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SIXTY-SIX ERRORS OF THE CHURCH OF ROME. [CONCLUDED.] 33. THAT the sacri:i<-(-> of the mass is a propi- tiation, is, like transubtantiation. taking the sign for the thing signified. It.should be considered an emblem of the atonement by the death of Christ, and of redemption through faith in his blood. 34. The apostles particularly forbade prayer and exhortation in an unknown tongue, as deli- berately established by the Romanists. 1, 35. The grant of prmloget to churches, some having the power of giving plenary indulgence for a year or two, others perpetually. 36. Popish subjects are not bound to keep the oath of allegiance to a Protestant prince; the pope may license men to perjure and forswear themselves. (Council of Constance, session 25.) 37. It is a mortal sin to keep faith with here- tics.— (See Martin V:, Letter toth, Duke of Lithuania.) The common sense and humanity of Romanists have made these two errors abor- tive. 88. Tribunal of the inquisition, imprisonment in the most dreadful dungeons, and burning to death at the stake of conscience sake, and no mo- ral or political criiiie. 39. The pompous dresses, decorations, and ce- remonies, which are to impose on the vulgar, are evidently ridiculous to the wearers, though their vanity is gratified. The supertluity of priests, friars, menks, and jesuits, found employment by inventing and practising whatever produced awe and subjeetiou. and attachment in the people, and they have made considerable use of the Pa- gan and Jewish precedents for their exhibitions. 40. The sanction of masquerading in the Itreltt. for six day, and carnival for six weeks after Christmas, is to supply the people with amuse- mentsllited to the vitiated taste of their anti- chrlstian minds. Thus this holy religion embraces the most unholy children, if they remain in her bosom by a few formal habits, easily acquired, at the price of every sin that may be committed with safety. 41. Saying prayers on a string of beads. Ten small to one large makes ten prayers to the Vir- gin for one to God. The whole system of repe- tition, to gain by quantity or number, is contrary to our Lord's precepts, and not agreeable to the importunity he recommends in prayer; for a re- petition is mechanical, and implies false religion, as if God was to obey a mechanical impulse. 4.2. The rosary teaches the fifteen principal events of the gospel on beads: five joyful, five grin-hus, and five glorious. This is to serve in- stead of reading the whole gospel as inspired by the Holy Ghost. 4:.<. The invocation of angels rejected in the word of God. The crowd of pictures, and sta- tnes, and holy things, to be saluted, or kissed, or prayed to. in Popish churches, brings the mind to stone, wood, and tnelal, and leaves the intellect for itiv devil t,, sow att manner of vicu all these mediums naturally intervening between God and the soul. 44. Miracles said to he performed by relics and images, lead the mind from God to the wood, stone, or hone, Lying legends. The holy house at Loret- ta, brought from Jerusalem to Italy through the air; a picture is sold there of the hpuse flying through the air, and the Virgin sitting on the roof. A priest there said to a Protestant, Ah, sir, we do not believe it but we are obliged to keep it up, it makes the poor people so very der vout." 46. The absurdity of relics having so many pieces of the real cross in divers places, as would make more than one cross, and many bottles of the blood of Christ, the picture of the Virgin by St. Luke, &c. 47. The dreadful defect of police in all priest- ruled countries no sufficiency of ri agistrates, as of evildoers a few advertisements that God sees us, and remedies to avoid bestiality, and placarded on the walls; while the country, i is unsafe to live in or pass through, without cat tious provision by the individual for his safety- living in towns, and not travelling b, uight.— The whole population without a principle of ho- nesty or truth in any matter of self-interest, where lie and honesty may pass with impunity. 45, Making the sign of the cross, as a presen- taiive interferes with true prayer, and it has by abuse taken the mind from the atonement, to the gibbet which was commonly used by the Romans in all thtir executions of criminals. The ban- ditti in Italy have crosses engraved on their guns, and the Virgin alliil Child on the hiltr- oftlieir daggers, which they have been seen by their prisoners to kiss for luck, when they set out to rob and murder. 49. Dressing the images of the Virgin Popish churches with wigs of curled hair, rich caps, brocade pstticoats, muslin sleeves, and elegant gowns, with sundry valuable necklaces, and laced flounces. The Child is also dressed ridiculously. This is dope as a preparation foroarniva). and the pillars of the church are covered with purple velvet and gold fringe, and often vie with the theatres in showy spectacle. 50. L'xercising the devil out of salt, aud out of to make holy water, and out of various places and Ititngs, by written fQrnt nd. ny, as it'by the priest's power. This holy water, sprinkled by the pope or priest on solemn days, or to dip the finger, tp make the sign of the cross, kept in fonts at the entrance of churches, by the side of beds, &c. to keep away evil, is an unscriptural invention. It is only an emblem vf the washing of regeneration as used in baptism; the salt is judiciously proportioned, to prevent it from stinking. 51. Holy wax amulets hung round the neck, a superstition to gain money and exercise credulity. 52. A great number of small candles, set near- ly close together, on spikes in a square board, as many as the worshipper pays for, are lighted in the churches. They have virtue ascribed to them to assist prayer, either for the living or the dead though it is broad daylight. 63. The great tall candles lighted on the ftltar, and entinguished at certain times, and the lamps at the various altars and shrines of saints, have no precedent, except with Mahommedans, Jews, and Pagans. The altar at certain times is illu- minated with a great number of candles, large and small. to make the ignorant and childish minds admire it. 54. The immense number of ecclesiactics more than true religion requires, the innumerable or- ders of monks, and friars, and jesuits, all bache- lors of tiivinity, settillg out, in the prime of their >U!r. r" manhood, on a life of celibacy, with confidential secret influence over females, especially married women. 5i). The shrines and images of the saints have lamps burning all day in the streets, roads, shops, or work-houses. A coffee-house keeper will cheat and tell lies to a stranger behind his coun- ter, while a picture of the Virgin over his head has three tapers burning. Blacksmiths work un- der such a picture with several candles all day burning. 50. The profusion of silver on an altar looks like the sideboard of a prince. 57. The votive offerings hung on the wall near an altar; such as, a pair of crutches, a gown a pair of pantaloons, a wax sore breast, a pistol, a dagger, bad pictures on boards, nine inches by six, of escapes and deliveries from falling under a cart-wheel, from being robbed, from an assas- sin who follows with a dagger, from falling into a well, from sickness in bed all these in the cor- ner have Mary or Joseph looking out of heaven apiti gi,aiitiiig tiie iliej-(,y. Thus is the faith in God obscured, and his honour given to another. 5S. Burning of incense, at solemn times, on the altar, is a pagan custom, like the censor swung at mass by a little boy, from which a pretty smoke rises up into the air. The holy week at Rome, with processions of priests holding candles, a crucifix formed of lamps inside, together with fireworks of gunpow- der outside the church, is in imitation of the pagans. 60. At the festival of a saint, soldiers are pagans. 60. At the festival of a saint, soldiers are marched to keel) order. Forty iron tubes loaded with gunpowder are inserted in the pavement, a train of powder lets them off, like a fcu-de-joie, when the ceremonies inside are over. I 61. The benediction of crosses, images, and bells, as ifdiviue virtue could be added so wood, stone, or iyietal. 62. The distinction between venial and mortal sin. 63. The priest assuming the right of hearing confessions, while the scripture directs Chris- tians generally to confess their sins to one another. I St. Wearing relics to cure diseases. Many churches have a printed catalogue, hung up on the wall, of all the relics they possess. 66. The pope's coronation, at which he is adored by the cardinals who elect him. 66. Stations of crosses, generally twelve, a lit- tle distance from one another, to lead the wor- shipper from one degree of pardon to another.— e Some are in ifelds and gardens, others in churches. —These are to serve like beads, to number the repetition of prayer, instead of permitting the word of God to be read, and prayers to be made by his Spirit in the heart of the believer.




