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KODAKETTES. [BY SNAP-SHOT.] My attention has been called-as probably it was intended it should be-to a letter which appeared in a contemporary last week, and headed A libel on Bridgend Nonconformity," and purporting to have been written by the Rev Oscar Owens. I say purporting to have been written because I do not think that the Rev Oscar Owens was solely responsible for its production. I do not know whether his was the idea of heading the letter" A libel on Bridgend Nonconformity," but if it was, I should like to ask the reverend gentleman whether he thinks that his congregation is the only Noncon- formist one in the town, or whether he is labouring under the delusion that ho himself is the only Non- conformist minister. It is a very good thing for Bridgend that such is not the case, and that there are ministers of the Gospel who can find better means of employing their time than in quibbling over the meaning of certain words, or writting letters to the public Press, couched in such language as cannot but reflect detrimentally on the writer. I do not intend to follow in the steps of the Rev Oscar Owens, and fling vulgar abuse about, neither do I intend to take the letter sentence by sentence and show the pitiful weakness of its conception, but there are one or two points on which I mean to have a word with Rev Oscar Owens. In the first place he commences his letter with a stretch of the imagination. He states that he has referred to his dictionary and found that the meaning of Snap Shot" is tale- bearer." I am very much inclined to believe that the dictionary in question id the brain of the rev. gentleman, and that in his utter incapacity to find out the real meaning of the word, he has given it the interpretation which he desires it 1. ve. Perhaps Mr Owens will be good enough to let the public know who are the publishers of his wonderful dictionary. I for one should like to have so valuable an addition to the literature of the day. The Rev Oscar Owens goes on to call himself a "public marr," and with righteous indignation wants to know whether it was supposed that he would allow a false and untruthful report to appear in a newspaper without taking the first opportunity of contradicting it. Now let us see what this" false and untruthful report" was. In the first place, I find that I referred to the fact that this spiritual shepherd did not think it worth while to call upon an old member of his congregation when he found that the said old gentleman would not be able to get down to the polling booth. Mr Owens does not attempt to deny the truth of the conversation which took place between him and the old gentleman's son. But what does he do ? He immediately sets to work to quibble over the meaning of the word member." Facts are stubborn things, and the truth cannot be changed," oracularly says Mr Owens. Facts are indeed stubborn things, and here is one of them for Mr Owens to digest. The old gentleman in question was for many years a constant attendant at the Tabernacle. Owing to deafness he occupied a seat next to the deacons' pew, and paid rent for it. More than once has the Rev Oscar Owens given the old gentleman the kindly assistance of his arm to help him up the steps to the chapel. With increasing years, the deafness increased, until this eld worshipper could not even hear the mellifluous words which fell from the lips of the Rev Oscar, and then, and not till then, did he cease from attending the chapel. He probably thought he coold worship his God quite as well at home, with the Book before him, as he could by sitting in a chapel where he could hear nothing. Presumably the Rev Oscar Owens' interpretation of the word" mem ber" is one who is a communi- cant, but I never once said that this old gentleman was a member of the church, but of the congregation. One would have supposed that even a member of the congregation would have received the benefit of visits from the pastor, but the Rev Oscar Owens never visited him, neither during the time he was attending the chapel, nor during the first or the last three months of the four years. It was only when an election was pending that this pastor of his flock thought it worth while to look up one who had sat under him for years. and the probability is that if he had not been informed that the old man would be unable to come out to vote, the call would have been made. Then the Rev Oscar Owens has a slap. at the Church of England. I can quite understand why he should do eo, but the Church of England in Wales is not likely to suffer from the crafty innuendoes and the silly aspersions of such a gentleman as the Rev Oscar Owens. I pass over the unworthy manner in which Mr Owens speaks of the old gentleman in question, and perhaps present members of his congregation and church will not consider that the remarks of Mr Owens in this respect are in the best taste. In reply to the concluding portion of this part of the letter, Mr Owens flatters himself that, though a Welshman, he understands tht meaning of the word "member." He has not shown it, at any rate, but he has distinctly demonstrated the fact that he knows the meaning of the word quibble," and what is more, knows how to quibble. I am sorry to see that the four deacons of the Tabernacle have been drawn into the controversy. The letter which they addressed to this paper last week was sent with the consent of the Rev. Oscar Owens, but he adds I had nothing to do with its origination." This being so, Messrs D. Lewis, E. Rees, T, Thomas, and W. David, would have done well if they had thought a little before they sent such a letter for publication. By doing so they have, simply placed themselves in the same boat with their pastor, and have done nothing more or less than simply quibbled over the words'' member and 11 church." This being so, the letter will be taken for what it is worth, and its worth is summed up in one word, and that word is nothing." And here I should like to give the lie direct to one mem- ber of the Rev Oscar's flock. He stated that a pre- cisely similar letter to that which appeared in the name of the Rev Oscar Owens in a contemporary, was sent to this journal, but refused insertion. I have made enquiries that no such letter was sent here, and the "gentleman" who made the state- ment told a deliberate lie, and knew that he was telling a lie. It is not to be supposed that the Rev Oscar Owens has the slightest idea of iournalistic etiquette, but had he been the possession of this knowledge, he would have known that the proper place to make contradictions, was in the journal in which the statements, desired to be contradicted. appeared. The lame and impotent explanation which the reverend gentleman tenders in regard to the relief tickets is so palpably absurd, that it hardly needs any comment. I simply asked questions Mr Owen has answered them, probably to his own satisfaction, but to that of nobody else. He admits that he left a ticket at one house, and subsequently went to the same house and secured the promise of a vote for Mr Powell. What I have written on this matter on previous occasions has not been written without a due regard being paid to the semblance of some foundation for the statements I have made, and I may tell the reverend gentleman that only this week, people, disgusted with the tone of his letter, have voluntarily come forward and stated that in I their case the relief tickets were distributed and the canvass made at one and the same time. These are facts and can be proved. I have seen in a Cardiff daily paper a paragraph, probably inspired by the Rev Oscar Owens himself, to the effcct that" Awriter in a local jonrnal has been hauled up by the Rev Oscar Owen, one of the most eloquent preachers, and esteemed pastors of the Welsh Congregational Connexion in South Wales. The rev. gentleman, as is his wont, places unadul- terated facts before the public in reference to the attack upon his actions at the election, and states his intention to make his detractors prove their words in another place". This most eloquent preacher and esteemed pastor has simply demonstrated the fact that his qualifications are not limited to being simply an eloquent preacher and anjesteemed pastor. He has shown that he can so far forget his high calling as to descended to the vulgarest abuse, and an utter disregard for all the canons of politeness and propriety. In conclusion I may tell the Rev Oscar Owens this: I am nob afraid of his threats with reference to a more important place" Mr Owens has spent his life in smn places, and has probably not had an opportunity of studying hi, fellow man except on the Sunday, and then from the pulpit. Otherwise he might know that everyone is nob so easily frightened as himself. I wonder how the Rev Oscar Owens would like to have his vicarious production analysed by an eminent Q.C., or how he himself would like to undergo half an hour's cross-examination at the hands of such a gentleman as say Mr B. F. Williams, Q.i: or Mr Arthur Lewis. I am ready for the Rev Oscar whenever and wherever he chooses. To refer to a more pleasant topic, the meeting in the Drill Hall on Monday evening was a veritible pantomime, and the proceedings afforded unbounded amusement to those who were present. As to the choice of the meeting—if choice it might be called—there were strong indications thou, and since, that in the event of a contest Mr Corbett would nob receive the unanimous support of the working classes, and Wednesday's meeting seemed to further prove this. Both the meetings were, more or less, a complete farce, and it might have been in better taste if the Chairman of the Council had not presided at the latter meeting, inasmuch as one of his own workmen was the selected labour representative. At the time of writing it is openly stated that a contest is inevitable, but this again remains to be seen.


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