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* CrFlEECE._

__:¡;,"'", | HEIR TO THE HOUSE…


:¡; HEIR TO THE HOUSE OF EATON, p (From-the. ■Ghe.Uf CoartiMt. I It is with reeiiiigs of on.mingledpleasure we announce, that on Friday morning", a little before four o'clock, Lady- Elizabeth Belgrav.e vv.is safe- ly delivered of a sqii-heii- to the honours and vast domains .ofthi^ illustrious house^— at -Eaton Hall, hear this City.. That thisjauspicious event has-diffused a feeling of exquisite satisfaction through this noble family, and its illustrious family connections, is a i'act which will not be disjmtud nor will it be 'questioned, but the same gratifying sensation, through perha»& so,mewl>,»f^ less ardent in its intensity, will spiead itself throughout that vast concourse of people whom the name of Grosvenor is known, as fi-i.ehd, benefactor, "master, and landlord. W.e inost cordially join with this numerous throng in their "d 11 'ct64c6 devont aspirations, that the good ,Providence which has given, mayhiog preserve the life of ttte interesting infant! Early on Friday, morning. the.joyful intelligence had reached the neighbour- ing¡vrllage.'t.andit is hardly necessary to say. that-the district around was presently in motion. The tenantry of the Eaton: family. at Ecclcstoii, Aluford, Parndon. Pulford, Dodleston, Bretton, Waverton, and Whitby, set their bells inactive motion, and grouped together to testify their res- pect» the more wealthy entering intosubsciiptiotis to enable their less affluent neighbours to partake with them of suppers, ale* and t-unch LtUld.in.. Soule, ifigtances. as in Uccleston, the whole fe- male population- of the parish assembled, to tea» after which they were treated with cake ana wine, dance, without distinction This was as it should be; no druukeness or excess were there. The sober and rational expressions of joy spontaneously flowed from the lipt and were depicted in every counte- nance, hearing the marks of hearty sincerity, but without the excitement of coarse revelry, iwd noity im briation. e have this representation from a person on whose veracity we can rely, aud if this recital should meet the eye :ot" any of the nÜbte,inlIÍàtes,of Eaton, we, venture to say,i that it Will be infinitely more accordant with their taste and gratifying 10 their feelings, than if they had learntthat half a dozen bullocks had been spitted, and a hundred barrels of brown stout distributed among the populous. There were a few, who in debating upon the best mode of Shewing their respect on the occasion, pleaded for former good; old customs, as the phrase »s, but their proposals was borne down bv the nata- ral good sense and increasing intelligence, (hNr Una (fitted neighbours. We do not thiok we should be guilty of false reasoning, if we ai.^ula ascribe this predominance of good taste among ri lice o f tile rill-Al population, to the influence of religious education, with which, through the of the Earl and Countess of Grosvenor, this -ex tensive district has for many years been so amp > furnished at all events, the reasonable inetnod which they, selected to testify their joy. dues equal credit to their hearts and their he-ads. It iwould be; unpardonable not to mention, that. Oil Friday morning orders Were dispatched trom c-a- ton, to his l.oi dship's uuinerous schools^ »o 1 In to.wii and country, to gi ve a holiday to■: al ie little met andmrtidrn, tanglit there, that they also, might participate int hpgeneral festivity. Although we have not hitherto alluded to city ofChWrer, ver itnrav naturally be surpned. that a strong feeling*ot interest would be. i here, oil the announcement ol the |4ial)f>ll,S 'T telligeiice. As soon as it w.as made known ,f> great bells ot the Catho hul -and th >»e ol t»e other chuiches, were, set a. ringing, tinued their cheerful peals during tjie day. A" 44 p many demonstrations of respect weie u*1" f j' in various other ways. We wovild not willing siriKc a ctrwis! to spoil the jwesent harmony of universal jov, -or allow a retrospective glance iUaI would cast a doud over the presen j cheering pvospecC But i1»at w« are desirous or^ calling to iirind; Tiytho-won.Wi«of our coteiuporary of the Chronicle-, that 'on one occasion our tel- low-citizens drgmfred rt'nd did honour to theBi- setyes by celebrating, as it: wete. wm votef, -• similar eventand of expresMUgour hopes, that the present h, occasion will elicit from among 1 us the expression of undiminished regard. ln deed, while we yet write, tidings come to our eitrs, that Subscriptions are already set Oil foot to give eclat to the event, and we are sure no other stimulus is necessary to forward the object .t-hau wbnt already exists in the irffections of the cin ietts. But, with whatever--unanimity thi^'Cele- brairon be 'adoptetl, and wti liave-no dout it will he entire, a <nuerence of sierttinient may probably ri,, to the maimer of it. We trust a judi- cious committee will be appointed for organizing and directing this point, and we also hope, it will not 'consist in' spitting itnd> mansflirig a half roasted ox. aitid distributing its lorn carcase to the drunken fabble, with portions of strong li- I the ceiftbraiion be rational and general, Let t le and Wch as all rartks can participate irt; with com- fort, pleasure. und pnjoyineftt; and-let ithesuch also, as the noble family, most intimately inter- ested in the occurence, can approve and applaud, itlias been suggested to tAs, that the most ef- fective way of doing justice to the cause,- would be by applying the subscriptions to some pur- pose-which would give permanency to the lection of the young heir's birth, at a future da\. It is probable, by kiext week, we shall be abie, to lay before-our readers some account of the progress of the preparations for the approaching fete. -■■■■<■ • '1 We"had almost forgot to state, that Mr; Geo. Harrison, Surgeon of this city, had the honour to attend Lady Elizabeth Belgrave in her ac- couchment. fiuivant Office,Monday Evening, Sa'clpc't. Weihi^Vij reccivad the, graiifying intellir gepee frpin Eaton, that Lady Betgrave ts going., on in-i# fpe(st.fa;v#Htrable and satisfactory state of iinprovetaettT, aud "that her infant sow is also in perfect health. — gi, That in Holland an TJnglish once shewed him a Cherry-Stone, with, ■l £ i heads carved upon it, and all so perfect that', tne naked eye iiiigli! jdisiinguish those of Kings, Pop^es Cardinals. &e. by their crowns and mitres" Thi* great curipsify was bought in Prussia for and is said to have been the woil»mau»hip oJ a poor prisoner at Dantsiic. Tne comely which is at present visible in the heavens, w.as distinctly seen at Arbigland, on Friday nigh t last, by J ames Geddes, fisherman. 11 was visibly for more than an hour and a half— that is, fro'n hetore twelve till half-p;lt one on, Saturd-ay moruttig. To the eye of the 'fisherman, it appeared to he 10 yards in length, and at times shone so brilliantly that it glared like a. beacon fire onthe waters of the Sol way—Dumfries Courier. Ofall vices, selfishnesl is that which most fre- qnently Scarries its oWn punishment along with it. As he considers every thing solely in its relation to himself, the selfish man is ardently desirous that 1. -t people pay,attention to him. and nobody thinks of him. Whatever talent he may possess, he cannot eiijoy that of others, through his eagerness to display his own, as admiration is never just in his eyes but when he is the object of it. As the attentions of sofiety are reciprocal, he never re- ceives any he is continually offended and irritat- ed by torgetfuiness and negligence,- that rs never .shown but to him; always^■.■discontented, he' be- comes a.gi-iiinblei-, misanthrope Willi the gress of years, and attains old agll without the happiness of possessing a single real friend.


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= ,BOW-STitEElV'-





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