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In the village of Larbert, where lies intered the celebrated Abyssinian traveller, there is placed at the end of a house fronting the road, a large figure of the lion, cut from stone, by some country mason, and which may rank among the most un- lion looking of the many characters of the noble beast. The traveller could not fail to be offended with the unnatural thing, and used to recommend to the man who kept the house to have it re- moved. When Mr. Bruce was riding through the village one day, the owner, having got the animal newly painted a bright red, was standing at the door, the travellers horse naturally took fright at the grinning monster, and reared and pranced with every symptom of fear. A Mr. Bruce," cried the pleased owner, although you have been in Africa, your horse knows best when it sees a lion." The following curious circumstance took place a few weeks ago at MarseillesA gentleman of the highest respectability, who has seveial years carried on business in that town as a merchant with probity and honour, was a few weeks ago arrested upon a charge of house-breaking, under the following circumstances. His next dooi neighbour, a choleric old gentleman of-12, coming home between nine and ten o'clock in the evening discovered some person in the act of scaling his premises, and entering at the first-floor window. He immediately hailed the police, who happened fortunately to be passing at the moment,, and had the depredator (who in the event turned out to be the above-mentioned merchant, his next door neighbour) secured, and conveyed to the guard- house. lie immediately commenced proceedings against him for intent of robbery the unfortu- nate o-enideman filled the court, with witnesses, who °p.otested to his unblemished character; but all of no avaIl, the prosecutor had brought his wile, an interesting young woman, some 10 or 20 years younger than himself, together with his female servants, to prove that there was no connection between himself and the prisoner, nor the slightest intimacy between the parties; but the Jury were decided, and the Jiuhe was about to condemn the unfortunate culprit to the gallies. when he produced a iii.-ii.b,-r of letters, couched in the most tender terms, v\ hich he had received fora the wife of the pros cutor, wherein she in- vited him to bnakfast, &c. with her at different times, when her husband was absent. The my- stery bring thus unravelled, the gentleman went into an explanation of the suspicious situation in -which he had been discovered, and from which it turned out that he was in the habit of passing the nights with the lady in question whenever her husband was absent: that his mode of entrance was by the unfortunate window, that no servants might be privy to his interviews with Madame that on the night in question the husbwi being- out, he had beea in vited as usual, and wa';tI the act ( f entering, when Monsieur's unexpected re- turn t'lrew him into the dilemma in which he found himself the next morning. Learning that Monsieur had determined to arrest him for robbery (not hav ing the slightest idea of the real object of his visit), lie suffered the case to proceed to the utmost; when, perceivirg the matter to be on the point of turning out mere seriously than he at first imagined, he saw himself under the neces- sity of shielding himself from the threatened pu- nishment for the supposed crime of theft. LORD MANSFIELD AND JOSKTH JACOBS, nicknamed JOE WANT-MONEY.—" During the above able lawyer presiding as Chief Justice of the King's Bench, this same JOSEPH JACOBS was in the con- stant habit of justifying bail for considerable sums before him and one day, when he went up to justify for a very heavy sum, he was opposed by Sergeant DAVY, who had a mortal Hatred to him and questioned him as usual about his property but JOE was dressed according to the costume of time and covered all over with gold lace, upon which Lord MANSFIELD archly replied, I (,)It take him, he'll burn for the money.' At another time, Sergeant DAVY was again opposed to him and JOE coming to the Imowlèdge that there was a D U ot the Sergeant s lying overdue in CornhiH tookit up, and when the Counsel, as he thought' was cutting JOE up without mercy, upon his BEIMR tsked, whpre's you I' property, JOE. l' he answerecf, • V I 5 f"R he had been previously FUR* "'FRY,*)" TL,E A,NOUNT HE was to bail for in notes *irE EXC.EPTIOU Of the Sergeant's bill: and tillAREIN NO,IT>SIN PAI'T; an.lifvoii „ M UP DAI BIL1' Oianding it to the Ser- de MNNICLC!>1 'S, 'S° IOI1! OYEI'-due, it vil make UP de iuoiiisli., laugh ensued, and lÙ bdl was raider wVi YI' A LITT.LE CASHED EM* life of hk threatened the! that h„hL"»n TS"'„:if8 Mrs. M'Crthy fu. ™ Mr'. Scroggms, their landlord and Mr DEN^ M* Carthy repelled it very indignantly, DECLARING it was all a basely trick of Tim Scroggins TO'-ET him out of the place. The Magistrate asked What is Mr. Timothy Scroggins the tailor overhead, yer Honour," replied MR Dennis M'Carthy, and little's the truth there is in him. Here, Mary, love, and little Dennis, come forrut Mary M'Carthy, and little Dennis, her son, came forward from among- thf* crowd at the lower end of the office I:-cording]V' and having done their manners to his WOISHI' Mr. Dennis M'Carthy proceeded to question his beloved Mary. love, did I pnt a knife to YH at all, last nightfaith, didn't ye, Den- nis," replied Mrs. MCCARTHY. Did I put any thing else to you? Nothing at all Dennis— nothing of any I)i,l I EV-r bale ye, out No, indeeJ, Dennis didn't ye-ounly ye was a bit fracrious with me last night. But ye didn't bate me at all a" 1 renumber Very well, then!" said M- Dennis M'Carthy, ti- YPR HONOUR sees the rights of it and Tim Scroggins is a great blackguard to be sending me to the could watch-house out of m- oitn warm place." Dis; Worship asked Mrs. M-Carthv whether Denni* was a good husband in general ?->' indeed ami PNRILS'- YE: T°RTC,LII)'" Mrs. M'CCTRFHV. cuitsymg to the ground—" as nine a husbun I a* WIS!> FOR~^RI'N the Ucler. it oftet he it ¡hi", shpwi:lg: Dennis was gins was told, that if he wished to -EUI L ofa- troublesome lodger, ho must do it by legal means. S PAR SING AT THE ROYAL TENNLS COURT -J Langan, the Insh champion, had a beniit on Friday at this Court, which was crowded to ex- cess. An unfortunate accident had OCCURRED "to Langan, who was very lame, from having run a nail into the joint ol his toe through his boot — He, however, addressed his patrons after he mounted the stage with Belcher. He regretted that it was not in his power to entertain the com- pany as he wished, but he would DO his best.- After the set-to with Belcher, which was M ex- cellent one, and in which there was much equa- lity in respect to science, unbounded applause a.id shouts of bravo I" followed.—Langan next said, the honour conferred upon him was an HO- nour he should ever feel proud XP deserve and should he again appear in the iilii> lie nle'DU-erl himself as an Irishman that his humble E^RU shouhl not be wanting to produce a more a ree- able mill than that on the last 7th of JANUARY 1 (Shouts of applame.) JFE had merely to'S ate, W Ja l l; tad°P^'d the ProfeMionJf a pugi^ 1st foi a short time, he was always ready to ac- commodate any man called the Champion of Eng- land froni £ 300 to £ 1000 on a similar sta^e to that on which Cribb and Molineaux fought their last battle. (Loud cheers.) He had no animo- sity against any man, but a strong desire to dis- pute the Championship with any man in the world. HATTON.G ARDEN .-Eccentric; Lunatic.- Friday a most respectable-looking man, about 40 years of age, named Joseph Watson, was brought up from Clerkenwell watch-house,charged with (lis- orderly conduct on the preceding night, assault- ing watchmen, &c. &c.—The watchmen stated, that about twelve o'clock, the prisoner created great alarm throughout the whole of Middlesex- J™' '^rkenweli, by knocking at the different doors AMI nng-mg the bells, cryino-out "Fire'" -••Ksi r so alarmed, that windows were thrown'"up Tnd the most pressing calls were made for the'fire- engines ladders, and other means of escape 1 Several females were sn i I that with ililflcuTlv ,rv T ™ throwing themSelv«„tf";re Pref™,ed others F OT ,,LE windows, whilst MANV OF TH U?D<'R THE E&CTS OF terror; an.i shirts S RAN INTO THE streets in thrir leirn THO approach of every watchman to DIII-PLV I CAU,SE FHE disturbance, he was i.nme- „ Y knocked down by the prisoner, llow- 'ER MUCH resistance, he vvas secured and aKen to the watch-house. When the prisoner WAS placed at the bar, he was immediately r-cog- nized by Read, sen. the head officer, as having BEEN frequently there before upon similar^charges- Owing to some eccentricity of mind, he is at pre- sent under bail at this Office, as also at Marlbo- rough-street, Guildhall, and the Mansion Houses for various freaks, such as slipping a handful ef mud into ladies' reticules as they walked the streets-thrusting the heads of intent gazers at caricature shops through the windows—and pur- chasing cat's meat and putting it into the POCKETS of the passengers—pulling women's caps and bon- nets, and lifting up their clothes.—This statement of Read's was corroborated by numerous witnes- ses.—He was sent to a private mad-house.
