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ACCIDENT TO ADMIRAL PVGET. I'oris mouth, Xov. »>. ■>■ As accident occurred in our harbour, on Tues- day, which had'nearly deprived'the naval sei- vice'ol one of its'best aitd in;»,sl esteemed o'llicejs. ■>The--f|oo. Admiral Sir Ci'»a«"'es Paget was o/i 0 1 t the U, Iite r it out of 11ie>hirri>o\ir,iateiidingt<) go down to Cowes, wihotv: "early a gale (Vf \vui:l. Was III the act of tt'hich (inrposa the peak halyards wSefg Irit go.; nt thi.s inouietit a coiU'tl-uji rope caused Sir Charley to slip, wh^n the pn1<,(,loI1,\ t. f'1;illl round the -middle aod-before he èoUtíJ clear It" the other part of the downhal caught the mast head or ,t tishin-.smack, whitdi tightened the bight round Sir Clfarles, who was caught up by It., earned overthè bulwai-k of the yacht, aqd thrown into the water. As the vessel wa!t aloii, he was severely struck in his tHe rope working downwards, he fell •headfAtresiosit. The man at the helm let go the- tiller, to save him, hy which the Emerald ran ovei-the frigate^rigged boat the Victoriwv' (belonging to Captain Charles InMish, of the N^ictoryv). A sumil skiff instantlv, p^t off,'1'"1" the Viotorine; and the man succeeded in catehing Kir CMrles, just as he had lost 's,jrisation; but hB skiff iwaS so small, the man could not take liim in he therefore held Sir Charles's head out ot the water, tilt further assistance came from the ic oiyi, and some fishermen who were near the Was tak,'n on board the Victory, f ta i l'c brought on shore to the house of Admiral sir George Martin, where every at* tention was shown him. As Sit, Charles spit bloorl in .the course of the evening, sixty ounces of blood. was taken from hinl. since which, we are most happy to say. lie has been much better. We trust no internal injury has bee„ sustained. His knee pan is split, which will probably cause « lus contHwuem for some time, < At the/sale of silk in Liverpool on the 27th ult. there was an advance, generally, of 10 per cent, as compared with the last sale at the India House., The best-informed corn merchants now antici- pate that the ports will be opened for the impor- tation of foreign barley next month, at the duty of H ve'/shillings per quarter. The average which i-t-gilizite, the importation was last night struck at '40s. I lo. per quarter. Sunday evening the shop of Mr. H, Kemshead at iManchester, was entered, and robbwl of Wat- ches and jewels, value between 12 and )!)(). Would you believe it ?" said one of the ma- na,er. or iiie theatre to il,iitoti tile (ither day, Lord tells.me he has written a come- dy. but I suppose he was joking," By no means," reptied Liston. "I assitfe you I have sceti it, and there is no joke in it." FOOT R ACK.—The foot race for 100.sovereign1*, between Mr. C. Cholmondeley and Mr. Tolle-; inache. took place on Thursday, in, T)ILI avenue near the Lodge Gates at Oulton, near Chester, won cleverly by Mr. Tolleni-ictVe.—The day was extremely- unfavourable, the rajii de- scalding without the slightest iiitermission. In the time of Philip V. art* English squadron AtUclirti in the Port oi V igo, a.^paniifi fleet j/y»st come from America, with 1-4,'D0!IV0(M) of piasters on boards'ami tht-5 tint wit&*o roughly handled, that all the %hi(w wimh cart lid-those trei1:öurt,!s.. It the principal efforts' tif.the Eun4i-di-wete directed, went to the ^ot^oia aimo.st at the entrance of tht; port, and the enormous sums of money which they cafried remain buried with them. Some d< vs ago, a woman, residing a few miles north from Huntly, whose husband had deserted li", ea, i ago, hearing that he was in Aber- deen, arrived there in pnrstiit of him, Onlearfl- big th« house where he dwelt, she went, entered the room without ceremony, and foun I « woman and three c,hilJ;rM in his company. The nieetirig was by no means calm—the.real wife commenced -.til-st at her husband, and then at his female ctiiiVpaniou who had usurped; her pla.de— tejlmg her-jbe had a cauld arm's fu' ottili" who was hljl lawful right. TI)6 'neig-hbours thought It was a case of bigamy, as it was un- dei stood he was inarried to the woman he then lived with but on a clergyman being sent for, by whom some inquiry was it tnruedriut: that they were not married, although two of the' Z,wt, children Nvere his. Some arrauajements were to bo niade by the R/sverend G-eutleman in behalf wife.but it is understood the husband has Iii ;"e.n both parties- the slip, and decamped. Aberdeen Journal '■ The Gentleman wlioie recent failure has caused so strong a sensation in the mercantile worlit, i.4,by blett.1 in Aiiieri.cati. It is related of hiiii, tliat on- his passage to this country about thirty 'year# ago,the vessel which he was oil board of wTas suddenly run down in the uiifht by anuthei. On the alarm Mr. W. hastened oil deck ill his shirt.and finding the ves-te'l sinking he sprung upon the or the other. and had scarcety dene so b'-fojv his own ship sunk, i and every, soul on board p/'fished H. M. Girard, jun. Professor Anatomy anil Phy- at tit,- R")Fal e It i) () I ;L tr(-, r t tlied a few days back, at 2.) vears of ag'». He fell a victim, like Uichat, Bedard, and "many itio;i, tt) all illll:t,ii.si bra in,. a ;disease brought on in cotisequeuce of n prick liegave.Jiimself whilst tqw-tiing tlie body of a youHgimuV who difd )r itik Hi. lo^ will be greatly felt hy..iH. friends, to the soteiicim. — l'arts Puper. Young ladies, who would hivo coral lips aij'l ^•eu c implosions, should walk "at least hvlf' A; do^en uiijes ityerv (by in the open .air.: drifi'k very litile \yine. and; no -spi,its or bmrer's beer )ifiv';desenption..Tlvev shouM 'also (tse lio very litile \yine. and; no -spi,its or bmrer's beer )ifiv';desenption..Tlvev shouM 'also (tse lio ^o#sme(icK, but w ish their faces and necks, morn- ing. noon, and ;night, in warm wntor and nicely senile I soaj> and above all things, they.should- er, leavoilr to preserve serenity of diiri 'and be content with the lot in which Providence may have placed them. — iledical Advertiser. mr. Roe Oil Thmgdav decided, at Marlbo- rough-street, that {\l igistrates cannot interfere with aiiv -B^nelit Societies which at-f-not euroUwd agreeably to the statute of the 3,Jd Geo. Ill, c. -H. We therefore recommend any persons who belong to such Societies to tnake inquiries whether they conform to the statute for if they do not, they run a great risk of being defrauded of their money—which happened in the case that palled forth Mr. Roe's decision. Some company in Ireland disputing relative to the quickness of reply ascribed to the lowurorders of that country. It was resolved to put the matter to thti test in the person of a clown who was ap- proachinijrthern. "Pat," said one or thw gen- tlemeu. '• if the devil were to come, and be de- tiSrinitied to linVe one of us, which do you think he would take-?"^— *■ Me'to be sure."—And «thy Becaqse ho knows he can have your honour at any time." wo women carrying some goose- berries iii a basket to Portsdown fair for sale, a gentleman passing by observed to another, that it was impossible they could make it answer to theiii both, without imposing on the buyer.— One of the women, overhearing this remark, turned to her companion, and said "Sail I have heard people en make a good livelihood by mind- ing their own business." AN OHIO MUSHHOOM.—A mushroom wastaken in the township Hudson, Portage county during the present yet, weighing 12 pounds. Its hori- zoqta1 c'rcumforence was tour feet four inches and a Half; its perpendicular circumference was three feet ei»ht-.lushes and a half. The cotton plant, which has hitherto been con sntered as one of the most common and trouble ioute w eeds ju tb.e colony (New South Wales), an l^tncapabje of bring appropriated to any Pur-' posf Whata^r.jsnow becoming a very provable the coiloqy /Hr sourc6 Of wealth to uu ,wrn" \rur.GrÆQ.s.();}:WednPs¡)ay- mght, tisjLieinpmfet 11.-Hope Johnstooe, of his %Wty>|S|up: Rami)lies, who commands the ^>ast:bjo.elva;de, .station,at Fort Sutherland, near y ,wf,s °" <lu,y the canal; between the sea and thejenvh, hne of his guard upon-the- Slv-r la rS,°'' Wh,Ch ^,i,iU,('iiant Johnstorie • ,fur' of the appearance of smugglers in the vicinity and though only at-' tem ed-'by his servant he ran at once in the pro- babledirec ,n which he judged they were likely to ake, and almost a^he Same moment came in contact with a large body of smugglers, some be^ng ubs of spirits, slings; and others arur- u 8t'°''S- 11,1 the fore- f f ''a^ tellows, a„d threatened to fire ifre- t i 1 'w,lile?Elding' his prisoner, be,et_ by the whole group, knocked down, and together, with h.s servant beaten severely Wi.h b udgenns. the struggle he discharged, his {J! J ?l' 0n(r.f? lo^r w|io-■'aiihetl a violent blow at. his head, and the fire was Said to have taken ef- fect. I lie smugglers,, thus interrupted in their work, setletrt. ill eyery direction, leaving be- niiul them several tubs of spirits, which were taken po%session of by Lieutenant Josastone's- men who ran to his assistance from the fort, but too late to prevent either their escape or the se- vere maltreatment, ojf the ofllcer and his servant who boldly encountered the smugglers, A short time ago Lieutenant Fabian was wounded in a similar manner near the same spot, and he in's uoi yet recojfei't'J from tile effects of it. ■' I. RAIL-ROXI)S,-Tht,- great obstacles which havc hitherto existed with regard to the formation oJ rail-roads are now likely to be oyercome. A steam carriage, possessing powers far beyond any ever before exhibited, hilS lately been in vented by Mr. W. it. James of Birmingham.. The princi- pal superiority of Mr. James's carriage consists in its power of ascending acclivities, and thus doing away with the necessity of forming rail- roads upon dead levels, as has hitherto been tlu- uniform-practice. Heretofore it has been found impracticable for tocomotive engines to ,ascend any h ills of greater elevation than, ten or fifteen feet in the mile, with any considerable burthen attaclieti to ttieni but Mr. James's models ran ascend elevations of one yard in twelve, or of 440 reet ilI Jlw mile. with perfect ease. and the simple machine with which this is accmnplished is attend- ed with no waste of power. The enormousexjwiice of levelling the couti,.rv foi- itie forniatjon of rail- roads. and which has beellfound such as nearly to strangle the rail-road system in its. will ths be almostentirelv saved. The present liajah of Mysore's elpphant car- riage. is probably the most inagnijic.ent convey" ance ever seen. Its interior is a double sofa for six persons. covered with dark ren,velyt and gold;, aWuiug ofwcloJth of gold, in the>!fepe of two small scoll^pM^oouis^ ing ovei* the ceiim?; "a'ftff sinrouuijed w richly, Moamen tveranrla suj»poi tt, I bv ligllt,'>iegant., fluted gilt pillars the 'who I* is -«af»ab1e of coo- tanning about si ,x ty persons, mid is abrmt tweiity- two feet in height, It moves on four wfleels, the hinder ones eight feet in tUamvter; with a breadth oftwel v-e (étH between them., It is drawn by six immense elephants, with a driver on each, harnessed to the carriage by traces, as in Engv land, and their huge/heads covered with a sort of cap made of richty eiiibroidered4clofh. The pace at wh/sh li ymove is a slow trot, ofabolit seven miles an hour; they are very steady, lind the spiings.otthe carriage particularly easy.: As it is,crane-necked, the elephants .turn round with 'It' with tjie.greatest facility. The shape of the body is extremely elegant, rese/nbling a flat scol- lop-shell, and painted dark-green and gold. The elephants are nn exact match, and of an enormous size. The whole was constructed by native workmen, assisted by one half-caste Frenchman, Urtder the immediate directions of the Rajah. An eminent, physician, who will be recognised by those who know that his devotion to ttie-bottle exceeds his attention to the phial. was a: few evenings since, summoned to a ft en a a-lady at the W.H.I end of the tOWII. who liad been taken ill.- The doctor was enjoying the society of a con- vivial party, and drank much more freely than usual. On arriving, in his carriage, at the house of his patient, he was ushered into a parlour, where the lady was reclining on a sofa, attended by a female. He proceeded to examine her pulse, aiifl having felt it for some time, he found him- self incapable of forming any judgment on her on which he muttered, in aUsionohis i^wn inebriated state. drunk,drunk, on my honour!" lie soon retired, and it was expected that he would immediately send a prescription, P! but none Ciiine. The lacl sent for him next d.vv and hit proceeded to her house, much ash lined of 11 cort (itict, art(I expecting a rebuke for it but great and agreeable was his surprise, whi-n.tht' ladv thiis aceo-qtxl hi in doctor you hit my cast eiaclly LIst night, but pray say nott»ing.about it. I doctor tlins added to his repute by a (iir;cum«tance. which might have endangered that rortti ii,it te.iiiiii. o. r (I By. by Lieutenant Ekeuheatl, swam the't Hellespont (about two mi!t"s wide.) lie sup- .pirsfetl it was oft Itie spot, where Lcander swim to uit|ttt Hero. The tide of tile D-trdauelles rims so it().'Sibleeither to swiiii 'or to r' ss^flito a ft v gi vch point- fjord Bvron weiit from. >• life Castle ol Abydos, and landed on the opposJte sfjore, full three miles below his meditaffed place of^pproach. He had a boat in attundauce all the ■ way, so that no danger could be apprehended, ev^h if his strength had failed. HisLordhil) records, in a small poem, that he got the ague^bv tjiij; voyage but it Was well known, that when he landed, lie was so much exhausted, that he gladly took the oft'er of a Turkish fisherman, and reposed in his hut for several hours; he was then very, ill, and its Lieutenant Ekenhead was coin- peHd to go on board his frigate, he wäs left no idea of the rank or con- seqiience of his inmate, but paid him most marked attetitioti--iii, wife was his imrse, and, at the end of five day. he left the shore, completely recovered. When he was about to embark, the Turl, gave him a targe loaf and a cheese, and a skill friled with wine, and then presented him withl a few^prnes (about a penny each,) prayed Alia to bless him, and wished him safe home. His Lord- ship at the time mada him no return to this, more than saying, he felt much Obliged. When he ar- rived at Abydos. he sent over his man. Stefano, to the-' Turk., with an. assortment of fishing nets* a fowling piece, a brace of pistols, and "twelve yarcls of silk to make,go wns for his wife. The poor Turk was astonished, and said" whata nobte return for all act of humanity J" He then for lied the resolution of crossing the Hellespont- ani in propria person t. thanking his Lordship.— His wife approved of the plan; and then launch- ing his boat, he sailed about half way across whiii a sudden squall upset his boat, and tlie poor Til kish fisherman found a watery grave. Lord Byron was much distressed when he heard of the catistrophe, and with all that kindness of heart wh'ch belonged to him, he sent to the widow fifty dollars, and told her he would ever be her frie td. This anecdote, so highly honourable to 0 his Lordship's memory, has not been tolfl before in print. Lieutenant Hare, who was on fhespSit "t,ll,I"tÎ'm\fl\l'I\i"he<l'tR\ particulars, and added,' that iivthe year 1817, Lord.Byron. then prdct?"ed-!l iny, to Constantiilople, landed at the saine smlt. aild lifide a handsome present, to, Ih« widow-and" ■"hw Son,• who recollected itie circumstance, 'but knew; not L ird Byron, his dress and appearaiiie haviig .so altti-edh Siai-. :) The following extract from a letter addressed byT/twl Bacoh to James I. might serve, witliout: the alt.eratioiji^jf a word, as a description oJbe pte (t Great Britain. We shoulcLsns- pect, rmfeed, that it WHY than .it, Sinn. [ often, ness. and for a re- laxation1 frout my other laboiirs, revolve in my mi/id tlie great happiness which God has aecumu lated hpoit yoiir Mtkie.,ty everIy%VRY- Yourd people-Miiilitary and obedient—fit for war, used to peace.. YourChurch, enlightened with good preachers. as an. heav*en-^)f stars. Y^^ur J udges, learried.'and learning from yotf; just, and jnst by ydiir exAiiipls. Your Nohility. in a right (iis- tance, ;between Crown ittt(i of-the people; no overshndower of the crown. Your Council full ofrthe tributes of care faith' and freedom. Your Gentlemen and..Justices of the- P-eacei ,willing to apply'your Royal, mandates to: the natives of their seVeral counties re.adv to" obey. The fields growing everyday, by the finprovefnwut and recovery of grounds from the desert to the garden. The City grown. Your sea vvalls surveyed and iirqiroving. Your Mer- chants embracing tlip, wholtt compass of the world, east, west, north, and south. The times give you peace and yet offer you opportunities of activity abroad." This is: surely a description of England for the year lb2t>.


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PRICE OF HOPS, per cwt.—OCT.…




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Family Notices

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