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LONDON, SATURDAY MAUClt 10. THE following is the last clause in the Act for Suppressing Uttlawful Societies in Ireland, the blanks having 1* filled up after the printing of the Bill: "And bt it enacted, that this Act shall com- mence aed be of force from and after the expiration of ten days from and after the passing thereof, and notsooner; and shall te and continue in force for two years from the day of passing this Act, and until the end of the !14,J ii of lJnr~ liamentl' The wordifiii italics are the additions. The Biit received the Royal Assent on the gth instant. In the Parliamentary Report on the state of Ireland are some curious questions and answers regarding what in Ireland are called Middle Men—that is, men who take land from landlords, and who let it again to others at an increased price per acre. It was formerly supposed, and strenuously asserted in Ireland, that such men were nuisances, and that to them most of the existing evil4 in Ireland were to be attributed. About this time last year we defended these men, and, in con- tradiction to the generally-received opi. nion, we asserted that they were a class of people beneficial to the state-for that as a matter of necessity, they commonly resided near the land so leased to them, but which they re-let, and that consequent- Iy wbat profit they realised they spent among the shopkeepers and farmers in the neighbour hood— atid that in a national respect they were greatly to be preferred as good members of society, and as efti cient subjects of the King before the landlords themselves, who commonly lived out of Ireland. We put the case in this way—suppose A, the laud-holder, had an estate, which was worth ten thousand pounds a year, and that he employed an agent to reside upon the spot, and thst he gave that agent 21 per cent, or 2501. a year for collecting his rents and, as is,, the case generally with Irish estates, the landlord lived in England or France, and we will even suppose the Rent duly col- lected-bere would be 2001, a yL-u sp,61,tl in Ireland by the agent, but 12,7501. would be remitted to the landlord to be spent by him in England or France. But suppose a middle-man were to take the estate from the landlord, and was to give him 8,0001. a year, then of course the landlord, would have to spend only that sum of money away from Ireland; but the expenditure there, in consequence of such middle-man being the lessee (who would probably re- side in Ireland;, would be 2,0001. a year or more by 1,7501. than would be spent by the agent. Now we should think that take it in general, an absentee Irish land. lord would preter to let his land all in one lease to a responsible man, for 80001. a year, employ an agent, at 2501. a year, to watch tenants who might or might not pay the 10,0001. a year. Most great land- holders know how tender-hearted many agents are, and that, in too many instances they are as open to be influenced by tenants as in modern schemes. (From the Jamaica Royal Gazette of the 22d Jan J By the Thracian, 18, we learn, that hostilities were still canied on between the Castle of Saint Juan de Ulloa and the town of La Vera Cruz. When she left the latter place, several houses had suffer. ed severely from the bombardment from the Castle. Great rejoicings took place a Carthngena in consequence of the defeat of the Royalists tind the capture of Lima by the liberating army under General Suere, General Bolivar being absent on account of extreme indisposition. Several valuable Spanish merchantmen which were at Caltao ftllinto the possession of the patriots. The Venezuela frigate, Com- modore Chitty, was fitting out at Cariha- gena to take despatches to England from 'he Colombian government, announcing the total annihilation of the Spanish forces IN the South Seas. A double bounty was paid to able-bodied seamen who enlisted on-board the Venezuela. MUNICH, MARCH 7.—The King has made known to the supreme authorities of the Protestant Churches of the kingdom his firm inteution of maintaining the Pro- testants in all the rights which they en- Joyed in Bavaria, and which were solenui- Iy guaranteed to them by our fundamental ;omract. His Majesty had it principally .n view to satisfy tiie Protestants, who Airman immense number of the inha- bitants of many circles of New Bavaria (united to the kingdom ever since 1802), *"ith respect to ihe arrangements made with 9 j*e Court of Rome, and some acts of thte Catholic Prelates.



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