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I POST OFFICE STEAM BOATS. THE following is a correct report of what oc- curred in the. House of Commons, on the 9th in- stant, on.this subject,. so interesting to the Irish and this country generally: Sir HENRY PAHNELL said, the petition he held in his hand was signed by 110 of the most respect- able Merchants of the City of Dublin, it com- plained that the recommendations of the Com- mittee, that had made a report on the Holyhead steam-boats, had not been attended to, and that the public, in consequence,, had suffered very great inconvenience. The importance ofiliqsub-, ject-required that some explanation should be givfett io the House concerning it. Having been of the Committee, he begged to des- cribe the way the business had been examined The Committee having ascertained, that" it the opinion of the Post-oflice that three pack&Bi -were stifiicient, and engines of thirty- hors^ipowei- large enough, examined, in order to forrnifeeoiTect opinion upon this point, seventeen engiiiicers, mae captains of steam-boats, and six -itid the result of the evidence be- iflrdécidedlyio fa,vp-ur ,of, ,ha ring not less, tilail fouriteam-boats, each with two fifty-horse el)" girfes)'recommended this arrangement to the Post- Wiit nothing had been done in consequence of thfs rdconim&ldation', and the petitioners com- plainf with reason, that the packets are longer on -than they ought to be, thereby, bringing theirbetters to Dublin, after the hours' ofbiisfriess; and that the Holyhead packets are pas^6^ at seav whenever t-lie.Liverrool packets fall Sr uith them. The-petilibners have a righ t to complain, that their letters are delayed nearly three;1 hours at Holyhead; For, although the London iftail arrives tllereat half-past four in the morning, the Packet does not till between seven and eight, waitirig-fortheChester mail. If proper re- gulatiohs were adopted by the Post-office, English lett(3rSf might be delivered, not only much earlier in iftiMin, biit so early as to effect a saving of twenty-four hours in the correspondence between London and Dublin. The mail might arrive at irolyh^iiTl at" two o'clock in, the morning, and the "letters' might be delivered in Dublin by eleven and if k packet left Howth at four o'clock in the evening, it would arrive in time at Holyhead for the Lonjlon mail, if made to departat the proper hour: A second packet ought to sail with the Chester'mail; for it is no longer fit to have the London cotrespondence keptback to accommodate it In consequence of so few packets- being enj- ployeci, it frequently happens that there is no packet at Howth to .carry the mail.; thisis always the detse whenever the weather prevents a packet from arri ving at Howth from Holyhead in regular ebutse; Passengers frequently "come down to HowtlrfroinDublin, and have to return to Dublin; thougS, the wieather- may be as fair us ppssible for, crossing the chann 1 To remedy this, Howth bai- bortsr should alw > have, an ?xtra steam-packet in it. Eat h p ktt ought1 to remain there one •dky after its ariavai froioHolyhead. The service -of G ovm-nmeut" requires this ^gulatiou^- for a .^ecessity mighiiirise to send off dispatches, where delay would he most injurious, and particularly so, now tliat th^ frish estabUshmerits for carrying on- public business have been abolished, and tlkir business transferred to London; The petitioners also complained of the high chargeg of the packets; the rate of charge, was 4 4. mile—while that of other steam-boats, on ah average, all over Great Britain, was 2d. a mile. The charge for a carriage with twohorses, in crossing the channel, was greater than posting the same distance—so that the Post-office made travelling by sea, dearer than, travelling land. ver blind policy, it contributed to Y, diminish their revenue, and would inevitably lead to a competition against them, that would, with proper exertion, deprive them of all their packet revenue. If the Post-office will not lower thwf charges, this was the remedy the. petitioners Would have recourse to thsir success would I be, Certain; and the good they would do to the pub- lic would be incalculable. The petitioners also atte-ntiort of the House to the state of the road f^Bm Bangbr to Chester. they very truly say, that this is a particularly bad road and they, justicei ripresent. the correspondence betwfefen Dublin and Liverpool of every great im- portance. They offer to contribute funds towards providing the meafisof improving this road, and 9 this cBrtaitily is well worthy the ponsideration of Government, whether some plan cannot be devised for eji^edlting the communication between Dub- lin aMl Liverpool, and the manufacturing dis- trict of the North of England. The Hon. Metriter concluded by saying, that he would take another opportunity ofbringing before the House, Hie conduct of, the Post-office, concerning the Holyhead steam-packets.

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Family Notices

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■■■; LONDON, •..