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The long established Banking Firm ofP) lie and Sous, of Bridgewater,have announced their intention to withdraw from business. The I house has recently experienced some heavy t losses, which have led to the determination o'f paying oft every demand, and closing the con- eera. To the report mentioned In some of the Papers of a quarrel having taken place be tween the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Macdonald. we are enabled to give the most positive contradiction. They are living on the best terms. ° Last freek. a young lady and gentleman ar- rived in great haste, at Gretna Green, where they were united in marriage by (he accom- modating character stationed (here for the purpose. The weight of the prize may be in some degree conjectured, when it is added that the gentlemlI paid the supposed parsoii 501. in a Bank of Englaud note, for the trou- ble he was occasioned in tying the nuptial knot. When Bonaparte returned frem Rtmja a General asked, what troops he had brought with him? 11 Ali replied a Parisian, he has none—neither olligeur, Tiraleur, nor Cltas- seur indeed he has nothing but sapeur (sa. peur—tiis 0,'1" I Some short time after this, when in the Lc. gislative Assembly he demanded a new levy of soldiers, a Member asked, Where is that immense army which you last summer led to Russia?" To which Bonaparte replied, in his usual short manner, and abrupt tone, Je Vai"—I have it; which soullds lilicgele- frozen the whole Body burst into laughter, and the Emperor soon after retired in a rage. Scotch Donkies.-Aii anecdote occurs in Newte's Tour in Scotland, of a gentleman ar- riving at Aberdeen with a splendid equipage. He was presently waited on by the official characters of the University to request his ac- ceptance of a Doctor's degree, for which he returned them his sincere thanks, assuring them how sensible he was of the honour done him, and desired to know what fees he had to pay for it. On being informed that it was only three guineas, he took out his purse, and presented them with twice that sum, observiug that half of it he paid for his own degree, and requested that for the other half he might have a degree conferred upon his horse. The University replied, that it was impossible to comply with such a request, because they never conferred degrees upon horses, though they frequently conferred degrees upon asses. Newtoivnards.—There has lived in this neighbourhood, nearly 40 years, in the town. land of Cunningham, a man who was deaf and dumb, of the name of Sam. Duncan, who has worked all that time in flax mills belonging 10 Lord Londonderry. Last week he was a little indisposed, so that he could not attend his work his wife has been in a poor state of health for some years, but was able to walk. Sunday she rose about seven o'clock, and made some tea, of which she drank, and her husband also drank a cup in bed; o lie of her daughters had been up at the same lime, when the mo- ther was advised to go to bed again for an hour, as she said she thought herself a great deal better than she had been for some time before; that her father was betler also. The mother then went to bed again herself; and a little after eight o'clock the daughter went into the room, and found her father and mother breathless corpses, lying in the same bed. As there was 110 sign of animation in either, and both apparently in the situation they lay ctowniu, it is generally thought they haddied about the same time. Lord London. derry has very humanely ordered every thing requisite to a decent interment, to be pro vided at his cost; and they will be carried on one bier to the place of interment. As some workmen were lately digging a road from Burford to Barrington, in Glouces- tershire, they discovered, near the surface of the earth, a stone coffin, of an immense size, and extremely irregular, weighing nearly three tons, which, on examination, was found to contain the perfect skeleton of a man, of mid- dle stature, having his teeth entire, also a great number of short nails, completely oxidated and malted together in pieces of hide, of which materials it is probable a shield was formed — From the size and appearance of this coffin, and from the circumstance of its being found near a place known by the name of Battle Edge, it may he presumed, wiilf much pro- bability, to have been deposited there after the battle, recorded by many of our early his- torians, to have been fought near Burford, aboul the middle of the eighth century, be- tween Eiheiwald, king of Mercia, and the West Saxon king Culhred, orCuihherl,-This relic is deposited in Burford church, for the inspection of the curious. Admiralty Sessions.- Yesterday morning, at It o'clock, the Admiralty Sessions com- menced at the Old Bailey, before Sir Win Scoll, Air. Justice Bayley, and Baron Graham, for trial of offences committed on the high I seas, when Win. Donevan, otherwise Win, Hamilton, a natural bom subject of. this king- dom, was arraigned, charged wilh having de- serted from his Majesty's ship Proserpine, on board of which he was seaman, and afterwards having entered into the service of the enemy, ft appeared, thai on the Proserpine being car- ried iiito (lie harbour of Toulon, Donevan wearing a French dress, accompanied hv some. frenchmen, came oo hoard the Proserpine, and wished to entice several of the witnesses to enler into the service of the enemy. Do- nevan's defence was, that he was fo.ced into the service, and the Learned Jude. after hav. ing summed up the evidence, left Ihe case to She Jury, who returned a verdict of Grdlly- Death. Four Malays, Paujang, Sootoo, Mootlie, aud La-den, were convicted of mur- dering Antonio de Costa, on board the Go- vernor HaNes. on the 9th of November, 1813, off tiie Cape of Good Hope. They were also convicted of the murder of Joseph Kater Ma- dicna. A Female Warrior.—An instance of a fe- male having devoted herself with uncommon zeal to the perils of milifary life, has lately occurred in titecase of Sarah Taylor, a middle- acd woman, who applied for relief to the Church wardens at Manchester on Friday last. It appears that when a girl, she was in the hauit. of wearing boy's clothes, iu which dresi she served her father, Wm. Roberts, (who is a bricklayer) as a labourer jaud being tall' of her age, when about 14 years old, shc enliSted as a soldier into the 15th light 'dragoons*— Probably her extreme youth and heaHhf ap- pearance might occasion a laxity of attention, for she passed muster without her sex being discovered. In the course of two months, she learned her exercise sufficiently for all the purpose of parade, the rough riding-master declaring her the best rider in the squad of re cruits wilh whom she wa-s taught, which she imputes to the circumstance of having been used to mount, undaunted, to the top of high buildings, when attending on her father. She remained with the 15lh light dragoons, in which she progressively attained the ranks of corpora! and serjeant, for 21 years; her sex 11 the tiii)e reiiiai iiii" a a secret to every one. Perhaps the care she was under of guarding it, had the good effect of producing that re- gularity and orderly conduct which recom- mended the pretended "WiHiam Roberts," (for such was the name she assumed) to the favour and protection of Ihe officers, and pro- cured her promotion. When she hud been a soldier 21 years, the Colonel of the regiment tendered her discharge which she demurred the acceptance of, but, being under size, by her consent, she was transferred to the 37th regiment of foot, which regiment she joined in 1800, at the island of St. Vincent's, in the West Indies,, wbcre, 591un after, she was taken seriously ill (for the first time in her military career) of the yellow fever, when wanting p some of those attentions which would invari- ably lead to a discovery of her sex, she was obliged to intrust the secret she had so well kept to the wife of a icrjeatit, at a time she expected nothing but death. She, however, recovered, and having no longer even a nomi- nal claim to manhood, she was obliged to resume feminine habiliments; but still ena- moured of a military life, as she could no longer be a soldier herself, she became, in. 1804, the wife of one, a private in the 37th foot, of the name of Taylor, by whom the Amazon has since had three children; still following the fortune of war through various climates during which she was, with her hus- band, two years in a prison in France, from which they were released in July last, in con- sequence of the peace. On the day she land. ed from the cartel, her husband died, and this martial heroine is now a widow, still anxious as she says, to follow a camp, as the most I pleasant life of which she can conceive. In | the course of her military cereer, she has vi- | sited many distant parts of the globe, and has I been iu many actions and received several I wounds, which, however, were not severe. and were in parts of her body which did not and were in parts of her body which did not betray her sex. A scar from a sabre which. i graces her head, and the mark where a tilus. ket oall was extracted from her leg, are ho- lIollrable testimonials of her service; but she says thaI the two years she spent in' a French prison were far more difficult to support, and did her constitution more injury than her voyages to the East. and West Indies, her march from the Red Sea through Egypt, or her campaigns in Flanders, in Spain, and in Italy. She is in hopes of obtaining the pen- sion allowed to soldiers for 10110" an d faithful services. The proper testimonials, it is said, are sent up, to be laid before the Commander in Chief, in order to attain it, as well as to procure the arrears of her husband's pay, which had accumulated whilst ha was ia the French prison.




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