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CARNARVONSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. MEETING AT LLANDUDNO. ^IVCIIASE OF THE MADRYN ESTATE FOR DETAILS OF THE NEGOTIA- TIONS. THE GENERAL ELECTION AFTERMATH. (From Our Reporter.) FQr tllQ first time in its history, the CHnaT- County Ooiuu-i 1 met oo-du-y week tli-o Town llall, LWi-dudiiiO. The Chair- (Mr John, Owcai) presided, and there WCIN> fi9 provjofrt :—Mr William Gl^or^e (vuoe-chair- Cvl. Lloyd Evans, Messes SUis Davies, D, l1- Williams, R. 0.. Jones, J. R. hiT • W. J. Parry, Dr. O. Wyauie Griffith, li,, ,rs <_). Joues, D. II. Davies.J. O. liughcs. € W. Roberts, \Y- G. Roberts, Ii K liixx-oe, J. Lsard Duvitss, Daniel Jones, -furry, R. E. Jones, Revs. \Y. W Llovd, wf J •11 UW8, T. E. Joncis, Mwsi'b Robert lio- J- R. Pritohard, Richard Jones, (J. Pozzi, J Griffith. J- Jones Morris, J. J. Marks, J>L *u £ es Roberts, Dr. Williams, Messrs R. W ryi lionry Jones, J. T. Jones, Hugh Owon, tgL "• Rliodeci, Maurice Jones, R. Joiics Re- J) tT. UIK, Dr. J. R. Williams, Dr. R. fi f-' MGUSTS Ralph fisher, D- G. Joues, O. It' .II. G. Vi)i<fent, C. A. Jones, Dr. Itav ^>r'«hurd, R:;v. W. Morgan, Messrs J. W. W. O. Williams, M< ssr.i J. T. Roberts Jl, i\ Harrison Morris (Assistant Cj^rk), Evan (Ed-ueut.on .Secretary), A- Bod vol Ro- VejJ*. (^I^rk of the Peace), Evan Evans (Sur- .ty'ij}- ^via-iKl Lloyd Jones (Architect). M. 11. (Gounty Tixxisuror), and otlior officials. "in 'lhe 13«aid of Agriculture, «e^ ^1 the moating, and there wore also pre- h'M ^evcral 'wrabers of the Llandudno Urban lihet Council. iff? )vklooming THE COUNCIL. b;^ j "ONE. Ohairnuui of the Llandudno iTr- "wfcj.i ftli0t extended a welcome to the *dy'u;'n:' °f tlio Council. lie jointed out how 4j^8'gcous it. was to the Council to uitot at Ji'V ow'troe in tho county in order that the.y j;o bettor un«J,'r.:tiuid their rcqttirome<iits. was a modern and as;vcrtivo town, k wac, n oa.<ly satisfied as they probably ('•"ugiiter). GEORGE, the vico«ch«ir;iuin of tho *^0 ('^ oufK'i acknowledged the we'.come. In ^4MVU!nty ^oanc'f» said, they naturally ^4MVU!nty COimed, b3 said, they naturally 11 è&.r>d a deal about Unndudno, WIIQSO RE* carried considerable weight. They +• characr. i"is"s;cts which were very °°UnA e-to like the Carnarvonahir* Council. In the finst place they ropno- tr<^ Progressive town, and in that way i:i- an ekniant. into t}» Council which re- lt"Ô all kilJds of inleresis, agricultural aJMJ whiah was yory useful. In the second 'r% a y served a. useful puqwise when titers for tendency to embark upon wild-cat schemes l,j,Y ^iad a careful eye on the rates. «FAEN'S ALLEGIANCE TO CARNAR- YONSHIRE. ^-OCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD'S Tjjp DECISION. ^uiv<v!. CLERIC rciiiark«<i that that day was tiie 'Wir i-'T'y ^lie- discovery by i>e.nbighsihire ^&r)- to be a ''mare's nest" (laugh- ^'fsfa T! ? "P a <L]tu that the pariah of lormcd i>art of Denbighshire, and tliey spfcr-fc A to repaid tiie money received in re- *»1&CU for some years, past. They application to tho Local Government Jttg ^respnet <>t tiie pariah, and t'tw? foiiow- l>?>wl ^-fjved, as t.l:e result of the thA' jlom t,» DpparJmeKt:—"I am directed liey iv Jj0c^' Govern;Otit Hoard to state that ^la-ijsk iJ "3d under consideration the report Insixx-'tor, Mr Reed, alter the btescn, *>y «"ith rofereiioa to the ie- ^'1 in't! lori 1 'e^b.phfitturn dounty Ooun- tiiA r>V°Ur .0I" l-tl,e ;dleration of the boundaries t,;A<fUnt'u* c)~ I^^bigh and Carnarvon by <*f Llvof' r l? ^"e> foi'QWi-r county of the parish ii' Siae-n' the township of MaV.na.n, and part tpuff?}l of Abbey. The lioard have W L 10 th* oonclusioa that no eufiiciont. case ftl^, tl^l.,fna<"°' °ut ^or t'e "'ierat ion. and they n^i'01"0' !K,t P'fpareu to is- uo a Provi- TIIE CI^FiVl- °ivin" eiiect tQ-j1-" ^riablio (j,»*' K sa;<I ti*ere was no provision to •ocal Goveniment Board to award &i^(j'' (i[' RRITCIIARD (Carnarvon) eulo iu charge of (tie matter, r^r<i.. 'n Wlth t'k'i-k, who had worked very ditr1 Wou^ bo a serious loss to tiie oounty k> ^wssed oi tJw jiai-ish. A ,A/'dU/JO URIlXiE. liE'lTWSYCOED. oc«)inLtte-c representing the Cotsnty vXv«xv''i ° ^am;irvotl and Denbigh met at Bet- l&rd i <x»»sider certain proposals with re- jo be -° Waterloo Bridge, wlneh was stated In a. dilapidated slate. '111.0 Cama^vonshlre *iOw Purveyor roughly estimated theoost of a ^"0lle. biMd-go at about £ 5000, and advised tl»ot it was quite- practicable to ifc stiL."011 th.) existing' bridge so as to rnako °C enough for all traction tivfiic at a cost £ 2Qqq '( strongtii'JKd with si eel, and at W Wlfch f«rro concrete. Tiie committee II <>rnfl ("nd-e.J that Mr Evans be authoriwd to |»air- r° l'lana a,nd t^-tiiaates of t>ie cost of re- bridge with ferro conenete, and that tie hopne as follows:— One-sixth bv Urban C'ouneii, one-sixth by ^c-j, 'ri0,JJ:vdd Rur d Counoii. and two-sixths ^ei^ Oa-rnarvon and Denbigh County RALPH EISIIER (Lland'udiro; objected rfwlaPl>orllonrr.eBTt' of the cost, raying it was %xr»enr(t Inu'ot I^'ltwsycoed in such a heavy *hoH] ,Jne- esj>eeia.ily as (lie parish would 116 saddled with part of tiie cost of a new (Yj j ^°uid k EVANS pointed out that it Vir wh 30001 el?'ouS'1 enquire into that mat- ']'j j the Ctotima,:e wa* received. ^tto, Gil AIRMAN remarked that (i>e.y had 1-VrjU: "u;k« w'e bast bargain they could with rj.^ghshire. iv, ^lil'ce'^vrecornmcndation was carried. A; °l/ 1 AR ON THE MAIN UOADS- b"ooir,lU°c apixiinted to consider iha 5<r^j ">n 0.1 t tr-pai.ntii!g of county main roads A cport upon the matter generally. %.t1 aJ?p!JcaL-1t was received from tiie Bettws- tJ1'(> .ct L l'ban Councillor a oontribulion towards *0l,-d I*' 0>" ,;u painting a p<-rtion of the main Af*'uec.n lifttwsycocd and Waterloo Bridge T'b i"°'5 l-idge. reoommendod that, of +1, l'nty Colint'1, sb«dd contribute one third ^ftie o/ th" Pr°POsed wo. k. provided tiio Oojjj., carrjed a<it to the satisfaction of the ry '-y 'Surveyor. A SMOR AND HALF-WAY BRIDGES. ban was received from the IMdiesd* Ur- <|Ll31'C b:v/er-o ^pJi' ou's)ll« 1-}"eir. district., and that it was Gounty Council would do Ve<^lVa'' !'vPJ1Jreii Wlt'l' regard to obt.ai/nng tlo 'l .Vi •• 10 <'a!Tv out tho work without ^120 °ca i^a-jistuncc. estimated cost wag ■j. ■j. <i,.f/>om1rnilt'f>< ^commended that the matter f°iW. i'.T and Lh:,t tho L'rlKln Gouneil be in- fr^ that unlets, tiie neoes.-a.rv land was given °°r'tr;K i J1 ,su',flUntiai pro]vortion of the cost, **°t hr." the County Council would »e pnepaiY-id to proceed wit;h the work. tn.atn Uloe- of MR W" J- PARJIY, the LC'r was refe.'Ted to the Surveyor's Commit- LtANDEGAI AND LLANDDEIXIOLEN n ROAD. t;k. r. RlC- ^l>orted that he had writf/ui ^Urn^ °p™n District Council requeuing to bT 0f oo Vy dcUl!s and estimate of the cost ^i/:r' in", a,TOad lrom 1'htndega.i to Llan- u<ion Cn' a ° '"quiring whether a oontri- uould bp made by tJve adjoining knd- A o reply i i a J been received ^mmurucation received fr.r:1 the lieth- It t, r bm ( 111 favour of the proiwsal. ^'tit i )l> IioqJoIv,(>c! ,thar the matter be deferred REV w"'jiopfnkv *r> 'rpi,lw ir>v >V- M4JKuAi\ said thai jt UH> kmA 40 ^"pS^S.ik V:°M a greUt "U(.J1 [):lrl, A l.-<1MOTOR CAR SPKED LIMIT. lr^uirimf 1Mi'0Ce;wi(!,om the Mo,or T-'nion *4y 'he Council .-ould si?e their i° certain suggestions regarding 7 W,as •rf80'V€d to recommend the loua! authorities to adopt tiie sugges- ^SHEEP DIPPING REGITLATIONS in ,f"to2lous Diseases (Anirna.ls') Comm.it- r0!*01*1- placed on record their ex- fact tjiat the Board 1° «lhr.r »v^ an Fl;'iierKi« had i;ot seen fit *>y f'1 ,^K> recommendations of the committee $U*h,^JnS >Tto d,PP"Jg ^r this year, not- tJ, g Prorn,so mada. two years «.v0 ^UUl l Pr°visionp of the Slioep Dipping Orders 60 ^laxed. It wis deciued to infown tiie Board that un4>,s the iatest Slicep Dipping Orders are so modified as to provide for one cupping only for this year, to take between August 1st and November 30th, the committee would mpectfuliy decline to oarry out the orders. In reference to this deeis.on. the Board of Agriculture wrote that it was after very careful considc ration they oarrie to the decision to have two general aippirigs of sheep throughout the whole of North Wales during the present year If the extirpation of sheep scab was to be secured, and havmg- regard to the position of Carnarvonshire with resjvet to the disease, it was not po»s:b'e to exempt. the. county from this requirement. The prog row made towards eradication of the disease in Norhh Wales was, on the whol0, yery 5ati.Í aclory, and the lloard felt that any leiaxatjon during the present yeir of requireniente which had been attended with foruch gOod rci:>UIt.5 v.ould b mast unfortunate. This view appeared to be .generally taken by local authorities in North Wales. The Board were fully alive to the special difficulties which existed in Carnarvonshire in connec- tion with sheep dipping, and in making the new Order the Board were vary glad to be able to accede to the •wishes of the County Council as to the periods of the year, during which the dippings should be required, and also to be in a position to make very eon- sid-er&bde relaxations governing the movement of sheep out of the county dipping area, and t.h.cir movements to markets, etc., within that area. The Board regretted that the County Counoii contemplated dispensing with the services of the Patrol Shepherd, who had been employed by them in tracing outbreaks of sheep scab. The •cojruttitleo decided to rescind the re- solution they passed expressing their deter- mination not to carry out the Board of Agri- culture's orders with regard to sheep dip- pmg. It was also decided that the Board of Agri- culture tiuotiid be requested to alter the dates oi the two dipping periods from June 1st to 31st August and 1st September—.101 h Novem- I ber to 1st June 30th .September to October 1"t-30th .November. It was also agreed to request the department to tike into con- sideration the advisability of forming the counties of Anglesey and Carnarvonshire 11 to a oombined area tor the purposes of sheep dipping and Movement Orders. ELECTION AFTERMATH. The report of the Finance Committee showed that claims amounting to J690 15S 6d in respect of the rioting dt:rij)g the last Parliamentary election had bee.11 reoeived. Among t.he items were the following:—Mr H. Lloyd Carter, Carnarvon, i!ll 9s tid; Mr M. E. Nee, Carnarvon, £22 1.)3 Id; Mr Evan Morgan, Carnarvon, £13 lis 6d; Pavilion Company, Carnarvon, .£5 3s 3d; Mr ConLan, Carnarvon, AT) 3s 3d; Mr Trevor Hughes, Gla&coed, .£1 9s 6d; Kate Chestenman, Ulyn- twrog Inn, 158 Sd; Messrs Ro- bert Roberts and Co., Bangor, ,£,1, 9s 5d; the Liverpool, London and Globe Insurance Com- pany (Bangor), .£5 10s; Mr W. O. Williams, draper, Bangor, .£10 las; Dr. E. O. Price, Bangor, 78 6d; hon, secretaries, Tariff Reform Shop, Bangor, £2 15s; Mr Blackburn, Pwll- heli, 2s 9d; and the Liverpool and London Plate Glass Insurance Company (Bangor), .£2 15s. decided not to entertain claims from Llanddeiaiolen, Llanwnda, Llanberis, Llan- dwrog, and Pwllheli, on the ground that in the opinion of the committee the damage in respect of those claims were made was not caused "by persons riotously and tumultously assembled together." The claim from the Carnarvon Pavilion Company was not enter- tained because, it was not delivered and lodged withiin the time limited by the Home Office Regulations. The claims to be paid a.mount to 18s DJ. VETERINARY INSPECTORSHIP. The CLERK reported the death of Mr James llumsey Williams, the Council's veterinary inspector. It was resolved that the question of appointing a successor bo considered at a future date, and that Messrs Davidson and Wynn Lloyd, of Carnarvon, be appointed veterinary inspectors for the county upon the same terms as governed tho appointment of the late Mr Rumsev Williams. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES COMMITTEE. The ANALYST' reported that 3G samples of food and drugs were received for analysis, a.nd five were found to be adulterated. All the samples of milk and butter were free from preservatives. The committee considered a resolution from the CHaslyn Rural District Council to the effect that the- County Council should appoint a. whole-time dairy cow inspector on the Ult- derstand ing and express condition that compensation should be pad to the owners of any animal ordered to be slaughtered by him. It was resolved to leave matters as at pre- sent as regards the County Council, a.nd that it be suggested that the District Councils com- bine to appoint a joint inspector. LLEYN ROAD IMPROVEMENT. COLONEL LLOYD EVANS brought for- the question of improving the mam road, near Pantglas, Jleyn, and mentioned that Mr Lloyd Edwards was prepared to give the necessary land for carrying out the work. The Surveyor was asked to prepare a plan a.nd estimate of the cost. THE ACQUISITION OF MADRYN. PROCEEDINGS DISCUSSED IN COM- MITTEE. The minutes of the Small Holdings a.nd Allotments Committee gave a resume of the proceedings leading up to the purchase of the Madryn Estate, The first step was taken on June 1st., when the Council's agent was in- structed to inspect twelve lots and report upon thm. The agent was also instructed to interview the tenants of all the holdings on the estate of 50 acres and under, with a view of giving intending purchasers every in- formation and assistance with regard to ad- vances. At the same meeting Lord Carrington urged the committee to buy all land offered for sale, a.nd which could be acquired on reasonable terms. If the committee did this they would be placed in a very strong position should it become nccessary to resort to compulsion. At a meeting of the committee on June 11th Mr Griffith Jones reported that the sub- committee had devoted three days to the inspection of the estate, and Mr Evans, the county surveyor, gave a detailed verbal report upon the state of repair of the build- ings a.nd the quality of the land, woodland, a.nd pia-ntations, the slate of cultivation, the letting prospects of the land, and the diffi- culty w.hich the committee would probably experience in finding a suitable tenant for Madryn Castle, and the land held therewith. He submitted such particulars of the nctt rentals of the estate as he had been able at such short notice to obtain from the agent and from other sources, a.nd a valuation of each lot as shown in the particulars of sale, a.nd sale plan for letting purposes, together with a valuation of the fee simple of the whole estate. The committee discussed the reports at great length, and decided to leave all negotiations with respect to the acquisi- tion of the whole or any part of the estate in the liands of the sub-commit tee and the chairman. At a meeting on June 21st the sub-com- mittee met the tenants of the estate, who were desirous of purchasing their holdings. After discussing with them at length the value of the lots representing their farms, and having taken into consideration the estimates of their value made by Mr John Owen and th county surveyor, it was re- solved to send the following telegram to the solicitors for the vendors "Telegram to Owen received; offer .£51.500 for whole of Madryn Estate, or £44.,500 for whole without lot ii, including advowson subject in the latter case to satisfactory terms being arranged for, all necessary rights of way and other ease- ments and subject in both cases to approval of the County Council, and consent of Board of Agriculture being obtained." The ven- dors' solicitors, however, declined the offer of £;)1.500. and communicated the lowest, figure at which they would be prepared to sell, viz., .< £ 55,000. It was then resolved that a sub-committee should be ii'ppointed to nego- tiate for the purchase of the whole estate, excluding lot 17 (inclusive of the ad- vowson) if not exceeding £-1,8,000, but if found necessary, that the committee be authorised to acquire the whole property at a sum not exceeding subject to satisfactory being given by the vendors as to the claims by tenants for compensation, and to the terms sot out in the telegram sent by the vendors, and that separate contracts of sale will be entered into by the vendors for the sale to individual purchasers as the com- mittee may decide. In order to carry the foregoing resolution to effect the following were appointed to interview the vendors' solicitors:—The Chairman (Mr Jones Morris), Messrs Ellis W. Davies, M.P., Henry Parry, Griffith Jones, and the agent. In the event of the deputation failing to come to terms for the purchase of the whole property, it was dooid-cd to apply to the Board of Agriculture for their consent to purchase 47 lots at prices to be fixed subsequently. The agent and clerk were authorised to make arrangements for bidding at the sale. On June 22nd, Colonel Yale and Mr G. F. C. Yale, two of the trustees of the estate, met the sub-committee. Several alternative methods of purchasing the estate and of deal- ing with any possible claims for compensa- tion by tenants having been considered, it was decided to offer on behalf of the county, the sum of £54,250 for the whole of the estate. The offer was subsequently reduced into writing and signed by the clerk, and accepted by Mr G. F. C. Yale, on behalf of himself and his co-trustoe. At a subsequent meeting the sub-committee interviewed six tenants, who had expressed a. desire to pur- chase their holdings. IN PUBLIC OR PRIVATE. A meeting of tiie "Small Holding* Corrunitte'o wa" bed that moaning, when matters relating to thf Ma-dryn Estate wer* dttou».^od. The Clerk submitted .replie:- received from tenants who were anxious to purchase their holdings, and there wvre ai-o inquiries from other farmers re- speobing small holdings. It was resolved lilt the committee ahouid purchase the Madryn Estate with the exception çÍ G anrhyd. Meiihonen, and Frcmiheu og Earms, for £45,200. MR J. JON E.S MORRIS (chairman of Srnali. Holdings Committee) -aid that from whi«t had pas-xvd in the Small Holdings Committee that morning, and al-o in tite Finance Com- miUee, it woo d be advisable to have the dis- cussion that would follow in camera; not that he objected to the facts being dfeoloewJ. hut b> O&USGI it WOULD be to the interest of alt con- cerned to have the matter deai.fc with in com- Ir1!Ítte-c. MR VINCENT protested ajfainst the_suggca- tion cf Mr Jon.; Morris. Til's matter involved a, gocd deal of expenditure, and it was only right that the public should know OIl whet grounds they proposed to spend their money. It would be a wrong principle entirely to dis- cuss the matter in committee. He was strongly of opinion, that tiie public entitled to know everything; about it. and be failed to find any roason for keeping any information back. H wab deplorable that tiie matter m-oui d be r- ferred to committee. lie proponed that it. bo dkcussed in public. The CHAIRMAN: You can vote against, Mr Vincent. Trie REV. RHYS J. IlUWS, Bethesda, agreed with Mr Vincent that the matt-or dnculd bo dealt with in public. MLt ELLIS W. DAVIES failed to find what possible objection there was toO have the ma.t- ter diacusised in a committee of tie whole Council. Witat tiie public ought to know would be conveyed to them by a. statement to tho pro &. Tbero was no reason why tiv pubiic fc-hou.d know tire dfta.i:s of tite pu.rclia?e money, the restriction^ .a& to tit e. the conditions of sale, etc. They were returned to ■the Council by tiie ratepaye-rs, who had at L.;tst. a little coinifidenoe in tiiem. MR R. JONES ROBERTS seconded Mr Vin- cent's propc^al. This was a very serious matter, and .it was important to tihe ratepayers to know how their money was spent. The prino(>i-p ;a:d down by Mr Jonej. Morris was wr.ong. What was the object ? Was it some members wanted to say or do sometihinig which they would not like the public to know? The REV. IUIYS J. HUWS: Is it in order to discuss the matter like this? MR R. JONES ROBERTS: It is vory mat- eriaj. The CHAIRMAN: You do not anything whatsoever. Mr Roberts. MR ROBERT B: I bopo to convert some of the o committee people (.augriter). MR J. JONEiS MORRIS: There u nothing which the committee have to be afraid of. The matter was put to the vote, when 33 showed in favour of having the matter dieeuaioflt in otunera and 14 against. Afterwards the Council dccided in n meet- iag to accept the recommendation of t.be com- miitee to purchase oho evtate for £45,200. CO-OPERATIVE SOUIETiiiS CRITICISED. Tto Sroai 1 Holdings Cointn.ittee, in th^eiir re- part, ret erred to an address delivered by Mr Nugent IiarrjT- on agrk:u.ku.ral co-operation in its various piiajes. in toe OOUMO of which he was reported, to have stated that Co-operativo So- cieUeo. alt.ltotigli registe.-ed with limited liability, are nut run on the JiI11-" of a limited liability company, and that the result of trading tbroUjgn the societies would be to benetit trie farmer to tiio ext<ent of twenty per cent. MR J. R. PRi'lCItARD (Carnarvon), k a trat.fe.man, ohaienged this statement, c:.pec.i.1y if it was intended to refer to Carnarvonshire. He did not object to CVo-cpsrative Sceietes, but he objected to them being carried on with rate aid. Let the Co-operative Societies and the tradcc-nien oom-ijete on ecfuoi terms. MR JONES MORRIS explained that the statement wes made by Mr Harris, who was eoni- nected with the Agnc-ulturai Organisation So- ciety. T'ae <;ives:k>n of agricultural organisation in the county miig'ht be ill connect ion with tiie dtst>osai of Madryn Castie, which now belonged to the Counoii. 1\1R. MAURICE JONES said it certain tiie farmers would not benefit to the extent of 20 per cent., and farmers should not be misled by huoh a statement. a matter of fact, they not gain 5 per cent. Mil J. R. HUGIIEIS claimed' that a oo-C]>era_ five store vva; denrer to doai at than the snop of an ordma-rv tradosman. THE PATROL SHEPHERD. The Executive Committee (Diseases of Ani- mals' Act) recommended that the engagement, of t.he patrol shepherd be terminated at the expira- tion of six months; and that he be served with n'.)t.i.oo to til at effect. MR R E. JONES. Llanberis. moved that, the eoflftmittoe silioidd ivecon iiler the matter with a view of rc-enga.gi^g' the patrol shepherd. He had done excellent work, and during last year he re nor ted a,s many a3 51 case3. He had in- siX'eted 7,C:{).J sheep, and had travelled 7000 nÚks, MR ISSARD DAVIES Kaid that Mr Clloss, of Llanbori* was tftie patrol slK^plierd. and tiie Car- stfarvcii 'BcmciIi 'rerK-oed impAiiit1 coiiiidenco iin him. MR W. ROBERTS, Aber, said that, the patrol shejjherd was being dispensed with because the committee felt that iie was really wanted, llnere was no personal animus. MR GRIFFITH JONES, Sarn, maintained that it was their duty to keep the rates down. and that, could be done by doing away with oifi- C'io!,> who were not really wanted. It was decided to a "k tiie committee to recon- sider their decision. "A PERFECT FARCE." In the <*>u.rse of a dhcussion, MR RALPH FISHER it wa a perfect farce to attend the Sub-Checking Committee. They had only quarter of an hour in which to do work, which should occupy two days. He also criticised deputations, syaing they seldom yie.dod any real benefit. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S PAYMENTS. The Finance Committee recommended the preparation of a statement by the Treasurer lib owing tiie payments made toO the County Sur- veyor in addition to his fixed salary during each of the past three years. They abo recom- meinded that the question of whether the County S«irvevor sbouid be a whoic-ti.mo oflBcer siiouild be eon-idered bv the County Council. MR J. R. HUGHES thought it rather invidi- ous to select one official, and he suggested th.at similar information might bo sought with regard to each head official of the county. Let them have iMi entire re-arramgem«nt from top to bot- tom, or leave the matter MR FISHER explained that the committee wished to know whether the extra amounts paid to the County Survevoir would not entitle the Council to engage him a, a whole-time oflieer. A motion that information should lie vb- tained concerning each official was defeated, and I eventually it. was decided to delete the recom- mendation of the committee jn reference to the County Surveyor. THE FINANCES. The CHAIRMAN of the Finance Committee (Mr T. W. Griffith) informed the Coupe.il that the finances of the county were m a healtihy c. 11. dition. t'p to June 6th the only union which in a contribution on account of the first in- sta'rnent was Carnarvon. PROPOSED NEW SCHOOL AT LLAN- DUDNO. The Council discussed the question of school accommodation at Llandudno. There were six schools with a certified accommodation of 1017. The number on books was 1192, and the average attendance was 108G. The j figures showed that there was a considerable shortage in accommodation at the present moment. The matter liad been discussed in all its aspects by the school managers. and it was proposed to orcct a higher standard school, which, with the land, was estimated to cost £8500. MR T. W. GRIFFITH said that Lord Mostyn had met the committee in a generous way. MR J. R. HUGHES protested against the money of the Council being spent without the members having an opportunity of seeing whether any expenditure was necessary. It was deeided to apply to the Local Government Board for the neccssary loan.











