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'7'm_ ? ■ lA)N;}O I "S J TV 11D 4 Y, D K CM. M 7s Eli 31. some private le'lers irons Vienna hy tl .< ccs of opinion exist among the Powers • « Vi';i)But ihe ptfbe fas'! do well.to re-, j great < • ••.sue curtail* is-ysCknown.- We do >w-f ")•■> as it) (,r will Id dO lers u Pest '*■<•) Sice yesterday from Bermuda.— ;,H'ey svr;-lo ihe 4i.!) ii!i. arid .from llse.tr we that theexpedifiou from Falmouth and" which were de*Uiu.-ii to New Orleans, ;u>! rou-sh a: fi.«! isl-md as was expected, gs .4s i S,i I caa lie a iitivi sci *«» ?ojoin them. •• m-cs> iv.ytu ihe 9t.h. inst. we »<* peetno is body or vmervh;in!s i ihe Ayuntamiento u.v.i, <«ave h»<H) banished from Cadiz of fpllr'Je.¡f, with allcxi:epti,¡u ■ ■■•'•■ to !/u- President, whose exib* la, > '-jo's, and- who has been The of-, ve tro i fise.j uk* scene ol their business is,their m >( jioiudi idiiew ConstiMitidn, during .• it. it <»' the young King, a-iid the t < f of their ei!y hy the French' y iii Alice ',)a •> uj ti -n iea^ues from the raui-»;u»8 of J ) incorrerily staged, that the ex- li'jon preparing atXadizior. So.yth Amewca ,jSU,t'Jô.. post (lOlled to a¡¡illddi:n'upe¡id.- c siil-- ie Silli), t') •Mtiuese l.iiand of Si. Catheruie, to prepare .i r the reception of the armament, which is hi depart in three dmatons, and rendezvous at. ;hal station. Tin- firisi.of tb.e»e is^o Jeayetbe t' y v. !u; eariieat fav orahie wind after the ,<,w. Jjuirary, but ctrcomfilances may -n.■' ■v.'K'rii'io- i: s fii> *ser detention. To aii i;a.; !.eeu j^sposeJ'i i>:»' eil vessels in !ie t ,ori)s (if ■nd i'hicS t.> « ii.ier the orders of Geaeral jee.iin^-ieu, vi. lurm s» .army of 1*20.000 ,i'fc:;il. A j t iiiou from nineteen State pr.()íJer, tA.ei,v, i v rs, draws a iiorn'sle picture of the "PtoC¡:)PI n(}edY I)f thal tyrant. One of the :tlO,hn¡Mars\¡al de Camp Grisülles, af¡¡?T i a*^aitted (H;anino.H>i'y, !v a Specui! .f'arAvssion, was h est sent to the Temp'e and CLVC-il ye,ir,,i it) a titi;i,eoti • »*« ii>ce>'re.{. he was treated like a furious ma ■* "<í.i;)\L;,¡ hanJ andned, and,'liery effort m; Hi, br:Hj» on disorders that sliould tenm- t «5ai.e isi»:<iisk-6ce. intercourse with j.-> of E'ha is resident extremely di^iiruit co*i;u uence or various orders from the Po- desli Cincf Magistrate), and the Roya' .Vi'r.r-'fft-vy, We- -baye jusi heard. Lowoter, liek >•• .,os li-.v/t' .unfed a-t P uto Perrajo, clias ,d >v ;.i tot A 'iws^ioh from tiieKing ol" Spain to \m« »•«. <i, ihe object of wiiicii is, to request the de, ¡;\l(dhe¡rcus\ql of Site Prince ot tiie Peace, in the even! <>{• his ha> ta! en rehire ■i" fihi.o-id hereaStfr take refuse in that tslaud, "iVe are 'assured, Ihd 8f!aparw fhtUr-p;;dlor answer, 'that he could ubt.a«.*cede to.the nro- s»t)si:ion for giving up this old Minister into io iic laz,,d oil iini terntayy. Lord L'«"«.>>Mere.igt) will. return to this coun- oord CUucariy at Vientifi. Sir 1'. iiorucit inros op a/jaia after a long «ifti>?«ce. "We bad hea¡'d ih -;t he bad retired in O^iori!, t.o begin a course of study, and ii'cugh rather late in life, to enlarge bis hi- .<hert«i.uarri>w sphere of knowledge. But Will iie has been hauling foxes instead • i jruraa'iijjf kno'wletige, and that he bas made aoH'ft proirress iu rising than in rend'ng. it is **ois cifui iiow.great nieii maybe forgotten flere is West iii ill!iter a, l3 e i id England's Glory, for instance.— v\ ;u> :ias been askuig about h;<» for the last %vLs "otid (,f ji!)(,rtY ,e! net a word of congratulation has been ueardfroni hi'si upon the downfal of Btsona- ;;ar!e—.he hated war and loved peace yet the peaceabns'not dra wa from hou one sentence of ipp> obatiou. Huwe '/ei'i he turns up at iasi oid-iitthe Meeting in Palace-yard, yesterday, ,I)rcsejit-ti,y jeUer—No.t ail Uic,s iiiti-eicy orMf'. Wisliart's eloq-iciice, nor the attic suit, »he eptgrammic turns, she brevity of Major I C'lrt w,rig-ht:s spcche:i hadl,'¡¡pt¡l\()IiS enough to draw him from Ins iov"'d abode." A >ige^ aiiii-enlightened view, is to he taken o! i Most important subject, but ihe Baronet .caunol aic-tid ',ic, is afraid of the ssiow t ihe. consiitiijion o"f 'lie country is not <»f such rapoHauce as the consiihrlioK of the Baronet lie, from the snow and sitiiiig I;y il;v Mah»sbury Mauar, to mounting one of Mr, va,ti. By the hye, the mention of porter-bolts induces I ;s to snake a remark upon the very insidious =:<>!h]uc! of the Meeting, winch, upon thank in>' Mr. Whitbread tor his opposition to tiie I iVopt-riy l ax, added a hope.that thai Geotle- uan 5'would lower the price of porter."— How (:oldJsueh interested considerations enter the ^uinds of men, met for ihe purpose of re- t!e Whnit had the price of Kirter to do with the noble science of politics ? 3 > it was, however, that the Meeting in Pa- tiue yard, yesjeriiay, did petition not only agaiuxt ;he continuance of iiie Property Tax, out. &»amst the present price of porter. Sir F. iinidt ii, by Lis letter, iiies at all in the ri he does not. seem to be more hostile to luc i"r<'|N*r!y Thjc than to c; I her ti xes. For- merly toe cry of his followers was—" No Ma .:sua, —^i"* is to be changed, we sup- FU$e, mto-" No r:3 xes The fo!!o^i»g curious note froa rlUe Lors! 1\ rresiiieni t;f «he Coyri. of St^s-on, -is an nn- j swer to Ji l^t-ier from M-r.- J.-vnveson, "transmit-; swer to Ji l^t-ier from M-r.- J.-vnveson, "transmit-; tiag to him "a .pamphlet"m reconHnendaUon <>f she I rial by Jury -m that part of the United kiUgdo ;i: G' tsriton, 24th August, i8l4. f 0;; \;10 Lord Preividenf's-ietiirn from a conr in I' the Hig'hiands, this daj, ire found r. Jameson's ■packe: viith hIS teeter of the (JIll of August. His I Lordship returns Mr. J's publication, which he has ueirher time nor inclination to read, not being I .ed-.uied fo the necesoily, as Sir John Newport; ¡ see io; «o be, of information oil the affairs i of-the Coart of Session from Mr, J. V Neither does his Lordship think it ÎJ.1cum- bent o»» hiun, fo take the trouble of circulating among the otiiejr judges, ekber íI r J's publication, the oti,ei- i)unievotis aiic. fcolisti things of the same kind, with wpich he is often troubled by in- dividuals, who, like J. think-tiiemselves qua-, • lified to reform supposed abuses in the adminis- tration of justice." Joiinna Soulhcolt.—-Tiie. two following let- ters appeared iu a 2d edition of a Sunday í: paper (pabhs!>ed yesterday). It would appear i thai the scandalous delusion which has tv-( j several monlbs disgraced the metropolis, and. eveu-the character of Lbe times we iu, is uoi!» at an end — ï' S l'O AIR. STOKrq,. SIR,—Agreeably to your rcijuest, I send a mes- senger fo acquaiiit you that- .Joanna Soathcotl di.ed thiv morning, precisely at. four o'clock.' Tiie beiievers in her mission, supposing-that the vital -functions are only suspended for a few days, will no. permit >ne to open the body until soate symp- -functions are only suspended for a few days, will 'I permit me íO open the body until soate symp- tom appears, winch may destroy all hopes of re- I i suscitation. I am. Sir, &c. if. 1'iccadiUy, Dec. 27, 1814.



\; .BA ,NKItU PTci.

