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WANTED, ,N ftn Attorney's Office, in North WaleS, a | ST E \|)Y ÝOUNG MAN, who has been Wnployediuan Office for a few years, as a Wri- ter, and who can be recommended for honesty and Applyi if by letter post paid at the Office of this Paper. WANTED, *N AN ATTORNEY'S OFFICE, in the 1 County of Carnarvon, a Person well versed in the general business of an Office; particularly Conveyancing, and Keeping Books-a liberal SaFo7fdrther particfllars,.apply (if by letter post paid) to the Editor ttf tills Paper. -——' THE Marquis of Anglesey s Speech. THE Sttm of THR EE GUINE AS will be awarded to the author of the best WE LSH translation of the Speech delivered, by the MAR- QUIS OF A NGLESEY in the House of Lords, against ferantih"- further concessions to the Roman Ca- fholitjsU'iVd which appeared in this Paper on the 26th. ult. .1. „ Communications to be sent sealed p p. directed to the Office of this paper. r r -WHTTRSUANT to a Decree in Chancery af M tl,e Court of Great Sessions for the severa. Counties °f FUnt. Denbigh, and Montgomery made in a cause between Thomas Hughes and Zther, Complainants, and Ann Pr.ceand others defendants, the Creditors of John Price, late of Denbigh, in the county of Denbigh, who died on or about the 11th day of November last, are ■•pe- remptorily to .come in before John Cox, Gentle- man, the Registrar of the said Court, on or be- fore the First day of the next Great Session, for the county of Denbigh, and prove their debts, or in default thereof, they will be excluded from the benefit of the said Decree. Williams and Evans Solicitors for Complaiuants. James V. Home Solicitor for Defendants. Castle Inn, Conway. C. OWEN, BEGS leave most respectfully to inform the Nobility, Gentry, Commercial Travellers, and the Public in general, that she has lately en- tered upon the above INN, which is most desi- rably and conveniently situated in the centre of the town, having the Chester and Hotyhead new line of Road passing in front of the House. C. O. trusts, that the neat style in which the House is fitted up, the assiduous attention that shall be paid, and the lilwml scale upon which every department of the Establishment shall be conducted, will ensure for her a share of public patronage and support. The Wines and Spirits are of the'choicest de- scription. The Apartments are commodious gnd the Beds well aired. .frJ1" Neat Post Chaises and open Carriages, with able Horses and careful Drivers, on the shortest notice.

Family Notices

[No title]





__-__.-__-_-'"---MARKET HERALD.…