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.''fLonfton:, '!


fLonfton:, SATURDAY JULY 30. It augurs well, we think, for the general peace ;iml tranquility of Ireland, that on the present Circuit some of the principal Barristers have so little to do, that they •can find time to attend political meetings end dinners, and there harangue as usual upon the hackneyed subject of their silk gowns, in expectancy-for that, after all, the real prompter of their zeal, proving, as the Poet has said, self love and social are the same." The account given in same of the Irish Papers of Mr* O'Comiell's re- ception at Wexford is highly dramatic. In aD English Assize town we often see the 1:), country people run at the sound of a couple of cracked trumpets to witness the solemn entry of the Sheriff and the Judges. But here the case was reversed, and at the ap- proach of the great Katerfelto the goodhu- iBOured Judge is said to have dismissed the Jury, that: they might witness the entrance of the towering Eagle—clipped, however, of bis £ wings.' To be sure the sight was near- ly spoiled bv a wicked sou of a Mayor who fiudeavoured to obstruct and stop the passage of the river; but the tide was too strong for him, and the Catholic Barristers enter- ed Wexford amidstload applause—but, as it would seem, with very few retainers.— Then comes a description of alternate pro- fessional and unprofessional speechifying. Firtt, the Learned Leader begins a speech in a chapel, then sets off to the Courts to attend to Hobbs v. Johnson, leaving the chapel to his flowery companion, who, with equal truth, good taste, and judgment em- bellishes his harangue with an assurance that Lord Liverpool, is a monster," and, Mr Feel, if possible, something worse.— KnawiEg liow sensitive these gentlemen are I-)ecom,e; and their wish that the privilege of galling tt&zftes, and of denouncing the views and motives of their opponents, should be confined exclusively to them- ,_slvc;1¡ we hardly know how to venture upon thetaSKofnotrclug suchassertiolls as these. Fortunately, the thing itself is so gross J.nd the object and disappointment so pal- pable, that it carries with it its own answer and antidote. That two of the most ami able and upright men, both in public and private iife (*hich we run no chance of contradiction when we assert Lord Li- *^f* ^ee* io should be b-; a trading orator that tmh a roan should so speak of such nieti, and fbd hsarers, and expect to find bclivers is 5. tax to be sure both upon our patience credulity. That censure is the tax msu pay for being eminent we well know; but that a generous adversary should attempt to enlist the bad passions of his audience by means of gross misrepresenta- tion, is more thaa we can tamely submit tn. If thera be a Catholic in Eng- land or Ireland who thinks that their cause can be served by calumny, let them listen to and applaud such misrepresentations as these; but if there are among them, as we trust there are, persons who have courage and good sense enough to think for them- selves, they soon discover that their pretended friends are their bitterest ene- mleSi and that if the amelioration of their country can be opposed and thwarted, these are the persons whose mistaken views and heated imaginations are incessantly employ- ed in the uuhallowecl tgsk of postponing, if not of for ever defeating, that which they "profess to promote. MADRID, JULT? H.—A very important of news is in circulation here to day. It is positively stated that the King before his departue (for La Granja. where he will rep^e three or four momhs) appointed a Junta or Commission, which will be inde- perde.,it-of the and will corres- pop, d directly with the Sovereign. This junta is specially charged to exa- mine the general state of the kingdom, and make a report on the subject. The Duke de I'lnfantado is spoken of as The President of the Council of Castile, a Councillor of State, and several other per- sons well known for their attachment to the Monarchy, will, it is said, be members of this Junta. Discussions of a very serious nature have taken place between our Ministry and -the British Embassy, relative to the tolera- tion at Gibraltar of the privateers of South Ameriand of pirates called Constitutional Ttfsich daily commit depredations injurious to the Spanish commerce and marine. The abode in that fortress of several individuals notorious as the enemies of the King's au- thority, and who are received there with vmarked attention, has alao been presented in its-true light,
