Wheal they fixed the salaries for the two offices they were at a loss for something to guide them, but they now realised the extent of their work, and the committee was unanimous in making their recommendation that Mr Coa- ran's salary be increased in respect of his work ias controller of local taxation licences from £ 85 to £ 100, and also that the salary of Mr J. D. Jones, the treasurer's clerk, be in- creased from Y,65 to £78 per annum. Neither were excessive in view of the extra work per- formed. The question of opening an estate office for the county had. been under con- sid-eicition, ard it was very desirable that there should be a register of all properties belonging to the county, zo that it could be referred to at any time. The oommittce pro- posed to go into both matters again at their next meeting'. Mr Boaa Jones sreomded. Mr Edward Roberts referred to an item in the report in regard to a loan for educa- tional purposes, and proposed that an applica- tion be made'to the Local Government Board to extend the period of repayment to 60 years. Prom what they had read of the views of the Prime Minister on that ques- tion, lie felt sure the Beard would give the application their favourable consideration. 'The (Clerk: It should of courso be remem- bered that the percentage is more for 40 years or 50 years than for 30 years. Sir (Watkin Wtlliams-Wynn asked whether any reason could be do¥, n for the serious increase in the rate this He noticcd that there was il rate over and above that pad last year. If his memory served him properly, within the last six months, when the Council met at Wrexham, they were told that they had been practising- economy to a very extent, which had en.abicd them to reduce the rate last year. It teemed an ex- traordinary thing that now, o:y six months later, they should have the rates jump up by lid in the The Chairman: You are aware that this was fixed in May last. Sir Watk'-n proceeded 'to say there must be eerne reason why the rate should have been reduced last year to Is 10|d, and -r o-w raised to Is Hid. That question would stick in the gizzards of Eorti-o people (laughter). They had. had no information from the Chairmen of the Committee, and it should be remem- bered that the increase to Is llfd represent- ed more money than .appeared on the face of the statement for the simple reason that they were getting now £ 100 more from the penny rate than they got five years ago. If they were really practising -economy, th,c 'rate should now be going niown, rather than in- creasing. There had been no economy, and it was useless telling the ratepayers there had been /(hear, hear). The Chairman: It was taken off last year as the expenses rosa (cries of "Election"). Colonel Col-nw,allis West said he entirely concurred with the views of Sir Watkin Wil- li ams-Wynn, and unless they pulled up some- where they would .iind themselves in con- siderable difficulty, because every year the Government imposed upon them fresh bur- dens of expenditure in the shap? of addi- tional officials. It was absolutely necessary that the Finance Committee endeavoured to explain to them how it happened that the rate was increasing instead of decreasing each year, except last year, when owing to some thocus pocus it was reducxl (laughter and hear, hear). He did not suggest that the committee were not doing their best-, but they wanted to know their true position be- cause they would be shortly called upon to face the very considerable additional expen- diture involved upon the appointment of a Medical Officer of Health for the county. Ho -tl personally hoped some endeavour would be made to reduce the education rate. The enormous leums of money expended in that and other counties upon education would very soon ruin the ratepayers. Mr W. G. Dodd (chairman of the County Education Committee) said thoso speeches were being delivered six ,months after they were prepared (laughter). They were to'd there was going to be an attack upon the general position last inarch, but it never came off. On that occasion the figures were before the Council, but the gentlemen who had just spoken were remarkably silent then (laughter). The irate now prope,sed was sim- ply following out the estimates made in March, and the present opposition to it was belated. The suggestion that there had been any hocus pocus about the business was un- worthy of the gentleman who made it, .and it was very unworthy that an attack of that kind ishould be made when there was no sub- stantial ground for it. Mr Gomer Roberts said he CO" J answer partly the question put by his friends. It was a very small item, but a very significant one. On referring t-o the committee's report it would bo seen that an item of X20 Os 3d was mentioned there on cccount of the ex- penditure in regard to a bye-election (laugh- ter). There had been other items of .£14 and £ 15, making a total of about £ 50, all spent upon winning an election in a very small con- stituency, at the far end of the county,— Llargwm. He hoped the friends who talked of economy would practise it outside as well as inside the Council Chamber (laughter.) Mr W. G. Rigby said he was surprised to hear a Liberal like Mr Gomer Roberts ob- jecting to the right of a gentleman to figqit an election in a free country (hear, hear). He was perfectly justified in a. free country in taking his chance at elections. The rate was reduced last year in view of the elections (laughter and hear, hear). Mr Gomer Roberts Pieach economy out- side as well as inside. Mr Rigby: I do; but that has nothing to do with it. Mr Cromar, replying to the discussion, paid it was really amusing that after six months had elapsed, when they were in the meddle of the financial year, they should have had that discussion (hear, hear). The speaker went on to say that the increase was due to the extra expense incurred upon the roads in order to enable people to enjoy the luxuiy of flying about the country in motor-cars, and in his opinion the Denbighshire roads were much better than those of counties which had for years been spending a great deal more upon them (hear, hear). There had been also considerable expenditure on retaining walls, etc. Sir Watkin Will iai-ns-Wvnm Tlr s work is not done yet although estimated for long ago. Mr Cromar: We have -now prepared the money for it. The report was eventually adopted. EDUCATION COMMITTEE'S MEETING. v PLACE. Mr Bcaz Jones asked why, having regard for the resolution of the (úunty Council a, l ew months ago to the effect that- future meet- ings of the Education Committee should not be held at Chester, the last- meeting of the committee had been he'd in tliat city. He protested on principle against the action of the committee in bare-faccdly breaking the law in that way (laughter). 11 Mr Ed. Roberts said that, to meet •any- where other than Chester would affect the work of 'the committee. Moreover, the Coun- cil had delegated their powers to the com- mittee. He moved that the resolution be rescinded. Mr Mac. Niooll said he hoped the County Council would abide by their resolution. It would be a waste of time to pass a resolut ion at one meeting and to rescind it again at an- other. The Chester meetings were held on licensed premises, ;and though ho had no per- sonal objection to that, it might be desirable to remove the temptation from the. commit- tee's way (loud laughter). He did not attri- bute any weakness to the members of that Council who served on the com- mittee, but it was possible some of the co-opt-cd members might not bo so strong (renewed laughter). The rates were going up considerably in regard to ele- mentary, higher, a.nd intermediate .education, and he thought it would prove economical to have the meetings held in the county (hear, hear). Mr Boaz Jones: Was it right that this committee should meet at Chester just after the County Council had decided that they should not do so? Mr Roberts (assistant ecwk) Th-ey had to meet at Chester to decide where else they would meet (loud laughter). The Chairman remarked that the resolu- tion must stand as six months' notioe would be necessary to rescind it. THE ABERGELE COUNTY SCHOOL PROBLEM. The well of the Magistrates' Room, where the Council sat afforded room for a numerous contingent of Abergele educationists, who Had been deputed to wait upon the Council in respect of the proposal to convert the Col- wyn Bay Higher Grade School into a County School, and to alter the status of the Aber- gele County School. The Clerk (Mr E. R. Evans; now read a letter from Mr E. A. Crabe-e, clerk to the Abergele County School Governors, stating that a deputation desired to appear before the Council "to enter their protest against the Abergele School being made into an agricultural school." Mr W. G. Rigby moved that the deputa- tion be heard, and Mr D. Mae. Nicoll second- cd. Mr D. S. Davies stated that the Joint Edu- cation Committee of the county wished to have the fullest possible information and assistance in preparing the amended scheme, which would be ior the benefit of the county generally. The committee had been for near- ly three years working at the amendment proposals, and they had met the friends at Abergele in conference, a further confcrenoc being proposed. The scheme was submitted in the first instance to th-e County Council and the Governors of the eight County Schools for their observations, and after con- sidering any representations they might make the amended draft would bo" sent to the Board of Education. He questioned whether it would be wise to receive a deputation from Abergele unless they gave a similar oppor- tunity to Colwyn Bay. There was no ques- tion of degrading Abergele School in any sense whatever. It would remain a County School, with a special side in addition. Mr William Griffith said that the Aber- gele School was established by the people there after a great struggle with povertv, when Colwyn Bay refused to take it, and now Colwyn Bay wanted to 00 masters. After further discussion, it was proposed as an amendment that the draft scheme be referred to the Education Committee, and that a special meeting of the County Coun- cil be summoned to deal wdth the whole ques- tion when the reply of the Education Com- mittee is received. In the meantime copies of the scheme, which is marked "private and confidential," are being sent by the Joint Committee of the county to the County School Governors. Mr E. W. Thomas pointed out that the scheme proposed to reduce the maintenance grant of rthe Ruthin School from £ 850 to £ 420, and he came prepared to move a reso- lution, and even to kick up a row about that (laughter). However, in view of the pro- posal to bring the matter up at a special meeting, he thought that the proper course was to wait until an the school governors had had an opportunity of studying the scheme. Mr Rigby withdrew his motion that the deputation be heard that day, and the amend- ment was unanimously adopted. Mr J. T. Millward, Abergele, then moved a resolution declaring that Abergele was un- suitable for the proposed experiment in agri- cultural instruction, and disapproving^ of it entirely. Mr Mac. Niooll seconded itho motion, and there were shouts of "Agreed." Mr Dodd, however, protested against it being assumed that the proposition was passed, and contended it was quite out of order. The Joint Education Committee had strictly followed precedent in that matter by referring their scheme to the County Coun- cil, end also the various governing bodies throughout the county in order to ascertain a', n the opinions of all concerned upon it be-fore taking the final step. Indeed, there would be five or six to be taken before th-e matter was settled. If they were once to give wav in receiving deputations in that way there would be no end to them for people when thev sa-w they could not get what they wanted from the committee would be appealing: to the Council. Mr Mac. Nicoll said he felt sure the Coun- ty Council would not be prepared to sanc- tion the conversion of the Abergele School into- an agricultural college (hear, he.ri. into an agricultural college (hear, he.ri. There were numerous agriculturists on that Council who would no doubt bring forward forcible arguments to prove the utter un- suitability of the place for isuch an institu- tion (hear, hear). Abergele was on the sea- shore, between mountains and in every way unsuitable for it (hear, hear). He thought- the deputation would be satisfied that their case from that point- of view would be very carefully considered by the County Council (hear, hear). Mr E. W. Themes said he hoped the Joint Education Committee w ould be" ve-oarcd j listen to an expression of opinion from the County Council on that matter. Only the Abergele case had been discussed theft dav, but there were other school's affected bv the scheme, the Ruthin County School for in- stance, and the governors of the various schools isheuld have a full voice before any- thing was definitely done. Mr D. S. Davies thar.kcd Mr Mae. Nicol1 for tho courteous (manner in which he had replied for Abergele, and assured -t)e:'l that nothing would be d-one before be- commit- tee had obtained information from all pa.rt'cs interested. The. Clerk ruled Mr Milliard's motion out of order, inasmuch as the question lld been referred to the Education Committee.

