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I' sui'liRlOR Farming Stock, ANO HOUSEHOLD FURNITUR.E. TO Brl, SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE, On St outlay, the 10 th of November next, and the following days, at Irer borth-isa, near Bangor Ferry, fVlllE above STOCK, consisting of Ilorses, 'A Milch' Cows, and .other Cattle* of -th> j choicest kind a variety of Implements, on thf best cooslruction-iq well worth the attention of ^Gentlemen and Foritier,,i.- Scotch light & broad wheel Carts and Harvest Cars. The Household Furniture consists of mahoga By and other Tables, Chairs, Bedstead.. and Hangings, Carpets, Father Beds, Dairy Uleo sils, &c. &c. CARNARVONSHIRE AND ANGLESEY "F DISPENSARY AT a General Meeting of the Governors of the CARSDKVONSMKE and ANGLE- SEY DISPENSARY, held at the Dispensa- rllon the Ihth of I ictober, 1823, being the Fourteenth Anniversary of the In- stitution—• THRRIGHT REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF BANGOR, IIV TIIE CIIIIR. The Accounts or the Institution were examin- ed and approved. RESOLVED, That the 'hanks of the Governors "be preseoted to the. Presidrns Treasurer, Chairman, and Gen. tlemen of the Committee, for their support and attention to the interests Of this Institution. That the thinks of (heGovernors be presented to Dr. MASON, for his disinterested and long cootillued attention to this Institution, and skil- ful and humane treatment of the nutqeroUs medi- cal patients applying for relief. Also to Mr. ItOBIcRrs, Surgeon, for his con- ,tant care> and professional assistance. And to Mr. PUGHB, House Apothecary, for his cireful and liunctual dii;vharge of his duty. Thai Mr. Roberts, the Surgeon, be requested to accept the sum of Fifteen Guineas, as a token of approbation. • That Thomas Assheton Smith, Esq. His Ma- jesty's Lord Lieutenant for the County of. Car- narvon, be requested to accept, the situation of President for the ensuing year, and that the Lord Bishop be requested to communicate the same to him. V. That the Hon. Spencer Bulkeley Wynne he requested lo accept the appointment of Trea "U That the Gentlemen of the Committee be con tinued in their office. That the names of the following Gentlemen be added to the Commtttee-Cotonet Parry; W. Wvnne Sparr",B« That the names of the untlcr-mentioned Gen- tlemen be inserted in the North Wales Gazetfe as Subsc ribers to the Dispensary, and .that the; thanks of the Governors be returned to them- G. s. D. The Hon. Spencer Bulkeley Wynne. 2 2 0 Samuel Priestly. 2(1) 0 William Wynne Sparrow, Esq. 2 2 0 John Ellis, Esq. • •». » J <> WilliamPrichard, Esq.. 11 0 Thaf the aincere and zealous thanks of the Ateetit)g be,offered to the,.Very Rev. the Dean nfn for the unremitted attention he has iriven to the interest of the Dispensary, and for the abUtTF with wbicb he haS ,h,S reP°rled "Vbrrr«a "*■«•"«<*»"-„ ThP Thanks of <he Meeting were preseoted to -,a „rH9hjn, for his attendance upon this occa- Son and for his constant exertions for the bene- fit of the Institution, which have so greatly con- tributed to its present flourishing state. That these Resolutions be inserted twice in the Jforth (Vales Gazette. Signed, by order of the Meeting, ROBERT PUGHE, SECRETARY. State of the Dispensary Account, on 25th October, 1823. 3 per Cent. Red. Stock, £1600 0 0 Arrears of Subscriptions. 5 5 0 Amount of Balance of last Report. 62 9 3 Donations & Subscriptions received ) .n, a n since 25th of October, 1822.$404 9 0 Dividend of S'ock received April) .„ „ 151h and 16th of October, 1823. J 151h and 16th of October, 1823. J 48 0 O. Received from Sale of Trusses. 166 Apprentice Fee.20 0 0 „ To tail. £ 536 49 DISBURSEMENTS, « £ 8. D, Medicines. 22 9 Coals. 9 „ J Attendant • jj Trusses ••♦ **| g(J Q I)onatit)n to *Jr. Pughe, Apothecary.. 10 0 () Printing and Advertising 13 ■, 6 » Purchase of^400,3 perCent.Red ? ^22 10 0 Stock. S A new Stove 3 lo 0 Sundries. 22 7 5 • X5, 1 9 Balance to «be Bank.24 15 8 433(349 State of the Medical Register, from the 2.Sth of October, 1822, to the 2.5tl¿ of 9 October, 1823* Patients on the Books 25th OfOctobe 143 18-/2 t Medical Patients since admitted.. 1091 Stoical ditto.- 130 ■Applied with Trams 74 Vaccinated 579 Totat. 20171 Discharged since !««» return 1836 iieuiaia on the Books 181 Total. 7 Though this St(K^i"clu(ie,i iH the £ 1600 ntewtioned"Inst yearVRepo't, it. Was paid fot «oi «>f the receipts of this year. ] e Extensive Sale, WITHOUT RESERVE. AtPlas Toltjn, in the Parish of ispytty, in the County of Denbigh, On the 17tb, 13th, 19th, and 20th days of No- vember next, OF NINETY HEAD of Horned Cattle, four- teen Horses, about one hundred tons of old -Kid new Hay, of excellent quality, Corn, Impie ments of Husbandry, Dairy, and Brewing Uten- lils 5 I4 cwt. of Cheese, IITubs of Butter, and sundry Effects, the property of Miss DAYIES, who is quisling the Farm. N. B. Catalo^nes tnay be had in the adjicei t Towns and Villages. Oct. 25th, \823. FREEHOLD, NdRTIJ WALES—ANGLESEA; TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY JOHNT BROMLEY, A i the Auction Mart, opposite the Bank, London, rt, 6pp on Wednesday, Ncw. 12, IS23, at 12 0 clock, A TRULY VALUABLE Freehold Estate, C'ALLEO TYWHIDSN, BELIGHTFULLY situated at Rnoscor.v>, ibout five miles from Holyhead, in ihe pleasantest part of the county of Anglesea.booftd ed by the Sea. and cogimands (lei ighl ful- Views Of the Carnarvonshire Mountains ami Carnar- vonshire Bay; conil)risil)g twenty-four Enclo sures of rich Pasture and Arahte Litnd, in a liigfi state of cultivation in all 161 Acres, including the Farmhouse, Siblings, Bams, and other Out- buildings. N. B. the Estate is sold subject to the Life Fn- terest of the present occupier, Mrs. Owen, aged 56 years. May he Viewed till (lie,, Sale. Particulars had at the principal Inns at Holy- head, Beaumaris, Ba)tur, and Carnarvon of' Mr. OWEN O WENS, Soliciior, at itie Auction Mart, Lo(itton and of the Auctioneer, n, Commercial RoadrSt. George's East. London. To be Sold by Private Contract,, OR LET FOR A TERM. OF NOT LESS THAN FIVE Y lLl R, A I.L that C-tpjlal MANSION1 HOUSE; or "J"JL. Messuage Tenement. with the Lands, Gar- dens, and Appurtenances tUereto belngiogcaHèd TAN-Y-BRYN, Situate within the distance "of one mil? of the'I City of Bangor, la'<- in the occupation of the-t Rev. James Henry Cotton. The II ;ine consists on the ground floor, of an 1 elegant entrance hall, a flra'-ving room, ineasu,rnig;. 2'{ feet by 17, in heiaht I I teet». (Htrlour 20i feet by 17 study l4 feet'by 12, and *a'er closet. Ivtve bed-rooms■ oiv the first floor, and three sm- rant's be<' *ooo>s ih« Dfliisri.- The Offices consist of a kitchen, housekeeper's room,.servant's hall, butler's pantry, store room, scullery, pantry, dairy, and cellars 1 and the Ottt-ofiices of a laundry and brew*house, together er Ottt-ofiices of a laundry and brew*house, together with a coach house, two stalled »table,~ cow- house. cart-house, &c. &c. The House is well supplied with wafer, con- veyed by pipes into the lower offices, and ron- lanib within itself every possible accommodation,. The Land consists of ahout eleven acres, in- cluding a Garden, which is well stocked with fruit trees, &c. The House stands a short distance from the great London and Holyhead Road, .within a few. hundred, yards of Port Penrhyn, from whence vessels sail daily is one mile distant from the; Point, where the Liverpool Steam Packets re- ceive passengers within three miles of the stu- pendous Bridge, erecting over the Straits of Menai 5 commands a vnagnificent v ieworlhe Bay of Beaumaris, Ortnshead, Penmaen-mawr, and the range of Carnarvonshire Mountains, together with the grounds and woods of Penrhyn Castle is hacked by a Hill covered with wood, and SUf. rounded by plantations of several years' growth. N. B. The Furniture, which is modern, ele- gant, and well suited to the House, may be sold or let to the purchaser, or tenant, as also the stock, farming utensils, &c. which .will remain upon the premises, until a purchaser or tenant he found. For further particulars^ refer to Messrs RO- BERTS and HtJGHEs, Solicitors, Bangor, who wilj be:eady to \he ihefeq)lses. frT THE CRISIS OF -O It'r U N E! Only Two Days More JYext;F:RIDA ¥, (OCTOBER 31.) The Last Day of DrawingDut One. Capital Prizes TO BE DRAWN! TWO OF if20,000 ONE OF i'ld.OlH) ONK OF < £ 2,000 .3 TWO OF ÆIJOOO SIX OF jC&00 SIX OF /800 SIX OF- (200 &c. &C.. A LI. STERLtXG MONEY A few Ticketq a,nfl I Stiares, warranted undrawn, have been forwardeclfrolO the London Licensed Lottery Offices, tij their Agents in this and the other prin- cipal Towns, And are On s¡¡le at -f he following-Prices: WHOLE TICKET = £ 20 4 0 H A x I i), J8 ü I EIGHTH.= £ 2 16 6 QUARTER.. 5 11 6 1 s ix,r u, 14,NTH 1 86 The Chaneellorofthe Exchequer has an. nounred, in the House Of CooifJions, his inten (ion to discontinue Lotteries s the present may, therefore, be the last opportunity of adventuring, with so Rich a Wheel, at such moderate Prices. TO BE LET, FURNISHED, WITH IMMEOIATH POSSESSION, Till the IIst of May next, 1824, at kalfthc Sutiznzer Rent, A Modern built HOUSE* sitaated irf the most -pleasant part Of the Town of Beaumaris, containing five bed- rooms, dining-room, sitting- ,room, and a paflottr, kitchen, brew hotise, and gårdeo¡ For further particulars, enquire of WILLIAM JACKS-ON, Liverpool Arms Hotel, Beaumaris. (COPY.) —' REVSRENO SIR, I ll A VrE the pleasure- to acknowledge Hie.; recfeipt of £ 14, being the atBount of your Collection under the King's Letter, on account or (lie incorporated National- Society for the of the Poor in the Principles of the 'Established Church; I have the honour to bej t j Reverclid Sin Your Very obedient humble Servant, JOSHUA W ATSON. • Treasurer. London, Q2d Oct. 1823.■■ To th« Rev. J. H. Cotton. GAME. TIl /TR. H. D. ijlilFFlTH being desirous of jt_y'jB_ restoring and preserving the GAME, witifib has of la'e years hsen nearly destroyed upon his Instate, Caerhun, in the county of;Cainiirv<)»; it is leqntsted that ail qualified persons do desist ••from •sporting upon the sa,ae. And Notice is hetebyfiivêJt, ThSt all unqualified persons fouiifj in pursuit of Game ih'-reon, will be prosecuted as the law di- rect Si The Ten-iiits and Gamekeepers are ordered to warn off all persons found trespassing upon the Estate. Caohun, 29<A Oct. 1823. Tk TUg Aurora Coach, a, TO ftANGOIl AND HOLYHEAD, FROM THE FEATHERS IIOTEL, Bridge Street, Chester, dTi OM V1 E N C E D lil U NNTING O X VI ON D A Y L AST. THE 27 TH O C T O BE R. The Public are most respectfully informed, the Aurora Coach will s;t out from the above Hotel every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday marn- in.;s, ar Frvte 6'Clock, through Mold, Pwllgwyn, St. and Bangor, and will arrive at Holyhead the same evening at o'CIaclr, aiid will arrive in Chester at Eight o'Clock the same evpniitjr. ■ Performed bv M. TOMLIN^OV S) CO. I', Jvorest. and Ornamental planting, ■- ■■■ &t;. j AN VI? RM AN, SKI 11VING, & Co. NuR- £ ft SKR*' and SEEDSVIUN. Walton, near Livfer- ( IUV'i heg leave most respectfully to offer to the fhe Nobility, Gentry, and Public, their 'I,e.,r.y \Cttnie NO Rsg R Y STOCK consisting ItS L of all sorts of Forest Tree, Evergreens, and Flowering Shrubs, h.irdy Herbaceous Plants a choice collection of Greenhouse Plants also, an ejitensive collection of Finit Trees. B.S and 0V.can, with confidence, recommend their Train- ed Trees, as Wing particularly fine and, to pre- vent disappointmenr, great attention has been p^id to having the sorts true to their Al l sorts ol Garden and Agricultural Seeds, of, the best quality, with every other article in the line of their business, on the most moderate terms, W I)olesa le,, Retail, and for Exportation. Planting executed by contract. B.S. and Co:s N-ursery Grounds are situated 00 the Great North Road, about two. and a, half mites from the Liverpool ex. (elitand general Stock enable them to execute orders on the shortest notice, with articles of the best quality and they earnestly solicit those who have an opportunity to visit their grounds, that ihey may convioce themselyes of the above facts. The conveyance to all parts of the kingdom, by land or water, is expeditious and cheap.

Family Notices

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