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OGMORE AND GARW COUNCIL There were present at the fortnightly meet- ing of the Ogmore and Garw Council on. Tues- day evening, Messrs. Jenkin Williams, J.P. (chairman), Wm. Davies, Llewellyn Jones, T. .Williams. T. Lucas. D. J. Thomas, Rev. T. B. Phillips, Dr. E. J. Parry, J.P., Alderman W. Llewellyn. J.P., Messrs. T. M. Jones, J. Can- lllff, Evan Griffiths, David Thomas, W. J. Morgans, T. C. Jones, and A. J. Lawrence, with the deputy clerk (Mr. D. T. Williams), the surveyor (Mr. ti. DaAvkim llliams), the medical officer (Dr. D. J. Thomas), and other officials. SHWT WATER SUPPLY. Mr. David Evans, Bettws, wrote forwarding copies of resolutions passed at meetings of ratepayers at Bettws on the subject of the Avater supply, protesting against the imposi- tion of a Avater rate in connection with the ShAvt supply until the defects of the scheme were remedied and against a remark made at [ the hast meeting by the Surveyor as to the condition of the water. Mr. Evans added that the ratepayers Avere thankful to the Council for deciding to have the water ana- lysed, but at the same. time they wished the Council1 to arrange for the samples to be taken from the right quarters and not from the source. They felt that the Council Avas mis- led as to the real state of the Avater, and in order to show that their case was based on truth and justice they Avere prepared to send a deputation to the Council with samples of water taken from the source, Shwt Uchaf. GreenmeadoAV and Shwt Isaf. They AYished him to state that their attitude was not due to any animosity towards the, Council's re- spected officials or to the Council. (Hear. hear, and laughter.) Dr. Parry: They wish us to accept as genu- ine samples brought by a deputation from Bettws, and to reject those brought by the surveyor. If the surveyor is capable of tell- ing fibs, I suppose they are also. (Laughter.) The Surveyor remarked that he had sent samples of the water for analysis, Dr. Parry: They insinuate that, yon took a sample from the source only. Tine Surveyor: I took samples from the source and the lowest tap. according to the instructions of the medical officer, Dr. Parry proposed', and it Avas agreed, that two Councillors be appointed to pay a sur- prise visit to Bettws and take samples. Rev. T. B. Phillips and' Dr. Parry were selected. BLAENGARW ALLOTMEN TS. A letter was read from the clerk to the GJa- morgan County Council with regard to cer- tain applications for allotments received from residents at Blaengany. The Deputy Clerk stated that it appeared that the Comity Council or the District Coun- cil could take steps to acquire the land re- quired Alderman Llewellyn said the Council had refused to take over the POAvers of the county authority under the Small Holdings Act, as had also many other Councils in the county, the reason for this decision being presumably that the acquirement of the necessary land would be more likely to be brought about by the County Council than by the local bodies. There would no doubt be some difficulty about the securing of suitable land in that district, but the difficultv would perhaps be overcome better by the County Council than by the Local Council. Mr. Canniff said he was anxious that the Council should do all in their pgiver to assist I the applicants to secure the land they wanted; Mr. Lucas I understand1 they require plots near their cottages. The Deputy Clerk: Yes. varying from a quarter of an acre to an acre. Mr. Lawrence proposed that the County Council be requested to take steps to acquire the land, and Mr. Canniff seconded. Mr. Griffiths The unfortunate thing about it is that the County Council is so slow. The Deputy Clerk: Perhaps you Avifi pro- vide the clerk with. spurs. (Laughter.) The motion was agreed to. A TREE DAMAGED. P.C. Daniel Davies reported that a. lad named Edwin Dunn, of Ogmore Yale, had I been caught damaging one of the ornamental trees at that place. Mr. Canniff proposed that the offender be called upon to appear before Alderman LleAV- eilyn. Alderman Llewellyn: It would be more effective to refer the matter to a schoolmaster if there is to be any punishment. Mr. Cannifr Do you suggest that the schoolmasters are expert? (Laughter.) Aldennani Llewellyn said he would prefer that t;he Council should not adopt Mr. Can- niff's suggestion, and it was decided, on tbe motion of Dr. Parry, that. the lad and his mother should appear before the Council at the next meeting, proceedings to be taken in default. POLICE LAMP INSPECTORS. A letter was read from Chief Constable Lindsay stating that he Avouid have no objec- tion to the police being appointed inspectors of street lamps. The remuneration in other parts of the county for similar duty was: I Sergeants, £2 10s. constables, tl 5s. per an- num. He suggested that the Council should appoint, the sergeant at Ogmore Vale, the constable at Pi-icetowii, the sergeants at Pontycymmer. and Gilfach Goch, and the con- stables at Blaenganv and Pontyrhil. Mr. Canniff proposed that the matter be referred1 to the General Purposes Committee for report. Mr. D. J. Thomas seconded. Mr. Lawrence: I don't see AYIiv the con- stables should be appointed to look after the lamps of a private company in the Ogmore. Mr. Lucas: The company do not suffer it is the ratepayers who suffer. Mr. LaAvreuce The Company should pay the Council then. The motion was carried. ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS. A letter was read from Mr. J. Haydn Jones, solicitor, Bridgend, stating that Messrs. J. ii. Lambert and David Jones, the arbitrators appointed in the claim of Mr. Evan Roberts, Blaengsrw, for compensation for damage to his property through seAYerage operations, had now prepared their award, Avhich could be taken up at his office on the payment of £ 3 3,s., his fees for the preparation and publi- cation of the award. The Deputy Clerk stated that lie had in- formed! Mr. Pilgrim Morris, the claimant's licitor, that so far as the Council was con- cerned it did irot matter Avhether the award was ever taken up. (Lanc'literO The Deputy Clerk stated that similar claims made by Mr. Be van and others had been re- ferred to arbitration, but the time had been allowed to lapse. Of course, that Avas the plaintiffs' look out. He had now received a letter from Mr. Riley, acting for the claim- ant?, stating that lie was relieved' to learn that the time limit had expired, because, after the appointment of an umpire, an. infor- mality was discovered which Avould have mulcted1 one of his clients in costs. The proceedings were now in the hands of • his client's solicitors, and Avould commence de novo. ISOLATION HOSPITAL. Alderman Llewellyn inquired whether any- thing had been heard from the County Coun- cil with regard to the proposed transfer of the control of the Isolation Hospital to the Coun- cil. The Deputy Clerk replied in the negatiA-e. Alderman Llewellyn proposed that the clerk Avrite the County Council on the subject.— Carried. HEALTH OF THE DISTRICT. Dr. D. J. Thomas, in his report for October. stated that 13 cases or zymotic diseases had been notified in the district during the month, 7 in the Ogmere and 6 in the Garw. The Ogmore cases consisted of six of scarlet fever at Giliach. and one case of erysipelas at I Ogmore Yale. and those in the Ganv com- prised four of scarlet feA-er and tAYo diph- theria. Reporting as to the treating of scar- let feA-er cases at the Infectious Hospital. Dr. I Thomas pointed' out- that the number of wards r was only sufficient to deal with diphtheria and typhoid, and the treatment of scarlet fever cases Avoukl necessitate the erection of I a new block. He had visited Gilfach with regard to the Avater supply. Avhich he learned' had been A'ery intermittent during the glim- mer months. Complaints were made by many inhabitants that the supply was defi- cient and irregular, and he thought, the pre- sent means of storage was nothing like suffi- ciently adequate to meet the demands of the place. Plentiful storage could be made with- L out great cost, and he advised' the Council to call upon the Company to provide the neces- sary storage for the district. On the subject, cf the Ganv water, Dr. Thomas reported that the supply Avas ample and AA holesome, but the Company AA ere blamed for stopping the Avateir Avithout giving proper notice. In to avoid this trouble the Company should have a specific time for the execution of repairs, and each tenant should be informed by leaflets of swell time. Valves should also be placed orr the main of each street, so that a particular area c-culd be turned off without affecting the. Avhole. These frequent and irregular stoppages of Avater. to some extent, affected the health of the district, inasmuch as there was no con- stant means of flushing the drains, and the consequent nuisances oftera lead to diphtheria •and sore throats. Dr. Thomas aiso con- sidered that the practice in vogue of taking water from the main in the street for water- ing pun-poses A\a.s A-ery objectionable, and he suggested that stand-pipes should be provided throughout the district for such purposes, as the valves Avere always setting defective, and the suction of dirty material. Avhich took place during stoppages, was often a cause of typhoid. Alderman LleAvellyn proposed that the mat- ters dealt with in the report be referred to the General Purposes Committee.—Carried.



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RUNNING HOME IN FLAMES. ---------------