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THURTELL AND HUNT. IhlNbal presented a petition through Nr Ilarmer, to,, the Secretary of -,Qt(age,s office, II) whicb .be states thai he ifejes not deny his goiiE tn the murder of Wear., but rests hi. clatms t„l mercy on the prom.«* fJeid 0u, s disclosure of-where the b°dy .a, concealed. He says, 1 he proaecuiors, wjvhou, any previou. .ntimafiotrthat they were dmati.fi,,) w th your Petitioner ♦tatem.M, o, %ppl>io for y{o[[ ther information, discardeil bim, aad admitted Probert, wbor aayour Petitioner mod aolemnlv assert*, was even more deeply imi^ieaud in the crime than- your Petitioner^ and who had not intifled himself lo fhe leasi. clattn of merciful coiisKierati^u, inaamoeh a>s be denied all share in the guilty transactrbn until after ho learned thai yoiii P*titio»«r ba(t even then he pnly adtmtled Wwf lf to be fei accessary after the faet r and it wal not tfntil just as be WWI on the eve of being put Upon; bis trraf that Probert, 'or, the-first time, atated any know ledge or the previous iurention io d«-»iro) the deceased and in the evidence given by on the frja| k' .pri,;■■?.* tiiiig and, arranging The murder, and wkiinoledg- Thiirtpll' rrf Pe,itif)"er on'y obeyed hia and nii 1 71''°d ',ir«tino. in purchasing th. pistols and tha sack, and firing the ehaise." No reprtetfe bad been retyrved at-Tferiford Monday = J morning, for Hunt, fje it eiir,mtlr tow. Wed. nesday nest will be the day for bit execution, QQ- less in the mean time be receives a remission of tbe IIlIHi:llne.,H il belie,ted,lhat his eate "iit occupy the attentiob of the Kin^ in Council this day at Brlghtorr, In filvage life we might admire such an t-lit *a John Thurtel. When a brave Indian heard lie wis to be executed immtdiattly, he etclained, like it well, and shall die before my heart ia softened, or I have spoken any thing unworthy of myself. Such a speech might bee it oected from a man who worships the sun, the moon, or a fly but the aentiment is «,oite unworthy of a Cbria- t.an, whose best atonemewt for„ r,nU a fession of having committed it, with sorrow ami contrition fDrrra consequences. That Thurtell i,h.rr. 'h# klnd" feeling, of h«- I J nJ »fc r P ,nd to ,h* te*T% 'V? J L r 10 ,hf "Cond—a •' farrago of noasense. • We have before observed, that John Thurtefl as fe a fresh starin on bis country j for whera are we to look for a precedent of one man asking- anorber, uuder the toaak of friendsbip ane- good fellows hip, to accompany blitito the house of a friend, to tup, to al^eep, and. aport— and, having Rot him there, etnbruing his handl in his blood To hear such a rttan afterwards talk of beiojf aa- listed by •« ^ivine power," it a mockery too great even for charity to put up with. But we will trust oiirselres no lon(ter bo this loathsome subject. Rather lat .ua. try and banish it from our recollection. As, hbwever, our journal ii chieSy circulated in the country, let u. hold out one sUtr-ing voice—that InaHClltl of murder, it is not only he who atrikea the fatal blow that it subject to the dread penalty of the lew, but all who in any mariner aid & aaaist, or act any part io the tragic drama. That Huift and Probeit werf equally guilty of the intention of murdering Mr, Weare, the very oircumstancf of ao many peraona being asaembled together in the bouse of the lat- ter without one aparebed to sleep in, i, sufTicient pro'of. ^)n no ordinary occasion would the com- mon forms and ceremonies of Iif« have been dis- pensed with; Would to God we could find any words of consolation to offer to bia (Thar- teli's nearest connections I But their sorrows must be committed to the great Disposer of events and to the leoieat hand of time.

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