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llAYTI. (From Blackwood"s Magazine) AN officer of his Majesty's ship the T- which was sent to St. Domingo, by rite Admiral commanding at Jamaica, two or three years ago, has assured me that their numbers are di- minishing. This I can very well imagine, for they are without medical assistance when sick and when well without prudent foresight. I have no doubt but that the persons in posses- sion of the government and the troefps lead a life of great comfort, but I think it probable, that the peasants are in a state of poverty and misery equally conspicuous. The negroes have very imperfect notions of justice to each other; and if I am to judge of the o-eneral conduct of their magistrates, by some stories of them which I have heard, such as the following, for example, their notions of equity are different from ours. A jnge de paix, before whom a right to a fowl was litigated by two persons, ordered it to be dressed for his own supper, as a certain way of putting an end to the dispute, which he lamented had taken place between two citizens, and ought not to be allowed to go any further. There are two parties in St. Domingo, viz. those of the Malattoes and the Blacks, between whom there is a decided antipathy. The Malat- toes are not supposed to be more than 10 or 15,000. The rest of the population are chiefly negroes.. In the south, by their superior addresses, the mulattoes made themselves masters of the govern- ment, and still retain it. But in the north, Christophe, who was a negro, succeeded in placing himself at the head of affairs, and after possessing himself of unlimited power, put all the Mulattoes in his dominions to death, as per- sons who, from their colour, must be inimical to his authority. The government of the tyrant, however, was so severe, that the Blacks of the north were glad to place themselves under the Mulattoes of the south.. ] As there are now very few white men resident in Hayti, the Mulattoes must decrease in num- bers. They will breed back again towards the original negro, and whenever they are much les- sened, they must resign their power. It will then be seen whether the negro is capable, with the intellect apportioned by nature to that variety of the human race, to govern a country in anything like a civilized manner. Petion, Boy'er, and the other Mulattoes that now govern the country, or 'have formerly done so, have been educated at the cost of their white parents in France. The sue-r cceding Mulattoes will not have received the ad- j vantages of an European education. They will be mors unfit for power than their predecessors), a circumstance which must contribute to throw the government into the hands of the Blacks. The government is nominally republican, but really despotic. Though there is a legislature, the members of it never meet to do business.— Every act of power is done by the President Boyer, or his Secretary lugnac. Boyer's cha- racter, I believe to be extremely respectable and that of his predecessor, Petion, was remark- ably so. The last, vii. Petion, is said to have starved himself to death, after having arranged every thing forthe succession of his aid-de-camp Boyer, on account ofdi a4 pointmeut in not hav- ing been able to irnke a eidiized and piospeioiis people of those of Hayti. The military foice is considerable, and is ge- nerally stated at 20 to 25,000 men under mIlS,- Their navy consists of a few schooners ill-armed and ill-manned. At: sea they may be said to be powerless but .e¡t-1an!, foi midaoie. Whoever is President, must keep up 11 i«»« 1I,1i\it:-ny force, or his authority would IHH last si* months.-— With such means, it wctiir. be dithcult for the Haytians to allin-lv a neif.hbvuiiiiig island • but it would be pquuUy danc-eious for olheis to invade them. The re of the cOlmlrYi aml the climate of Hay ii, would operate in their fa- vour—even more powerfully than their muskets and bayonets. Upon being attacked by an European force they woul abandon tsu-ir towns, retire to their wood-i and mountains, where white troops could not follow them, and leave famine, the climate, and the yellow fever, to de- stroy slowly, but certainly .the battaluuis of their I invaders. To a gentleman who was in London last year, and who had resided some years in Hayli. as an agent to sone British moi chants, the following questions were put, and the following answers to them were received finm ¡¡ill! I. Whether the population, of St. Domingo have any religious insi unions in the country ? Answer—Schools, private and public are esta- blsdied—indifferently well managed. Every pa- lish lias is church (Catholic); priests, white chiefly, but in some iustdiices, of colour are not wanting. A few years asjo. Methodist Mission- aries were there; but I hey have lately been sent away, 2. What is the mOtal condition of the people ? Answer-This question lbeg to decline giving a written answer to, but verbally I wdl state it to be the worst upon the face o! the earth. Every moral tie or feeling is quite unknown in St. Do- mingo. 3. Whether marriages are solemnize.I among Answer—Yes, but not very geiuially. In this respect they are improving. 4 Whether the children are baptized? An- swer-All. b. Whether there are ,r schools of instruc- tions in the country ? Answer—In all small bo- roughs, I believe. The oyen country contains only detached cottages at great intervals. 6. How are they employed? Whether the people work or not, as they or whether they are apprenticed for a certain number of years to the possessor of the soil, and obliged to work under his authority 1 Aiisivei-I)i the towns there is same industry in the country very little. There is no kind of 7. If this is the case, ha:; I he master the power of punishment for idleness, misconduct, or other oflence? Answer—None and even the consti- tuted authorities enforce liitle discipline, except in cases of great crimes, as murder, &c. 8. Is there any degree of civilization, or are the people savages under a half-civilized go- vei,niiietit, ? Answer—Thou; ij a great degree of civilization. There are no savages, and the go- vernment counts men of considerable talents and education among its meinln-rs. They are gr-ue- rally a polite people. -Kf!r!1-



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