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CONWAY RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. GiPSY ENCAMPMENTS. SUGGESTED MOTOR SPEED LIMIT. 14,o 'ded over tWell, Llandudno J?,iii,:t:on, prosi '011 ho monthly maet-ng of the a?ove Council the other' riicmbers pi?esent 1>?'ngI J. Nv Rav ncs, Ro,- R. E I avid iers Jones, 11's, Thomas W' I'anis, Owen Williams, Phc4"Ax' ioucs, E. J. E'vla'ns, and tiic? Rev. W. with the Clerk (Mr T. E. Parry), the ta,it "Y Inspector (?-'vlr Le,i Joh-i), and the ?,ar-vcvor (Mr John Davies). ,GIPSY ENCAMPMENTS. t?() last mect-l.ng cot,lplaints were niaule encanifmoilts w?tiiin the area of the oil th a?ld it was decided to write tli-, police 1) Inatter. Cbie! C'?instable Reeo, Conway, wrote st aling th,?.t no wer?Lt allowed to tileir clinips on h*hways in this part of t4 b"t"lorishii-e. N?'ltonl an LLtteiipt was made 8 (te irnmud'at,Iy moved oil by the police. 40ti "')Uld lik to p(, rt out, tiowen-er, that the di?oll of soinee of tile' tenant farmers was most 4 olra,ing they liad let portions of land 'co lallrlb,, 1. tI.C. r ot gipsies with their horses, caravans, 44., f-,r a Period of three inor!tlis. Rc?celp',ci t6 'N" Z-' 9the amount of rent paid w?,-?re shown ?o, el P")"ce by g'p,?iles when spoken to. He was 14 to ,y tfle'ottier farmers imn-iodiatc-ly com- '?"Itli tiae wishes of the pc,co. He sug- 841- .d that the Sanitary Atithorl'4,v slio,,ild take N oil, ltrlci lie expressed readiiie?s to -lve every assis+,ance 'n the matier. l,'eresford, olwyii Bay', also wrote to the eq"t that hc e li ad 1-istructed liis iii?-?n to remove IDI!, les 1,I-Ienever they came across th(,m campiii,? r dc",car t c. There was not the zL)t ut that they were a great nii' ,art 1. isance (?l's and others. Within the st f c,,w tile ad been moved bv the police o'? lls!litle and Carnarvonshire, and ',)eputv ef 'nst-alble 1-toes could bear li'm out in that r- ? -ies, howe,?er, seemed to to and froiri those two cou.-it,' '5* c()aununicat also i-ead"?' from tijo iioi v%,as I'ailway Co!tip,,z)y c-ailing tiie at- q'If the Council to t',I,, t&,ct that a party 3,3?irli '('s aci taken up quarters in a field ad- th;?,, rEt'INvay company's co;,tales near Peii- th lid-e Llanoucino Juiic-tion, and addiig ELt th V?-at "Y iverf-, t-tki-?i, water from tl)(-, (,onpany's i? .1, altho,,i,-Ii ti,ev had not been g,'?veii per- t, ) Qo so. ??r,?itury il-iat lie had camp--ieiit near l?'ensarn Cottag(-,?, that tl;e gipsies h,d ta!icn the field on tlis. The party about 13 t ere Nvc.i,v to sanitary convenielil?l_s. eight ii,,cr for diii.e,,tlc use arid for or I"I'ses was be'-?ig taken from the ivater-tup 4t p.tl,1 tk4i,;?' 4ril Cottag?-4. He had sc?rved a notice vtl)otl t he tl?nant of the.fivid to rmval of the gii)sies ,o as to ab,-tc,? ll;+t att,-r also c,?ag?,,ged the attention of ,,lie at th,,Oe of the Council, wlio rccomine-nded I)v"so?,is who allowed the gipsies to ca.iiip dgrounds be charged for the water, etc., dra, IL"?(i f ,,tber tlt -tt t,lic I-andloi-ds' at,?ntioii be ?l,l r, t t ?lit- 1) It, and also that, th-3 Clerk drainrs tli, til)-- of the sciiool attendance officer to the cllild school. e C,l r,ri as to their ati.eii(I'Ln",r .,Vvr, all,,IUrm,cln also re,err(?d 'o the'case of a t ?" tier dki,igl)ter w?lio N-?-,ro living out on ro,( t0'Cie LwQen ar?d ?l,oeweii and t'A r 'r id he would see wi-i,,t lie could ci'o to rernon*d. Itt COUNCIL'S WOT?IKMEN. ?k,d 7eply to Mr I!kiward WIL'ianis, the Sur?,-eyor 41" that ttiere wei-c fifteell workmen in the per- er,t '?'r four employ of the Coiincil, but only ',Iirce k .?"orc, on piecework a,t present. l?L,t r OIIR- Ellis urg,4 that the Sijrvevor should Th the _cn if p,?)ssible on pi?-(?ewo'rl?. aij Sil to tj 't i'vey,or Promised to see le m,tter. Q(,E, ?TIIID IVIOTOR SPEED LIMIT l?'Oll tXh p P4, -1 \T (,'Ol?WYN. MAE'? AND ItA. e Clerk f the f,ly?;ftcn Parish Council wrotc? "Ig tq ,?wjtll (>cal atitlior*lty to its, their influence plat County ('oilric'l to *nduce that body tc) tc%da. raotor spec?d I*i t iri'force on the ini.lit it, tile ??o -1tvau? lir?"Sent -71 and Colwyn clistriet, as at 0% It -a very dangc-rous to pedestrians art(] lid tt ng to the sud&-n curves, th,(? M "I t,i-afhe on the road. ?e @ 'j W Ritvnes I,(, ti cess"marked that it wa,?, nio.,?t I" Y to have a qpeed limit, and he pr,?,pc,?cd f at t'l,,Y wr* Ot ti 'to to the County Coup-ell al)pl3ylli,,y T, saille. 0l?'as Scconded bv Mr Tlion,?as Wil-lia,ms andI arrild Jonc?s said they li,,td petitioneci ,he t'ard o "oil over twelve nionti,?s ago w*tii i-e- Glall col-1way, but notiling had' beei, .th?h' Cl,rk 1% T-iras instructed to ,igaivi write a,l)out AN?'UISANCE AT THE J17N(,TTON. t? was read, signed b?, ten res,*dent,s at C., rl<) ivfhitldu(l itinctioil, conip'airiln.-? of a iiuisaiicll tai ai legcl?-4 aro,3c through the use of c(, rtilse, a slau.-hter-liotise. tarkr Paynos said lie understood that t]-ic iiiii- .%? ?"I been abat,,?d; and the Inspector repll(-,d at ti Th,"?'Y were still there. he Ci,,rk ell",L,d said 'c, was neither ao,, a Itaught,r-hoiise. t', rjvv' decided to serve a notice calling upon ?k-t) S",ol-) slai,,@rliterlr,-Lg within 14 days. TI-IE 1,GI;? l?Al.??-AY. cc,rnl,nu,4 ztllfl leat'on wa?3 read frc)m the Lltnd?adno B?Iv, ei-iclos- tw ?rop(-sed ad' (.i'tional 1'ic b?2- ?'Ad and the C(.-fna'n lo?-)-) f"' 11 short lergtli at the op of t,,Ie p- I' Qk,,cjll4 flill. q'he tasked for tl.,u approval of the It. o L?e plait'. NN,as (I ccided to agree to the p'?a-?is, provi(it?d Pally could see tli,ir w,?y to grant theI -e. ft?rc,,s. FINANCES. t.h dLv in re,p(,ct ol the Conway dis- rjf 4"1(li-inling"to' c,IU,tl C;C626 17s 10d, kind In respect C76 8, 6d onway tlicre was a crldit balance of 'ur- ti,, PIlis proposed ti-iat they sl?,ould write th 0""I'seers eC-I as it was a very serious ttiln?,; for ELI? o"'eil to b?- continua'iy paying ir?terest oil Dv("'Iraft at the bank. ?L?Itt decided to give the o-?-ei7sc-ers notlec, (,Ulo rnorlev was riot pi-oce,?d- d be t' Llkcn. -At RHYN WATER S'UPPI,Y. ,C?lQr,-a meeting of the Finance Committee ,lie rOP,-)rted the receipt f an ae'?,?riowl'c.(Igni. lit l-tt(-?r from ti,,co Llandtidzio Council, and Pblilll)3 stated that lie had been ,Wo?,Io understtpd that, no otit?,ioo tutlioritv 'e SUI)Pt-e(i by the Llar-dudno Cotitic*l. Cil,k'to to was I Coly- k('?trd's L'neer -asl,'ng h'n-i if lie'c,)u?'d slal- -St ii t)giI ta Y rneanso1 le D tl) f iiiiprovin, th water s,,ippl'y 12 village. (;I,Al\ CONWAY SCAVENGING. a I ary Inspector repo-tcd that the svs- f ve ilig in vo.-iie at GIL?N Conway was It-lie s to carry oit, tL-e refuse to a. pl?Ii?ce ?t- role of t?i(? -,(,avcx)ger's cart, but the ri?f lc.(, f IOo many was to emP?tY 111 their tj?l th to leav'?-ig it there for houi-,?i vo-r?, cart came along? be:rig an Pye.ore and tc, Obi?ctionable. Ile ree;??iiitnd(,-d that the -rzlt t,tovk, ()wl)ers 13?o call(,,d upon to provide ap- d tthis lazlitary asl4biDS for ev(,ry Was ainpi-ovod of bv the C,,ounc.'I.








