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"1——miinm LnNDON.

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It OR IN GRASS. Letter addressed to the Editor of the Cambrian. Pontardulais, Dec. 19, 1814. SIR-Having this day received a letter from Dr. Richardson, detailing important matter on the cultivation of Fiorin, as well as a very hand- SOlllC 3nllllheral proposal, on the part of lhal truly benevolent and patriotic gentleman, to communicate wiih any of my countrymen who maybe inclined instantly to proceed, and Unpli- cilt,!j to follow liis directions in the cultivation of that invaluahle grass. I beg leave to requesf yon will he so scoodas to give it early insertion. It was my intention in the beginning to have given your readers the result of my own expe- limenfs this year, which, being on a small scale and of minor importance, I have deferred to a future opportunity and as my motive in making and-communicating the result of those experi- ments is solely to endeavour to render service to the community, I consider all the informaiion I could communicate on the subject, as nothing in comparison with the highly important con- tents of Dr. Richardson's letter, and I consider I cannot do the public a greater service than in sending it to be laid before Ihem. I am, Sir, your obedient servant; THOMAS JENKINS. SIR-I, have the honor of your letter, and am happy to find your Fiorin crop is flourishing and improved,-still more flattered by your ac count that the culiurè of fhis valuable g-rass is extending in your Principality. Spirited exer- tions, attended with success, must necessarily proiiuceisuch effect, The splendid and extensive crops of the Bishop of Derry and Mr. M'Naghten in the North of Ireland, continuing their luxuriance for years, have stimulated many to follow their ex- ample, and the grea' fleece of my own meadows annually returning, and repeatedly inspected, have removed doubts, and encouraged others to commence the cultivation of Fiorin. The suc- cess of amateurs in Scotland has had the same effect, and Fiorin meadows are multiplying in that country. Still I must admit failures are vei'y numerous, and in -eiieral to t-nu me-aie therefore the causes of these failures mav he as useful as instructions how to cultivate. 1 have taken much pains on die former subject, examined many Fiorin plantations i hat had gone wron; I have had more distani Olles inspected aod reported upon, and can reduce the causes, whether of the first ernp never coming forward, or the falling "if of those that well, to 111roe—Wisdom, Water, and Weeds. The first I ,s the more general, indeed in England it is nearly universal agriculturists are so knowing that they must, commence by improving on my prac- tice, and both m. original laying down and sub- sequent management, substitute their own wise measures, in the place of those I repoinmeriii, and have followed ivith success for eigiit years My rules and usages being founded on a di- ligent study of the natural history of the grass, and its habits, and an uninterrupted course of experimwrfs, are not likely to he deviated from wiih impunity, and total failure is the general consequence. W ATEit is a very general cause, of failure in Fiorin crops'; for though this grass be amphi- consequence. W ATEit *s a very general cause, of failure in Fiorin crops'; for though this grass be amphi- bious, and on occasions it desperate aquatic, I thriving under irrigation, aud uninjured by fre- quent and even Jong submersions, it cannot bear torpid water about, its roots, as is always the case in retentive soils, where (he base is imper- vious,for heref he stag-IIalit, undischarged wafer becomes ac.id,'and though in such grounds Fiorin will presei ve iis existence, it will never lux- uriate into-value. The remedy is short; sca- rify your surface with frequent shallow drains, ¡ penetrating a few inches into the subsoil, so as instantly to discha'ge all atmospheric water, as if falls, without suffering it to stagnate ami be- come acrid W EKTJS are a formidable nuisance, and when neglected generally fatal. We perceive a per- petual effnrt of nature to occupy our surface with a -rea? v.riety (if vegetat)-les, ai)ii wliate%er be the description of the ground, Fiorin among them in abundance; hence an uninterrupted contest for the possession. In this the Fiorin is gene- rally worsted, for the paroxysm <*f growth of all its rivals is earlier and more rapid, than of tioi in later and more constant, of course it/ is choaked up before the season of its own effort arrives it cannot luxuriate, but from its vivacious ;nature preserves its existence. GRASSES I consider as the most formidable of weeds, and must neces- sarily be exterminated every competitor must be rooted out wilen of any magnitude, and other grasses whenever we can distinguish them from Fiorin with certainty. Through May and to the of June all troublesome ones shew them- selves by their panicles, and Fiorin does not put on its panicles till ahout June 23; hence coarse rivals are easily exterminated, and the Fiorin stolones smother the more diminutive ones in the later Season. A strong report of the immensity of a spon- t,,jneo-,i, Fiot,ii, crol,), at L\li-. Pi. P. Milross, Scotland, gave me courage to take up this question In my own country and in our s Joui-ni-ii I am now shewing that, by the application of the principles I have here stated, course grounds, of little value, may be thrown into, and continued in, Fiorin crops of an amount and value beyond all belief. A poor piece of ground, never broken up, and its sixth crop, gave me this year. after ten days drying and airing, (being covered up every night) TEN RONS sixteen hundred so- perlative hay (fit for loft or use) to the English acre. The Bishop of Derry (an amateur) mea- sured, and weighed when green and very wet, the weight was then treble what I state, but two thirds were lost on drying before, it was brought down to the ten tons, and in that state it was the finest hay., 1 ever grew. I -tin pursuing this subject in our own Far- mer's Journal, through the different varieties of soil adapted to this new and cheap style of im- provement: much of your Welsh grounds musi be well calculated for it: bleak elevat ions are very favorable to it, the severity of climate fatal to its competitors, and inoffensive to Fionn. Should any of your countrymen be willing to enter upon these new measures with spirit, to an extent not less than'Two acres, nor do [ wish for much more, I am ready to communicare with s ,s him upon bis localities, on his giving full assu ranee that he will inst(ititly liji,oee,-d, and impli- citly obey in such case 1 insure him a choi. t 'meadow in November, 1815, and a far superior in 1816, and to continue. No puzzle now about varieties of Fiorin, the choice is left to natu.e, and she wont go wrong. II I am, Sir your humble servant, W. RICHARDSON. 46 Moy, Ireland, Dec. 11, 1814. P. S. Our Irish Farmer's Journal will for some weeks contain full instructions on the mode of throwing our present sole of grass into Fiorin without breaking up."

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