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Lonnoit, tURSDiY EVENING, PRICE OF STOCKS. !'I'(¡; 3 per C. Red 9 | 8 perCt Cons.90^ Do. for Ac. 90| I 4 per Cents. 1021 18 India Bonds 83 p | Kx. Bills (2d) 54p; New 4 per Cent. 106|- TiiE Jamaica Mail which arrived this morning, has brought some very import- ant intelligence from that island. By letters from Port St. Mary's we learn, that the militia had all been put under arms on the 20th ult. in consequence of a plot having been discovered among the negroes of Frontier and Port Maria Es- tates, on the northern part of the islati(I which had for its object the destruction of the whole of the white people and the puroing of the estates. This plot w stated to have had very extensive ramifi- cations, extending along the whole north- ern part of the island, and the "rebeUiljl •was to have been begun by the negroes jof Frontier and Port Maria* The 'had (driver of the Oxford Estate was also itn- iplicated and in custody. Eight other ne- groes have been arraigned and hung im- mediately, and the wer& march- ing to the Estates above mentioued when the letters left. Private accounts state, that martial law had been proclaimed, and that the greatest consternation ex- isted in the island. The sugar crop is stated to be very backward this season, and not generally productive. Melancholy accounts continue to ba received from the Cape of the deplorable state in which the poor emigrants have found themselves. For three year;, suc- cessively, the crops of wheat and fndia corn have been famished by drought, or been destroyed by a species of blight cal- led rust. The soil and climate were dis- covered from this sad experience to be utterJy unfit for purposes of tillage hus- bandry, and the resources of the settlers were wholly exhausted. Many of them are said to have applied to Lord Charles Somerset for a conveyance to Engtand or to Van Diemen's Land, but the atisw e t-I as reported jn the letters way, :4< that no means of such conveyance were at his Excellency's disposal. 'i The French papers have suddenly dropped all discussion on tha subjugation of South America, as if it were by autho- find now represent that it is proper to leavc the late colonies ti> themselves, to see whether they will not give their Governments such a form as may remove the objections entertained by the Holy Allies, to their independence. Although it may be justly implied from this intima- tion that intrigue is at work in the new States of America to turn them into ino- narchies, and perhaps even to place mem- bers of Coutinental Houses on their thrones, still it is a complete abandon- ment of the principle that they 'tilliift re- main the subjects of Spain. The news from Spain, both by papers and private letters, describe that country as in a. most wretched condition. The presence of French troops, seems to, have no other effect than to keep down any general movement but as to any pro- gress being made in the restoration of tranquillity, we believe the "bnly mo- tien has been a retrograde ofre. The Viscount de Marcellus has left Paris, not as Ambassador to Ferdinafid, but," on as Ambassador to Ferdinafid, but. «4 oa an extraordinary mission to Madrid."— It is beiteved that he tak^s instruction# to insist on the conclusion of some am- nesty. Some letters from Spaju assert t r'otigI party formal to compel King Ferdinand to abdicate in favour of his brother, and it is supposed the Monk's and Friars are at the head of it. They have lost their confidence in the latter since he dismissed their organ, Canon Saez, and they now prefer the Infante, Don Carlos, who-U completely pledged to their interests, Ths uniformly unfortunate result of all the great expeditions, sent forth against the Greeks, has at length alarmed the Porte for its safety. The Vizier, to whom the calamities of the war are ascribed without any justice, has been condemned ( to follow three of his predecessors into banishment; and the Captain Pacha has been directQd to assert, once more, the honor of the Crescent, with the same fleet of crhzy unsound ships, and the same plague-stricken crews, with which, but a few weeks ago, he gladly escaped into the Dardanelles from his Greek pur- suers. Fear is an evil counsellor but perhaps, Fear never before suggest da more absurd and destructive policy.