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8Baths ! Baths ! Baths


8Baths Baths Baths IR.-it i?I Cou quite time that the iiietrbers of the ticil took tl,- the prov? IS question ser?iously in hand, and if th of bitlis is bevond their power,, then .eY Should D?- PleQe Of land) tct' sot-iic inducetiient (say s,.iitable find th 13 any person or persons who wi I] W, e lleccssar, funds for blilditi,, fit-tirig up, &c. iat is- 11 PO??ibi "atited is a ,-ange c)i battis of the t-ii-hest Tur'ki,he elas'z and of. every variety for -il-st3.ce, svvil-n -bath, illedicina'? hot aici cold sea a 'Intzbath If sea watc-r if possible, and such r 8 a, There 'h "'aY' e Ozeemed to be useful it-id -,ieces?;ary. ol YnVee-). Iuggestio-s to ac,'vertising the,ptbaltisassu,ested would do -.All adverti,, I. wav to Ing necessary, ind would ,?o -,i Ion, ar s'I ?vis Ilzin, tile place what itiaiiv people to see it if 900 a winter resol, addtd so r _e, ttid bright can be add the,, t- the bettet-. Wirtet'gardens would attr 'tlls ill touch ai-,d corrplete the necessary actions of 6IOrtatviliter and .ili-the-veir :-ouiicl re- PaYer 11 Our corrt.poncle,-it, 11 A Wi,?e-a?vakc Rate- of th' Ull er t. e licaditi.?,?, of "Pliavoati's Di-eatu '011 Yea?- makes sorne wise and the ,I- a-, to the to buy tratis It'y-clon estate' This would be a costly W() I()n, ?vitli no return for the niont;-v 'I'lierc Ud b4Yearl, cha;-ge for i-t:ptirs, itl S ()rt h usty III w?io wanis -,i st-.nali ,LiL-l'Ic park arii all?s at. sel'Ill in a place lil:e, Col?vvii Bty, ?vliere ar -tlutllerous, and the sc-iie,?v ;s simply If in? 9 Vidi,l ato"tlcil use i-n(,,?iey for t'?ic put-pose of pro- Ila s as Sul, ested they will earn ?t gooct e for te119 'Pent "I"Ives, get some return for the L-noney 2it). all 'Ceive tiie thanks of those (,it-noll-st liive 'Lo jouriic?- to Liaridadi-io"(Il* ()t erdt,?ey wish to f,,?ive Turkish o4 co cl 0.' h?kth. st 8" must say ilia?L Miti-y-d(-)i-i has a Of alltial val public uc Of its own, buL not ;is a poo-, -?oy-t vjllji Park-. Wtl(-ti deve opecl ?tiid cc)v,?,red with ,Vill residences tile r?tteable value of tt-ic disti ic?' lar iticreascd, and then the not ld 0 ?V 11 "u t?vill be glad aid rejc,icu tl-ja" iL was he Council a for careta y tnd used as ?t residence 148 tct t ers and officials with -ievL: -t visitor to OLIJ e "aluablz-, (?) col,,Letl?s of ?t musty and eri rate 0 cclt, for zt Pay,Ol" the Coi-oii(itioii. Why spend the tT'()Ilev ()ti atatid To%?,ti t-fall tor the tr for ttie th(,usai3ds Livi?tZI100L." 14til April,

Lie, S,, llf4irfeella,, Urban…

I Promenade Music at Rhyl.…

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