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-w LLANDUDNO tJIU3AN D 18TRl CT CO UN CIL. ÀtT EG ED PREFERENTIA 1.. 'rREA rrMENT OF COACHING INDUSTRY. JtOIlJlE1'iADE L,GHTING: CAS £Xp¡.:mMENT ABANDONED. A. TOWN BAND AT LAST. In Air. E. E. Bone. prcsid-cd t fhe 1l10TIth- hng of tlus authonty to-lllg.ht "'k Th t Cb.' 'or<; w(:.roe also prœ-t'Il' jÿ.l..Csrs J al1ty. W. n, Jont'S, T. W. GriffiLh, J. 'J' M..1rks. J. McMti"r, H. Edwards, be-roo 'Ot"<:ia D D T F J S. I, a.VJ-es,. Smi¡>fi, arOOll, :\>. l:Isrts T' \'0')1" \H D-Ulli'J"t \Vm. '1::h &1.. D. .J'J' L>'t'¡.¡; I A QInas, with the Cl-erk (!\fr A. (;oj{)l1y),}¡.e Ul1ta.nt eMr Woo.d), the Engm.eer (Mr (-ey Steph-eb{m), th-e Elt.'Ctrial &gjl1('r is' -I Harold fuorto.n), th-e G;1; M;anágc (Mr Ihbolt). and the. A.-ssisunt Clerk (Jï.i.r wng- &oW¡. DANGERODS ROAD CORNERS. 1'hf! W<n-kö qOilll:'l'Ítk. l"CÛÙilllllll'dcd t.i'.t M.otor Umon be :a.sk.p.{l to Í1x a lWi-LCO J.'1:1 at th() d<1ügCTOu.s c-rner on th top .of -ent1-y n Hill. Of Uha.ntr:ey ¡;id that, since t06 ID-cdlng .l1e OOllllliltk'() a aocTl()lUl £i.C.CHknt J1:W t.b. U.Ll.' .at .&li<j61wl' Wl'w.:r .lJ.Qt far dwt.mi ou Ilk TtJanl r<>d, ,nd he In{}ved that the baill-C f be ta:en in r(O,grd t,o t.hat spot.. 'hofJ Cha.lrman l'<emarkçQ tll.t t.e pomt M,r ..1.n.tr-.¡:y rdNn:d t;.o wa.s not 111 the councÜ B 'I.hlct. On"" ra. ,00 th .1.<11' :.na.ntrey's m{)t!on it was oQ,eClü 'b.:t th cl.erk ta.ke the no(>c-P$aIJr !:fti"p to .ha.V06 nd board put up. t.¡ EMPLOYEE'S SALARY: BENEFICIAL '11, 11 ADB-kT-(,)I!tS. t?h, cv-ItL- C4)miuitt-c that ,%b,OaiarY of th,3 i&up-ei??utc-nd?eiit of the, I-,7ib-iic incret&ed from 35s, to 37s C;d per b4 tila Itobext.,i, in moving an am?enii?-a-Prt t t It d.I?,-ted, Prgii4c-d th.,?t the was not the t'L-Lle for th-o of any r,-ai, in that -3-1113 was a fair q-dnry to ,?ay a rq.?.-n in r Mcmast,-r =i .and s,d that v;hen 'y that the Lh,(! town.X'-?00 and .F;4.00 teMu-?it. le rcai'L;A that th?ey wuld not dt4a.bly th-t 9-moi?-iit cvcu by th-o 0 14*tl.' k5 a -vfer now ,uggert&it. wag tkv "19 Calling ;sl).eciaUy for tho eul)?erint.-nd- either j,hysi' ally or muntally. te ainount of be-f, P-iutWn, ele., con- .-n. whicii iiot was lif)t t,- to There Nvai? not -.n c.?t:,DrL made in the town 1)?etweem a:.Y-,d Fl?i-,1-7*ht.CiTfA,b,ef a-iici t,iat ati(l. Ftil. in- '-I'D', re7-,aLin- W ti-cwe t-wo nittteiv h,%vf?, rk's (cha?rwtu of th-E? fiaid r* end-??nt -ha-ci b,-t-n in the pe int roe r t190'j. when li(- wa-,i I'?,klv salary of 30s, %N-hiE, w ?-R Ilt'laUy inerep-;3cd to 3--?4s, he was 443,,3 'Upon t,?o -rk s-vcii r.tlipr rix 44 '1 we,,k*A-)ar,t from that the i-nan 444 'lot ha,,i an 'Alla-iiD??m.,??nt in ten y-ears, cor&mi.-tt;geo felt it was oily i?at the applicat- n L6e ;low to. ith ti?, 'tgaxd tc) the wide a-nd important que-g- by Vr thoilgli t 17? cr-hoLis?--s c<)zt them the equivo.ient P,ally rat-- c-a--h year he did not b.????tato ?4Y th;at On exr"enditu?-C of C-T,?en XSCIO or 'o 'E. _quiva2,Lnt of a two-T)<?un tk. thy ra -? w.<)-old be ac?,-?u,.ug t,.) the from the t,O,Petti,Dn 'ad,of the m,at consuined in the m %,bar hi?ar) It, vvas liot k;?,-own how 44 t)aat ii?e ill-i,e'ajth of even some of those. rooni was attribi-,table to eating un- or impure 'at, and he hopcd mn- for tlieime aind tliat of r 0" piibl_;?c would irakc- th-.um p-ause zth-l-,ed wliether tlic- ric.-at sO?d to Pubi'e Wn v.?hich was not pi-eparc?d in the abbatoirs was a di,i 002]a?i si-n of the 141 t,(,tL",O was adopted by the c?isting vote k?lairm,an, who explair,,e,,i that h,? did 01, tbo pri7ic.1- a?e,, a (,om-rr-l", t-,?e should 8?UPP'Ortt,d Uhl er cioxtz,.Iii krA TTtr,"STEE. ibi tAtcmast--r wai tpl?ointed a trustee kqt!ho '-harity known as ;tle I)onation of qcty, Itek,?f, -ard C'Iot,li, for four yk-ars. ilh I-,()AN P.?T,;PTT,ED. I-,O,-al t othe tljl)lic4iti-on for a 10,, for tll, purpoec ()f ting two cottag<,s w tl"' gite of the, o!,derp'cu4oTnpin,- station in 4t,, p%, -street stat; g that it di>es not ap- t- t-h, thit, the (,otincil have t'b.t it is desirable thzit they rbould ti:?e tle. oott,-?? r-oferr,3d to," and that %t 'r" obivetit).-s to the aris,.ng ?( th Of tho position, size and character ID, St..O lgll and also in o,iLueetion with t-h-e lta,v-i Of the ootta,-es." l,urtlier that, t%(?, Jag 37*gard to a?-.1 th-o eircuimtance6 of the Board are 7i<)t preparpd to com- the applcatio'n. oze -rllal?tt?r v?tai r-eferrt?d to the Wat-?r and ,ommittee. ,k I'L" to GROYNE FIXING. .t,? r was ivad from the Offio, of Woods -POrests with reference to the lease of 14, rt--ting that "Sir Stafford ',Wf, 'Ward Vw apply to the Treasury for their of for a lease for 31 ycara from the 10th t% 'tdber next, on the issnic torinr, in other tt- -I- th,R--i-tig but before d<ng ?LtZ vfishes to know whether tlie. Board'4Df of Ilave sanctioned so far az the interest 04kd I&Mion are conoeruc<l, the new groynes, if 80 the new lease could include power to 2Lrid niaintain them. CUerk was requested -to reply to the .'Pp,r' ()POSED CHUIBM FOR THE ORME Tl,, CEMETERY. t"4?' th Committee reported their in- 8'1'oll "to take steps to provide and erect Itabl,o buijdiiig in the public cem-etery on VI?' (",vat Orm-e in which to h-)?'d burial &r-1 NG T]IIE SMOKE NUISANCE. t4u- l??et'rical Engineer, in the course. of his r-O rt, stated that with TegnTd to ly f"'Dyn t e. works chimney, which has tti t of-n very bad, he had m,<Ie a truck. -of Rh<?ola Merthyn small t Ver, plea.3ing results. l[le found a] al)6o'utely srnokeleQLs and verv hot?, it inerew,d' the temperature at the Pt,D, I'' 'Of the chimney and tend,d to im- 't h""4 'Uaturally bad d;aught; and further, "4d been notioed to have a oonzid?erable t"Poll tli(? smoke fxom the d,(?6tructors, fan" using the coal th-ere liad -,hi,l rt,)tjli, but a wis;p of rmoke. from the 9 "iuipre-Ks?d upon the En- r tnece.,3?sity of doing cwr)-thing til av<)Id oompiaints, and authorised euch quant*ty of the above- t'-Ild ..I t as he may require 11 now and the next me(,tin .11 He ?I ai-%o requested to present a ftil report l?t,th-e subject, as soon u possible. L?C"MICAL E-N'CINI?-,ER'S SALARY '1),, p?ll INCREASED. tItr?,-iky (',ornm'ttce reporbed an appli- by th,-? El,ctrical Timgirwx?r ftdr an inerea," I' 4rbd iec(),nimended tb-e Coun(,i] to "grant or bet 95 with fui-lber ineneaF?o3 of L5 "Urn from the bezinn:n,, of each financial tl- -nl of C300' z? year be reached, ,ball be cosidered the maximum for 't "VV'gPAI'FR SUPPLY TENDER. the suppiv of rnagaz?" w' 4,, ?q.ird for the."L?-herary th- 3,r 't day of Marob and that of Mewm W. H. t w-a3 zteoepted. 2,,Y,) aA id,,d to pi- in oidar for r*V-ud- ,Of "D-' e?3 with M-- C?&dric Chivere &nd ta-Lb, at Is 4,d T)er T,[4.ume, TIIE IFRF?E LIBRARY. W"?LBY wrote rexr,-?tting tilat as t,he IILL) bd been l,t and xlterat' e i 11 -f tb. h4l 'co'onuSId*nero'ot M,fvt,, "'O'W tho t-4--y fcc any further dale. It was decided not b close the news-room at all uf such a course be possible, and to ojien the i?tiJuj? de.pa.rL'n'&?t tt.j eoon a.& posaibio after ?c CouncU h?ve s?'ur?d pox?ession of the r.ew buiid?. IMPROVED RAILWAY FACII.ITIES SUGGESTED. The Railway Facilities Coicinsittee reported having asked th-3 mpresentative of the Lotion and North-Western Railway Company to meet them to disease the following amohg other mat- ters. (a) The desirability of rmiiung an addi- tional fast train in the afternoon from Man- chester and Liverpool to Llandudno. (b) To make the London to Liandudno 21* long date ex- cursion tickets available by ordinary trains until the summer eer vice is commenced, (c) The de- sirability of arranging if ■ ;€•«!bk: that the 5.50 train from liuston may reach Llandudno the ssnic day. (d) The advisability of making ar- ok. v?-hi,?h w'll v-. r-azi With '4Cc I t,ur- ists to journey to Llandudno by the shorter route of the London and North-Western Railway mislead of by the Creat*Western Railway, a lengthy journey whicli tourists now complain of. (o) The is sue of 21s tickets ro London from Uan- j duduo as from Ijondon to Llandudno, (f) The deukubility of at once adve; i.-i'jii;g cxeursjons from Paisley, Glasgow, and other towns in Scot- land to North Wal«, eo &» to attract tcvurests during; the Scotch vncation which » about thras weeks earlier than in England and Wale?.. Mr L. A. P. Warner, Dist. supt. for the Company, replied to the var.oiu sugge^.tinnft an There Is already a fast from MandiCbber at 4.55, and during the season a train loavo« Mai»he»>ter at 6.15. and arrives at Lkvndudno at 8.53. (b) This haa been in prao- tice-, anl only recently stopped the COffi- menoemcnt of t.ho summer service, (e) Thai is going to ba done as an'espr-nraent. (d) Messrs "Oooks" being the agents of the Great-Western Railway, the London and North-Western Rail- way can not fchernselvej approach thoin on thc subject, (e) Uieac tiokels are 'at the pre ent time available, (f) The ocmjjanj are already advertis- ing excursions as above suggested. Mr Warner's attention was dr-o called to the desirability of a later train in the afternoon from Lland-udjio to London, and 10 prom'-sod to 50{ vo the matter his eonsideuition, and also to do what he could with a view to 1>etteriTisr the arrange- ntAnU for tourists from TafT Yale Rail-way. <Jkr- ditf, linst.nl, and Swansea, and to consider the quOitioii of making gre-ator use of second-okas carriagoa on trains. HOLIDAY CAMPS TAXED. A special meeting of the Ccnndl in committee presented the following report: — "The com- mittee considered the application of the represen- tatives of the Y.M.C.A. Camp at Lksdudrto for a supply of water and gss to tiie camp at Ty'ny- ooed. Resolved that tlie application be granted upon the following oonditloas, namely (a) The f.anitary airangciiKutts of the oamp to be such yj sliaH be required by the medsoal officer cf health and inspector of nuisances., (b) The bye-laws of tits Council with respect, to tents, etc., to be 00- served. (c)) A charge of 5s per day per tOO men or less to bo paid for water supplied by the Council, (d) Gas to bo paid for at the rate of j 4" ?d per 1000 cubic feet, (e) Th,3 usual charges of the Conn-ail io be paid for hire of co-okers and for fixin,,? and pr4ov-d-rg any rvlccs or appl? (f) The cam-,) W b- ti?t <-?WT, ()T?d ail lights out by 11 o'clock p.m., and as little an- noyance as po-saibe to be caused to neighbour- ing occupants. Mr Gwilym James, the national secretary for YValey, and Mr Ernest. Rowlands, the camp eccrotary. were called in. and were in- formed of the decision of tlie coinmittee. ALLEGED PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT OF COACH PROPRIETORS. 'rho Llandudno Motor a.nd Garage Cksmpany, lamitedi appliood for- a renewal cf tiieir liossices to ply for liire witli six motor dc€a--a-barKs> and further, for permission to run & char-a-baaio tin-cugh t'ne st.ieete adwrtising the company's tours for the day, namely, oaoa 9 a.m. to advertise the moraisg' tours, oaoo alter 12 and boforo 2 p.m. bo advertiae the at tenKxm tours, and OIIIOD between 5 aad 6 p.m. to advertise the evening tours. The Byo-laws Committee "decided to renew tho hocnoes aa graiitodi last year, subject to the addition of a proviso tSiat the cars shall not be ru." to such piaoes as Penmaenmawr, Talycain i?,tl alird 13?u'?tws )Iri, y-o(>L? -uritil a?lt-er 6 p.m., nor t'D 1;; ?iii) in such a I a?3 0 u-ndulyr with ltorse drztnv-ri lioew-ud by th?e C?-yuu- cil. With ntsgardi to the oonoossicwi applied for by the Oompany the oommitteo dcferrod can- sideraliion of the matter until their next meet- ing. At a subsequent committee meeting, it was deckled that they "ooukl not Bee tlieir way to givo tlhe requincw permission" in reloienoe to tho oumoeeaion. committee granted ponniasiou to the Ooaiiliiug1 Compwiy and to Messrs Jarvss and Woedyatt to run ijiiort e\iening' tours on oocdi- tions similar to those on which their longer tours are run. Mr Yoliain mo^*edi that the permission sought by thc Motor Garage <Jo. be granted. &ad a<kled that as the ooaohing industry were already {rrantod ovory consideration by the Council, tlie Motor Garage Co. were cntitlod to a little more sympathcrtio treatment. This was duly seconded. Mr W. II. Jorses moved that the matter be referred: baok to committee. The Motor Garage Co wore flot fairiy dealt with. Taking tho two rr.imites together it would fee observed that willie it was proposed to refuse the application of tho Garage Company it was recommended that permissiun be given the, ooach proprietors to run their vehicles on eveaiing tours. That was the first time for SUCAL permission to bo rooom- meincfetE, and the ooaoh proprietors had never s:uggcsted it until the motor oliar-a-bancs ar- ranged such tours. Thc coaches were allowed to go round the towji three or four times a day, and there were six or eight of them. They called at every hotel, and sbandii were provided for them on c-idber sidie of the public street, the coaditea frequently taking up more than half the sireat for a considerable part of the day. The Motor Garage people only eaked for pea-mission to make a non-stop round of tlie town three times of the day with advertisements on the vehicieei- The horse 00aches were coveted' with advertisements. He urged them to deal fairly with the company, and he hoped the matter would bo referred back so that the committee could modify their reoom.meindatioii. Mr MoMaster seconded, awl caced whether tJbe three dhar-a bancs were to go round the town, just prior to starting a trip. Mr W. H. Jones: Yes. Mr MoMaster observed that by so doing they would be breaking one of the regulations in- sisted upon by tho Council wlion licences were originally granted the oompany, so that there wao6 ,11 the more necessity for further considera- tion by the committee Mr Marks moved a further amendment to the effect that a compromise be arranged whereby a non-stop ruin be permittedIUllnd the town "the first thiog in the morning," so that the tours could be advertised. This was saooiwJed1 by Mr David Davies. Mr Pierce Jones saùd that granting further facilities to the Motor Garage CCompany should be arranged before councillors accepted froe trips in the char-a-bancs. Mr Marks: I ami sorry to say, I was unable to join in the trip. Mr P. Jones: I am sorry I was there. A Voice: And you wiU go again. Mr P. Jones: Never again on the dheap- The speaker added that they were accused by the man in the street of accepting offers di trips and tlien granting conoeRsicxns to the oompany. Had he personally known that that application had boon mado a day or two before they took advan- tage of the company's motor trip he would not have gone (laughter). Under tlie circumstances, they should be fair to all parties, themselves in- cluded, and allow matters to l-emain as they were at any rate this year, and he hoped they would definitely dlocidb sudh matters before they accepted what people in the street called: bribes from the Garage Company (laughter). Mr R. Roberts supported the recom.mendation ctf the oommitbee, and remarked that there was a certain time of the year when arrangements of that character were completed' for the season, and he did not believe they were justified in disturbing those arrangements. He realised that the company had rendered a good service to the town, but it wouldl be wiser to leave matters as they wc-re at any rate for the year. He thought that tol establish a precedent of granting people facilities for cheap advertising would be a mis- take. Mr Sarson: There are advertisements an hand- carts. Mr R. Roberts replied that the Council had power to keep even those within limits. Mr H. Edwards, referring to the point raised by Mr P. Jones said that if the were asked to vote for tlvat concession as soon as he had had tho garage people's lunch he would have voted against it (bear, hear, and laughter), lie would support the committee- Mr T. W. Griffith saiid the committee by a large majority arrived at their recommendation. The ease was not parallel between the coaches and the char-a-bancs. The Motor Char-a-bano Co. sought permission to go round the town three times a day for the sole purpose of adver- tising their trips which was not the caee with the coaches, which simply left their headquarters, a.nd, calling at certain stations, drove through certain street*, but not merely for advertising purposes (leughw. It would not be advisable to encourage that sort of thing, having regard for tiho congested traffic in summer. Mr Sarson .said that though he was chairman of tjie committee he must say he cordially dia- l-iked the recommendation when it came before the oommitie, arxd he disliked it still more now. He thought it was a case of interfering with the liberty of the subject. It had juz-t Sllg. gested that the dbar-a-bancs would be an obstruc- tion to traffic but the coaches wei« a permanent obstruction (hear, hear). However, thai matter had been before the oonuuittee, so frequently that he hoped' the Coraneil would settle the ques tion definitely that evening. Ai'te-r same further discussion, Mr Marks' amendment in favour of allowing one non-stop run in the morning was carrici !>y a narrow majority. U NENTEIIPRJEING BOATMEN. Mr A. E. Seed applied for & licence for a motor launch to ply for hire in the bay. The committee ipeoommended that the applica- tion be refused. M) Votiam moved that the request be granted. Mr than trey, who seconded, remarked that local boatmen oouM have shown a little more I enterprise in running such craft themselves (hoar, hear). At Aberystwyth he noticed about seven motor boats at work. it was a pity to check that eorl of thing. Professor Beaumont said he did not bePeve the Board of Trade would grant the licence. After soi&o further d;scua-ivn the cam- mittee's report was adoplei. A COMMITTEE ROOM WA-NLTED. The Finance Committ-oc reported di&ettss- ing the queytion cf providing a Committe-s of tt, ;id aft- for o-4?' th-o variou:? <)MC,2s in ,the "C,,)Nvu £ La»il) rc<x}mmendod thc Council to take steps I!n A to acquire for the purpose the office now jE tenanted by Mr John lieliis, the rate col- lector. The committee also discussed the re-arrange- ziteni of tite now used by the aecount- ant, and the clerk and accountant were re- quested to fully consider the matter and re- p-jrt at a future m-eetmg. Mr Griffith moved that the minute be re- ferred back to committee for further con- sideration. From a, financial point of view it would bo a mistake if Mr Ik-ilis^ were called upon to leave his offioo, for the ofnee produced considerable revenue at present. Moreover, when thc Town Hall was built one of the considerations which influenced their action was the fact that all public offices would be in the one building. That Mr fck-iiifi' office was situated where it was at pre- sent was of great convenience to the public, I it k)o a pity to rerqove. hir- an,? cularly at this time of the year. Mr T. Smith (chairman of the committee) p ii:K s'! ould -,04 -that Mr said it wa.,i ? iii ?, 11 be removed, from the Town .5'all, but as there were so many calling at the -aeeountant's office it was felt that it would be a great OOll- venience to the public and tfie officials if his .oFic(- -on til?, h-)LJA)Tv. flour. HUwever, lie ?groed to I .?lw NO GAS FOR THE PROMENADE. A special committee reportod that, as a re- sult ot the experiments carried out during the past few months in lighting the Pro- menade, it had been decided to remove the ex- perimental gas lamps, and that the electric light fixtures be reinstated, the Llectncal En- gineer being instructed to keep particulars ior comparison with regard to the series of arc lamps. The report was adopted without comment. HIS MAJESTY'S THANKS. A letter was read from Mr Winston Churchill conveying the thanks of rving George for the Council's sympathy on the death of the late King and their loyal message on His Majesty's accession to the throne. TOO MANY CONGRESSES. The Glasgow Corporation wrote seeking the Council's support to a petition taking excep- tion to the numerous public health congresses held throughout the country and suggesting that local authorities should send no delegates to any such gatherings till such time as ihe various societies were amalgamated. On the motion of Mr Marks, who remarked that the Council never did sent delegates, the request was granted. WALES A IN j J THE ROYAL STANDARD. | It was unanimously decided on the motion of the .Chairman, to support the movement initiated by the Carnarvon Town Council with the obeet of securing the representation of Wales on the Royal standard, etc. Mr McMaster observed that as thcic- was a lion already on the Royal Standard there would inevitably be a collision when a red dragon was given a place there too (laughter), A GIFT. Thanks w-er<) voted Mr W. S. Willianis for f an artistio to e-nca,e th?a g? ft 0 a .?-n Alexandra'd "etter to th-o Of 4QUt- nation after King Edward's death. The frame will be suspended in the Town Hall. NEWSPAPER BOYS. At question time Mr Edwards asked whether the Council had any authority to stop children selling papers on Sunday morn- ings. Some of the little salesmen were very small, and they made quite an army this summer. The Clerk That is a matt-er that can be re- gulated by the County Council's bye-lawa, but not by yourselves. WASTE LAND. Mr Pierce Jones said there was a piece of ground off Nantygamar-road which he be- lieved was common land, and he desired to know whether any person had a right to build upon it, as he understood there was an inten- tion to do so. The Chairman replied that the Works Com- mittee made periodical inspection of all roads, waste lands, etc., in the district, and the Clerk would place the matter on that com- mittee's next agenda. A STREET SEAT. In answer to Mr Marks, Mr Chantrey and the Surveyor explained that the much-needed public seat would be fixed in a few days outside the library buildings. Replying to Mr Beaumont, id the gas P--ur-e on the Ulie Surveyor 6a, Great Orme was as high as it was in the town. He received no complaint from any- one except Mr Beaumont, and he had reason to believe that the service to Mr Beaumont's house was at fault. THE COUNCIL'S BAND. In accordance with notioe Mr Pierce Jones moved that the Council found employment in their service for a man capable of acting as a bandmaster, and that they provided a room for band practice. He reminded thc Coun- cil that application had been made from time to time by the St. Tudno Silver Band to that effect. The men had acquired instruments costing about X300 b collection, etc-, but they -now found the lurden of en- q,agmg 9, competent bandniast?er too heavy. 'IlLe (?oun- cil were allowed X100 to spend on a band, and under certain conditions they could in fact spend from £ 300 to < £ 400 per annum in that direction. It would be necessary for the Council to act as trustees of the instru- ments. Mr Marks, in an amusing little speech, seconded and Mr Edwards supported, and the motion was carried, the Bye-laws Committee being deputed to carry out the necessary ar- rangements.




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