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LONDON, SATVBDAY MARCH 8, TUEartaogement to relieve General the Hoo. Sir PVIward Paget, as commander in Chief in lodieq, is finally settled. Ue»(«""t'-Generalr Lord Combmnere, £ mmander of oar Forces in Ireland sail? fn my f«r In^«. The Lieut-G*»cral of the Ordnance (Sir George Murray) succeeds Lord Combcrmere in Ireland; and the latter's late situation, as Governor •of the Royal Military College, will re- tnain opeo -for Sir Edward Page We feave not Mard who the new Lieutenant- Ceoeral of the Ordnance is to be, but pro- bably Lord Beresford will have the ap- pointment again offered to him. PERU.—The Liberating Army, under the-command of General Sucre, ha com- pletely routed the Spanish army on the 9th of this month, in the plains ^of GuamanguHla. General La Serna who commanded it, has been wounded and18 made prisoner, with, Gen era)Is Ciintent Valdez, and Garratela, and other chiefs, officers, and troops. In consequence, al the baggage of the enemy, their arms and accoutrements, are in our possession.— Lieutenant-Colonel Medina, Adjutant of bi? Excellency the Liberator, carried the official despatch of the action, and it is to lamented that he had the ill fortune to be assassinated in Guardo by the rebels in that town. Bnt all the authorities of 4he towns, in the immediate vicinity of the field of battle, officially announce the triumph of oOlr arms adding, that Gene. ral Canterac, who took the command when General La Strna was wounded, capitulat- ed, that the fortress of Callao should be giiren up to the Liberating Army. "00the.9th. December was completed the day which commenced at Juijiti io the beginning of the year Spaniards pre- tended to reconquer America with that army which has now ceased to exist. 1 he plains of GwmafiguiHa -v, mewedI <fce victory which bas terminated the war of independence in the Continent of Colom- bia. There was prided the question which divides Europe, which immediately concerns America, interests the whole Ismail race, and the influence of which "ill be felt., no doubt, in a thousand suc- ceeding generations; the question is, whether the world is to be governed by the absolute power of those who called themselves legitimate, or if the period is arrived when the people are to enjoy their rights and liberties. The Liberating Army has solved the problem, and has raised the last monomentthat was requisite for its glory. Gratitude will inscribe on it the names of the conquerors of Guaman- illa and of the illustrious genuis who has directed the war, preserved Peru and, in the events of February has only met with new roads to glory; his fame will last to the end of the world. and this is a feeling wbich animates all hearts desirous of liberty." We have thus the pleasure to communi- cate this day to our readers an authentic account of the final extinction of the sem- blance of the Spanish power in South ,At-nerica %-an event the most important to the interests of Great Britain and to the peace of the world, that has occurred since the Battle of Waterloo. When, in- deed, it is considered that by the conquest which the gallant Patriots of Colombia and Peru have made of security and peace, they have obtained the opportunity of pursuing unmolested the consolidation of their government, and oi promoting agri- culture and commerce; the imagination can scarcely compass the field of specula- tion that opens to the enterprises of Bri- tish iadaatry and the employment of Bri- tisli capital. And when we reflect tbat the only shade of discontent that has darkened the surface or European Politics for the last eight years, has been produc. ed by the ambitious designs of the Bour. bons upon South America, then this last victory may be accepted as the pledge of peace in both hemispheres. PARIS, March 1.—Events of great im- portance are said to be in progress in Egypt. The Pacha is making every e f- fort to civilize hi8 country, while, other side, they labour with incredible fury to force the people back to a state ot barbarism. The Pacha is instructing and forming abont twenty thousand men, according to European tactics. Many French Generals, among wljom are Boyaj and Livron, accompanied by, a certain number of Officers on half- pay, and some retired, have arrived at Cairo, where they are employed by the Pacha.



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