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Failing to Report Sheep Scab.

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MR. ANBREW FLETCHER'S CAR. HOW A MOTOR WAS BOUGHT TWICE. A CHAUFFEUR'S ELOPEMENT. The case in which John Reliry Farratt (24), engineer, living at Arundul-square, is chairgoo on a warrant with having between- the 28th of November and the 5th of December la&t fraudulently converted' ,a motor-sar, belong- ing to Mr. Andrew Fletcher, heir to the Mar- gam Estates, to his own use, again came be- fore Mr. Mead at Marlborough-street Police- court oil-, January 9th. M'r. R. D. Muir, barrister, prosecuted, and Mr. Sydney, solicitor, defended. Mr. Muir said that the defendant was temporarily employed by a Mr. Rendell to take out a 40-h.p. Napier motor-car for the purpose of showing it to intending pur- chasers. The car belonged to Mr. Andrew Fie-teher, of Saltoun, who had only under- taken- this prosecution out of a sense of public duty. ir. Mead An historic name. Mr. Muir proceeded that Mr. FlciOtM-r had no knowledge of any of the circumstances connected with the prisoner's flight from Erigitaii,d or of the person with whom he went awav. Ho made no charge at all, and no onie ■could make one, against the young woman 'who accompanied the prisoner out of this country. In June, 1907, Mr. Fletcher desired to dispose of the car, and for that purpose placed it in the hands of Mr. Rendeil (of the firm of solicitors, Mes-srs. Sutton and Rendelt), who placed it at the garage ocoupied by the Lanchaster Motor Company, Oxford-street, and the prisonler was from time to time to show it to purchasers. He had no other sort of authority over the car. In November it was at the garage of Mr. Otto. who had the pnr- chase of it in view. He did not do so, how- ever, and the prisoner- was sent to take the car to Lanchester's again. He then told Mr. Rendel'l that he knew a porter at Paddington who might buy the car. and Mr. Rendelt gave him authority to .show it to him, but said it was to be bevus^! at Lan- cheter s. aiud he was under thn imi>ro&.sion for several days that that was- the case. It was not till the 3rd of December that; 11;(\ dis- covered that the car was NOT AT THE GARAGE. Ho found that the car had been sold to a Mr. Cripps, who had given a cheque for £ 250 and a. house-boat for it. The cheque was given to tho prisoner, it being a crossed cheque; but, on the introduction of Mr. Grippy, prisoner opened an account at his bank, and so converted the- cheque into money within a very few days. He then went Iilto the country, apparently with this young woman, and eventually we-nt. to America. with her. Mr. Cripps was entirely blame/less in this matter, lie having beeii told by the prisoner that he purcha&od the cat- from Mr. Fletcher in June, 1907, and that he had given £ 650 for it. Prisoner was a man of some education. He (counsel) did not know what bad become of the house-boat. Whet; Mr. Cripps found out the' fact, he bought the car again from its first owner, lUr. Fletcher, who was thus no loser, whilst Mr. Cripps had bought it twice over. Prisoner, lie submitted, was guilty of larceny of the bailee, anct' he was also guilty under the Larceny ^ct, 1901, in. that, being a. trustee of property, 110 had converted it to his ()"I"li liise. Mr. Rendell received a. letter from the .prison'er, dated December 31st, en board tho Majestic, in1 which he said :— E do not quite understand- your action, after my letter of the 2nd, explaining exactly what I was doing. Well, yon will be the loser in. the long run. I will settle on the 12th of Januarv. as I arranged. I should have sold the house-bout for £ 300 by this time, and you would have, had zC450, but my being arrested set. arrangements. If you withdraw the chairge you will have £ 250 by the 12th, otherwise I shall fight it to the end. He was found in possession' of a. sovereign (explained counsel), and he told the detective that he had lost the rest of the money play- ing bridge with card sharpers on the way out. The prisoner's letter from the Tombs Prisoner, New York, to Mr. Cripps, dated the 16th of December, was of quite. a diffeiv/ifc character to that when he wrote to )1r. Rerir- dell He sa.id Dear Mr. Cripps, I wired you yesterday as regards the car. Now, will you be kind enough to send it back to Mr. Great Winchester-stret, City, ard with- dliaw from it. I shall be in Lou- don by the 21st, and wiil arrange to you. I have got into a hole-, and it is worse than all that could hapnen. I was over on business, and shonlcl have miadto some money by now and been right again, but hick has run out. Now please do this, and help me. 'I will ivork for you as n- gineer. By that time I shall be more sen- sible than during the last few years. I am mamie-d now, tand my wife, who is eigh- teen years and a half, mieht act as gover- ness to your children. She is well up in everything, and in the ootiist, of a. year or two will have some money, and we might be able to repay you for your kindness. If you knew the exact state o-f affairs, I think you would not think so badly of me. The oaso was furthex adjourn eel.

Wenvoe Castle Estate Rent…

Barry Railwaymen's Grievances.

