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PILLS A Marvellous Seniedy r FOR PILES & GRAVEL, And all the Common Disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Kidneys, Sad) as Pilesr Gravel, Pain in the Back and Loins, Constipation, Oppression and :d3^iition of Urine, Irritation of the Bladder, Slng- jpfjpwafla of the Livei a £ l 1 Kidneys, Biliousness, Flatulence, Palpitation, jjjfonr«nan pjag. Sleeplessness, Dimness of Vision, Depression of Spirits, ga JPlwas arising from Indigestion, &c. THEIR FAME IS AS WIDE AS CIVILIZATION, They have stood the test of forty years. tllie THREE FORMS OF THIS BEMED1 No. l-George's Pile and Gravel Pills. No. 2—George's Gravel Pills- No. 3—George's Pills for the Piles, SOLD EVERYWHERE IN BOXES. lili and 8/9 BACH. BY POSTJl/2 and 3/10. PROPRIETOR: J; E: GEORGE, M.R.PS,. HIRWAIN, ABERDARE. tft'-ctt'S PKBFSCT BEHkDY FOR ALL KINDS OF W0EM3 WILLIAMS' PONTARDAWS W ORM LOZENGES tfela Mgblf tateabla wined* Itaa met wl4b fae gre&teai »accaaa, Tbe effect npoa weak mum (ohea nap Mtneiurable) ia iUu magic. Oettlag rid of hla Sorawasing paste by caking ttiesin Lozengarf SmK becomes steoag, hmUfe*, »ndlhelv «i» pride,tast^S of tbe audety of Ma guardians. MrjjMiotiS -I»T of the toQowiog symptoms bmge&ft Worms t—Variable appeMia, foetid brtmsh, acid emctafloaa JlL uad bead, aicmasd, grinding of the teeth daring aleep, draama aad reatlexaneaa, picSitg of tbe nose 2J5J, >he covKinantsee, bardaaw aad fallaeaa of toe belly, uiimj stool witb oreastoaal gripiag pajas, more par- -Kcmt Ate **««&. aatcbea Ik the aide, abort dry cougb, emaciation of the body, often mistaken lor deeUo«, zZrwuLauL Ii09 fever and lrregnbr pu«e .aometimea faintnesa, convmlsloM, often causes aedden death, heat nnd itching T'rgTfJ.' «fhkb oftwo causes thetn tc be miatakeo for p&ea, <UastneM acre ShioaS, and laaamiaasian at (be boweJ* BjfnjjV" 7My according to the fctad of worm. ■WILLI MS' H tutor we) WORM LOZENGES &-a pnpand tram the Tfgtaal Beoelpl by J. DAVIES, (JHSMIST, 20, HIGH STREET SWANSEA Said bwt Chemlat at Sid. be IIAL, acd 2M. 9d. per Box l by peit 14 ar 34 ataunpa. by fche Ooverameufe Stamp, on which are engraved the words, "WILLIAMS7 WORM LOZENGxSS," 5095 PIANOFORTES. mc SOLE AGENCY FOR CARDIFF AND DISTRICT FOR SHE IWORLD'S GREATEST MAKERS. 9BOHSTETN, BLUTRNER, t YER, IMUIMER, BROADWOOD, ERARD, STECK, WALDEMAR,) PIANOLA PIANOS, AND 2EOLIANS IS HELD BY R. J. HEATH & SONS, CARDIFF, PONTYPRIDD, FENARTH AND PORT TALBOT, Who also Stock Pianos by KRlNfejdEAD, COLLARD, KIRKMAN, STEINWAY, IBACH, RITMULLER, Ac., Ac., FROM 15 GUINEAS CASH OR 10/6 MONTHLY. ORGANS by MASON & HAMLIN, BELL, DOMINION, &c., &c. U Reduced Instalments, Special Diaconots, GRAMOPHONES, &c Nai. Tel. Cardiff, 01199 Pontypridd, 21. KmS a^l| ■ gciciiea I BATHE IN IT! ioFALL THAT'S ALL!? I CHEMISTS IT ftekels. OZONJA C» I vnnnww* aq^Acm. aWesaaT,aRc.v0U3lm,^ Sola %y Edward T. Rich, Modern Store and Phobographic Chemist, Bridgend Alfred Griffiths, M.P.&. 43, Commercial Stre«|. Maeeteg; and T. Llewellyn, Chemise Ogmore vHe. 6421 Printing,—AH kinds of Jobbing Work, Alcfcijtks and Commercial, executed in the Wart StyIand at Reasonable Prices, at the "fiiamorgao: Gazette" Offices, Bridgend. Pinteri in any size, ehade, ooloar, or eornbixi- Mien of oolonrs; and erery desoriptiAn of Printing. J LLEWELLYFfi COMPOUND ESSENCE OF gQUILLS THE MOST VALUABLE REMEDY KNOWN o{¡ "«- For all:Diserdersof the Throat, Chest and Lungs. In cases of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarsenees, Loss of Voice, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Chronic Bronchitis, Difficult Breathing, etc., this Essence givee rapid and permanent relief, hy causing easy expectoration, and then soothing the irritated and inflamed mucous membrane. IN EOTTLES, 1 li and 29 EACH POST FREE. PSIIPABED 05XY BY JOHN LLEWELLYI, Pharmaceutical Chemist, HIGH STEEET, COWBRIDGI, —m. vnrr. CC,RNS! (-IORNSI CORNS! CORNS ETHELINE. A Newand most Effective Remedy i, I Coras. Perfectly safe and harmleaa. Is very eaally apvlive Cnroa la a few appUcatfani without tke slighteat pain. Evwyorre troubled with either Ooma, Wasiit a BuBioua, wUl tind relief by using E T H E L I N E. SfiT Piico, la. 2J. per Bottle, POg" irrg «m.lWTE« JOHN j^LEWELLYN HIGH STEEET C0WB3IDQE, AXD 4s cottu&ortnal StrMti Llaatrissaat. 4Cio To Aarertiaera.—Ad vertiaers wiro send na •otali adrertioememta that coine under tbe rariouj headings of our prepaid acale, are re- gaestod to biadJy Mod remittance with order. I Good;? News to all for the New Year. I COAL! COAL! COAL! I The New Brynllywarch Colliery Co., Nr. Toodu Have just Opened out an I Excellent House Coal Colliery, Gas, and Smith, Look at the Low Price it is sold at ONLY 16s. PER TON At Colliery Once tried, always wanted. W ANTED all Smiths to try, you can weld a pin with the small coal Price for you is only 10/- per ton. THOMAS STEPHENS, Agricultural Implemen t -7- _n, Merchant, NEATH -n_==-=-==-==C-===-=====-== x And at Star Hotel Yard, Bridgend. r ( Chaffcutters, Grinding Mills, Turnip Cutters, & Cultivators by all the leading makers. Howard's Famous Ploughs. Oil & Petrol Engines a Speciality. Gilbertson's Basic Slag. NAT. TEL.-64 Neatb. Telegrams-Stephena, Neath. 6632 OWEN & HOGKINGS (20 years' service with the late W. Buckley & Co., Limited), I Plumbers and General Metal Workers. SANITARY, BEATING AND ACETYLENE GAS ENGINEERS. J MAKERS OF IMPROVED INLET AND I EXHAUST VENTILATORS. I Works UNION STREET. Address Coity Fields, Bridgend, 6682 ROYAL EXCRANG-E ASSURANCE. I INCORPORATED A.D., 1720, Funds Exceed £ 5,150,000. Claims Paid Exceed £ 42,000,000. Fire, Life, Marine, Employers' Liability, Accident, Burglary, and Fidelity Guarantee. MODERN & IMPROVED SYSTEM OF ASSURANCE. The Fire Policies of the Corporation extend to cover Ion or damage by LIGHTNING, whether the property insured be set en fire thereby or not. Farmers Liability under the Workmen's Compensation Act covered at equitable rates. For partioalars apply— MR. D. J. GWYN, Metropolitan Bank, Bridgend. Messrs, GWYN & GWYN, Solicitors, Cowbridge. P.O. TELEPHONE:—No. 63. J. C. HITT & SONS, PLUMBERS, Sanitary, Lighting, Ventilating, Horticultural and Heating Engineers, QUEEN STREET, BRIDGEND. ESTIMATES FREE. Drains and Sanitary Arrangements Tested with the latest appliances, and reports made thereon. 4110 THE BRIDGEND GAS & WATER Co. Invite enquiries for all the Latest and most Up-to-Date Appliances for Lighting, Cooking, and Heating by Gas. Gas Cookers on Hire from Is. 6d. per Quarter. Gas Fires 9) „ Is. Od. (A LIBERAL DISCOUNT IF PURCHASED; Boiling Burners, Grillers, Coffee Roasters, Washing Machines, Clothes Dryers, &c., &c. Incandescent Burners and Fittings (Ordinary and Inverted), and | The Block LïE;t. h Podmore, Humphrey, and other Lamps for Iscioor and Outside Shop Lighting. Agents for Keith's High Pressure System of Lighting, As installed by the Company at the New Market Buildings. Pare Soap and Better. I For every Household purpose for which Soap | is used, Crosfields' Pink Carbolic is Superior 8 to the best pure pale or yellow soap. 8 IN 'ElLmu Pil KOB i;no qcmm By Appointment 1 i!, I ,,T2 i j5 I,I 1. k I To I H.M. the King. i Its standard of purity is 70% against 63% for best yellow soap. I Therefore it contains more solid weight of working material. I Therefore it contains less water-wears longer, washes better. ■ It disinfects and purifies without extra labour and expense. I It safeguards the Health of the Children and saves the doctor. 1 31 CROSFIELDS' ««PIWKOBOLIC" has the largest | 2J| sale of Carbolic 5oap in lb. tablets in the world. 9 I SD


Failing to Report Sheep Scab.

[No title]


Wenvoe Castle Estate Rent…

Barry Railwaymen's Grievances.

