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.-1.,.---.¡¡¡r LONDON.


1. -¡¡¡r LONDON. -i UN Dd Y, NOYEJillER 16. By Havaonah Papers received to the beginning of October, we learn that the a Governor of that place was against the csfablishnieut of the Island of Cuba into a separute province, for which purpose a plot had been formed by many of the in- habitants, but which bad been discovered and the ringleaders arrested. Accounts from Santiago mention, that by a Decree of the Senate of Chili, every one born since the year 1811, within the tsrrii-ories of the Republic was free every one setting foot on the soil of the Republic became tree, aud that all who heretofore have been slaves, are absolutely made free from and after the passing of the Decree. Bayonne, Nov. 6.—Our letters from Madrid arc of the 2d, and we have journals to the 4th. The latter contains no news. The letters speak of the arrival of the Duke of Angouleme, almost incognito, notwithstanding the Royal Decree, which order? that he shall be every where re- ceived as the Infants. However, the Royal Volunteers went in crowds to do duty about his person, and the people, by their cries and huzzas, testified their desire to see him. His Royal Highness wis not J inclined to show himself, but at the in- ¡ treatv of the Duke de Guiche appeared 1 for a short time. The conduct of the King with respect to the Duke is thought very remarkable, when it is seen that he has authorised him to nominate as many grand crosses and knights of the Order of Charles III. as he shall think fit. Some fireworks were displayed before the Prince's window, and the whole city was illuminated. Batavkh 28.—His Majesty's fri- \jglampus, Captain de Man, have fa ht news from Padang so late as the f<Sth f this month, from which we learn Oie Purees had suddenly retreated • interior, and had not since ven- into tne '11 7 W posts occupied by our troops.. The Commander of the expe- dition renlailled at Pagger-Oedjong, and n continued to secure the environs, which were perfectly tranquil, against any attack from the Purees. r We have received by the Wm. Thomp- .uirh arrived in Liverpool on Thurs- d New York Papers to the 16th Oct. Thye following ^extracts:- „ Oct rom JJemarara.-— Captain Delano arrived on Saturday from Dema- jje states that the Negroes were still'assembled in larSe bodies, and that ef about 15,000, well armed, was within fig*11 m,'es town, which kept the inhabitants continually on the alert. Eight men were to be hanged the day Capt. D. sailed, and 253 more -would share the same fate' It was re- ported that Capt. Lee's troops had killed 300 in the interior. Virginia and Quebec Papers have ar- rived this morning, the former to the I I tli, the latter to the 2d ult. By the accounts from Quebec we learn that the small-pox continued to alarm th? inhabitants of New Brunswick, but more particularlv at St. John's, where several had died of it. Private letters from Paris state that the inquiries among the Parisians, as to the state of the King's health, and the probability of his speedy dissolutiou had become the general subject of conversa tioii, and it was reported that the return of the Duke d' Angouleme from Spain had been hastened on account of the very un- certain state of the French Monarch. It likewise current in that capital that the Ministry had determined to aid, with arms, money, and officers, the ex- pedition which it was expected would sail shortly from some of the Spanish ports, to assist in recovering South America.— As the Spanish Navy is incompetent to I the task of recovering these provinces, it was generally supposed Ferdinand would hire the vessels of some other power, and Russia is rumoured to have already prof- fered her assistance to convey the troops oftheexpeditior, to their destination.— The vessels of war which have already sailed, tinder the French flag, are stated in these adyices to convey some instruc- I tions, as as cer^a"i promises, to Can- arac, in l>pru' uPon whosedefence against Boiiva' the Royalist cause in South Ame- rica is dependant. ) fica I¡" The Fury. Cuptain Parry, and Hetla, Captain W°yd»- were botl, paid off -it 1, Devtfofd on Wednesday. The apparatus 'or* coii»('^0? t'ie Wimn air, and several ther things are however left on board, it is inferred another attempt J r on) vtlill" l_ V r discovering the north-west passage is We read in the Memorial Bordelaiq, that nine thousand cavalry and five thou. sand infantry, are to be cantoned this winter in the department of the Lower Pyrenees. By a vessel arrived at Bordeaux, letters f, dated the 21st of September, were received yesterday from the Hand of St. Thomas. An expedition was said to be preparing at Ilavannah for the recovery of the Spanish possessions in St. Domingo; the troops to be employed were those of Morales, which sailed for Cuba after the evarua- tion of If was supposed that St. Domingo was in a state so d e fence- ¡ iless, and so little apprehending an attack from such a quarter, that 1,000 men would he sufficient for the re-conquest of the city and the adjoining territory.—In- deed, it is understood that the defenceless state of the country, aud not any instruc- tions from home, has prompted the ut- tempt. With respect to Colombia, all further efforts on the part of the Royalist troops were considered hopeless Morales with his division were bound by the ar- ticles of the capitulation not to serve any more on the Main a-nd, according to let- ter from Ouracoa of the 3d of September, fugitives were daily arriving there from Puerno Cabeilo, intimating, by that sort of instinct hy which fit Is quit a falling house, that the laM place held by the Spaniards on the coast was not long likely to afford them shelter. Ireland. We learn with great concern, that a ferocious spirit of insubordination manifested itself on the 1IÏ!hl of Monday last, in the Parish of Kilbride, Barony of lyrawley, in this county. About the hour of niue o'clock, a party consisting of between 40 and 50 men, armed with swords, guns, pistols, bayonets and scythe blades, with wooden handles tilted to them, broke open the house of Anthony Isgue. of Carramore, where Mr. Robert Gardiner, son of Mr. John Gardiner. of Court Hill, then was, having gone there on business and having been detained by the severity of the night. The rulIialls, immediately on entering the house, drag- ged Mr. Gardiner from the bed on which he lay, and commenced mangling his body —exulting at the same time, and taunt- ing him, that he was then far removed from the assistance of Orangemen, sol- diers or police. n COUKT OF KING'S BENCH, Nov. 13.- Publication of Police Reports.— The names of the Grand Inquest of the county were then called, and the gentlemcnbeinfT sworn, 0 Mr. Justice Bayley adJressed them to the following effect they were now (he said)called to the discharging a public duty, which occurred so frequently in this city, that there were but few who were uoaquainted with the general nature of it. Upon this occasion, therefore, he should confine himself to giving this short advice—maturely to weigh the nature of all charges presented to their considera- tion, and carefully to inquire how far these charges were supported by the evidence adduced. Of the particular cases which were to come before them he knew no- thing, and could therefore give them no assistance as to the judgement which they were to form upon them. But there was one subject which he wished to mention— not with a view of its giving rise to any discussion among the Jurors themselves, or as likely to apply to any ca5e now to be submitted to their consideration but in the hope that a temperate mention of the law respecting it from this place would serve to put a stop to a practice which I had been too prevalenltand which greatly tended to embarrass and impede the ad- ministration of justice-namely, the pub- lication of details of criminal charges, and comments upon them before the trial of parties. This was in itself a misdemeanor, and nothing was more calculated to em- barrass Courts and Juries in the admi- nistration of justice. Cases had occur- red in which such conduct had been pur- sued by parties but he hoped that the mention of this subject by him would have the effect of preventing its repetition. He again stated that he did not throw out this suggestion as applying to any case which he knew was to come before them, but as a guide to them for their conduct if such a case should arise. Neither did he wish that it should furnish matter for discussion amongst the gentlemen of the Jurv. With these observations then, he should send them to the performance of their important duties, recommending to them, when a difficulty arose, to apply to the Court for its assistance, if the officer who waited upon them was incapable of relieving them. The Grand Jury then withdiew.



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